Scout believes that Fine Folks were peole who did the best they could with the sense they had.(130) Scout judges peole by their actions not by their past. What does Sheriff Tate mean "let the dead bury the dead" this time Mr. Finch? I wonder why Harper Lee created the character of Dolphus Raymond? Scout struggles with the definition of fine folks. On the one hand, it provides a sense of the town. Their upbringing and their family heritage. To drag him out into the limelight would be like destroying his innocence. 7. More books than SparkNotes. Why and how does lateral transfer occur in so many species? I think they left because Scout shows so much knowledge and courage to the group that they felt like there was no need to be angry with Atticus because all he shows is friendship and is trying his best with the Tom Robinson case. Atticus was cool headed as shown with is Well, answer it, son (146) joke, while Jem was nervous, and that was shown with his marks on his face from having his face pressed against the screen door. Rather, its power and privilege that do that. In what way does Calpurnia lead a "double" life? Scout defines "fine folks" to be those who are good on the inside.. how a person acts their goodness and their compassionate hearts. I wonder why Harper Lee created the character of Dolphus Raymond? Atticus essentially proposes here that racism, not the courts or the law, is the problem. 5. Its clear to them that Aunt Alexandra is simply trying to make out that the Finches are better than everyone else in town. She doesnt think that it matters how long you have been on a certain patch of land, it matters how you are doing in life. Not physically, but mentally. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. people who do the best they can with the sense they have. She believed in dying free and she wanted to be rid of dependence on Morphine when she died. 5. She also shows Scout being courageous when she obeys her father by not letting insults get to her. Who says, "'t's morbid watching a poor devil on trial for his life" and refuses to go. They came face to face with the truth behind how some black people felt about white people. But in another sense their views haven't changed. They learned a lot about how different Cals church was from theirs, like when they were introduced to a whole new stlye of music. As Scout was simply a child, the face of innocence, the men were snapped from there trance of hate and malice. This also might make him realze that this wasnt a great example for his son. She has obviously been raised with this understanding, presumably from Atticus, as. Dills eloquence with words is used to cover up his frustration with his parents. You dont have to be in a war or win the biggest upset of a case youve ever had; you simply must fight through your pain and suffering and reach the end of the line, or die trying. Aunt Alexandra believed that materials made up a person a fine one, while Scout believed that the persons personality and work ethic measured their fineness. 2023 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. His parents just werent interested in [him] (143) which is why they choose to pass him to different family members. 7. Teaching this novel makes me very happy! The color guard marched in, the scout in the front holding the folded flag. Scouts definition of fine folks is of people who did the best with the sense they had, However Aunt Alexandras idea of fine folks were the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was, (130) The early chapters of the novel show a childish excitement and fear about the mysterious Boo Radley. 7. Aunt Alexandra wants Scout to grow up and become a great person; even if her definition of "great" is a lot different from Scout's. Just like Miss Maudie, Scout has a different agenda than most women of Maycomb and hopefully . Racism affects Maycomb county greatly. As a punishment for destroying her flowers. In fact, Mr. Raymond even had children with them, which was almost scandalous back then. Contrast Jems reaction to that of his fathers about themen who visit Atticuss house. Which is greater 36 yards 2 feet and 114 feet 2 inch? Teachers and parents! Before Scout, Jem, and Calpurnia entered the First Purchase African M.E. The case never should have gone to trial because it is "as simple as black and white" . Bravery and courage to endure anything even when the situation is hopeless. It taught them that even in a place where everyone was supposed to be accepted, people like Lula would say things like,You aint got no business bringin white chillun here-they got their church, we got ourn. These children loved their father and were willing to sneak out and endanger themselves to make sure hes alright. Literacy isn't a bad approachliteracy means education, which means having a certain class and wealth status. Major problem: it doesn't involve putting people into neat little categories. [and] she was the bravest person i ever knew, (112). Family: the world's oldest excuse for telling people what to do. 2. Scouts cousin tells her that Auntie says that Atticus lets you run around with stray dogs. Aunt Alexandra thinks that children need to be raised with more order and strict manner, but Scout just sees that if people are kind hearted then they are just fine. ", "I wish Bob Ewell wouldn't chew tobacco. Mr. Cunningham was thrown off by Scouts cordial interferance and he had no way to retaliate because they share a polite nature. 2. I hope all of you enjoy this very special book about children growing up in an imperfect world. How does Miss Maudie tries to show Jem that there is still reason to have hope for the future? Mayella's father. 7. He told Jem No son,those were our friends,(146) The people that appeared outside the Finchs front door were citizens of Maycomb County that believe as Atticus does. Scout mentions that Aunt A's is of the belief that the longer a person's family has "squatted on a piece of land" the finer they are. I would fight anyone from a third cousin upwards tooth and nail. ___. He was very calm in the face of danger and had in fact been expecting the visit sooner or later. At first, Jem thinks that the men are there to harm his father. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Dill does feel as though Scout and Jem wouldnt accept him if he wasnt as magnificent as his stories. The six-year-old Scout is taken aback, and in this quote, she reflects on how the moment influenced her. Scout has been listening in on her father speaking with her uncle Jack about the upcoming trial. Instant PDF downloads. While Atticus is empathetic to Bob's experience, he underestimates the . Atticus Finch is defending a black man when every one else declares him guilty in a southern town where racism runs high among the citizens. (23.41-42). I think Harper Lee created the character Dolphus Raymond to show the readers the diversity of the types of people who attended the trial. If a sentence is already correct, write C. 3. Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want Harper Lee created the character Dolphus Raymond to show that not all whites in Maycomb were racist, and Atticus did not stand alone. 'Jean Louise, stop scratching your head,' was the second thing she said.". She remembered how her father told her,to talk about what they were interested in, not about what you were interested in(154). Scout asked Calpurnia Where are the hymn books? (120) Calpurnia causually says that We dont have any. (120) This came at much suprise to Scout. What new fears arise at the end of chapter 22? Sometimes I think I'm a total failure as a parent, but I'm all they've got. This takes true courage when other kids tease her for being a coward and not sticking up for herself. He said it began the summer Dill came to us, when Dill first gave us the idea of making Boo Radley come out." Who says this? The jury wouldn't look at Tom Robinson. tus abuelos / 9:00 de la maana. (119). Right away Scout and Jem thought that they were not welcome here and wanted to get away but when Zeebo stood up for them, they finally felt comfortable. Then you have Dill who is in the same position as Francis. If he were her double first cousin once removed he would still not be received in this house unless he comes to see Atticus on business. One day, when Jem and Scout are going by her house, she calls Atticus a nigger lover. What is the difference between Scout and Jem's attitude concerning the outcome of the trail at this time? Now, write the correct form of the verb in the tense you have indicated above. Instant PDF downloads. Atticus speaks very highly of Mrs. Dubose even though she spoke lowly of him after she passed away. courage is [not] a man with a gun in his hand. Atticus knows that he is running a risk by defending Tom Robinson, but he doesnt think that he could face his children if he didnt. I believe Dills need to lie is caused by a lack of a stable home as a child. Dolphus showed that not everybody was against black people but that racism still controlled his life because white people did not want to talk to him. Dill feels as though he needs to lie because he believes that his parents dont pay attention to him and that they just wasnt interested in [him] (143). In this quote, it explains Scouts Definition of "Fine Folks" was dependent on their actions. On the other side of the spectrum, Atticus was quite unmoved by the whole ordeal. "squatted on a piece of land" the finer they are. 2. They found their visit peculiar, in that practices at First Purchase were not like the ones at the white church. Explain the difference in the definitions of Fine Folk from Scout and Aunt Alexandra? They believe that Tom Robinson should have a fair trial, and not be ridiculed by the town. On the first day of school, Scout's teacher, Miss Caroline, insists that Scout stop reading with Atticus so that she can learn "correctly" in school. In what way does Scout discredit her aunts theory? verb (used with object) to examine, inspect, or observe for the purpose of obtaining information; reconnoiter: to scout the enemy's defenses. Scout believes fine people means the people who do well and succeed with what they are given and Aunt Alexandras meaning of fine people is the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer they was (130). Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. The reasonhe hits the bag is a way of self preservation in order to keep himself from complete ridicule about his family. Jem worried for his father the night the men visited their house. When Calpurnia leads Scout and Jem towards the front of the church the blacks make a clear path for them to move so there is clearly a racial respect in place at this time between Blacks and Whites. Do you think that Aunt Alexandra hides her failure with her own child by trying to control Atticus children? 6. Atticus attempts to talk up the family name. Dolphus Raymond was created because Harper Lee wanted to show someone else in the town that didnt care about race. I learned more about the poor Mrunas' social life from listening to Mrs. Merriweather: they had so little sense of family that the whole tribe was one big family. Jem them grew anxious and yelled, Atticus, the telephones ringing(146)! She says that she smells stale whiskey(152) I dont think that drunken men would back off so easily just because Atticus is trying to be a friend to a Black man. 3. Scout is confused out what fine folks are because she receives several different definitions of who those people are. Cornett covers all the bases anyone would ever need in order to integrate the arts into their classroom." Kay Thomas, Visual Artist/Consultant, ArtsSmart Institute for Learning, Texarkana Regional Arts and Humanities Council, Texarkana, TX MODELO: As la carne de res, pero sali seca. How so, Justin? The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. Atticus, on the other hand, seemed to not be the least bit alarmed by this. At first they felt as though they did not want [them] there, (119) but as soon as they were able to get past Lula, a cruel black woman that they encountered outside the church, both Scout and Jem calmed. She thinks more about how fine folks were people who worked hard, and were overall good people. At the end of the day, i think his imagination just goes on and on and he needs a way to express all his thoughts, and thats through lying. As Mrs. Dubose became addicted to morphine, she realized she did not want to die with any chains attached to her. Mr. Cunningham and his gang left the jail after Scouts quick speech Simply because theyre still human (157). Church on the Black side of town. How does her understanding differ fom that of Aunt Alexandras. ____ him gol (Let, Leave). Then, sum up the themes restated in number 52 , the coda to Song of Myself. His speed also makes him ideal for capturing intelligence briefcases. Putting his reputation on the line, he is defending this man because he knows its the right thing to do. He was weak and oppressed before he was killed in prison. Scout thinks of it as what people do, their actions and how good they are to others. 4. Henry and his wife then produced a son Francis whom they push off on Aunt Alexandra every Christmas so they dont have to spend time with him. write the correct verb from the choices in parentheses. I am not sure if he believes all people to have some good in them for sure, but I do know he is a very thoughtful character. that is the truest kind of courage. I think that after his fiance commited suicide, it had an effect on him. Example: Many a species are either endangered or threatened. Toward the end of the book, in Chapter 26, Scout is reflecting on how much her life with Jem has changed. $\hspace{37pt}$E1: Yo la habra asado por menos tiempo. Scout judges by personality. Dill feels the need to lie because he desires attention from people that will actually listen to him. How does Scout know the verdict before it was read? He prefers to sit with the rest of the blacks because he is more comfortable with them than with whites. Scout, on the other hand, has blossomed under her father's wisdom and tolerance. Aunt Alexandra should have no say in any matter regarding them. Scout, on the other hand, suggests that "Fine Folk" means the ] (119) Another member of the church, Zeebo, was mighty glad to have [Them. Dill has no parents that the reader knows of except for his adoptive father, who seems to dislike him. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. It's very dark out the night of the pageant ] He also lies to make an impressive background for himself because in reality his background is quite sad. It is all about how long the family managed to pass down there land from one generation to the next in her eyes. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Coming near the end of the novel, this quote also demonstrates Scouts growing sense of compassion and capacity for independent thought. Scout expects Miss Caroline to understand this information, but Miss Caroline doesnt have the kind of community knowledge that Scout does. He owns all one side of the riverbank. I agree with you but I wonder why she chose to make Dolphus such a heavy drinker and basically gave him a bad reputation. Atticus, on the other hand, handled the situation well as he originally invited them in the house and then spoke casually to them as they were outside talking to him about the trial. 2. I agree Richard. Aw, she's all right. After this experience, Atticus realized that it took and eight-year-old child to bring em to their senses (157). She said that even though Atticus didn't win, he made the jury think about their decision for a long time. 2. Jem knew that In Maycomb, grown men stood outside in the front yard for only two reasons: death and politics (145). Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. He also points out Bob Ewell is left handed! What does Atticus hope to establish through Bob Ewell's testimony? Now they have to fill in the gap it left in their heart with magnificent stories that are entirely unbelievable. She wanted to make him seem a low as you can get on the outside, only to shatter these ideas with the simple fact that he was really just doing that to make everyone else happy. So many things had happened to us, Boo Radley was the least of our fears. 4. They, on the other hand, were very excited to have these guests. As they gang up on Atticus they are taken off completely when Scout begins to show respect to Mr. Cunningham. [She thought that] entailments were alright living room talk.(154) Mr. Cunningham realizes in this moment that Scout is almost exactly like his own son and he begins to put himself into Atticuss shoes. Jem and Atticus have very different reactions to the men who visit Atticus at night to discuss the case. List three details in chapter 28 that adds to the mounting tension before Jem and Scout are attacked. Aunt Alexandras understanding of fine folk is all about heritage. Aunt Alexandra said. Very true. Maybe he makes them up to give himself a dream world that he can pretend is his real one. "Jean Louise, stop scratching your head," was the. She tells Atticus she understands why they are claiming Ewell fell on his own knifesays to explain in any other way would be like shooting a mocking bird. Instead of excepting the ridicule of haveing a mixed family he drinks. Ironically, the person she most wants to please Atticus is least concerned about her acting in a certain way. What does Atticus attempt to establish through Heck Tate's testimony? Scout is reflecting on her aunts view that the quality of a person has to do with the quality and longevity of their family tree. This statement coming from Atticus Finch tells you just how brave Mrs. Dubose really was because Atticus Finch himself is an extremely courageous person. If he defended himself against Mayella he would have likely been killed, but running away made him look guilty of the crime Mayella accused him of. When Atticus went out of town for two weeks, Scout and Jem visited the First Purchase African M.E. When he points out that it might not be a bad thing that women cant serve on juries, it suggests that even Atticus may harbor some sexist sentimentsnot even he is an entirely flawless person. I think this is how she would define courage because this is how she portrays Atticus> She says that he is the same in is house as he is on public streets(46) I think this shows her idea of true courage because Atticus has the courage to be himself and stick to his values no matter where he is. I would fight anyone from a third cousin upwards tooth and nail i... Desires attention from people that will actually listen to him she receives several different definitions of Fine Folk is about. A gun in his hand Song of Myself dream world that he can pretend is his real.. [ not ] a man with a gun in his hand thought that entailments! 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