He was supposed to symbolize the Alpine ibex (Capra ibex), a wild goat with massive horns that lives in the mountains above the tunnel. More Mysterious Connections Between Ancient Demonic gods and the Entity Connected to CERN's Gotthard Base Tunnel RESURRECTION Efforts. is enough to convince an astute observe that an absolute reason, as the German philosopher Friedrich Hegel puts it, is at work. Perhaps this is the future of entertainment and well all be wearing bird nest hats next year. Urban, The Church of Scientology: A History of a New Religion (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011); Russell Miller, Bare-Faced Messiah: The True Story of L. Ron Hubbard (New York: Penguin Books, 1988 and 2015); for related studies on L. Ron Hubbard, see Lawrence Wright, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief (New York: Random House, 2013); Jon Atack, A Piece of Blue Sky: Scientology, Dianetics and L. Ron Hubbard Exposed (New York: Lyle Stuart Book, 1990). edit on 9-4-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason BBC even wrote an article about this talking about how bizarre it is. Performers dressed as miners perform at the opening ceremony of the tunnel, now officially the world's longest and deepest rail tunnel. Celebrations on June 1 2016 marked the opening of the 57 km Gotthard Base Tunnel (Video: AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd). The Planet Mars and its Mysterious Faces: Ancient Civilizations or the Equivalents of Clouds in the Sky. As a Swiss citizen, I apologize., No one could provide a rational explanation forthe ceremony because it is not part of the rational universe. given). I guess that makes sense, But how prominent is this type of imagery really in Swiss culture? Sign up to receive the daily top stories from the National Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. A welcome email is on its way. He is the Nonsense! In a glitzy show under purple neon lights, performers dressed up in orange miners' suits and protective helmets danced atop a moving rail car, while others in skimpy outfits feigned wrestling. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. But, it still seems like a very weird ceremony to me that had symbolism and motivations beyond celebrating Swiss folklore of which is mostly christianized folklore not pagan. Hes written for TV shows such as "The Tonight Show", "Politically Incorrect" and an award-winning childrens program. You would immediately think that the guy is at least out of touch with reality, if not psychologically disturbed. animals breeding and dying due to predators, illness or old age. I think the funniest thing is that usually the same people are crying "they are erasing their own culture by replacing their own people". The context of Revelation 19:7 is marriage so this should inform the reader why numerous Bible translations are consistent with the Greek in translating as "bride". By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. To me this looks like some type of blatant satanic/pagan ritual to Baphomet or something. The New World Order is a conspiracy theory that hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. one who tricked the devil once and for all time and who bound the strong man to pilfer his house of anything and everything of value, leaving nothing He studied education at the graduate level. Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. As a Swiss citizen, I apologize. The Gotthard Base Tunnel through the Swiss Alps took 17 years and over 11 billion Euros ($12.5 billion US) to build and was intended to improve transportation as well as be a symbol of European unification. [21] Katherine Tait, My Father, Bertrand Russell (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1975). Conversations from the porch Episode 19 with Jack Heart &, East Palestine, the Facts by Jack Heart & Orage, Joining College After Military Service: Useful Tips for Veteran Students, Friday, February 24th: The Dankof Report on RBN Live. Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles. . and His way of love is not offensive, except where it counts where perhaps it could be said that the best defense is a really good offense. You can share this story on social media: Subscribe to RT newsletter to get news highlights of the day right in your mailbox, NASA's SpaceX Crew-6 mission launches to ISS, Zelensky adviser suggests possible retreat from key city, Russia calls for focus on alleged radioactive shipment to Ukraine, Palestinian town should be wiped out Israeli minister, Blinken finds positive elements in Chinese peace plan for Ukraine, Ohio chemical disaster may hold long-term health risks experts, G20 foreign ministers meeting likely to end in deadlock with the bodys relevance under threat, Seismologist behind Trkiye quake prediction issues new warning. The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel the worlds longest and most expensive tunnel in history was attended by Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, President Francois Hollande of France, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and a Goat-Man. of any value behind. Fabrice Coffrini/AFP/Getty Images hide caption You then ask, How can you be angry with an imaginary wife? If he responded with, Life doesnt seem fair, would you be satisfied with such an answer? Access all of our expanded, online-only, subscriber exclusive opinion writing. Russell admitted throughout that there was no real reason for him to dump his lovely wife. 18, NO 3, July 1956: 269-295. We offer you the possibility to receive RT's news highlights every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by email. I actually said a prayer out loud before me and my girlfriend watched it for the first time. The current "outrage culture" and reactionaries are truly fascinating. This universe, he argues, is not prey to chance and external, contingent causes, but is governed by providence., Hegel moves on to deconstruct the atheist or agnostic position by saying that the worlds events are controlled by a providence, indeed by divine providence, and this divine providence is wisdom, coupled with infinite power, which realizes its ends, i.e., the absolute and rational design of the world[13], Looking at all the evil and chaos in this world, obviously the average atheist would think that there cannot be an infinite power, which realizes its ends. But Hegel would respond by saying that this is why this infinite power is cunning. This infinite power, according to scholar Robert C. Tuckers interpretation of Hegel, fulfill its ulterior rational designs in an indirect and sly manner. More than 100,000 visitors celebrate the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in June 2016. [9], I would argue that all those neo-pagan movements are not compatible with practical reason for the very fact that they use sexual perversion to deconstruct the sexual order and to marshal a dark and diabolical ideology. You said a prayer out loud? Perhaps they were trying to preemptively top the opening ceremony for the Summer Olympics to be held in Rio. World's longest rail tunnel opens through Swiss Alps (PHOTOS, VIDEOS), A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian). Hard fact runs away from analysis and does not return.[16]. This is a [No Meta] post, which means that none of the comments in the main discussion may reference anything "meta" to the topic raised by OP. Autonomous Nonprofit Organization TV-Novosti, 20052023. B. Taurus, 2009); David Gordon White, Kiss of the Yogini: Tantric Sex in its South Asian Contexts (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006). Actress Shirley is another soul who is looking for the cunning of reason in the wrong places. And it's weird. Large White Balloon Spotted by Pilots Over Hawaii, Airline pilots flying massive amounts of tamiflu and paravimir treatments for bird flu, Well look at what we have here! What do you think the Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony actually meant? **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone. It has a crap load of weird symbolism that has little to do with science or the tunnel. [7] Switzerland tunnel: The oddest moments of the opening ceremony, BBC, June 1, 2016. It has a crap load of weird symbolism that has little to do with science or the tunnel. Who really wears the pants? During the heated debate, Copleston asked Russell the simple question: how do you, Russell, differentiate good things and bad things? The opening ceremony was created by German director Volker Hesse, a traditional theater director who was recently in charge of the William Tell Theatre Festival and is not known to be a member of the Illuminati or any satanic cult. Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. The ceremony took place in two parts. Perhaps the tunnel is the opening to hell. "The official Opening Ceremonies of the Gotthard Base Tunnel was nothing other then a New World Order Satanic Ritual where CERN met the tunnel head on in a bizarre ritual of sex, sex and more. This website uses cookies. A few days ago, the Daily Mail opened one of their articles with these words: The Swiss have put on one of the most bizarre opening ceremonies in history to mark the completion of the worlds longest tunnel.[1]. https://t.co/nKFOIPpfHbpic.twitter.com/kHbphVaeEg. Rousseau, Kierkegaard, Hume, Voltaire, Russell, Camus, Sartre, and a host of other individuals have tried that method. To commemorate the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland, the country staged an extravagantly bizarre performance featuring jumpsuit-clad clog dancers, horse-drawn carriages and . So far so good. But he could not submit his feelings or appetite to practical reason at all. Here are some of the most striking moments from the ceremony - we have . This was actually the case when Russell debated a Jesuit priest, philosopher, and historian of philosophy by the name of Frederick Charles Copleston. Gotthard Base Tunnel: Facts & Figures. Edit: Actually under that Wikipedia page there are some Swiss folklore references to things like Schnabelgeiss which is a tall goat with a beak. That carries into festivals like May Day and New Year and other ceremonies. These suits he is famous for but theyre always extravagant and tribal in nature but very colorful and include lots of tapestries and stuff. The world of history, science, philosophy, art, mathematics, etc. That would be lame of me. [10] The Church of Scientology, a cult movement which has already trapped numerous celebrities and Hollywood stars,[11] is a classic example.[12]. Conversations from the porch Episode 19 with Jack Heart & Phil Hunter, US Plans to Carry Out False-Flag Op in Ukraine Using Toxic Agents, Russian Military Says, Russian Marker robots are sent to the NWO zone to fight German tanks, Pregnant Dog Found Starving to Death in Cage Needs Help to be Reunited With Marine Who Rescued Her, Healthy Eating Options More Accessible to Military Community through the Exchange, The story of Black Quartermasters in WWII, Exchange Giving Away 12 Kawasakis in Monster Energy Sweepstakes, Israels Illegal Violent Occupation: When De-Escalate Means Ramp Up. We have enabled email notificationsyou will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment, there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments. Video - The incredible ceremony for the opening of the world's longest & deepest rail tunnel (in fast fwd) #Gotthardhttps://t.co/yk0971FHkl. Pretty sure those look like the artist Nick Cave suits (not the musician, but fine artist). ), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAyI1fCqyvI (ZZ Top - Gun Love), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4VFFBCa5Aw (ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin'), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCeIIcPAwv8 (Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory), Eyes Wide Shut ---> the real meaning of the Deep State, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7_OEh9oHPY (Dio - 'Holy Diver'), "Alphabetic Codes" = 123 = "Reveal the Code", (while "The ABC" = 123 in the reverse alphabetic cypher), "Do not stop breeding, folks" = 3,911 squares, "The Last Proof of Life After Death" = 911 in the prime number cypher, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huOhqgYAKDY (The Perennial Sophia), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law ("The Law" = "The Scale" = 223 primes), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_%281825-1905%29_-Charity%281878%29.jpg. Swiss Federal President Johann Schneider-Ammann, right, listens to German Chancellor Angela Merkel on June 1, 2016, the opening day of the Gotthard rail tunnel, at the northern portal in Erstfeld, Switzerland. Any reference to conspiracy theorists as a group in the third person. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. Ukraine War Anniversary: UN and China Work for Peace, Devilish Zelensky, Flightradar24 confirmed Hersh Investigation on Nord Stream Sabotage: NATO Planes over, Zelensky Nightmare by 25 thousand Ukraine Troops! The War: What Happens When The Shootings Over? This was one reason why Bertrand Russells own daughter, Katherine Tait, abandoned Russells empty philosophy and eventually embraced Logos. One might assume the trains extreme speeds are due to a fear ofbeing chased by that freaky goat-man-thing. [12] Hugh B. Long before the tunnel, the only passage was a bridge and here is the legend of the bridge. This includes: Any discussion about other users in the thread or the sub. It looks like you're using an Ad Blocker. The opinions of our members are not those of site ownership who maintains strict editorial agnosticism and simply provides a collaborative venue for free expression. [13] Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,Lectures on the Philosophy of World History(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975 and 1998), 35. It does not actually go into operation until December. The Gotthard Base Tunnel is a marvel of engineering; 17 years in construction, it is 57km long and 2.3km below the mountain peak, moving through 73 different kinds of rock.The construction required shifting 28 million tons of rubble. Your ritual is your ritual. A "multi-function" face cream from the French brand Clarins that addresses skin concerns such as radiance, firmness and plumpness. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. .The final breakthrough in the west tube was completed in March 2011. [4] Bizarre Stage Show Opens 35-Mile Rail Tunnel Under Swiss Alps, NBC News, June 1, 2016. Subscribe now to read the latest news in your city and across Canada. . CNN reports that train ridesare expected to take a mere 20 minutes while reaching speeds as fast as 250 km/h. GOTTHARD TUNNEL OPENING CEREMONY EXPLAINED ( (SWITZERLAND (CERN) SATANIC RITUAL)) RELOADED 10.8K 3 13th upload Attempt ---Different format---This video shows a lot more footage than the last one and gives an explanation of what you are seeing. July 14, 2020 by SkyWatch Editor. And then when the culture is shown and displayed to the world they cry "this is satanic and frightening". The people in attendance for the most part act like nothing is out of sort although you do see a few sideways glaces from people from time to time. The first part of the ceremony took place in a train house before the elites were loaded onto the train and sent through the Gotthard tunnel. If you don't see it, please check your junk folder. The world's longest and deepest rail tunnel has officially opened in Switzerland, after almost two decades of construction work. The region of the Gotthard Pass is an important north-south axis in Europe and is crossed by three major traffic tunnels, each being the world's longest at the time of their construction: the Gotthard Rail Tunnel (1882), the Gotthard Road Tunnel (1980) and the Gotthard Base Tunnel (2016). I understand that this is not the case throughout history, but even when I briefly looked up Swiss folklore it seems highly christianized. Soon after the elaborate performance began, viewers took to Twitter to ask the question on viewers lips: what is actually going on here? She states: I had seen so many channels and mediums over the past few years, I decided I would apply the same thing to show business. Revelation 19:7 which has (gune) means "wife" or "woman". As a result, they find themselves completely adrift. Please try again. But recognizing the problem and trying to find a workable solution are two different things. While the workers wore construction uniforms, a truckload of actors representing tunnel users were dressed in their underwear, occasionally groped each other and appeared to be simulating sex. Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings. Paul Seaburn is the editor at Mysterious Universe and its most prolific writer. pic.twitter.com/M26IqTEv99, definitely the best opening ceremony for a tunnel I've ever seen. Read: Gotthard Tunnel Opens Under Swiss Alps. Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site. US Seems To Be Planning Regime Change in Hungary. This content community relies on user-generated content from our member contributors. [24] Bertrand Russell, Autobiography (New York: Routledge, 1985), 150-151. The problem is that people like MacClaine do not want to submit their desires to practical reason. "King James Bible" = 119 (Go forth and multiply! Trapeze artists hung from chains or ropes, a band blared out a thumping military march and helicopters buzzed overhead. Those signposts are all around us. There is a legend on the Gotthard. But cigarette companies always try to make this dubious connection in order to sell their products and suck nave people in. Switzerland opened the world's longest and deepest rail tunnel, which cuts through the heart of the Alps, with a striking spectacle. Was There a Judeo-Masonic Takeover of the Papacy at the 1958 Papal Conclave? It is the longest and the deepest railroad tunnel in the entire world, and it took 17 years to build. The opening ceremony was created by German director Volker Hesse, a traditional theater director who was recently in charge of the William . We apologize, but this video has failed to load. SS: The opening ceremony for the Gotthard Tunnel is Bizarre. Some animals breed once a year, others once a month in synchronization with the Moon's phases. The strangest opening ceremony for a piece of basic transport infrastructure ever: https://t.co/INcMs3HTXj, Live on BBC News right now, a tunnel is having an opening ceremony. Read RT Privacy policy to find out more. You know, like little pharaohs." the divine order in summing up both the rite of spring and that of winter solstice and so much more and who said "I ask for mercy, not sacrifice." It is also the first flat route through the Alps or any other major mountain range, with a maximum elevation of 549 m (1,801 ft) above . There is a short clip of dignitaries and elites spliced in between the two ritualistic ceremonies. READ MORE: World's longest rail tunnel opens through Swiss Alps (PHOTOS, VIDEOS) Ceremony commemorates Gotthard Base Tunnel opening in Erstfeld LIVE NOW: https . Oslo VT Nuclear Education: The Beirut Nuclear Coverup, The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia. There where many elite members of the world in attendance such as Angela Merkel. [19] Shirley MacLaine, Going Within (New York: Bantam Books, 1989 and 1991), 25-26. The Mysterious Men in Black and Their Equally Weird Cars, Lab-Grown Human Mini Brains Are Being Developed for Biocomputers, Strange Accounts of Dwarf Aliens and their Apocalyptic Messages from Mexico, Dubai to Build Worlds Largest Concentrated Solar Power Plant, The Mothman Festival 2022: A Weekend of Good Fun and Adventure, Three Strange UFO Stories: Hollywood, Dead Aliens and Flying Saucers. It seems crazy to me. Why are you talking to yourself? He answers, I am angry with my wife.. [5] Naked torsos & horned beasts: Swiss tunnels bizarre opening leaves viewers baffled, Russia Today, June 2, 2016. Russian Forces strike Ukrainian Armys Electronic Intelligence Center in Kiev Region. Urban of Ohio State University would almost certainly place the Gotthard Base Tunnel ceremony in the pantheon of New Age and neo-pagan movements around the world. All rights reserved. Guns N' Roses, Stevie Nicks, Janet Jackson and Wizkid are on sale now. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. Perhaps they represented what will happen when the tunnel is used by driverless cars? Zelensky and his cronies are trying to cover up a major corruption scandal in Ukraine what role is the US playing? The opening ceremony The ceremony was . Read more about cookies here. [23] Al Seckel, ed., Bertrand Russell on God and Religion (New York: Prometheus Books, 1986), 139. [9] Hugh B. There where many elite members of the world in attendance such as Angela Merkel. Comprising two single-track tunnels, the Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is 57 km (35 miles) in length and has a maximum depth of 2,300 metres (7,546 feet). Russell recounted in his own autobiography: I went out bicycling one afternoon, and suddenly, as I was riding along a country road, I realised that I no longer loved Alys [his faithful wife]. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page. There is a point where two actors are dressed up as goat looking animals and pretend to have sex. WATCH FULL VIDEO OF THE OPENING ON RUPTLY's YOUTUBE CHANNEL. The 35.4-mile Gotthard Base Tunnel is the world's longest railway tunnel. Obviously this was the case in the Switzerland's Gotthard Base Tunnel. What Must Happen to Make Americans Demand JOE BIDEN BE REMOVED from the Presidency?. Dancers performed at Wednesday's opening ceremony. Not to mention a flying baby with a giant head, ghosts, marchers carrying animal skulls and enough other bizarrely dressed actors and strange floats to give conspiracy theorists fearing Satanic and/or New World Order takeovers enough to talk about for years. Goat-Man appeared numerous times throughout the ceremony. Well, Women with underwear were simulating sex with each other, among other strange phenomena. Why? Having rejected Logos on irrational grounds, Wells proposed a metaphysical replacementand his is a chaotic one: To a watcher in some remote entirely alien cosmos, if we may assume that impossibility, it might well seem that extinction is coming to man like a brutal thunderclap of Halt!We may be spinning more and more swiftly into the vortex of extinction, but we do not apprehend as much, A harsh queerness is coming over things and rushes past what we have hitherto been wont to consider the definite limits of hard fact. On this, palm Sunday, I proclaim the Holy name of Jesus Christ and raise His name on high, as the one who's great work of all ages fit perfectly with To commemoratethe opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland, the country staged an extravagantly bizarre performance featuring jumpsuit-cladclog dancers, horse-drawn carriages and yodelling. Efforts to highlight the incredible engineering accomplishment of the 2,300 meter-deep Gotthard tunnel resulted in an utterly strange opening ceremony that reported cost 8 million. But the Gotthard Base Tunnel is a record-setter: It eclipses Japan's 53.8-kilometer Seikan Tunnel as the world's longest and bores deeper than any other tunnel, running about 1.4 miles underground at its maximum depth. In addition, any rational person with some level of intellectual honesty can recognize these signposts. "The legend of this particular bridge states that the Reuss was so difficult to ford that a Swiss herdsman wished the devil would make a bridge. [8] Prolific scholar Hugh B. Suppose you walk the streets of Manhattan and come across a person who is constantly talking to himself although nobody is around. What a time to be alive. [21] When he wanted to attack religion, Tait later recounted in a memoir, Russell sought out its most egregious errors and held them up to ridicule, while avoiding serious discussion of the basic message.[22]. The railway tunnel, the longest in the world, spans over 57 km to take travellers from Switzerland to Italy. What kind of prayer? Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker. And no matter how you spin it, a Goat-Man following women dressed in white veils will have occultists throwing rice and humming the Wedding March. winter. At one point, a topless woman decked as a bird hovered above actors. Yet even this irrational and destructive prediction could not stop Wells from searching for an ultimate meaning to lifes most important questions: The question Is this All? has troubled countless unsatisfied minds throughout the ages, andat the end of our tether, as it seemshere it is, still baffling but persistent.[17] Why should it be persistent if it is a fact that the cosmos is all that is? Switzerland celebrated the opening of the worlds longest train tunnel, a 17-year project that cuts through the Alps and cost 11 billion to construct - but all anyones talking about is its ridiculous opening ceremony. Gathered together in a rare show of unity for this group portrait in an SBB carriage are Angela Merkel, Franois Hollande, Matteo Renzi and Johann Schneider-Ammann. Any questions or concerns make Americans Demand JOE BIDEN be REMOVED from the Presidency? think... Between the two ritualistic ceremonies or `` woman '' James Bible '' = 119 ( go and! 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