Have your life jacket on, have attached in some manner, a small flashlight waterproofed with rubber sheaths, whistle, a mirror, and your 45-caliber pistol strapped on loaded with a clip of 45-caliber tracer. If you have any irritation, growth, or pain go to sick bay. One of the most important features here is the auxiliary steering apparatus. Just observe all the rules and all will be safe. The day room is usually taken over by the engineers. PT Boat Crew Accommodation Three officers and 14 enlisted members can fit on a PT boat. Four very serious PT boat fires directly attributable to improperly handled gasoline have recently occurred, so geez, fellows, try to be careful 'cause it's no fun to be spread all over the earth with that gal back in Fall River awaitin'. Another check for leaks besides sniffing and looking, is this: Feel the fuel pump drain tube. Sampson Post.-Is indispensable in anchoring. T.P.-11, Pointers on Traveling to Toyko (Save That Fuel Oil), T.P.-12, About Requisitions The popular belief was that a small number of boats would blaze in with high speed, launch their torpedoes to destroy enemy capital ship with all guns pumping, and make their escape against the backdrop of the enemy cruiser in an fiery inferno. A screw thrown through your bottom will fill up your lazarette in short order. Through the Mindoro Strait, with a brief stop at Cuyo Islands west of Panay, and a near run-in with a Japanese cruiser west of Negros, PT-41 and accompanying PT boats delivered MacArthur and his family to Cagayan, Mindanao, Philippine Islands. This is an introduction to PT Boats for crews' in training. Study them. Soap, shaving gear (except razors) are usually available. Instead, these unarmored boats typically approached enemy ships in relative quietness to conceal their approaches, launch torpedoes while hoping the torpedo wakes would not be detected, and escape in high speed only if the targets were hit and the resulting flames illuminated their position. Kowal and Drawdy were injured on July 19, 1943 by a Japanese aircraft attack. Stay in the boat's wake and in the same spot, if possible, and start whistling and firing your tracer. A PT looks very peculiar without a charthouse. Also it covers the glass which glares in the moonlight. Have a screw driver handy with which to do your poking around. Oil or grease causes the collection of dust and other abrasives which may be injurious to the gun and also may result in hazardous chamber pressures. Based on a true story, The Rebels Of PT-218 follows the intrepid crew of an American torpedo boat, one of the first to encounter action in the Mediterranean Theater at the height of WWII. The best watch straps are canvas (no metal parts). Your rocket launching and electrical equipment require even greater care than the other equipment aboard-watch over it and keep it in readiness for that big moment. If she's slimy to the touch she needs a scrubbing. Carry at least two megaphones. 5. That is, destroy all confidential gear beyond recognition and other gear beyond repair. Learn your recognition procedure cold. Cheap canvas luggage (will not rot or mildew as rapidly as leather and is lighter). Don't be like one boot who ducked down inside his "armored" turret during an attack and then later when he discovered that the turret was made of 3/4" plywood he fainted. Strong springs should be kept in your feed pawls. Note how reverberations shake the gunner's body. Login / . Allies armies. Osceola WI: MBI Publishing Co., 1999. 3. Extra watch straps. A mask will increase your swimming pleasure 100 percent. See your educational officer or write to the USAFI (U. S. Armed Forces Institute), Madison, Wisconsin. of the Web's universal accessibility. The three boats spread out to make a picket line across the strait. Take your shoes and socks off at least every 24 hours. All comment submissions will become the property of WW2DB. You may not seem to have malaria while in the combat zone, but when you come home, it is liable to come out openly. Fresh water tanks should be inspected. This provides the builders specifications for PT 565-624. 18. A safety plug is secured to the side of the firing panel by a safety chain. 8. When you hit something with a 20-mm., you really do some damage. Engines, like men, need air. Elco boat PT-41, commanded by Lieutenant John D. Bulkeley of Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Three, took them off of the island bastion of Corregidor. This fire-fighting apparatus combines foam with water, thus making it an ideal smotherer of any type fire. U. S. Small Combatants, Including PT Boats, Subchasers, and the Brown Water Navy: An Illustrated Design History. Gear should not be piled or stowed on top of them. 9. Out of the companies that built prototypes for review, the Electric Launch Corporation ("Elco", a division of the Electric Boat Company), Higgins Industries, and Huckins Yacht Company won contracts, with Elco receiving the largest share of the overall contract. When in use, be sure they are not in contact with sharp projections on the deck and protect them from chafing and puncture. However, to get the highest holding power of the anchor you must pay out enough line to do the job. Nelson, Curtis L.Hunters in the Shallows: A History of the PT Boat. Great attention must be paid to gas leaks both inside and outside of the engine. (Pot-bellied RR guys in overalls, civilians in suits, RR work crews, etc.) But to be proud of it you must know what it is made of and what it can do. Wooden-hulled, 80 feet long with a 20-foot, 8-inch beam, the Elco PT boats had three 12-cylinder Packard gasoline engines generating a total of 4,500 horsepower for a designed speed of 41. Gunnery Locker.-This is a spacious tubby hole located about amidships. Check it out Enter Giveaway $50.00 386 saves . Maintain them for the one important purpose for which they are issued-Life Saving. Dirt from the cockpit has often clogged this drain. Two light coats are better than one heavy coat, and that goes double for the bottom paint, too. This section has been inserted by request of countless men about to leave for the war zone.. I found a site for Ron 11 and their boats. Poole, UK: Blandford Press, 1980. Books on geography are surprisingly interesting. Little can be said about them here for security reasons. Page 394/395. 1. Likewise, observe all the health requirements put out by your squadron doctor. Learn the connections and valves. Be prepared. The loader should continuously tell the gunner how many rounds he has left so that the gunner can keep his eyes glued to the target. Likewise, the loader should keep the magazine as full as possible so that weight will be evenly distributed and the gun will be fed steadily. I have been working on these since the mid 1970's.If anyone needs any info I may be able to help you. Differences in PT Boat Construction. Other such valuable bits of information are contained in this manual. Cleaning and light oiling of the barrel and block are all the servicing required. 1. It is rare to have fresh meat and when issued it comes in 100-pound quantities. Dry them well-especially between the toes. Good results have been had with a ratio of 1 AP and 3 HE. See special note from Garth. Here are the first five rules when you are handing over a gun or tearing it down: The old saying, "Fire is a good servant, but a bad master," applies well to PTs whose wood and gasoline are wonderful ingredients for a roaring fire. In reality that type of attacks might had been deployed, but those types of attacks would be rare as high speed attacks would attract too much attention, and even a single near-miss from a destroyer shell would often seriously threaten the integrity of hulls. 3. E. L. COCHRANE, Any added precautions that you learn from your own experience should also be observed and passed along. Search Light: Be sure the "safety", provided in the circuit, is in good condition and is in the "off" position except when in use (to preclude accidental lighting). It is never safe to attempt the stopping of a hot deck run. Prima Cord usually requires a cap to ignite it. 9. All Rights Reserved. 11. You will learn to depend on it. The secret of keeping healthy in the tropics is primarily, be clean! Soap box for soap (good to keep cigarettes dry). See, feel, and know the operation, maintenance, and purpose of every piece of equipment on the boat. Thick, heavy coats will blister and crack. Athlete's foot is the usual ailment. Self-Sealing Tanks.-Points to make note of on self-sealing tanks: 2. Take care of it. This booklet was created months before the end of a deadly, bitterly fought war with Imperial Japan. 1. Transmission security for both radios is greatly enhanced by the use of follow-the leader tactics, basic formations, and courses established before leaving the base, and prearranged rendezvous points and times if the boats get separated. Get your instructions. You may have a slow number and not know by just looking at her. Check your allotments. If you lack a towing bridle the sampson post will suffice. For valuable aids in operation and on your equipment see MTB Communication Manual, 1944. Vietnamese Fishing Boat. Accidents can and do happen. Patrol torpedo boats were fast, heavily armed ships used for cutting enemy supply lines. USA Officers and soldiers models on a pose mode. Also, if a vessel has a permanent crew with a commanding officer assigned, it is more than likely a ship. If you follow this procedure you may save an eventual major job by a base force. Cracks in paint around structural members will show movement. After the fall of the Philippine Islands, they continued to play important roles in the Pacific War, and were the centerpieces of a propaganda campaign. Galley.-Here is where the "cook" heats up the cans. Gun.-To the "Barge Hunters" this is a fondly loved gun. It is preferable to use your ram rod first with both guns. This space is also a good spot in which to stow canned goods and your spare anchor, as well as spare soap and toilet tissue. It should be operated uncaged at all times under way. Take a musical instrument if it can stand the gaff. T.P.-3, Pointers on Steam Systems and Their Auxiliaries Vents.-Not to be used as cleats. Keep it clean; and dry it out every day. Know where your CO2 release valves are. Failure to do this has sent more than one PT man to his death. Leave nothing for the enemy. T.P.-16, Take Care of Your Ship's Salvage Equipment, Copyright 2013, Maritime Park Association. Water on any naval vessel is valuable. Towing rigs have saved boats and men many times in the combat areas. Appoint a trustworthy lawyer or an intelligent trustworthy friend to take care of things which may come up during your absence (e. g. if you inherited property from a wealthy relative while across). Early Elco boats had two 20mm guns, four .50-caliber machine guns, and two or four 21-inch torpedo tubes. In this context it is not surprising that there are cartoons and text with depictions of Imperial Japanese forces that are offensive in today's context. These boats earned a fearsome reputation among the Japanese, who called them "devil boats." Higgins built 199 or 205 PTs, depending on which figures are used. The seventh MTB of the PT-103 class, her keel was laid 4 March 1942, she was launched on 20 June, and delivered to the Navy on 10 July 1942 to be fitted out in the New York Naval Shipyard in Brooklyn. The list follows, in the raw: 12 sets underwear. They often make it into an ideal clubhouse except that smoking is absolutely prohibited in the day room. Lt. (jg) John F. Kennedy, USNR, was in command when PT-109 was rammed by a Japanese destroyer and sunk. Inspect your mask regularly for defects. Only through them can you know your engine room. Then you will know in times of action how to put tension on a magazine and how to blind load. Electrolysis will eat holes in the pipe carrying salt water to the head. Remarkably vivid descriptions of how, where, and when to enjoy such feasts are given in confidential publications available to you. Learn all the charthouse jobs of the other rates. Always swim in pairs. Do not make a radio check when leaving for patrol. This precaution is particularly applicable with a 20-mm gun. The prime point to remember is load the shells at the proper angle- nose canted downward. * Fahey, James C.The Ships and Aircraft of the U. S. Fleet. This type of practice, "blind cocking and blind loading" is invaluable. Mr.. So long as each one of these members is doing its job the integral strength of the PT hull structure can be maintained. [Includes useful appendixes. It will not protect you from smoke or carbon monoxide, or any oxygen-deficient area. monitor stations on land and they have made many experiments with VHF type of equipment. This database contains U.S. Navy muster rolls and associated reports of changes for U.S. Navy enlisted personnel who served on U.S. Navy ships or in other naval activities between 31 January 1938 and 31 December 1949. Originally Posted by RCBoater. Stow your mask in a dry place away from excessive heat. So also on a PT which is often based on an island with no fresh-water supply. Be proud of your boat. Most Popular NASA confirms 1,000-pound meteor caused . You invite Hirohito to a duck dinner and he ends up cooking his own goose. Keep clear and use your ram rod. The World War II Database is founded and managed by If a vessel is manned only part of the time (when it is in actual use), it is probably a boat. PT boats tactics and operations. manual. ww2dbaseHiggins built 199 PT boats for the US Navy immediately before and during WW2. Preparations for those already having the infection are available at sick bay. In 1943 in the Solomons, three of these 77-foot PT boats,PT 59,PT 60andPT 61,were even converted into gunboats by stripping the boat of all original armament except for the two twin .50 caliber gun mounts, and then adding two 40mm guns and four more twin .50 caliber machine guns. So keep him in good humor by mess cooking without griping and helping him get supplies. "Know Your PT Boat," July 1945, was created very near the end of WW II to use as an introduction to PT Boats for crews' in training. Destroyers 137 Arctic(AF7 . Swimming and fishing over the stern are great pastimes. In this online version of the manual we have attempted to keep the flavor of the original layout while taking advantage When fired, rockets produce a large blast effect to the rear. Everyone wears a jacket on patrol. 20-mm. Be sure the valve is shut after the bowl is flushed or else you will start to ship water. Be sure to check website at www.savetheptboatinc.com. This disease appears generally on the feet (between the toes) at first. Ear plugs are helpful in preventing fungus infection. He may serve you breakfast in bed some morning. Let the time nozzles control your density of smoke. US Navy PT Boat Lists The "Mosquito Boats" of WWII These lists, generously provided by Steve Laroe, detail the famous PT Boats of the WWII era. This little booklet is to help you achieve that one purpose. T.P.-2, Pointers On Turbine Operation Have a drip pan properly placed or the meat juices will leak into the bilges and in a week you'll be accused of carrying a dead Jap around in your bilges. 7. Of course, there are better ways of feasting on Japs than that but before you can set yourself down to one of those exciting and pleasurable repasts you have to know the "etiquette" of such a banquet. Such an accident is well to discuss here for it is in fact "abandoning ship", though involuntarily. He may leave his "stinger" in you. When your mask is issued to you, don't lay it aside and forget about it. Like the radio gear, operate it daily. Keep the sound phones in good shape. I have been working on the PT Boaters MIA/KIA list and I have located and/or Identified what happened to them. For the Naval Institute reprints see OCLC 10036394, OCLC 10036390, OCLC 10036385 and OCLC 11099658. Practice your signalling (semaphore and blinker). Performance curves prove the books are right. (jg.) T.P.-9, Know Your PT Boat Malaria is the chief threat to your health not only in the area but in later life. This is a plastic model kit of a 1/35 Scale Set of WWII German Front-Line Infantymen made by Tamiya. Demolition outfits should be on each boat. We aren't blaming him for being scared but we are blaming him for not knowing his boat. Keep your vessel well painted. In temperate zones and especially in the Tropics any food particles left about will attract insects and bugs. The story of Kennedy and PT-59 begins on the morning of August 2, 1943, in the Solomon Islands, when PT-109. Small Arms.-Will be in your gunnery locker. It can and has turned out American, Italian, French, Chinese, and even Japanese cuisine. All three of these men were injured on previous patrols and were not on board when the PT-109 was sunk. However, this text was captured by optical character recognition and then encoded for the Web which has added new errors we wish to correct. In addition to the balsa raft, each boat is equipped with two 7-man 'lubber rafts which are ideal for abandoning ship. It is desirable that the rack be exercised and inspected by competent personnel weekly. Rides are offered only on Saturday with limited availability. The crew of the 109 also found themselves on patrol in and around the remote islands serving as lookouts for the larger more formidable Japanese destroyers and cruisers that may attempt to attack US warships or US Marines on beach heads in the New Georgia-Rendova area. Keep your manifold gauges running equally. But this distinction runs into shoal water with such things as PT boats, whichdespite the namewere organized and used much like ships. Other countries built similar boats, from the Italian MAS to the Germans Schnellboots. 2. T.P.-6, Pointers on Shipboard Ventilation The tendency is for the gasoline to accumulate around the hull, particularly the mufflers. First know the launching gear. Air frequently, for shells are subject to "sweating.". As mentioned, 199 total Higgins 78-foot boats were eventually built and these included designations PT-71 . X in the Solomons effectively scared a Jap destroyer that was bearing down on a PT by using a depth charge. The goal of this ww2dbaseWith that said, however, PT boats in WW2 were more often deployed against barges rather than warships, which explained why most boats were retrofitted with machine guns and cannons. Dust, dirt, fibers, and even hair may cause your gun to jam. Always keep recognition gear ready and in reach. Both AP and HE have tracer. 12 handkerchiefs. Navato, CA: Presidio Press, 1999. Its flexibility, ease of firing, destructive power, and flat trajectory make it a grand gun against targets at moderate range. T.P.-5, Hang On To Your Line This is important knowledge for everyone on the boat. 4. 15. It is possible, though, for both to be disabled at the same time and both must evacuate. Enemy tanks and trucks also appear on the tally sheet. Through this web site I will endeavor to provide up-to-date research on things like camouflage schemes and armament packages and the like. Be sure the packing is tight and that you do not pump while the faucet is closed. Aside from the actual firing of the guns the important thing is the preparation. ptboatguru@gmail.com Higgins 78' Boat Schnellboot latest detail - see latest news page Motor Torpedo Boat PT-109 PT boat DescriptionPT-109 was a PT boat last commanded by Lieutenant, junior grade John F. Kennedy, in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Observe the no smoking rules. Each man on board will be responsible for certain kinds of gear to haul along. Below decks is accessible through several other hatches. With accommodations for 3 officers and 14 men, the crew varied from 12 to 14. Kennedy's actions to save his surviving crew after the sinking of PT-109 made him a war hero. TECHNICAL PUBLICATION NO. You will do most of your own laundry, so get a Kiyi brush. As cleats namewere organized and used much like ships in the area but later... Created months before the end of a 1/35 Scale Set of WWII German Front-Line Infantymen made Tamiya... 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