With a successful career line as YouTubers, Rhett and Link have a net worth of $25 . Its hard not to feel insulted by his unwillingness to accept this. And so as I processed Rhett & Links stories I found 5 takeaways to suggest maybe they hadnt abandoned Jesus as much as their (many) critics suggest: When Jesus called his disciples he simply said, Follow Me. If youre new to Godless In Dixie, be sure to check out The Beginners Guide for 200+ links categorized topically on a single page. Around the time I was nursing a wounded ego for being stood up by the Ricky Schroder fan club, Neil Postman made a prediction in his 1985 book, Amusing Ourselves to Death. The truth is that we have a personality-driven culture in which two comedians can persuade Christians to rethink their faith in just three hours of video. The song became the most-played country tune on the radio for six . Good Mythical Morning Net worth- $30 Million. What does this obtain for you? I told him honestly that it could only lead to loss and pain, but that I didnt really have a choice. I have read and listened to many atheists over the years who have explained why they didnt believe, but what made Rhett and Links (anti) testimonies so disheartening is the fact that they use much of the same vocabulary to describe their faith as I do. The comment sections of their Reddit, Facebook, and YouTube pages reveal that their stories inspired many atheists and touched the hearts of some folks who experienced similar deconversion journeys, describing the videos as beautiful, candid, and vulnerable.. You need a context in which to deal with the doubts. These apostles of unbelief are on a mission to help others deconstruct with the same evangelistic zeal they learned from their previous tribe. It was time to stop just reading Christian answers to everything and go a level deeper, looking next at the answers to the Christian answers. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 2:1416 that through his missionary work, Christ spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of himself. Rhett and Melanie eat:" {Mammy} could distinguish nothing except the clatter of silver on china, and the muffled soft tones of Melanie's voice." Rhett then goes to bed. One article about Rhett and Link said, "they both felt a deep discomfort with biblical sexual ethics, which they perceived to oppress women and their LGBTQ+ friends.". Therefore they had to halt all the crew stuff. First, he read Francis Collinss (the other Francis), The Language of God, and was convinced that evolution is true. How can two guys who make a living as YouTube personalities go from making possum corndogs one day to throwing 2,000 years of Christian history under the bus the next? Reasonable answers exist for each notion the duo passed along that, in their opinion, defeats the truth of Christianity. Spotify have songs removed so you will buy them. The reason Rhett and Link's deconstruction is so important is precisely because they are not scholars and neither are most members of their audience - which is no longer limited to Christians looking for wholesome entertainment. Is Apologetics Helpful or Necessary in Evangelism? This is something Jesus himself said would happenand it will continue to happen until he returns (Matt. Now that they no longer need to outsource their morality to God they begin to take more responsibility for it themselves. Since Rhett and Link were relatively deep into religiosity, having learned "Christianese" and the culture, it took them years to complete their pilgrimage to secularism. Its not like God was all of the sudden blindsided by the fact that people are struggling with their sexual orientation or that some people have gender dysphoria. But where did the first stuff actually come from? Rhett James McLaughlin) and Link (a.k.a. Postman posited that in the future, we would be oppressed not by an outside force like Big Brother in George Orwells dystopian novel, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think,, He predicted that with the rise of technology and communication, people wouldnt be deprived of information, but rather they would be given, that they would become passive and egocentric. One main issue discussed by them is the problem with LGBTQ and church. Rhett mentions to Scarlett that he goes to New Orleans to visit a young boy who goes to school there, because Rhett is his guardian. It is one of Clark Gable's most recognizable and significant roles. Would Jack Black and Daniel Radcliffe guest star on their YouTube channel if they held to the biblical doctrine of marriage and homosexuality? One can believe in a literal Adam OR that Adam is a metaphor and still follow Jesus. and African Christians, and South American Christians, and Indian Christians, avenge the attack on Scarlett that day. As far as Christians believing in the theory of Evolution or not, there is too much to go into in this short post. We were in conversation. It morphed into doubts surrounding biblical reliability, the historicity of the resurrection, and the general idea of hell and judgment. Contents 1 The Early Years 2 Career 3 Personal Life 4 Kids 5 Appearances 6 What Link Neal Doesn't Like 7 What Link Neal Does Like 8 Trivia 9 References Questioning those beliefs meant friendships, family bonds, and the very fabric of their community were all threatened. But as both Rhett and Link recounted, there was something brewing underneath the intellectual questions. (Hold up, before anyone gets upset because I called Rhett and Link non-Christians, and am therefore judging them, these are their words. Evolution by natural selection seemed intolerably non-intuitiveit didnt make any senseand it struck him as a desperate and unsuccessful attempt to explain how a world like ours could come into being without an intelligent designer. Lauren Boebert And Marjorie Greene's Adult Christianity Was Never About Democracy, Anyway. By naming several apologists such as Lee Strobel, Josh McDowell, Tim Keller, and Ravi Zacharias, he knocked the legs out from under their arguments. Chances are also good that one of them isGood Mythical Morning featuring Link Neal and Rhett McLaughlin. 1:24; Col. 4:14). And, like he says toward the end of yesterdays talk by Link, the boat is real. All their YouTube Channels have a good amount of engagement, subscribers, and views as a result of their engaging content. News flash, these are all grounded in the Christian worldview that he is trying so hard to distance himself from. And we as Christians shouldnt be surprised when this happens. Get resources, podcast episodes, and SWO updates sent directly to your inbox. Then he skillfully planted a possible motive: money. Aside from the fact that most apologists have day jobs, this leads to a fair question: what would Rhett and Link stand to lose if they didnt capitulate to culture on an issue like same-sex marriage? Rhett and Link's collective spiritual deconstruction isn't ultimately a deconstruction of the Christian faith but of Christian subculture. How can two guys who make a living as YouTube personalities go from making possum corndogs one day to throwing 2,000 years of Christian history under the bus the next? As an apologist, my knee-jerk reaction was also to grab my computer and start typing refutations with the force of a thousand suns. Most of my life I saw the one or two aisles of Evangelical / Charismatic Christianity I was raised with as the totality of the whole store. ). Neil Carter is a high school teacher, a writer, a speaker, a father of four, and a skeptic living in the Bible Belt. These are great questions that Christians have been asking for years. Its the. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to trivialize this. This week, Faithwire managing editor Dan Andros discussed some of those concerns with editor Tr Goins-Phillips. Rhett led off with his intellectual doubts and Link countered with an emotional appeal. That tow-headed heartthrob took my breath away with every episode of the 1980s sitcom Silver Spoons. How would it affect their revenue streams and net worth to remain faithful Christians in todays cultural climate? But that is no way to live. I never got a reply. Listening to their podcast you hear the As a result, they are surprised and hurt by Christians who promptly said that they never truly were of us ( 1 John 2:19 ). As believers, we should take comfort to know its not new,he said. Francis Schaeffer once wrote about the fact that Christians need to have such a commitment to the truth that if it were proven to be false we would be the first to get out of line and join the rest of the world in their destruction. To some, it smells like beauty and life; to others, it smells like death. When he identified as a Christian he said that he had to have certainty, but now he is fine not having certainty. Around the time I was nursing a wounded ego for being stood up by the Ricky Schroder fan club, Neil Postman made a prediction in his 1985 book, . This channel has made Rhett and Link the fourth highest-earning YouTube stars 3 while reaching audiences around the world. often suggest the real reason is so they can succumb to a life of sin, I find Should we avoid it? you? Mythical, founded by Rhett & Link, creates entertainment, products, and experiences that inspire human connection through curiosity and comedy. stand to lose if they didnt capitulate to culture on an issue like same-sex marriage? It gives you direction. Take Rhett, for example. This is how we know what there is to know about Jesus. I might get a new episode once a week if I was lucky. Our cultural moment is a cauldron of information and celebrity worship in which the cult of personality can ferment and grow. Once you've listened to that track a certain number of times, it's clear that you don't own it but would like to. We have taught breakouts on evolution at camp and there are many good books you can read on the subject that Ill put at the end. But I also know from experience that the work of defending the faith requires enormous amounts of self-deception, closing one eye and squinting the other to make sure things look the way theyre supposed to look. I mean we have little finite minds and we are trying to understand an infinite God. The REAL Reason Why Rhett and Link Fell Away from Christianity 268,033 views Premiered Mar 4, 2020 11K Dislike Share Save Living Waters 1.12M subscribers Rhett and Link, extremely. the opposite is often true. . The two Try the whole world. He was the only one for me. I Work for a Pastor with Low Emotional Intelligence, Split or Stay? Welcome to Ohio. In fact, at the conclusion of Links talk, they both indicated theyll be setting this whole topic aside for a while in order to get their bearings. As the logic goes, a God who is not on board with the LGBTQ agenda is not a God worth serving. Role. It gives you something to hold on to. Deconstructing from certain Statements of Faith doesnt mean you have to jettison the Christian faith altogetherin fact for many of us, its put the focus back on Jesus and the fire back in our faith! These discoveries challenged the underpinnings of his whole theological system, but like all of us he was encouraged to press on through with his questions without fear because: All truth is Gods truth. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Why ban a Tim Keller or Ravi Zacharias book when you can create a community in which no one will want to read one? It would appear that despite how destabilizing and difficult their deconstruction processes were, they no longer, The sad reality is that, for the deconverted, disbelief isnt sufficient. I was crushed. Im reasonably certain that you dont burn in hell because you were intellectual curious and honest. Ray Comfort explains the reason why this happens so often with those who used to believe in Christianity. your local one size fits all faith is THE faithwell, youre going to be in Blend that with Rhett and Links magnetic personalities, and its no wonder the faith of many Christians has been unsettled. Because of his feelings. But heres the thing; spiritual deconstruction is in many ways just spiritual puberty. This is why growth is stunted, why people abandon the faith: our church is too shallow for roots to dig deep. Its like trying on a different head just for a little while. Rhett and Link met each other way back in Elementary school in North Carolina and they've stuck together into adulthood, at one time passing through a ministry phase as full-time staffers with Campus Crusade (now called Cru ). That the simple childlike answers of your youth which at one time gave such clarity and certainty no longer sufficed. But as Christians we should be encouraged to remember that for every Rhett and Link, theres a Lee Strobel, a J. Warner Wallace, a Holly Ordway, a C. S. Lewis, and a Rosaria Butterfield who tested their beliefs against the evidence, and found their atheism wanting. As an actor playing a character on a TV show, my access was limited. Theres a lot of other people on it. Later on, Wade asks Rhett if he understands little boys, and Rhett bitterly says he does. The two men, known for their daily Good Mythical Morningbroadcast, have, over the last few years, gone through what they have described as their spiritual deconstruction[s]. After having spent years in young adult ministry, Rhett and Link now call themselves hopeful agnostics.. If I wouldve found out he was a former Christian now identifying as agnostic, it would have broken my heart. Rhett & Link are celebrating their 10-year anniversary and the 21st season of their show, Good Mythical Morning Released on 01/27/2022 Transcript We should be pretty good at this. Unfortunately, much of the church and pastoral leadership seems committed to stopping the proper spiritual development of Christians and instead choose to keep them artificially in a state of spiritual arrested development. This is the effect the gospel has, and we should expect these types of reactions. About 24 minutes into the podcast, Rhett compares the development of human DNA to an instruction manual that gets two pages permanently stuck together, leaving the headers and footers in place to show exactly where one ends and the other begins. I did not have a personal tragedybut I was angry at the thinkers. Tokyo is a recurring joke on Good Mythical Morning. SUBSCRIBE to Faithwires (free) YouTube channel. Can nothing make something? I suppose Im still partially sympathetic toward the people whose job it is to make sense of these things on behalf of the church. I hope youll take the time to watch/listen to the show for yourself, along with the follow-up episode in which Link tells his own story about how he left his faith behind after he became an adult. I didnt have the opportunity to open my laptop (they didnt yet exist) or turn on our home computer (we didnt own one), hop on YouTube, and watch my future husband walk me through his breakfast choices, morning drive, and whimsical musings. We homeschool because the public education system is a liberal conspiracy to brainwash children into believing things like global warning is real. Governor Bullock's presence at Scarlett's crush made Melanie feel. And, think of what the Apostle Paul said in his first letter to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 15) where he said that if it isnt true that Jesus rose from the dead, then we need to be pitied more than anyone else. He feared that truth would be lost in a sea of irrelevance.. Who do you think you are? people will say to them. They no longer identify as Christians so it is not judgmental to refer to them this way.) Childers has recently become the go to apologist for Evangelicals who go astray having flirted with deconstruction herself but then (whew) successfully managed to pull herself back from the postmodern abyss. It's easy Christianity-it left Jesus out a long time ago. Before this week I did not, and now that I think about it, it explains A LOT. Rhett and Link met each other way back in Elementary school in North Carolina and they've stuck together into adulthood, at one time passing through a ministry phase as full-time staffers with. Later in Pauls ministry, however, he writes that Demas ended up loving the present world more than the things of God and walked away (2 Tim. Do you see the problem? Yes, there is certainly a degree to which Rhett and Link's typical YEC background left them ill-prepared to think carefully about evolutionary arguments, setting them up for anger and. admit in the podcast that moving to L.A. did free them of some constraints that While Rhett and Link spend some time talking about their post-Christian lives in the deconstruction episodes, they devote the lion's share of the time to looking back on the life and belief. Evolutionary theory doesnt have a sufficient cause for the universe coming into existence out of nothing. He is still living as if he has value, that there is a purpose to his life and the lives of his family, that there is a standard of morality that people should follow, and that it matters how someone chooses to live their lives. God draws people to Jesus, He saves them, and He doesnt lose any of them. Help train Christians to boldly share the good news of Jesus Christ in a way that clearly communicates to this secular age. With guest appearances on, their stars have been rising for the past few years, swelling their net worth to an estimated $23 million. Indeed they become: From the short exposure Ive had to the spiritual journey of Rhett and Link it seems they will produce even more love, joy, peace, gentleness, and kindness that Jesus says will come from those who are following him. For example, in 2016, they worked on a scripted television show called Rhett & Link's Buddy System that saw the pair act in a bid to entertain their viewers. I hope in the future they will explore that question a bit more, as well as their differing orientations toward hopefulness for the future of our species. The most recentand arguably most influentialone has come from entertainers and YouTube sensations Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal of the Good Mythical Morning channel and Ear Biscuits podcast. When Rhett says hes read all the Ravi Zacharias books and found them uncompelling, the church kid probably wont even bother with more than 30 books, containing decades worth of complex and carefully thought-out arguments that have been tested by time, debate, and rigorous scholarship. Demas traded eternal hope for earthly treasure. Could it be that the cultural influences driving these, Rhett was careful to say he doesnt think these apologists are intentionally deceiving anyone. / Politics / Trump / Uncategorized, find a Statement of Faith list of things you will need to believe, had to the spiritual journey of Rhett and Link. But then I remember this is part of how they protect themselves, knowing too well the fragility of their own faith. They acknowledge that Christianity, The apostle Paul identifies his friend Demas as a fellow worker who was with him while imprisoned in Rome (Philem. How would it affect their revenue streams and net worth to remain faithful Christians in todays cultural climate? When the teenage years come and the questions and pushing the boundaries begin most churches are ill-equipped to handle it. Like in biological puberty where one begins to form an adult identity separate from their parents and begin to wrestle with the understanding that the world is much more complex and nuanced than originally thought. It gives you stability. The sad reality is that, for the deconverted, disbelief isnt sufficient. Watching people eat bugs and murderously hot peppers isnt really my thing, but its a different story for my kids. Confession: When I was a kid, I was in love with, As much as I felt undying love for Ricky Schroder, I knew little about him. Rhett and Link have grown their brand performing hilarious satirical songs and engaging in zany stunts such as duct-taping themselves together, playing wedgie-hangman, crushing glow sticks in a meat-grinder, and flinging bags of dog feces at one another's faces. I cant help but notice the similarities. I often joke that most of the people I Why were so many people rattled and even persuaded by them? Rhett led off with his intellectual doubts and Link countered with an emotional appeal. In later episodes, Rhett and Link each go into depth describing what led them, ultimately, to deny their earlier faith. Confession: When I was a kid, I was in love with Ricky Schroder. I guess my biggest frustration with what he is saying is that he is painting the picture that if you are a Christian you are not allowed to have any doubts, but if you arent a Christian then you dont have to believe in anything. But then on top of all this, adding insult to injury, they keep underestimating the sincerity of our search, which may be the thing that stings the most of all. Alisa Childers wrote a piece for The Gospel Coalition critiquing Rhett & Links shared spiritual deconstruction from evangelical Christianity. .Both said they are no longer evangelical Christians with Rhett saying he would call himself "a hopeful agnostic" and Link saying he would call himself "an agnostic who wants to be hopeful". For many people deconstructing, so much of their world revolves around their church community. What about the beginning? For more than a decade, Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal have made videos together under the name Rhett & Link, cementing their bromance as one of YouTube's most memorable partnerships.In a recent vlog, McLaughlin and Neal who have been buddies since the first grade took their friendship to another level. Second, he was troubled by the fact that he needed certainty and couldnt get it. I could barely stay in my car seat listening to Rhetts story. This! The lesson we can learn from the Rhett and Link story is to observe the power of the media platform, recognize the roadblocks of the new apostles of unbelief, and keep a humble eye to history, remembering that our Savior told us some would fall away. Ive heard these things described dozens of times by now, but never before by guys I know my still-believing daughters have been watching for years. After abandoning a Young Earth view of the cosmos, Rhett wrestled next with the historicity of the rest of the Old Testament (the stuff about Jesus would have to wait till later). fear that if they stopped believing in this The same goes for apologetics in general, doesnt it? The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. And it gives you community. He even says that he understands the argument that you cant have a moral law without a moral law Giver But then he says, that he just doesnt know. Then the format changed. In Book VIII, Chapter IV of Confessions, St. Augustine relates the conversion of a famed Roman rhetorician, Victorinus, whose public conversion caused great rejoicing. The stories themselves werent so different from others that have lit up social media over the past few years. I didnt want to believe thisI didnt want to leave this thing. She's been showing up less and less on the main series so I've suspected for a . Their shift away from Christianity, though, raises quite a few red flags, especially given so much of it seems to hinge on their own experiences and desire to embrace the LGBTQ community. Earlier faith to make sense of these things on behalf of the resurrection, and Indian,. Was also to grab my computer and start typing refutations with the agenda. 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