One of the main reasons why could be if you had a Buy Now Pay Later plan that ended, then the balance of that plan has been added to your Normal Credit and the Buy Now Pay Later plan will no longer exist on your account. Check to see if your payment method is up to date. If you don't pay any fees and/or charges when they're due, interest will be applied on them at the Normal Credit Rate. @Happyintelect Posts: 2. What should I do? Peter Havercan I was trying *all day* yesterday to complete a purchase: three different forms of payment, three different browsers. No, you haven't done anything wrong. No, never. You can see an estimated interest calculation for each plan on your monthly statement, which you may receive through the post or you can view on the App or Determined to go into 2023 with a slightly more organised house! You need to keep making payments until your statement clearly states that you have a Direct Debit set up. @ArgosHelpers is there anyone working at Argos as they are not replying to messages I have left regarding dangerous cooker I purchased from them. but no warning when ordering. No email address from either, what next? If you're still concerned about being able to repay your Normal Credit balance, give us a call on 03456 400 700 and we can discuss the options available to you. The more you pay off and the earlier you do it, the less Deferred Interest may be payable. But you guys have the wrong information as you CAN use the Argos card to purchase digital gift cards, it was the website not working. We encourage all our customers to pay more than the minimum payment, as this will help you repay your balance faster and pay less interest. Facebook. Pawned customers off to Select for Apple products, didnt want to hear of after sale problems. Argos absolutely shocking customer service 1 week after contacting them still no order they don't return phone calls avoid like the plague @Argos_Online, @mikeroscoe67 How quickly is it set up? I thought I was paperless so why have I received a paper statement? We'll take the balance shown on your statement balance if this is less than the Fixed Amount. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have rules aimed at helping people who find themselves in this situation. if your statement date is the 17th of the month then it will appear on the 17th of every month. The Financial Ombudsman Service exists to help resolve complaints and disputes as an impartial adjudicator, within the existing law. @mrsmillsy @Argos_Online my delivery was due on Saturday, still no update from Yodel or Argos and no expected delivery date.appalling service and want to cancel and have a refund! @BernieSpofforth @johnlewishelp Least they have had the decency to reply to you. Although there's no charge for having an Argos Card account we may charge: The above charges are referred to in your Argos Card Terms & Conditions as 'Default Charges'. @argos awful awful service yet again no phone call now having to wait for incident management. General enquiry. @Argos_Online your customer service is shocking, I cant get hold of anyone, my Washing should be out for delivery today but have had no confirmation over two weeks with out no washing machine payed on my Argos card ref 1033 350 its Hoover can someone HELP, @ArgosHelpers Logon ID Login ID * Your Login ID is at least 6 characters and can contain letters, numbers or special characters. Enter the CVV2 number from the back of the card in the 'Security code' box. If you can't pay double the minimum each month, paying any amount more than the minimum will help. Have you tried placing your order on the Argos app?- Jessica, @Argos_Online We want to help you, so please contact us on 0345 601 0798 if you want to talk about Persistent Debt. How can I get help with paying my Normal Credit balance? Can you help, please? @Bradley88807910 No goods and no contact from Argos. We have already spoken Argos Card Services and they say there is nothing wrong with the card. @ArgosHelpers, technical problem meaning I'm unable to order an Argos item to Click & Collect at Sainsburys, @ArgosHelpers, technical problems meaning I can' reserve an Argos click and collect item at Sainsburys. Will I need my login details to make purchases or manage my account over the phone? @goutmaskreplica ?????? If we ask you to call us, please do call as soon as you can - 03456 400 700 . If you have any difficulties making your payments please contact us on 0345 601 0798 as soon as you can so we can help you. @Philip37937 You can still manage your account via the My Argos Card App or via the automated payment number during this time. It takes different lengths of time for certain payment types to reach us - it's your responsibility to make sure payments reach us on time: Why can't I make one-off payments to Fixed Payment or Interest Free Plans? If you have been in Persistent Debt for 18 months and we will send you a letter or email asking you to choose from some options. Further proof that Argos has no customer service at all!! @ArgosHelpers Im trying to make a payment on my Argos card in the app but its not working. The credit card system charges companies that accept payment a 1-4% fee. What browsers will work on? I'm able to make other online purchases without any trouble, and my card works just fine in-store. If you can confirm that you're able to increase your monthly payments or repay your balance in full, we will be able to remove the suspension on your account. Please take a look at our dedicated help page for more information. If you are experiencing financial difficulties or can no longer afford to make your increased monthly payment, please contact us on 0345 601 0798 so that we can help you. Its a shame Argos are making me wait 45 days for a refund due to multiple errors on their part. There's no annual fee for the card. Now mid Saturday morning and no idea when it's being delivered. Up to 1% of orders experience technical problems (a lot of orders!) Five authorizations from Paypal confirmed, but cancelled by Argos. Date of experience: 12 September 2022. When goods are faulty, any half decent retailer will issue a returns number and refund immediately without expecting customers to jump through hoops. @ArgosHelpers, technical problems meaning I can' reserve an Argos click and collect item at Sainsburys. This will help you understand how much money you need to pay your commitments as you go forward. Instead, you could choose to spread the cost further. Under the new rules, you have 18 months from receiving the first letter to move your account out of Persistent Debt. I've forgotten my login details. website No email address from either, what next? Loan 2 2696.13. @kimber_long Hello Kimberley, I am so sorry that this has happened. We are having some teething troubles with the new processes and payments from some payment cards issued by a couple of banks (e.g. @ccliffy90 Email. FONT-SIZE: 14px; OVERFLOW: hidden; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid; WORD-BREAK: normal; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; PADDING-BOTTOM: 10px; PADDING-TOP: 10px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5px . Facebook, User reports indicate no current problems at Argos. 30/3 month plan length = 10 charged each month for three months. The CAB offers free help to people with severe financial difficulties through their network of local offices, online chat or you can contact an adviser through their national phonelines. How will I know if my Argos Card account is in Persistent Debt? All Rights Reserved. Don't forget to talk to us: If you have a letter or email from us asking you to get in touch to confirm an option to us, or if you need to talk to us about your situation, call us as soon as possible on 0345 601 0798. Why is my payment not showing on my account? I attempted to purchase something from Argos today for 503.95 and the payment was taken but there was an issue on the Argos website meaning my order didn't go through. @Argos_Online my delivery was due on Saturday, still no update from Yodel or Argos and no expected delivery date.appalling service and want to cancel and have a refund! What should I do? Argos & mandate have always worked well so hopefully a good package can help the blow. @angusacampbell We'll try to provide you with help that's clear, practical and easy to understand. You are required to make at least your minimum monthly contractual payment as detailed in your statement and this will be applied to your account in the order stated above. Anyone know if Argos have to give me a replacement straight away for my broken Xbox if I bought 3 months ago. I've sent a text to opt out of the interest rate increase and received an error message. Can I turn off my paper statements and letters? Why am I being asked to repay all of my balance straight away when I have several plans? Better off with Tesco. If you want to check your statement urgently, you can do it on where we have your current and most recent statements. This means you may pay interest on interest. Was told issue escalated and nothing. If we have contacted you for the first time about Persistent Debt on your account, we would suggest paying double the monthly minimum payment shown on the front page of your statement each month. I like and try to support local but Amazon has excellent customer service. Been reaching out for support for 3 days with no response! @Argos_Online Is there anyone who works for Argos that has authority to resolve an issue? This website will work on all commonly used browsers - Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox - and on most devices (PCs, iMacs and Macbooks, iPhones, iPads, Android phone and Android tablets, Amazon Fire tablets). It's important because if you don't, it'll take you longer to repay the debt and you'll be charged more interest during that period. @Jak25Cj Kindest regards, Suzanne. If you've only recently opened your account then it's possible you may not have a statement yet. What do I do? New bookshelf built from Argos (with the usual issues that arise when trying to build a bookshelf from Argos ?). Really angry now. You may also fall into 'persistent debt' (see Persistent Debt below) meaning we need to take steps to encourage you to pay more. @ArgosHelpers I have an Argos gift card, I use them to buy anything I want online, it says that on the card, and have been using them for years, so you don't know what you are talking about, notify them Argos gift cards are not working. Payments can sometimes take up to 5 working days to show on your account depending how you make the payment (see here for more info). ~ Authentication is how banks try to make sure that the person making the payment is the person who owns the payment card. How will I know if my Argos Card account is in Persistent Debt? Why am I asked to call you when I try to log in? Do you have a phone number for Sky so l can check suitably before l buy one? Why has one of my plans disappeared from my account? Registered: 11-28-2021. Hi. We will accept the awards and impartial decisions made by the Financial Ombudsman. Downdetector is among the federally registered trademarks of Ookla and may not be used by third parties without express written permission. Plenty of time to do a spot of d.i.y. Remember: If you continuously only make the minimum monthly contractual payment every month, it will take you longer and cost you more to clear your balance. This useful guide from UK Finance offers further help and advice. miss universe from canada. Product not as advertised. If I'm worried I won't be able to increase my payments regularly, what should I do? There's nothing you need to do as the funds will appear back in your account within five days depending on your card issuer. argos card unable to process payment. Not to mention the absolute stress and major responsibility of the job at 21 hence why I only lasted 12 months ? Once you've had a look and resolved the issue we'll turn paper statements off again. You can submit a request for a Minimum Payment Direct Debit on @nick_rhodes_nz We take your financial circumstances into consideration as well as some other information about your account. If someone is misusing your money or stealing from you, or if you're worried this is happening to someone else, there are signs to look out for and there's support available. dedicated help page for more information. If your email address is incorrect or missing and you don't know your Security Number OR Memorable Word then you'll need to call us on 03456 400 700. Uninterested overseas personnel, all chatting in the background. Can I make a payment using my own online banking? Bought a Nintendo Switch with Mario Kart included as a present for my son. Will a Minimum Payment Direct Debit repay my Buy Now Pay Later Plans? @garrettdonnelly @Sums_World The Argos model is no longer sustainable. Why has one of my plans disappeared? Please try again later or visit an argos store if the item is needed urgently. Customers in Ireland will no longer be able to pay for orders via the Argos website or place orders via its home delivery service after 22nd March. The fact that most of its UK stores are linked with Sainsburys is why it is surviving there. @ArgosHelpers everytime I try and check out on Argos it says url broken? You can use your Argos Card in any Argos store, online at, over the phone and on the Argos app. I note Argos sell Sky Remotes. If you have any Buy Now, Pay Later plans that start and end after the rate change, the Deferred Interest will be charged at your new interest rate. I won't be ordering online from them again. I wouldn't buy any electrical goods from @Argos_Online again. Can I make a payment using my own online banking? When you buy your product you'll be able to spread the cost for up to 12 months without being charged interest. If you've forgotten your Login ID but you know your Memorable Word, go HERE. Argos is a major retailer in the UK. Amazon, Argos, Tesco, whoever, don't send me the goods before they've been paid. You can't directly allocate payments to any Fixed Payment Plans or Interest Free Plans that you might have as the payment due against those two types of plans is included in your minimum payment for the month. The amount you owe and the payment due date are shown in your statement each month as well as on your account summary on and in the My Argos Card App. So basically I tried paying someone like sending money and it showed "unable to process payment" when I got money in my PayPal balance. Not Argos either. No goods and no contact from Argos. - Caity. The four digit Plan Ref simply helps us locate a plan on your account if you call us. Hence my request to try later today. Can I use a credit card to make a payment? These services are offered by Visa and MasterCard, in association with the bank that has issued your credit / debit card. Struggling to pay your bills? You can - just enter your Card number and expiry date from your final Argos Card. @ArgosHelpers is there an issue with the website taking payments from argos cards today? @rockville1973 @ArgosHelpers Im trying to make a payment on my Argos card in the app but its not working. By leaving the contractual minimum payment unchanged, it gives you the flexibility to pay more when you can. Also, you can only get credit plans on Argos and Habitat orders over 50. I purchased a tablet from Argos on 12 Feb for 225. Make payments by: Direct Debit, via the Argos Card app or website, post, bank or Post Office. Up to 1% of orders experience technical problems (a lot of orders!) Not Argos either. Upcoming industrial action by Royal Mail may cause delays to postal communications. @ArgosHelpers I have but am still none the wiser except that there were driver issues and that Argos are sorry for the inconvenience @tdbkys How will I know when my Argos Card account is, My Buy Now Pay Later Plan ends soon, and I don't know how I'm going to afford to pay off the balance. Please don't anyone respond just screaming into the void. Also Asda/Argos neither have ustomer phone Service. Just remember, if you do spend more, your minimum payment will increase and it will take you longer to repay the balance. How Deferred Interest is included as part of your Minimum Payment? All Rights Reserved. When your encrypted data is sent over the internet, any third party which monitors internet traffic will be unable to read it, but our secure server will be able to decrypt it and handle your request as normal. To help you to stay within your credit limit, we'll send you a text reminder when you've used 95% or more of your credit limit. I'm the main Card holder, but can my additional Card holder manage my account? Clearing off some of the balance of these plans could save you more in interest than plans calculated on the older method. Once your outstanding payments have cleared, you can cancel your Argos credit card account by calling 03456 400 700 or visiting You will need a valid email on your account, though. @ArgosHelpers frustrated to have bought an item then it get cancelled with two hours of purchase which no explanation, and customer service team restricted by Argos processes to help me re order itthat is not customer service ? What's a Login ID? 30), Divide this by the number of months that your Plan ran for (e.g. Deciding what plans to pay down or clear will depend on your individual circumstances, how much you owe and how long you have had the plan. @ArgosHelpers Thanks. How might the proposed Royal Mail strike affect my Argos Card? I've then contacted Argos via live chat and they confirmed the payment is pending and hasn't left my account and confirmed the order wasn't placed. @sainsburys @ArgosHelpers Hi. How do I see my statements? Call us on 03456 400 700 to discuss the options available to you. If your Buy Now, Pay Later plans are not paid off at the end of the period, the outstanding balance of the plan and the interest will be added to your Normal Credit balance. If your Argos Card account is suspended, it means that you won't be able to use your card to buy anything new. Attention now has to go to staff with todays news. Your browser is up-to-date. If your account has had a zero balance for a while we don't send you statements anymore. Can I repay more than my Direct Debit each month? I'm having problems with the Verified by Visa/MasterCard Securecode screen. Refunds (which take up to 7 days) only start when you contact them. How will I know when my Argos Card account is not in Persistent Debt? @pilprin @CFL It was not a complete failure, Baltimore had the highest attendance in the league until the nfl came in, actually the argos attendance the past several yrs were on par with the rest of the teams. #cardiff #argos #cardifftrained #traineejournalist, @WycherleyDarren However, if we do need to contact you we will ask some security questions before we can access your account. Like desktop devices, Adobe Reader is the most popular app for this. Even the cheapo one for my tbr works well. @Mg05026377 We call this the "Deferred Interest Portion". It shouldn't take more than a minute or two. We'll make an instant decision, and if your request is accepted then your new limit will be available immediately (even if it doesn't show on straight away). What's my 'minimum payment'? 16 days, money back, no questions. And your priority payments - Rent/mortgage, Council Tax, and household bills, will always come first. If your payment card is from one of those banks then you will either need to use a different payment card (issued by a different bank) OR make a payment another way for the time being until we can resolve the issues we're having. Why does the letter say I am? @ArgosHelpers is there an issue with the website taking payments from argos cards today? What browsers will work on? You can't make payments to plans that haven't appeared on your statement yet - if you try to do that our system will automatically allocate your payment to the plan or plans which are likely to incur the most interest that month. Stay away and avoid, not very helpful at all. How would you know how the milker was not working correctly if not used? It depends how much you can pay off towards a plan and when your plans were started. @walshie_writes Maybe, but my recent experiences of Argos were shocking. Your payment history will show on your credit file and can affect your credit score. How will I know when my Argos Card account is not in Persistent Debt? If we've contacted you about increasing the interest rate on your account and you don't want this to happen, you can choose to close your account on your existing rate. @EightOxbow A long time on an expensive number and at the end we are told to contact @NintendoUK on another expensive customer service number. Terrible service from Argos / Yodel. How will increasing the interest rate impact the way my account works? Here are a few reasons why you might not be able to update your limit: How do I increase my credit limit? @MattMurdock_77 @Argos_Online Thank you for your help. When will my latest statement appear online? So the issue is resolved. If we've not been able to do that by the end of the third business day after we've received your complaint, we'll communicate to you to acknowledge this is being investigated further. Why is it important that I take action? The interest on any remaining balance is backdated to the date of purchase, and the rate applied to this Deferred Interest will depend on your Buy Now, Pay Later plan start and end date: What are my options if I don't want the interest rate on my account to increase? Cleared cookies, cache and tried on different devices and browsers. Just make sure that you repay at least the minimum payment each month and try to get the Normal Credit balance repaid as quickly as you can if you want to reduce the amount of interest you'll be charged. @ArgosHelpers frustrated to have bought an item then it get cancelled with two hours of purchase which no explanation, and customer service team restricted by Argos processes to help me re order itthat is not customer service ? If you want to change your Direct Debit amount or change the date on which you want your Direct Debit to be collected you'll need to give us a call on 03456 400 700. Just log in and press Direct Debit in the left-hand navigation, then press Cancel Direct Debit. Were sorry to hear youre having issues with your Argos Card. Give us a call on 03456 400 700 to ask.. So, the less you owe at the point the plan ends, the less interest you are charged. New bookshelf built from Argos (with the usual issues that arise when trying to build a bookshelf from Argos ?). .tg TD { - Securely log in with the touch of a finger or a simple 4 number . Uninterested overseas personnel, all chatting in the background. I thought I was paperless so why have I received a paper statement? Enter the Valid Thru number on the front of the card in the 'Expiry date' box. Why am I being told that my details can't be found when I am trying to register? Today, I took a Coffee Machine back to Argos, Dover to have a refund as I didnt think that the milker was working properly. I've forgotten my details. Keep getting unable to make a payment at this time try a different card, had to do it by my banking app. Glad to know you got things sorted, and thanks for taking the time to report back. but no warning when ordering. Call their free debt advice helpline or visit. If you've checked those and you're still having a problem, the error could be related to new authentication processes~ that all UK banks are putting in place. Do spend more, your minimum payment broken Xbox if I 'm I! 3 days with no response who owns the payment is the most popular app for this log! 7 days ) only start when you contact them, all chatting in the app but its not working days. My plans disappeared from my account will show on your account electrical goods from Argos_Online... Not working for 3 days with no response a shame Argos are making me wait 45 days for while. ) only start when you can pay off and the earlier you do it on where we your. 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