Before you manage to go anywhere, Efrem the Stag and Susah the Crow will speak to you, offering to lend their aid, but only if you find their sister. When the fight is over, you will have the choice of devouring Okkus soul or attempting to rein in the creature inside you. A side bet on the last match will let you earn another students soul. Protect them as best you can, kill all of the manifestations, and youll have to take on a slightly more difficult version of the Faceless Man. If you examine the locked door in the northeastern corner of the room here, youll find that its locked, with room for four soul housings in it. Ivin Borsk is holed up here along with a group of rowdies. How do I reduce skill points using the console? The crossbow has 2d6 Massive Criticals in addition to a +5 enhancement. If you have Safiya in your party, try to have her cast Mind Blank on the party before heading inside. Killing Safiya will reduce your influence with Safiya by something like 170 points, enough to turn her completely against you, even if she still remains in your party. If you didnt before, return to the Furnace now and deal with the spirits there to find the Silver Sword Replica that unlocks the door leading to the lower levels. If you can do so, though, youll earn a couple thousand experience points. In no particular order, heres what to expect. Also, if you're smart, you'll make a female character and romance Gann. Note that the Intimidate option will cause a large decrease in influence with Okku if hes in your party. The witches of Mulsantir are decidedly unfriendly to you. Move up the passage here and head to the northeastern corern of the map, where youll find a barrow guardian. THX. Gonna start playing NWN2 recently.and I'm thinking on what makes an optimized, and most importantly, enjoyable character. Had to make a new weapon. Unless you set her AI to let her cast spells autonomously (not recommended), shell usually sit back and fling away with whatever crossbow you give her. Ammon Jerro will be uncontrollable here, as well, but hes powerful enough to take out a few of the Myrkulites by himself. If you pressure him for a reward, hell give you a pretty lame Ring of Holiness, which grants extra Cleric spell slots for levels one through four. Kelemvor is unable to intervene in your quest. When you unlock the lower levels of the Death Gods Vault, you can find a book called the Tome of Profane Rebirth in the Archives there. It's such an absurdly powerful combat class that you won't need to do silly things with builds and feats and so on. Wells of Lurue Bear Bugfix & Ice Troll Lodge Bugfix. If you head into the room with all of the mephits, youll see that its split in two by a gate with a door in it. Can replace the above effect IF there's not maximum effect on weapon. Performing the former ritual will shift you towards Good, while performing the latter will shift you towards Evil. Windelhelm: If you like listening to people talk, then you can step into the fray between Windelhelm and Enzibur in his dreamscape. When you spawn them, you can head back to that hallway, park your toughest character inside, and hopefully make a bottleneck, forcing them to take you on with only one or two enemies at a time. Safiya can offer you some insight on the Keeper of Doors, and youll gain some influence with her, to boot. Remove the lever from the device that controls the elemental, then return with it to the northwest and insert it into the device here. When the conversation is over, however, you need to decide whether or not you wish to leave the Coven in peace or attempt to destroy them; Gann urges the latter path, and you can gain more influence with him if you agree to attack the hags. If you happen to have a weapon master, feel free to place it in your inventory and export your character to another module. Now, when you manage to make it to the Red Tree, you have two options: you can use the Bark Cinders and the Blighted Leaves on the Pure Sanctuary Water or on the Legendary Blood (simply right-click on the former in your inventory and apply them to the latter). Okku himself drops a Pristine Power Essence, which will make for some powerful enchanting later in the game. Best PS5 Headset In 2023 - Top Options For PlayStation, Earth: Acid Fog (note that this is apparently unlearnable by Safiya). If you do so, youll enter. Before starting the fights, be sure to try and talk to the golem. So far as single-target spells go, Polar Ray will be a biggie early on, and you can also Empower Disintegrate as a level seven spell, or use Avasculate. Youre now forced to fight the bizarre entitiy within you; it hungers for souls, and grants you some new abilities related to them. After she died, Gulkaush reappeared at full health, but it was a simple matter to bring her back down to zero. Youll need to explore a bit to find a way to reach the Coven from here. A relatively easy way to test it is to do a few run-throughs Kaelyns maximized blade barriers). Basically nil. Now that youve become a spirit-eater, you can head back to the Death Gods Vault and attempt to talk to the High Priest. If you happened to reunite the Mask of the Betrayer, then you may attempt to remind Akachi of what he once was, reform his essence, and restore him to life. Valeria adds epic-level enchantments to weapons for both herself and her party members.For my guide on playing NWN2 MotB, at Sorcerer's Place, see:http://www. Its almost entirely a negative state; although you may think that youd gain some kind of vampiric superpowers, instead, youre mostly going to be crippled if you dont feed your need. Barring that, you can try to Intimidate him to leave. Keep in mind that Kaji can open locked chests for you; just click the chest and wait for him to do his thing after that. We wont go into the details too much, but one thing youll want to do is examine the essences that you find and note the types of spells that you need to cast on them in order to craft the items, as Safiya wont necessarily have them available at the beginning of the game. Immunity to Knockdown, Mind affecting, negative level, ability decrease, poison, disease, slow, movement speed decrease, paralysis, entangle, critical hits, stun, sneak attacks; immunity to evocation, illusion and necromancy and permanent immunity to spells level II and below. Any weapon. Using the Shadow of the Void or Shape of Fire essences to enchant a weapon is amazing: 6D6 Cold or Fire damage; only negative you get is some fire or cold vulnerability along with it. Dont be fooled by the "lesser" part of its title; the thing is still relatively beastly. Ask him to open the fourth gate so that you can reach the Thayvian Academy, then head through the portal to do so. If you do, the Boy will ask you to let him and his friends incorporate themselves into the husk. Youll be able to loot all of the bloated corpses that were previously floating in the water, and they have some decent stuff on them, which will certainly enrich your coffers when you manage to find someplace to sell all the loot. You have some options when dealing with the frost giants. Some of the doors are trapped, so be careful when having Kaji pick the locks and heading inside. Or, well, in Safiyas backpack, at any rate. Khai himself isnt overly difficult, but taken together, your foes can be difficult to manage. Second Door: A defective Imaskari golem will attack you when you open this door. Youll gain a small amount of XP for doing so. Youre going to be facing off against three or four Shadowmasters here, which are tough rogue enemies that can sneak attack for a massive amount of damage, alongside Ivin, whos tough to hit and who deals out a lot of damage. You can also find the secret room behind the exit portal here to find the Mourningring and the Thayan Knight Halfplate, both very good magical items. . Safiya and she will converse first, and Safiya confirms something you probably long suspected. Run your main character quickly back to them at this point. The movement bonus alone is worth the slot, as itll let you cover dead ground that much more quickly. Regardless, Gulkaush will offer you her eye, which will allow you the Dream Haunting ability. Youll need to overcome these obstacles, then bash your soul out of the wall. The wyverns here will cast a debuff on you, but it will fade away after a turn or two, so no need to use Restoration on it. If you killed Okku at the end of his fight and managed to steal his soul, you should have his husk on you. I'll have a high UMD. To the northeast, youll find another large room with many a Myrkulite in it. Again, we never used One of Many outside of a very short playtest, so we can't speak much about his abilities. On the western side of the area, youll find Selkhit. Doing so will drive the girl mad, and cause her father and a number of his spiritual allies to attack you. Axe Unbreaking III and Mending Sharpness V - Just like swords, increases melee damage done significantly. The five spellcasters here are each individually decent enough, but against a full party they wont be able to stand much of a chance, although they may get lucky with an AOE spells and damage all of your party, so keep the heals at the ready. Despite his threats against you, Zoab and his men will simply wait for you across the way, allowing you to make the first hostile act. One of the vaults should have some hidden Dread Wraiths inside, which will be handy for refilling your spirit meter if you havent fed in a while. Sergei will be very tough, as every attack he uses seems to hit critically if it hits at all, and most of them will, even if you have a very large AC bonus. Safiya will tell you about a salve that can be made to further strengthen the golem; have her use the Hellfire Powder on the alchemists table nearby to make the salve, then right-click on the golem and select "Talk To" to apply the salve onto it. If you examine the Keeper, youll find that its powered by spirits. Its kind of like a library for souls. With +12 strength, it should put most characters over the top, although our weaponmaster already had 24 strength even before equipping it. The following enchants are optional, depending on your preferences and play style: Fire Aspect II (sets enemies on fire), Knockback II (pushes enemies away when you hit them - can be helpful or very annoying). Even if he is, though, you can simply resummon him after you rest. The main problem with him is that hell attempt to fight in combat, which hes terrible at. Be sure to demand tribute first; youll get the Thicketfavors gauntlet which will be perfect for Gann. You have some options here: you can simply attack Gawatha, if you wish, which will net you some experience, gold, and a peculiar piece of medium armor. The following mods are for the first expansion for Mask of the Betrayer. Most of the dialogue options here will lead to fights, though, which isnt necessarily a bad thing. The shelves here will have some new spells for you, such as Avasculate, Power Word Petrify, and Extract Water Elemental. You need to take these aspects of Akachi first; while they live, he himself is unkillable. The second round of challenges is a bit tougher than the first. Press Z to check out the Genius Loci at their bases; you need to attack each of these loci in order to prevent them from issuing elementals. If you can survive a rest and need to rebuff, you may want to do that now. There isnt much of note in here, save for many, many animals. Lena: Lena puts you in the ring with a few of her berserkers. Requires: Caster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. He doesnt have much information, but points you towards a scroll called the Lamentations of the Dead, which is apparently connected somehow to your book. These guys are very tough, as mentioned, so dont hesitate to use any tricks that you have to take them down. Its heady stuff - eating a dead gods soul? As the auto-save before the last teleporter indicates, theres a tough fight coming. (Two caveats: I started with my OC char, including equipment except for weapon: as a consequence, I kept my Thieve's Hood through motb - don't think you can find/buy that in MOTB. You have two options here: you can either attempt to complete Fentomys quest with a minimum of delay, which will allow you to bypass some of the line that prevents you from reaching the Coven quickly, or you can shuffle your way through the line, which will net you some optional encounters, fights, and experience. The Tome of KaTai is to the southeast; again, you can either take it, or let the priest who holds it escape. A thousand years of living has taken its toll on the Founder. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you choose the evil choice, be sure to bind the feat that you earn onto your action bar and use it in the next fight. This fight is tough and lengthy, so go in prepared! Araman, along with his Mykrulite cronies, are waiting for you before the door that leads to the Founder. If you do so, then you should be able to confront Enzibur, declare the contract null and void, then accuse him of breaking Baatezu law. With Akachi lying at your feet, all that remains to be determined is what action you take. If you head into the golem construction area on the eastern side of the floor, youll run into Artesh, wholl tell you how to create your own golem and place it into the gladiator ring, should you wish to do so. Do warlocks benefit from Spellcasting Prodigy feat. Second caveat: physical damage resistance does not work. If you do, and loot the urn, a spirit will appear. Picking the lock on the western door and heading through will cause numerous Ancient Vampires to spawn. Download the best games on Windows & Mac. If youre playing on the Normal difficulty setting, then you cant hurt your teammates with area-of-effect spells like Fireball, so you can just cast whatever your most powerful AOE spells happen to be, with stuff like Meteor Storm, Horrid Wilting, and Wail of the Banshee probably being good bets. Minus the toolset, that is. Thieve's Hood (OC): immunity to KD and Poison and some minor skill bonuses. When youre ready to leave, click on the portal that heads to Shadow Mulsantir. Mask Fragments: If you managed to find all of the mask fragments in the various dreamscapes throughout the game, Kelemvor will tell you of an option that now becomes available to you: if you can somehow manage to return the mask fragments to Akachi, he may yet be reminded of what he once was, and be freed of his curse. Since Gann had accompanied us, we immediately had him cast Epic Gate to summon in an extra bit of help for the fight. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. When they're all activated, they'll open up a load of loot for you. Unfortunately the priest will refuse to talk to you after a bit of conversation; youll need to find some way to force him to do so if you want the key leading downward. Rest up, fight off the gnolls in the back rooms, search for items as you like, then go to Liennas bedroom, search the worktables, and head through the portal that opens. Move forward toward the gates and attempt a parlay. This is considered a Lawful Good action. Hell take damage, but wont die. You likely cant, unless you have a high Diplomacy skill. Unfortunately, theres been a bit of tumult in Safiyas absence, and the entire place is crawling with enemies. Kill all of the treants here, then speak to Gnarlthorn. Added Vorpal. Gann is immediately useful to you in combat if your character isnt a cleric or a druid. If you do so, then the Wood Man still wont appear, but youll be able to put the Shape of Fire out of his misery by devouring his spirit. There's really no reason to craft weapon early game, unless you find Duskwood Longbow is too wonderful to miss, hm? This is the time when your romance plots with any of the characters in your party will come to fruition. Unfortunately for you, this entails heading back to the Prime material plane and returning to the Temple of Kelemvor, where you can speak to Darovik to advance the quest a bit. Am quite happy to build power-gamed, micro-managed, rule-bendingly powerful character. If your main character isnt a warrior of some sort, shell be immediately valuable as a frontline fighter, since she can wear heavy armor and shields as a cleric, as well as heal and cast offensive spells. When youre ready to start the fight, walk your main character towards Okku and engage him in dialogue. It was fun. That will cause the Wood Man to appear. You have multiple options here, including attempting to Intimidate or otherwise speechcraft the defenders and convince them to run off without a fight. One of Many'll give you pretty decent buffs from loyalty (including +6 regen), and you can win him over without causing a lot of trouble by including him in the party right before you head to Myrkul - otherwise he's pretty shit and should by all means be left on the benches. Its not difficult to do so, but getting through the conversation with some influence gains can be a little trickier. When it joins your party, OOM is a rogue character, but presumably it can switch to become a warrior or another type of character based on leveling or your influence gains. We had a lot of luck with Safiyas Vampiric Feast epic spell, which eliminated a few of the hags outright, allowing us to mow over the rest relatively quickly. So Scimitars are out i'm glad, i never liked those weapons anyways. I love it. First therell be Remorseless Instinct, then Infinite Despair, then Unrelenting Fury, and then Insatiable Hunger. It would appear that Okku did not take kindly to your thrashing of him earlier. Found only in meteorites and the rarest veins in magical areas, adamantine is an ultra-hard metal that adds to the quality of weapons and armor. When you tell Nuum about the letter, youll have four options to choose from. Speaking to Nadaj again will reveal a number of problems that you can help with. Finish off the rest of the spirits and loot them. Kaji is pretty weak, and does not partake in battle, but if an enemy casts an AOE spell on your party, he can still be killed. Well start with the quests that have you attacking the city alongside Zoab and his men. When you do that, opening the door will cause lightning to kill a random mephit. Keep your ranged attackers back, summon a couple of creatures to help you out, and go to town. You can "upgrade" the old enchantments with better ones only if there're not maximum effects on weapons/armors. Therell be five rounds that you have to fight through to reach the end, with each getting progressively more difficult. The archers here hit pretty hard, so try to take them down with spells and your own ranged attacks before moving too far down. Theres also a soul involved, somehow. Dragonshard, Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone . My main build would be something like, Now i'm leaning towars the Bastard sword, as a Favored Soul i choose that weapon type for no extra feat. When all of the ice is melted (tap Z to ensure that youve found all of it), you can head to Imsha and Tamlith and attempt to bluff them into thinking that the hag is gone. The process is simple: put a weapon or armor in the enchanters satchel, put in an essence, then cast a spell on the satchel to enchant the weapon. Its pretty important to keep as many of your soul creatures alive as possible; each one that dies will impact your remaining spirit energy, which youll need to keep as high as possible to survive this gauntlet. Theyre all pretty tough to hit due to high armor, and they can all deal a lot of damage, so youll need to resummon your creatures a few times before everything dies. This evil follower is kind of problematic from a gameplay standpoint, so we lugged along the big bear as a teammate. It takes a couple rounds to reach its full effect, but actually heals for more damage than a full Heal spell (180 points vs. 150). If you choose not to devour spirits, you can attempt to Suppress your craving. Theyll attack as soon as you talk to them, so you can choose your moment to strike. The Scrivener is inside. To the west is a teleporter; step on it to fight some elementals, if you happen to need more spirit energy. Windelhelm made a deal with a devil to achieve greater power, but now wishes to reclaim his soul. That'll provide you with a mind affecting immunity bonus as well as all the other stuff. If you open it, youll find the Frost Harpoon, which has a +4 enchantment, is Keen, and does an extra 2d6 ice damage on every hit. Then when you re-enter Mulsantir, Act Two will start up. With Gann by your side, enter Anyas dreamscape and attempt to talk her down. When youre done, loot the bodies and return to the exterior area of Mulsantir. Give it Spiderskin and Stoneskin for a nigh-unkillable helper. Or mephit characters. You cant control him at all, to make matters worse, although he does respond to orders telling him to wait in a certain spot, and so on. Kepob will run away at this point. Youll need to babysit your characters to make sure that they attack the spirit animals and not Okku here; you can damage him, but not finish him off. Search the room and be sure to pick up the Heal potions in the corner chest. Email You'll be coming back later to drink deep of the water here. Elsewhere in the Skein, youll encounter unkillable air elementals (you can temporarily eliminate them by beating on them), packs of spirit rats (useful for supplementing your Spirit Energy), as well as various hagspawn that will attack on sight. And return to the Death Gods Vault and attempt to Suppress your craving first, loot. Inside you re-enter Mulsantir, Act Two will start up mad, and the entire place crawling. Now wishes to reclaim his soul, you can `` upgrade '' the enchantments! Movement bonus alone is worth the slot, as well as all the stuff! You towards Evil to leave party, try to Intimidate or otherwise speechcraft the defenders and them! The northeast, youll earn a couple thousand experience points in Safiyas absence and... Area, youll have four options to choose from to talk her down of devouring soul... 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