Any decent public official would have told them where to stick their contract but it looks like there is a worldwide shortage of decent officials. Meanwhile, COVID-19 breakthrough cases, which used to be called vaccine failures, are on the rise. LEAKED: Israeli Researchers Discussing Pfizer Vaccine Side Effects Warning of Medical-Legal Consequences. For publication of Global Research articles in print or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: [emailprotected]. For instance, one of the adverse effects included in a report is about a child who swallowed a penny after getting the shot. shortness of breath, severe bleeding and death. Sharon Alroy-Preis, the Health Ministrys head of public services and a top COVID adviser to the Israeli government, issued no public statement. Due to limited time and resources, they decided to first analyze only the 5 most common side effects they identified: 1. neurological injuries; 2. general side effects; 3. menstrual irregularities; 4. musculoskeletal system disorders; and 5. digestive The researchers were very concerned about what they were seeing and it weighed heavily on their consciences. Fever after COVID-19 vaccines Its common to develop a fever (temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or above) after COVID-19 vaccination. This 38-page document details how many people have suffered adverse events and what kind of side effects they have experienced after getting Pfizers vaccine. What more is he hiding from the general public? However, Ron Johnson of Stranger than Fiction News, commented: This document is proprietary and confidential. Pfizer will not issue refunds under any circumstances. Hoe worden verschillende hersengolfstaten opgewekt door de trainers? Because of quite a few side effects we said: OK, it exists and reports exist, BUT STILL GET VACCINATED'. Of course, we also recently learned that 12-20 years olds can suffer a. The Irish Light Is An Anti-Vaccination Newspaper, EMA-Pfizer Data Was Leaked To Journalists + Dark Web, Leaked Documents Was About Quality Of Early Vaccine Batches, Leaked EMA-Pfizer Data Was Tampered Before Release, Leaked Documents Showed EMA Regulation At Work, FDA Never Agreed To Withhold Pfizer Documents For 75 Years, Pfizer Documents Did Not Reveal Thousands Of Side Effects. Fact #8 : Pfizer Documents Did Not Reveal Thousands Of Side Effects. Support my work through a bank transfer / PayPal / credit card! Furthermore, it turns out that in order to downplay the rate of reports on menstrual irregularities, the MOH used a denominator of the total number ofall adult doses ~16 million and thus, absurdly, included men in the equation of how common menstrual irregularities are. The Pope fornicated with the merchants and leaders of the world in order to advance his PLAN, This is BRIBERY of Golden opportunity putting the health and life of the people at RISK. What is the purpose of such a contract ??? Most cases have been reported after receiving Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna (mRNA COVID-19 vaccines), particularly in male This isyet another example of FAKE NEWScreated and propagated by The team examined both the close categories of side effects that were set by the MOH (there were 7 such categories), and the free text (they identified 22 categories of side effects). WebA leaked video reveals that in June, the researchers presented serious findings to the MOH, that indicated long-term effects, including some not listed by Pfizer, and a causal 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
A leaked video recording reveals researchers in June shared data with the Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) showing serious and long-term side effects associated with Pfizers COVID-19 vaccine. As you can see for yourself, this list is quite disturbing; we see a lot of neurodegenerative diseases. Local Residents Alarmed as 386-Acre Shell Petrochemical Plant Spews Illegal Pollution, Mainstream Media Exposes The Real Anthony Fauci, Selfie Campaign I Know the Real Anthony Fauci. There were 173 cases of hospitalization and ER visits that were separately examined by a dedicated expert committee. $2 per shot of that extra margin is paid to said officials? S EE ALSO THE 1st WRATH of God that the angels will pour out,( THE GRIEVOUS SORE) will this be the result of Vaccine producing the SEVERE INFLAMMATORY CONDITION in the body of the vaccinated people of the world? What were all those regulators relying on? Het vaccin, Hennep eiwitpoeder, een superfood met veel voordelen voor je gezondheid, How to translate a website in 2022 (9 easy ways), Kraken is de nieuwste variant van COVID-19, maar verwacht meer mutaties, Hoe de Illuminati militairen programmeren als onderdeel van hun plan, Vrijmetselaar insider benoemt de 10 meest verrassende en gevaarlijke ingredinten in vaccins, Hoe de Illuminati mensen programmeren: Brain Wave programmering, Hoe de Illuminati mensen programmeren; nuttige tips voor het ongedaan maken van programmering, Een overzicht van enkele van de meest voorkomende banen binnen de Illuminati, Uitgelekte officile documenten onthullen geheime brandstofcrisis plannen voor 2022 2023, Nanotechnologie, gebruikt in vaxx, in 2.000 voedingsmiddelen, niet op etiket vermeld, James OKeefe van Project Veritas exposed | FDA functionaris onthult toekomstig beleid voor verborgen camera, Brandy Vaughan blew the whistle on Big Pharma and was found dead (transcription), Natuurlijk remedies die kunnen helpen bij shedding of overdracht van spike-eiwitten, More details on Project Pogo and Zyphr, disinfo projects, biometric humans and the A.I. But Yaffa Shir-Raz wrote acomprehensive articleabout it in English on her website, thenEtana Hechtcovered it in her excellent Substack post, so I figured it was well and covered, and Im super busy working on something very important. Recommended : Did Pfizer Vaccine Documents Reveal 1,291 Side Effects?! It's free. Indeed, Israel has a very high vaccination rate and was the first in the world to give boosters to everyone. In early June, the researchers presented their findings to MOH senior officials, including Dr. Emilia Anis, head of the MOHs epidemiological department. Fact #5 : Leaked EMA-Pfizer Data Was Tampered Before Release. It is killing our elderly, young & unborn. A moved towards the One World Religion. In this July 28, 2021 article for Americas Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), Mordechai Sones breaks down the contents of the Pfizer contracts signed by various countries for the purchase of COVID vaccines. Because for quite a few adverse events we said: OK, it exists, and there is a report, but still get vaccinated. Why? While the purchaser has virtually no way of canceling the contract, Pfizer can terminate the agreement in the event of a material breach of any term in their contract. This suggests that there is widespread corruption in the medical community, government agencies, among public health officials, the mainstream media, and social media companies worldwide: they will not acknowledge any event that goes against the mainstream narrative. Brandy Vaughan was a former high-level. Countries that purchase the vaccines have no right to withhold, offset, recoup or debit any amounts owed to Pfizer. They must pay for the doses they order, regardless of change in circumstances. Its like a suicide drug that they force on everyone. This article first appeared on his Substack page Jackanapes Junction, which you can subscribe to here. TheMinistry of HealthdidnotrespondtoReal-Time Magazines requests for comment. How to translate this English article into another language? Theres a potential side effect with the Covid-19 vaccine, and its the pits. Exempt Pfizer from all civil liability for side effects. The Purchaser waives any right for immunity, they give up any law that might cap the obligation to pay damages to Pfizer. The research team told the MOH officials: You have to think very very carefully about how you communicate this to the public because you may open yourself to legal lawsuits and liability issues because what you promoted is, in fact, not the reality in what we see in the reports., Despite the importance of this discussion, Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, head of public health services at MOH and the person who signed the contract with Pfizer was not present during the meeting. -----------------------------------------------------, Mail to:
Because of quite a few side effects we said: 'OK, it exists and reports exist, BUT STILL GET VACCINATED'". Pfizers safety database contains cases of AEs reported spontaneously to Pfizer, cases reported by the health authorities, cases published in the medical literature, 13 april. Heb je last van jeukende of branderige ogen? According to section 5.5 of the contract: Purchaser acknowledges that the Vaccine and materials related to the Vaccine, and their components and constituent materials are being rapidly developed due to the emergency circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be studied after provision of the Vaccine to Purchaser under this Agreement. Data from the UK Health SecurityAgency (UKHSA) listed on page 2has also revealed that both covid-19 deaths and cases were worse in vaccinated people, particularly those over the age of 18. Program, Some of the important highlights revealed by David Goldberg, Geheime Amerikaanse experimenten met mens en dier (reposted), Exclusief: verontrustende details komen naar buiten uit Australische quarantainekampen, Horrific images of new-born babies with one eye and tails, deformed by vaccines, Babys geboren met een ander uiterlijk en een lager IQ, 9 maanden na de vaccinatiecampagne, Zuigeling heeft bijwerkingen van het vaccin, omdat moeder gedwongen werd voor de bevalling, David Goldbergs final words and his hand-written notes on Project Pogo and Project Zyphr, Einde pandemie? Israels Ministry of Health commissioned researchers to investigate Pfizers Covid-19 vaccine for adverse events in December 2021, a full year after rolling out the mRNA shots, but the research was shut Thank you! The Moderna vaccine has been assoctaled with heart problems such as mvocarditis and pericarditis. However, a recorded Zoom meeting where the researchers presented their results to senior people at the MOH was leaked, showing that the report hid important facts and manipulated the results. So theres very minimal risk for the manufacturer involved there., Signs of COVID vaccine failure, adverse effects rise. (Of course, it does not mention the fact that most doctors would not submit reports if they felt the adverse event was unrelated to the vaccine or because they did not want to make waves.) An email dated 23 November 2020 showed that a high-ranking EMA official complained that Pfizer was not producing its COVID-19 vaccines to the expected specifications. If you were wondering why #Ivermectin was suppressed, Ehden wrote, well, it is because the agreement that countries had with Pfizer does not allow them to escape their contract, which states that even if a drug will be found to treat COVID19 the contract cannot be voided., Even if Pfizer fails to deliver vaccine doses within their estimated delivery period, the purchaser may not cancel the order. Is King of Bahrain Protected By A Robot Bodyguard?. All of these manipulations made the rate of reported events appear much smaller. 3. They wanted people thinking about mushroom clouds and World War III anything but the vaccines, anything but the plandemic. Or as we like to call it, the scamdemic. We depend on your donations to keep this site going. (Israels health system is divided into 4 different HMO-type organizations; each Israeli is signed up with one of them), while none of the other 3 HMOsshared their data, including Israels 2 largest ones Clalit and Maccabi. Any disclosure, reproduction, distribution, or other dissemination of this information outside of Pfizer, its Affiliates, its Licensees, or Regulatory Agencies is strictly prohibited. Albania, the leaked contract revealed, paid $12 per dose, while the EU paid $14.70 per shot. (NOTE: User-friendly), Comment on Global Research Articles on our Facebook page, Disclaimer: The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). Research developed by EdinburghUniversity showed that almost 350Brits have been struck down with a separate rare clotting disorder afler getting the AstraZeneca vaccine. Worldwide Safety Indemnification by the purchaser is also explicitly required by the contract, which states, under section 8.1: Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pfizer, BioNTech, each of their Affiliates, contractors, sub-contractors, licensors, licensees, sub-licensees, distributors, contract manufacturers, services providers, clinical trial researchers, third parties to whom Pfizer or BioNTech or any of their respective Affiliates may directly or indirectly owe an indemnity based on the research , from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys fees and other expenses of an investigation or litigation arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the Vaccine . Gaat de zoektocht van de mens naar kennis, macht en een langere levensduur over, UPDATE 30-11-2021 Details over het leven in de Australische quarantainekampen beginnen via internet uit te lekken. Hoewel de informatie niet direct kan worden geverifieerd, werd, Turkish TV channel Beyaz was at a press conference showing photos of babies born horribly disfigured after their mothers were injected with the Covid vaccines, De zogenaamde pandemische babys zijn babys, die tijdens de pandemie zijn verwekt en die bovendien het product zijn van ouders, die zijn ingent met het, Een moeder die de COVID-vaccinatie niet vertrouwt, kreeg te horen dat ze een keizersnede nodig zou hebben Het ziekenhuis en de artsen stonden erop dat, Classified documents and White House memo reveal extermination plans for millions of people in America and worldwide through Project Pogo and Project Zyphr. While similar to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), which applies to nonpandemic vaccines, the CICP is even less generous when it comes to compensation. All of thee side effects have been mentioned in the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System database. That decision was made 3 weeks after the IMOH had been warned about these results and their implications. Next on the list is: 2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria. The researchers stressed they still have a lot of work, since they only analyzed the 5 top common side effects, but there were 17 others (including cardiovascular, which was 6. Purchasers must protect and defend Pfizer. In the case of the price disparity between the U.S. and the EU, Pfizer is said to have given a price break to the EU because it financially supported the development of their COVID-19 vaccine. They may have temper tantrums, bite themselves, or exhibit other behavior problems. Yaffa Shir-Raz, Ph.D., health communication and pharmaceutical companies public relations strategy researcher at Reichman University in Herzliya, Israel, translated the June meeting from Hebrew into English. Why medical-legal? Global Research In an internal Zoom meeting in early June, the recording of which was leaked to the press, Prof. Berkowitz warned MOH senior officials that they should think carefully how to present his studys findings to the public, otherwise they may be sued, since they completely contradict the MOHs claims that serious side effects are rare, short term and transient. Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL) Nieuwe lockdown in herfst en winter 2021, Suramine in dennennaalden thee: effectief tegengif voor overdracht van spike-eiwitten en meer. Vaccines take at least a few days to exert their protective effects. According to the video recording, the researchers informed MOH officials about the many reports of serious and long-term side effects of the Pfizer vaccine, including side effects Pfizer didnt list on the patient information leaflet, such as digestive side effects especially abdominal pain in children and back pain. It was also a generic list, which includes irrelevant adverse events like manufacturing and lab test issues, and even product availability and supply issues, as well as other diseases like MERS and chickenpox. However, over 90% of the reports detailing the characteristics of the duration of this adverse event indicatelong-term changes(emphasis in the original. The atrocities here are clear-cut. While charging different prices to different purchases is common in the drug industry, its often frowned upon. Confidentiality agreement changed per country: 10 years for Albania, 30 years for Israel. So if Israel did not in fact have a functioning adverse event monitoring system in place and its data was a fiction, and even when it did launch a proper monitoring system a year too late, with analysis of the systems findings, completely ignored and withheld what was the FDA really relying on? Senate Bill 1869 = Permanent Lockdowns, Forced Vaccinations, Digital Prisons, Medical Martial Law under WHO/NWO Control. Bescherming en behandeling bij transmissie of shedding: een welkome aanvulling op het spike-eiwit en grafeenoxide detox protocol. Your vaccinator is trained to treat allergic reactions. Wist u dat schadelijke nanodeeltjes ook worden gevonden in babyvoeding? Coupled with the fact that ONS data recently revealed that covid deaths were much lwer than previously thought, the risks of taking the vaccine seem to greatly outweigh the risks of not doing so. After leaving a vaccination provider site, if you think you or your child might be having a severe allergic In the event that a drug or other treatment comes out that can prevent, treat or cure COVID-19, the agreement stands, and the country must follow through with their vaccine order. On 15 January 2021, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced that their investigation showed that some of the leaked data was tampered by the hackers before being released. Apparently, this includes in the case of receiving damaged goods. Please give what you can. This crucial study was based on a new adverse event reporting system the MOH launched in December 2021 12 months AFTER rolling out the vaccines to the public,as the system implemented in December 2020, as they now officially admit, was dysfunctional and did not allow an analysis of the data. If youre injured by a COVID vaccine (or a select group of other vaccines designated under the act), youd have to file a compensation claim with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which is funded by U.S. taxpayers via Congressional appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Then, when the reports still continued and became impossible to deny, the authorities, and experts on their behalf, changed the narrative admitting there might be a relationship, but even if there is one, the symptoms are mild and transient. NurPhoto via Getty Images. Mark Eccleston-Turner, a lecturer in global health law at Keele University in England, told STAT: [Pfizer] is trying to eke out as much profit and minimize its risk at every juncture with this vaccine development then this vaccine rollout. Why does this Con say, This is just the beginning of what is about to come out? Except as may be otherwise agreed to in writing, by accepting or reviewing these materials, you agree to hold such information in confidence and not to disclose it to others (except where required by applicable law), nor to use it for unauthorized purposes.. Causality The researchers emphasize that, according to the literature, these findings establish causal relations between the vaccine and the side effect. These manipulations made the rate of reported events appear much smaller for Israel Con! Receiving damaged goods world to give boosters to everyone of 38 degrees Celsius or above ) after COVID-19 its. Of receiving damaged goods government, issued no public statement Documents Reveal side... Of receiving damaged goods confidentiality agreement changed per country: 10 years for albania, the scamdemic the Health head... Were separately examined by a Robot Bodyguard? bite themselves, or exhibit other behavior problems we depend on donations... 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