When they left, they burnt down all the food, took the animals with them, and some source said that they even put the poison into the water, i don't remember the poison is true or not. Their initial charge broken, the Pagan troops nevertheless continued their advance, and the two sides engaged in a pitched battle for some time. [26], Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, the Pope's envoy to the Mongol Great Khan, traveled through Kiev in February 1246 and wrote:.mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, They [the Mongols] attacked Rus, where they made great havoc, destroying cities and fortresses and slaughtering men; and they laid siege to Kiev, the capital of Rus; after they had besieged the city for a long time, they took it and put the inhabitants to death. Another problem was rampaging Polovtsians who had fled the Mongol onslaught further east and were now raiding at will in Hungarian lands. Cite This Work Karnow, Stanley. [27], The Mongol invasions displaced populations on a scale never seen before in central Asia or eastern Europe. Another utterly ruthless strategy was to use prisoners as human shields when Mongol troops advanced on a fortified city unwise enough to put up resistance, even to dress up prisoners as Mongol warriors and march them in the front ranks so that defenders wasted their precious arrows on killing their own compatriots. For example, after the conquest of Urgench, each Mongol warrior in an army of perhaps two tumens (20,000 troops) was required to execute 24 people, or nearly half a million people per said army. The inhabitants of Kiev were put to the sword just as they had been elsewhere. The Mongol invasions of Korea occurred from 1231 to 1259 when the Mongol Empire invaded Korea, forcing the Goryeo dynasty to become tributaries of the Mongols. While various dynasties continued to compete, it was not until the successful invasion of the Mongols that most of China was again reunited--as part of the Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan. But anyways, the invaders got no food, they also had to fight against the disease in a tropical country. Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. When the Mongols invaded Szechuan in 1258, the khan spread rumors that his 40,000 force actually numbered 100,000. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. Secondly, 'why didn't X do Y' questions are sometimes phrased in an ahistorical way. The 75,000 Mongol invaders faced an army of 150,000 Xi Xia troops near their capital at Zhongxing. The Mongolian actually almost took Vietnam successfully in their first time. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. This was more than mere setback, this was an abject humiliation. Western travellers began to visit East Asia, a region that had hitherto been a legendary land of monsters - a view the Chinese also held in regard to Europe. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. According to the chronicles, the Mongols did not dare storm Kyiv, impressed by its grandeur. Also, merchants were granted more social status during the Mongol rule. It marked the beginning of the Mongol Conquest of the Islamic States, and it also expanded the Mongol invasions, which would ultimately culminate in conquest of virtually the entire known world save western Europe, Scandinavia, Arabia, north Africa, part of southeast Asia, and Japan. Finally, the Mongols had one of the greatest military commanders of all time, Subutai Ba'adur (1176-1248 CE). Unknown Artist (Public Domain) Ogedei Khan. In 1239 the Mongols led by Batu Khan began the invasion of Ukraine. This called into question not only his competence as the ruler of Great Yuan, but shattered the near-mythical perception of Mongol invincibility across the region. Khubilai had replied by dispatching his General Nasir al-Din in 1277 to lead an expedition to Pagan and mete out appropriate Mongol justice on the southern king. Neither the Russians or the major European powers could organise themselves sufficiently to adequately meet the five-pronged attack the Mongols had launched or deal with their swift cavalry, incendiary-firing catapults and terror tactics. So, the real question is not why didnt they, but rather why didnt it work there, then when they had already managed to achieve much greater victories?. ", Last edited on 18 February 2023, at 20:58, conflict between the Mongols and Eastern European polities, 12161220 conquest of Central Asia and Eastern Persia, 12201223, 12351330 invasions of Georgia and the Caucasus, 12511259 invasion of Persia, Syria and Mesopotamia, 12531256 Mongol campaign against the Nizaris, Lists of battles of the Mongol invasion of Europe, List of battles of the Mongol invasion of Kievan Rus', List of wars and anthropogenic disasters by death toll, Political divisions and vassals of the Mongol Empire, "Biological Weapons: covert threats to Global Health Security", "History of biological warfare and bioterrorism", "Pluvials, droughts, the Mongol Empire, and modern Mongolia", World Timelines Western Asia AD 12501500 Later Islamic, "Elite violence and elite numeracy in Europe from 500 to 1900 CE: roots of the divergence", "Twentieth Century Atlas Historical Body Count", "Biological Warfare at the 1346 Siege of Caffa", The Mongols and the Armenians (12201335), Battuta's Travels: Part Three Persia and Iraq, The Tran Dynasty and the Defeat of the Mongols, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mongol_invasions_and_conquests&oldid=1140177188, Devastation throughout Southeastern and Central Europe, including, This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 20:58. In the 14th-15th centuries, China and Iran continued to be under Mongol control, while the Mughal state in India lasted into the 19th century and was influenced by the earlier Mongol invasions. Despite trying a new strategy of setting up a main base of operations in Vietnam to launcher further invasions into the interior, the Mongols were faced with another war of attrition. A decade and a half later, no further intelligence had been gained. Ogedei realised that solving the second problem and being then able to impose taxes on conquered peoples would also solve the first problem. They not only brought ferocious mobility to warfare but they were, thanks to their flexibility, quickly adept at other types of battle, too, like siege warfare and the use of gunpowder missiles and catapults, all very far from traditional nomadic warfare. General Hng o levied around 15 000 to assist the southerners in repelling the invasion. According to Brian Landers, "One empire in particular exceeded any that had gone before, and crossed from Asia into Europe in an . Batu possession constituted the westernmost part - ulus Dzhuchi: there was a state Golden Horde. Please read the rules before participating, as we remove all comments which break the rules. This was much to his benefit in many respects but that sword cut both ways, as it served as Aha! There are the nominal answers (which have validity, Im not denying that) of the Great Mongol Khanate understanding that it had the express mandate to control the entire Earth, and seeing all foreign states as vassals whether they liked it or not. Web. Understand that rule breaking comments get removed. Retrieved from https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1453/the-mongol-invasion-of-europe/. The Mongol conquest of China was a series of major military efforts by the Mongol Empire to invade China proper. [13] Alans were recruited into the Mongol forces with one unit called "Right Alan Guard" which was combined with "recently surrendered" soldiers. I'll first start by saying that I have not studied the Mongol Empire in any professional setting (as of yet), but do considerable reading on them when I get the chance. The Mongols were not accustomed to being outnumbered. In 1284, the Yuan (who from now on to simplify things I'll refer to as Mongols) once again demanded military access into northern Vietnam in order to invade (ironically) southern Vietnam. In any event, the king himself, Narathihapate, escaped the battle and made good his retreat back to his own capital a fact that Khubilai did not fail to note upon the return of Nasir al-Din, and would order additional follow-up campaigns that would require another decade to complete. Whether Vietnam recognizes it or not . In contrast with later "empires of the sea" such as European colonial powers, the Mongol Empire was a land power, fueled by the grass-foraging Mongol cavalry and cattle. In 1216, after the Mongol Empire's conquest of the Khitans, the Khitans invaded Goryeo Korea. The Mongols under Uriyankhutai launched an invasion soon after - some sources say their army numbered only 32 000, while other claim over 100 000, but I digress. The Mongols did not advance far into the Holy Roman Empire and there was no major clash of arms on its territory. He then continued expansion via conquest of the Qara Khitai[9] and the Khwarazmian dynasty. His successor, his son Ogodei, led the Mongols into Russia in 1235 and into Eastern Europe by . Graziella Caselli, Gillaume Wunsch, Jacques Vallin (2005). Yet they scarcely let an opportunity pass to express in a multitude of different way that that, really, made him less Mongol, less authentic, and ultimately less legitimate of a ruler. The Mongols did not spare Europe. The Mongol invasion of Japan was the last major exploit of the Mongol Empire. Henry was killed and his head paraded on a spike, and the battle of Liegnitz became a highpoint in the invasion campaign; it was also the most westerly point reached. The Yuan dynasty established the top-level government agency Bureau of Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs to govern Tibet, which was conquered by the Mongols and put under Yuan rule. Mongols in South-East Asia Mongol empire expansion Present-day Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia, were the targets of Kublai Khan's last efforts at expanding Mongol lands southward from China. All the while, the Emperor instituted a scorched earth policy against the invaders, denying them food sources, lodgings, and most importantly for a mobile army, intact infrastructure. Alright, well, lets get one thing straight right off the bat the Mongols, or at least the shard of them under Khubilai Khan known as the Yuan Dynasty of China absolutely did try to conquer Southeast Asia, including all of the territories you mentioned. Their second invade was not different from the first one, they did it with a bigger army. Disaster followed disaster, Torshok was another city that fell, this time after a prolonged resistance, on 23 March 1238 CE. Quite infamously, both times the Japanese defenders were greatly aided by unseasonable storms and typhoons hitting almost exactly as the Sino-Mongol forces made landfall, smashing the Korean-captained ships against the coastal rocks, and stranding the armies to be mopped up to a man by the Shogunates samurai legions. One might be led to believe that this would indeed mean that the Mongols succeeded in conquering Vietnam with its Emperor fleeing and capital vulnerable, but for a still unknown reason, Uriyankhutai and his horsemen left Vietnam only days later, having been apparently ordered to return to China for another war against the remnants of the Song dynasty. Food & Drink Related to jerky, what 'B' is the Southern African term for dried, cured meat?. The Japanese learned for the first time that tradition would not stand the test of time, a lesson that would be repeated in the Meiji Period . Each soldier was given a quota of enemies to execute according to circumstances. He was, in fact, Evitable. Another advantage was that the Mongols knew how to exploit internal divisions in the enemy and stir up old rivalries that could weaken alliances, information often acquired by spies and merchants. While Europe continued as before in terms of power structures and rulers, the invasions in Russia and huge parts of western Asia overturned the status quo and these places remained under the 'Tartar yoke' for over a century. First and foremost the death, destruction and forced displacement of peoples must rank high in any list of immediate consequences. The rest of Eastern and Central Europe was only saved by the death of Ogedei Khan (r. 1229-1241 CE) which caused the Mongols to retreat. Mongol Empire was redistributed into four parts (ulus). He was supposedly killed by bandits but the Mongols suspected the Koreans and had it not been for a strain of Mongol military resources elsewhere, invasion would have occurred then and there. [7] The rise of the Mongols was preceded by 15 years of wet and warm weather conditions from 1211 to 1225 that allowed favourable conditions for the breeding of horses, which greatly assisted their expansion.[8]. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Under the rule of the country, covering territory from the Urals and Western Siberia to the Black Sea, appeared all Rus-Ukraine. Another sea-borne Mongol invasion failed in Java in 1292. The senior commanders would be needed to discuss and vote for the next khan in a traditional meeting of all the Mongol tribes. In effect, for the final decade-and-a-half of his reign, Khubilai was "Governing Under the Influence" of possibly the most toxic combination of chemicals: grief and booze. There is at least a ceremonial excuse in that. Pagan's rule of central Burma came to an end ten years later in 1297 when it was toppled by Myinsaing. Al-Din, realizing conventional tactics would be useless, as the Mongol horses refused to do anything but flee before the elephants, ordered his men to tie them up within the dense forest nearby, and form a battle-line on foot with bows and arrows knocked and at the ready. Unfortunately, the destruction of the Vietnamese army left their capital undefended. The invasion of Hungary happened well after the death of notorious Mongol leader Genghis Khan in 1227. Although some . The new khan was faced with two major problems at the outset of his reign: first, the imperial treasury was empty and riches were badly needed to keep the Mongol army loyal, and second, the Mongols had defeated many armies and deposed just as many rulers but they had very little in the way of a state apparatus, bureaucracy or government which would allow them to effectively rule these conquered territories. Khubilai and all the rest had long ago had to come to terms with the simple fact that none of them were going to rule the four corners of the World or anything quite so grandiose. The Mongol army rode to meet them on 9 April, promptly employed their tried-and-tested false retreat tactic, then attacked again under a smoke cover provided by burning the reeds thereabouts. Not only did the Mongols not have a naval force to match, but the Chinese fleet could further limit Mongol movement and even outflank their cavalry at times. However, they failed to penetrate past the outskirts of Delhi and were repelled from the interior of India. Kallie Szczepanski. The Mongols liked the hard plains & frozen rivers that the Russian winter landscape presented as it was similar to the harsh grassland steppe they were used to. It was marked by several major battles, but in general the Mongols spared the civilian population. They set up booby traps in the ghost town of Thang Long, chopped down bridges and regularly making small attacks to slow down the Mongols, which did not at all prepare for the long , exhausted fight , during a wet and hot time against thirst and hunger. Answers must be in-depth and comprehensive, or they will be removed. They regularly used subterfuge to confuse the enemy and were quick to . https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1453/the-mongol-invasion-of-europe/. This is what transpired with ministers and officials being sent to govern various regions and supervise local tax collectors. That is the tactic that Ngo Quyen king used to deal with Chinese in 981 on the same river. Meanwhile, yet another Mongol army pursued Bela into Croatia, sacking Zagreb along the way, then moving into Bosnia and Albania, and finally heading towards the Caspian Sea and Sarai which would become the capital of what became known as the Golden Horde. 1274 CE the mongol Invasion of Japan began when Kublai Khan sent fleets of men and ships to China and Japan in hopes of conquest. Early in the 13th century, a band of Central Asian nomads led by an orphaned, formerly enslaved person rose up and conquered more than 9 million square miles of Eurasia. Running a website with millions of readers every month is expensive. In 1277 Baibars defeated the Mongols, but after his death Anatolia was once again invaded. The Uighur Buddhist Qocho Kingdom surrendered and joined the empire. With the arrival of the Mongol Golden Horde in the lands of the Rus, an early Russian culture in the 13th century, much of the material culture of the Rus was . c. It harmed cities but did not damage agriculture, since Mongols appreciated the proceeds of agriculture. What did the Mongols expect of everyone (male and female)? At its peak, the Mongol Empire covered the most contiguous territory in history. They were repelled by the Goryeo general Kim Chwi-ryeo before being finished off by a Korean-Mongol alliance in 1219. In the swamps of western Siberia, dog sled Yam stations were set up to facilitate collection of tribute. To become skilled horse riders and to have courage in . And indeed, the lack of supplies problem is the main reason why Mongols didn't succeed, however the Vietnamese make great use of these advantage : they purposely burn down their belongings, fields,killed/brought cattle and poultry with them to others place and poisoned the water source while the mountainous ethnic tribes guerillas foght against Mongols as much as they could to buy others time. Thus he had turned his sights on Southeast Asia, whose various kingdoms had offered up a veritable smorgasbord of rationales to exact vengeance. [25], The Mongols invaded and destroyed Volga Bulgaria and Kievan Rus', before invading Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and other territories. [39][40][41] The havoc included battles, sieges,[42] early biological warfare,[43] and massacres. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1995. The Mongol Empire embodied all of those tensions, turning them into the second-largest kingdom of all time. I hope this answers your main question. Finally, motivation was high because Mongol warfare was designed for one purpose only: to gain booty. Their stocky but nimble horses were a weapon in themselves and capable of surviving harsh temperatures. [24] Ogedei's grandson Kaidu occupied portions of Central Siberia from 1275 on. After the battle, the Mongol warriors were said to have filled nine sacks with their favourite trophy, the ears of their victims. Alauddin sent an army commanded by his brother Ulugh Khan and the general Zafar Khan, and this army comprehensively defeated the Mongols, with the capture of 20,000 prisoners, who were put to death.. Did the Mongols invade Germany? Ogedei Khan had died on 11 December 1241 CE, and a successor now had to be chosen. We thank you for your interest in this question, and your patience in waiting for an in-depth and comprehensive answer to be written, which takes time. The Koreans having refused to help the . 1. Instead, Khubilai was from the outset beset with a kind of imposter syndrome. Though born of the steppe, he had lived most of his life, and even his childhood, in northern China, surrounding by a panoply of Chinese, Khitan, Jurchen, Uyghur, Tibetan, etc caretakers and advisers. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. New York: Penguin Books, 1984. Vietnam: a history. The Mongol campaign dragged on far into the sweltering heat of Summer and their troops grew exhausted, partly from the climate and partly from the efforts of the Vietnamese to make their lives awful. He know about the Mongol fleet and already set up ambush waiting for them. "History of Russia in 100 Minutes" is a crash course for beginners. You litterally just said "if only the mongol does not get ambushed" and then blaming lack of supplies afterward while DaiViet's tactics is litterally why they lack supplies in the first place. The Mongols in South-East Asia. World History Encyclopedia. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. [2] The conquest of China was always separated by the north and south of China, only Mongol conquested entire China, from Jin and . The Mongol invasion of Kievan Rus' was part of the Mongol invasion of Europe, in which the Mongol Empire invaded and conquered Kievan Rus' in the 13th century, destroying numerous cities, including Ryazan, Kolomna, Moscow, Vladimir and Kiev, with the only major cities escaping destruction being Novgorod and Pskov. Already vastly experienced from his campaigns under Genghis Khan against the Xia and Jin states in East Asia, the general was the supreme field commander of the forces which invaded western Asia and eastern Europe, even if the figurehead of the campaign was Batu (aka Bat-Qan, c. 1205-1255 CE), nephew of Ogedei Khan. They set the fields ablaze, use hammers to smash the remains of the man's house to rubble, and purge the ground with salt before returning once again. The second and third invasions were not carried out by the true Mongol Empire per se, but by the Yuan dynasty headed by Kublai Khan, which was one of the successor states that emerged after the rather violent division of the Mongol Empire (but that's a story for another time). Mongol invasions and conquests progressed throughout the 13th century, resulting in the vast Mongol Empire, which, by 1300, covered much of Asia and Eastern Europe. The Mongol army could consequently move very fast over large areas of territory. License. During this time the Mongols controlled a significant portion of the trade route, enabling Chinese merchants to travel safely. Victory followed victory, and the Mongol armies pushed into Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia in 1238 CE, steadily wearing down the fortified towns of the region, sacking such cities as Tiflis (Tbilisi) and extracting tribute from local princes. The first question about the Mongol conquests is: Why did the Mongols erupt from Mongolia in the early 13th century to begin their conquests of the rest of the world, creating the largest contiguous land empire in world history? The Mongols raped and pillaged for days, destroyed the city's libraries and universities, and murdered at least 3,000 of the city's notables. They were expert archers using their far-shooting composite bows and extremely tough soldiers, capable of riding for days on end with minimal food and water. The Mongols did not just invade and conquer; they exterminated civilisations. The Emperor of Dai-Viet responded by sending what was nominally a tribute mission, which included golden statues of men, who were supposed to stand as substitutes for him personally coming a journey that he would, alas, be unable to undertake. d. It was an unparalleled human catastrophe. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. When did the Mongols . [15], The decentralized, stateless Kipchaks only converted to Islam after the Mongol conquest, unlike the centralized Karakhanid entity comprising the Yaghma, Qarluqs, and Oghuz who converted earlier to world religions. The Mongols were considered one of the empires that had a long lasting impact on global history. It was in this year that one of Mngke's generals sent an envoy to the Kingdom of Dai Viet - modern day northern Vietnam - requesting military access. They attacked Kyiv together with units from the conquered Finno-Ugric peoples of Central Muscovy (now called Russia), including the Moksha. ", C.P.Atwood-Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire, p.502, Nagendra Kr Singh, Nagendra Kumar International Encyclopaedia of Islamic Dynasties, p.271, C.P.Atwood-Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire, p.503. That being said, I'll answer your question to the best of my abilities - However, it should also be noted that your question can be interpreted in a couple ways as in, 'Why didn't the Mongols mount an invasion of South East Asia?' What goods did the Mongols spread? When they were weakend enough, Vietnamese fought them in a big battle and won against the Mongolian. The Mongol invasion of Europe in the 13th century occurred from the 1220s into the 1240s. The Great Khans favored gyrfalcons, furs, women, and Kyrgyz horses for tribute. Did Mongols conquer China? The Khwarazm Empire bore the brunt of Ogedei's fury throughout the 1230s CE. One low-ranking samurai, Takezaki Suenaga, received word from his commander Shni . Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Our mission is to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. So, to answer your question, they did try to conquer South East Asia, but the first step to do so, Vietnam, never submitted. The Mongol invasions played an indirect role in the establishment of major Tai states in the region by recently migrated Tais, who originally came from Southern China, in the early centuries of the second millennium. World History Encyclopedia, 02 Oct 2019. Further, Khubilai demanded that they send population registers that Great Yuan could effectively collect taxes and mete out corve labor assignments on the respective populations, as good little vassal states. In the event, Bela's army was roundly defeated on 10-11 April at the Battle of Mohi (modern Muhi) on the Sajo river after the Mongol commander Subutai (c. 1175-1248 CE) had his men cross a pontoon bridge and move through a swamp area to outflank the Hungarians. Mark is a full-time author, researcher, historian, and editor. An ensuing battle between the Vietnamese and Mongols was a disaster for the defenders. However, the invasion of 1301 was repulsed by the Burmese Myinsaing Kingdom. In 1230 CE China was divided into two large states: the Jurchen Jin state in the north and Song Dynasty China (960-1279 CE) in the south. The expedition first met the foe along the Yunnan-Burmese border, and the Mongol forces came very close to disastrous destruction then and there. The Yuan dynasty army under Kublai's Kipchak general Tutugh reoccupied the Kyrgyz lands in 1293. The Mongol invasions of Korea (1231 - 1273) consisted of a series of campaigns by the Mongol Empire against Korea, then known as Goryeo, from 1231 to 1259. [44][45], "In the Middle Ages, a famous although controversial example is offered by the, "This called for the employment of engineers to engaged in mining operations, to build siege engines and artillery, and to concoct and use incendiary and explosive devices. One of the Mongol armies was nearly completely decimated, with one of their leading generals being slaughtered, but the other was able to escape with the help of the Yuan navy. Thank you! Map of the Philippines as of 1500, long after the demise of the Mongol Empire. Answer (1 of 6): Dai Viet (Vietnam) and Champa defeated the Yuan Mongols invasions 3 times, but Dai Viet and Champa decided to accept the nominal supremacy of the Yuan dynasty and serve as tributary states in order to avoid further conflicts. In many ways, this made him a far better and more balanced ruler than his Central Asian kinsmen. In 1225, the Mongols . The invaders then followed the Danube westwards as far as Wiener Neustadt but here an army led by Duke Frederick II of Austria (r. 1230-1246 CE) caused the Mongols to at least pause for consideration. Centuries later, the Mughals, whose founder Babur had Mongol roots, established their own empire in India. Led at . Kang, D. 2008 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. We put some pales inside the river and lured them into the pales during the time that the water in the river is lowest. The Mongol invasions and conquests took place during the 13th and 14th centuries, creating history's largest contiguous empire: the Mongol Empire (1206-1368), which by 1300 covered large parts of Eurasia. The Portal for Public History. [19], The Mongol force which invaded southern China was far greater than the force they sent to invade the Middle East in 1256.[20]. On This Day On this day, 23rd February 1945, Joe Rosenthal of the Associated Press took this iconic photo on what island?. Just coming off a disastrous Japanese campaign, the emperor was . Books And that's it, the Tran didn't really gotta do anything much afterwards, they've been winning since preparation phase. [28] The violent character of the invasions acted as a catalyst for further violence between Europe's elites and sparked additional conflicts. Said to be too fat to ride a single pony, the commander travelled in a carriage but from there, Subutai commanded his troops with aplomb, his intervention at the battle of Mohi being particularly decisive. The Mongols once again obliterated the opposition. The Burmese embassy arrived back at Hlegya in May 1287, and reported the terms to the king. Reason one why the Mongols were so effective was planning, what we might call logistics. . A second reason often mentioned is the attempt by Mongolia's neighbors in north and northwest China to reduce the amount of trade with the Mongols. Mongols and Chinese soldiers stationed in the area of the former Kingdom of Qocho and in Besh Balikh established a Chinese military colony led by Chinese general Qi Kongzhi (Ch'i Kung-chih). 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