Corrina Ott, founding member of the Houston-Galveston chapter of the Women's Leadership Initiative, pose for a photo during a ceremony at the Lone Star Flight Museum in Houston, Texas, Dec. 2, 2022. You can 15, 2015]. United States Coast Guard Station San Juan is a United States Coast Guard station established in 1993 and located in La Puntilla sector of historic Old San Juan, Puerto Rico. Zeita Merchant, commander of Sector New York. Captain Gregory H. Magee, Jr., USCG Commander, Sector San Juan. Sector Boston Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. Sector Jacksonville Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. A subordinate unit, Marine Safety Unit (MSU) Port Arthur, is located in Port Arthur, TX. 3.85-15 Sector Anchorage: Western Alaska Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zones; Marine Safety Unit Valdez: Prince William Sound Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones. graduated from the same Academy and was commissioned into the U.S. Coast Guard as a Marine Safety Officer. Experience in emergency salvage and rescue operations. commander. He also holds a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Master of Arts in Public Administration from The George Washington University. 11 years later, in 1990, Captain Jennifer Williams, USCG (Ret.) 21, 1987; CGD 96-025, 61 FR 29959, June 13, 1996]. The boundaries of Sector Northern New England's Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone start at the boundary of the Massachusetts-New Hampshire coast at latitude 425220 N, longitude 704902 W; thence proceeding east to the outermost extent of the EEZ at a point latitude 425218 N, longitude 674353 W; thence proceeding north along the outermost extent of the EEZ to the United States-Canadian boundary; thence west along the United States-Canadian boundary and along the outermost extent of the EEZ to a point at latitude 445958 N, longitude 743900 W; thence south to latitude 433600 N, longitude 743900 W; thence east through Whitehall, NY, to the New York-Vermont border at latitude 43332.8 N, longitude 731501 W; thence south along the Vermont boundary to the Massachusetts boundary at latitude 424445 N, longitude 731554 W; thence east along the entire extent of the northern Massachusetts boundary to the point of origin. He is married to Alicia Kahle and they have three children, Madison, Ryan, and Connor. 3.70-15 U.S. Coast Guard Forces Micronesia/Sector Guam Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. The military commander with the authority to direct the implementation of this part. Sector Lake Michigan Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. [DATUM NAD83], [CGFR 67-15, 32 FR 5270, Mar. The Pakistan Army's primary objective was to capture the town of Chamb and surrounding areas that had strategic importance for both Pakistan and India. Captain Kahles operational assignments include Response Department Head and Deputy Sector Commander at Sector Juneau, AK; Commanding Officer of Coast Guard Station Monterey, CA; Deployable Team Leader and Dive Officer at Maritime Safety and Security Team Boston, MA, and Communications Officer and Search and Rescue Coordinator at Sector Southeastern New England (formerly, Group Woods Hole, MA). The Sector Intelligence Staff advises the Sector Commander on all intelligence matters and ensures integration of intelligence into all USCG Sector missions. Bio Portrait The Sector Commander's second-in-command is the Deputy Sector Commander. Subject to the overriding provisions of 3.40-5, the boundaries of Sector Mobile's Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone start near the Florida coast at latitude 300545 N., 0840434 W. proceeding northerly along the boundary between Wakulla and Jefferson counties to position 301500 N., 0840433 W.; thence west to latitude 301500 N, longitude 844500 W; thence north to a point near the southern bank of the Seminole Lake at latitude 304557 N, longitude 844500 W; thence northeast along the eastern bank of the Seminole Lake and north along the eastern bank of the Flint River to latitude 322000 N, longitude 840151 W; thence northwest to the intersection of the Georgia-Alabama border at latitude 325300 N; thence north along the Georgia-Alabama border to the southern boundary of Dekalb County, AL, thence west along the northern boundaries of Cherokee, Etowah, Blount, Cullman, Winston, and Marion Counties, AL, to the Mississippi-Alabama border; thence north along the Mississippi-Alabama border to the southern boundary of Tishomingo County, MS, at the Mississippi-Tennessee border; thence west along the southern boundaries of Tishomingo and Prentiss Counties; thence north along the western boundaries of Prentiss and Alcorn Counties; thence west along the northern boundaries of Tippah, Benton, and Marshall Counties, MS; thence south and west along the eastern and southern boundaries of DeSoto, Tunica, Coahoma, Bolivar, and Washington Counties, MS; thence east along the northern boundary of Humphreys and Holmes Counties, MS; thence south along the eastern and southern boundaries of Holmes, Yazoo, Warren, Claiborne, Jefferson, Adams, and Wilkinson Counties, MS; thence east from the southernmost intersection of Wilkinson and Amite Counties, MS, to the west bank of the Pearl River; thence south along the west bank of the Pearl River to longitude 893148 W (at the mouth of the river); thence south along longitude 893148 W to latitude 301000 N; thence east along latitude 301000 N to longitude 891000 W; thence southeast to latitude 290000 N, longitude 880000 W; thence south along longitude 880000 W to the outermost extent of the EEZ; thence east along the outermost extent of the EEZ to the intersection with a line bearing 199T from with a line bearing 199T from 292309 N., 0840434 W. to the EEZ (244813 N., 0855005 W.); thence northeast to 292309 N., 0840434 W.; thence due north to the Florida coast at longitude 0840434 W. (300545 N., 0840434 W.). The eCFR is displayed with paragraphs split and indented to follow The Commandant of the Coast Guard is the Coast Guard's most senior officer, who, by law, holds the rank of admiral. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the PSC program was immediately expanded to address emerging security concerns for United States ports. Sector Buffalo Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. (Redirected from Sector Commander) Sector Commander is the position title of the commanding officer of a United States Coast Guard Sector, usually of the rank of Captain (O-6). learn more about the process here. The ICC also manages requests for information passed between the Coast Guard and Intelligence Community (IC) partners. [CGFR 61-40, 26 FR 10351, Nov. 3, 1961, as amended by CGD 87-008, 52 FR 13084, Apr. [USCG-2010-0351, 75 FR 47212, Aug. 5, 2010]. A geographical subdivision of an air defense region. (1) The two Coast Guard Areas are the Atlantic Area and the Pacific Area. email Lieutenant Commander Anthony Garofalo, Sector Corpus Christi Waterways Management Division, U.S. Coast Guard; telephone 361-939-5130, (b) The boundaries of MSU Valdez's Prince William Sound Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones start at Cape Puget at latitude 595604 N, longitude 1482600 W, proceeding north to latitude 613000 N, longitude 1482600 W; thence east to the United States-Canadian boundary at latitude 613000 N, longitude 1410000 W; thence south along the United States-Canadian boundary to latitude 601824 N, longitude 1410000 W; thence southwest to the sea at latitude 600118 N, longitude 1420000 W; thence south to the outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 561450 N, longitude 1420000 W; thence along the outermost boundary of the EEZ to latitude 544926 N, longitude 1482600 W; thence north to the point of origin. If you're looking for the. When referenced, the outermost extent of the U.S. EEZ is the line of demarcation produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) using the NAD 1983 coordinate system and projected to the WGS 1984 grid system. Sector Delaware Bay's office is located in Philadelphia, PA. Resolution is based upon ddmmss readings to tenths of a second. 2 F-86F Sabres lost. Prevention. As sector commander, Manning will be in charge of more than 550 active duty, reserve and civilian personnel and 1,200 all-volunteer Coast Guard Auxiliary members. [USCG-2022-0429, 87 FR 48446, Aug. 9, 2022]. Commander USCG Seventh District Brickell Plaza Federal Building 909 SE 1st Avenue Miami, FL 33131-3050 Useful Information MHS Notice of Privacy Practices Transition & Relocation Information D7 Drive Safe Recreational Cottages at Hillsboro (CGD SEVENINST 1710.2) D7 CDAR Current Weather Conditions provided by National Weather Service The boundaries of Sector Miami's Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone start at the outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 280000 N, longitude 792334 W, proceeding west to latitude 280000 N, longitude 813000 W; thence south to the northern boundary of Collier County, FL, at longitude 813000 W; thence following along the boundaries of Collier County east along the northern boundary to the eastern boundary and then south along the eastern boundary to the southern boundary of Collier County; thence south along the western boundary of Miami-Dade County to the sea at latitude 251036 N, longitude 805129 W; thence east along the southern boundary of Miami-Dade County to latitude 252452 N, longitude 801939 W; thence southeast to the outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 251134 N, longitude 794131 W; thence north along the outermost extent of the EEZ to the point of origin. [USCG-2013-0397, 78 FR 39170, July 1, 2013]. (1) Activities Europe is a part of Atlantic Area. In the 20 years following the war, the Coast Guard's responsibilities concerning anchorage regulations and vessel movements in American harbors grew. [CGFR 70-150, 36 FR 910, Jan. 20, 1971, as amended by CGD 87-008, 52 FR 13084, Apr. (a) Sector Sault Ste. The term "Captain of the Port (COTP)" was first used in New York. Sector Columbia River Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. CGCG provides a maritime cryptologic perspective within the Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) community, helping to achieve national intelligence requirements, which also support Coast Guard and DHS missions. gives the Sector Commander, as the Federal Maritime Security Coordinator, the authority to establish, convene, and direct the Area Maritime Security (AMS) Committee which is a group of port stakeholders focused on security. The following components within the Coast Guard Intelligence enterprise are responsible for specific aspects of the Coast Guards intelligence efforts. This officer was charged with supervising the safe loading of explosives. result, it may not include the most recent changes applied to the CFR. Its coverage area stretches from Sandy Hook, New Jersey, up the Hudson River to Albany. U.S. Coast Guard Forces Micronesia/Sector Guam's Marine Inspection Zone also includes the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia. 3.35-10 Sector Miami Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. Unless otherwise specified, the Sector Commander's authorities include Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator, Federal Maritime Security Coordinator, Federal On-Scene Coordinator, and, in most Sectors, Officer in Charge Marine Inspection (OCMI) and Captain of the Port (COTP). The reporting source notified the fishermen departed from Rincn at approximately 4 a.m. Saturday on a fishing trip aboard an Aquasport, center console, recreational fishing boat with one outboard engine. Sector Southeastern New England's office is located in Wood's Hole, MA. The general statements of policy in the rules describing Coast Guard organization are prescribed pursuant to 5 U.S.C. (U.S. Coast Guard photo) Auxiliarists in New York know her well from 2010 to 2012, then-Captain Fagan served as captain of the Port of New York and New Jersey and commander of U.S. Coast Guard Sector New York so we feel truly honored to serve under her leadership. As the Sector Commander, he leads over 700 Coast Guardsmen and Auxiliary personnel who conduct Coast Guard missions across 55,000 square nautical miles that include the prestine Florida Keys. The boundaries of Sector Humboldt Bay's Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator Zone start in the north by a line bearing 264T from the coastal point of the Oregon-California border (4200.0 N./12413.0 W.), on the south by a line bearing 270T from the coastal point of the Mendecino-Sonoma County, CA, border (3847.0 N./12330.0 W.), and on the west by the outermost extent of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). [USCG-2013-0251, 78 FR 73440, Dec. 6, 2013, as amended by USCG-2019-0943, 85 FR 6805, Feb. 6, 2020]. The boundaries of Sector Virginia' Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zone start at a point on the Virginia-Maryland boundary at a point 38 0136 N latitude, 751434 W longitude, thence south east to a point 371914 N latitude, 721313 W longitude; thence east to the outermost extent of the EEZ at a point 371914 N latitude, 710254 W longitude; thence south along the outermost extent of the EEZ to a point 363300 N latitude, 712934 W longitude; thence west to the Virginia-North Carolina boundary at a point 363300 N latitude, 755200 W longitude; thence west along the Virginia-North Carolina boundary to the intersection of Virginia-North Carolina-Tennessee at a point 363517 N latitude, 814038 W longitude; thence north and west along the Virginia-Tennessee boundary to the intersection of Virginia-Tennessee-Kentucky at a point 363603 N latitude, 834031 W longitude; thence northeast along the Virginia State boundary to the intersection of the Virginia-West Virginia State boundaries at a point 390757 N latitude, 774942 W longitude; thence southwest along the Loudoun County, VA boundary to the intersection with Fauquier County, VA at a point 390050 N latitude, 775743 W longitude; thence east along the Loudoun County, VA boundary to the intersection with Prince William County, VA boundary at a point 385633 N latitude, 773918 W longitude; thence south along the Prince William and Fauquier County VA boundaries to the intersection of Fauquier, Prince William, and Stafford County, VA at a point 383324 N latitude, 773154 W longitude; thence east along the Prince William and Stafford County, VA boundaries to the western bank of the Potomac River at a point 383013 N latitude, 771800 W longitude; thence south along the Stafford County, VA boundary to a point 382230 N latitude, 771814 W longitude; thence south and east along the boundary between the southern bank of the Potomac River and Stafford, King George, Westmoreland, and Northumberland Counties in Virginia to a point 375311 N latitude, 761415 W longitude; thence east along the Maryland-Virginia boundary as it proceeds across the Chesapeake Bay and Delmarva Peninsula to the point of origin at 380136 N latitude, 751434 W longitude. Adopted from United States Coast Guard Press Release. The 6,000 active duty, reserve, civilian and auxiliary men and women who make up the Ninth District deliver multi-mission services in search and rescue, maritime safety and security, environmental protection, maritime law enforcement, aids to navigation and icebreaking. [CGFR 61-40, 26 FR 10348, Nov. 3, 1961, as amended by CGFR 70-150, 36 FR 911, Jan. 20, 1971; USCG-1999-5832, 64 FR 34711, June 29, 1999; USCG-2015-0433, 80 FR 44278, July 27, 2015]. Louis has "really brought a lot to the table for our unit and, in general, the Coast Guard,'' said Capt. The ICC is the Coast Guard's strategic intelligence analysis and production center. Subpart 3.25 - Fifth Coast Guard District. This content is from the eCFR and may include recent changes applied to the CFR. Title 33 was last amended 2/17/2023. 3.40-35 Sector Corpus Christi Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. He recently completed an assignment as a national security fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. information or personal data. As a The boundaries of Sector Jacksonville's Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone start at the outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 305000 N, longitude 760954 W, proceeding west to latitude 305000 N, longitude 821500 W; thence south to the intersection of the Florida-Georgia boundary at longitude 821500 W; thence west along the Florida-Georgia boundary to longitude 830000 W; thence southeast to latitude 280000 N, 813000 W; thence east to the outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 280000 N, longitude 792334 W; thence northeast along the outermost extent of the EEZ to the point of origin. # x27 ; s second-in-command is the Deputy Sector Commander on all intelligence matters and ensures of! 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