One of the times that happened before was when I was watching Ivanhoe (stay with me briefly) I was watching if like many others but I was just stuck on Sir Brian de Bois Guilbert. I splutter. Its wrenching to see a story end in the middle. I think: *WTDFJH? Her role was more as an observer. As to the ending, i wouldnt have minded if she didnt end up with Sidney. And Sidney ( after being rude and aggressive) all of a sudden is overly polite when he tells Charlotte that he is best when he is around her. I do love all her work but it is the depth of her characters here that are vibrant and compelling. But almost anyone can know her intentions when she took up the pen. and coming out of it on the other side, the way Esther did (dark to light), I think it would improve his character and my opinion of him. Spirited and unconventional, Charlotte is shocked by its scheming and ambitious. We should see him as noble for taking such a hit, but instead he just seems obnoxious. In Sanditon season 2, Miss Heywood swore she wouldn't be beholden to a man again and she decided she wouldn't marry anyone now that Sidney is gone. I find it odd that so much money was spent on costumes and a few lush sets and so little on the town of Sanditon. In the next scene we see Esther and Lord Babb sitting side by side in a curricle (a dandys vehicle, much like todays ultra sleek sports car for the uber rich). He drops Charlotte, whom he clearly loves as dearly as Willoughby loves Marianne, not to maintain an extravagant lifestyle for himself but to keep his family from bankruptcy (brought on by their reckless pursuit of great success). they will sometimesspend (really) 10 minutes on a interlude; they give time to dialogues to develop and we get real thought from the characters. I reach for crackers with sharp New Zealand cheddar cheese and a fine red Australian wine and watch Lady D and Esther playing cards. None of the other characters grew in any noticeable way. The next thing we know, someone yells, Fire! Poor Mr. Stringer is toast. Go over and play the piano. There are so many tantalizing threads to pick up on here, so many forks in roads and paths. I agree completely with these statements. Sidney rides off in the sunset to London to find funds. After a tearful cliffside goodbye, they both left town for good? However, in Sanditon they are both entertaining and hopeless to help, as Dr. Fuchs agrees. I cant quite see the match, but found the insinuation intriguing. Really!!?? It will have to go some to beat the BBCs version with Romola Garai. I wouldnt mind if the series ended there its more probable. mp_sf_list_2_description: What to Know: Bohemian artist Charles Lockhart made quite a splash in Season 2 and seemed the only man uninterested in Miss Lambe's fortune. I love rich, huggy-bear types who adore their headstrong women. But no solution is found for Miss Lambe! There were some happy endings but really they were not necessarily the norm. I watched 8 hours for this ending? This ending makes me rethink wanting to watch another Davies production. Help! Really. Thanks, Maureen. Miss Lambe's story is totally unresolved. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Like Downton Abbey it deserves more from these fine actors and actresses. Sidney visits Tom in the drawing room and catches Charlotte going out to adjust the final finishes to her ball gown. This denouement is occurring too soon! I agree with Polly above about asking Miss Lambe for the money, but since she resents Sidney, she probably wouldnt have given it. :-P. I wish this story had featured Esther and Lord Babbington as the main hero/heroine instead. In the final clip released, Sidney and Charlotte bid each other adieu as he sets. Im hoping the plan for Season 2 is that Georgiana will offer to lend the money for rebuilding Sanditon, provided the insurance is purchased this time, so that her friend Charlotte will have her love, in Sidney. The WHOLE WORLD wants to come to Sanditon (a slight exaggeration) just in time for the Midsummers Ball. Died off Prome, the 7th October 1852, while in command of the Naval Expedition on the river Irrawady against the Burmese Forces, aged 73 years.. Men's hair styles at the turn of the 19th century, Regency Fashion: Men's Breeches, Pantaloons, and Trousers, Lady Hester Stanhope: Traveler and Trailblazer, Highclere Castle Floor Plan: The Real Downton Abbey, The Servant's Quarters in 19th Century Country Houses Like Downton Abbey, Pride and Prejudice Economics: Or Why a Single Man with a Fortune of 4,000 Per Year is a Desirable Husband, The Green Baize Door: Dividing Line Between Servant and Master, Dancing at the Netherfield Ball: Pride and Prejudice, Lady Hester Stanhope: Traveler andTrailblazer, Book Review: Ayesha at Last by UzmaJalaluddin, Tracing Jane Austens Royal Ancestors Via Her Parents, by RonaldDunning. Davies and his writers failed on so many levels to pick up on Austens clues. Sigh My plea to the powers that be is to think of your audience and order up at least one more episode to tie up loose ends and provide Charlotte with the logical ending she deserves. I cancelled the DVR and now I can look forward to a Monday night for the first time in 7 weeks. Meanwhile thanks for the summaries and time to dissect this series. Sanditon has been some kind of a revelation for me, I havent figured it all out yet. I hated the ending! Tensions surrounding Miss Lambe's arrival in Sanditon erupt at Lady Denham's grand pineapple luncheon. . Charlotte is, understandably, in a period of mourning so that the audience can commiserate. I always preferred Stringer for Charlotte. The opening sequence reveals that Sidney has died of yellow fever while in Antigua. I never warmed up to him. Thank you so much for writing this. Overall, Im somewhat indignant that this series is labelled as having anything to do with Jane Austen. I hope to review Emma as soon as it comes to my region! What exactly he was doing abroad is a mystery to his family, though they're determined to find out. Jane Austen characters are supposed to learn from each other and grow, so that by the end of the story the heroine and hero are made better by each other. The opportunity is there for a real love story, but not until she grows up a little and he commits to being honorable and seriously understanding his responsibility to protecting her and her money. Thank you, Vic. Inquiring readers: This is a long recap. That is not so. Or someone else will have to do it. Then Sidney is way laid by Tom. I agree. All care toward making things accurate to the period was forfeited, and Charlotte, this common-folk visitor girl was allowed in every conversation and situation. June 27, 2021. I find the Outlander series vastly superior: why? More than anything, I want to see some sort of resolution in her relationship with Sidney. The only redeeming part was Lord Babbington and Esther getting together. Lets hope we can watch a fine episode ending. Miss Lambe makes only two appearances. When will we know if there will be a second season? His character should have and could have become so much better! Episode 6. Arthur would have been kind and he has money. I would watch a second season if it primarily followed these characters (Lady Babbington navigates the London social scene?? My sense is that cost and ratings will both play a huge part in the decision. Davies and his writing team were writing against deadline, or so the story goes in the The World of Sanditon companion book. We absolutely enjoyed Sanditon and can hardly wait for the next season. Thank you for listening to my rant. I guess were lucky S&C didnt run away like Lydia and Wickham to ruin the family even more. Charlotte and Sidney continue to clash, resulting in Miss Lambe being placed in terrible danger. Miss Lambe is a creation of Jane Austen and described as seventeen, half mulatto, and the possessor of an immense fortune. Where is Susan, the worst hypochondriac among she, Diana, and Arthur? I wonder what she's up to. Sanditon (1817) is an unfinished novel by the English writer Jane Austen.In January 1817, Austen began work on a new novel she called The Brothers, later titled Sanditon, and completed eleven chapters before stopping work in mid-March 1817, probably because of illness. I might not want another complete season, but one or two episodes would be nice. Eight episodes of a mini-series deserve a thorough discussion of the finale. So now Sidney has to win Charlotte back. The Parkers combined resources cannot cover the disastrous cost of 80,000, or 6,323,574.23 in todays money. I never was on Team Sidney, who displayed his jerk side way too often. I am of the belief that tall, dark and dashing jolly well ought to come with good manners even when he hasnt fallen in love with the girl. I too watched last night and thought, Thats it?! I also was really bothered that all the other Parkers let Sidney take all the weight of the financial burden. I felt like the endings of the story line were hurriedly done. Copyright Statement: Jane Austen's World blog, 2009-2022. At that moment, Lord Babbington is announced and he enters smiling and smug, and asks Esther to accompany him for a ride. Regency manners require her to accept this invitation or bow out from dancing for the rest of the evening. In some instances, links will be removed from comments as well. Please believe me there was no other way to resolve Toms situation. Will Arthur win Miss Lambes hand, or did his final speech imply he was gay? We cannot leave things as they are. While disappointed overall in the show did enjoy your comments! No. No, it was him. They are curious to find out what happens with Charlotte, Sidney, Miss Lambe but unfortunately cannot do anything but use their imaginations . The show can be watched on PBA stations in the US and have a total of eight episodes available. How could Tom have allowed it given his own feelings about love? Okay, obviously there are things in Sanditon that are triggering me to figure something out so I can revisit events and then own life. I go over it again and again and again and have awakened many times with new scenarios for the second season. Although Arthur reaches out to Miss Lambe as a friend, for which we all admire him for, he does confess to Diana he will never marry. Miss Lambe is a seventeen-year-old girl brought to Sanditon by Mrs. Griffiths, along with two Miss Beauforts. Even though parts of Sanditon didn't entirely feel like Jane Austen herself, it was wholly entertaining novel and very delightful to be back in an Austen inspired world. I have loved reading your perspectives. This is also not Poldark, where the marriage is the focal point rather than the culmination. This whole series was a waste of time, all due to the terrible ending. The TV version passed what Austen wrote in the first half hour or so. How are your wedding preparations? she asks, her face immobile, as if injected by botox. Terrible! As James and Charlotte dance, he tells her hes found an excellent situation in London as an apprentice. Dont have this strong, individualistic, hard-working woman being manipulated by an older man. Beyond their commonality with physical matters, they are a strange pair of individuals with no love interests. Meanwhile, Clara witnesses a private moment between Esther . I liked the series but loved the last two episodes. As for my feelings about the final episode: Boooo, Andrew Davies!! Why was Sanditon Cancelled? Mr. Davies has honored her in the Sanditon mini-series. Or does she know something more sinister about him? Please us all with the follow on, not forgetting the present cast which were all so well chosen. As others have noted Miss Lambs character development and story line vanished once she returned from London. What did TOM do to rectify the situation he put himself in? While there is not a definite comparison between the two characters , I am seeing a transformative experience for Sydney Parker in Sanditon. S1 E6 - 47m 34s Charlotte and Sidney must reconcile enough in order to search for a missing Sanditon resident. This is fantastic, Pensnestand couldnt agree more about Charlotte putting on her bonnet! A little choppy for me. He is a Harlequin Romance hero a pulp fiction depiction, and a mere shadow, of Janes best male portrayals. Thank you so much for your sterling Sanditon reviews And especially for this final one! She does have it on in a few scenes, but not the all-important cliff walk with Sidney; I figured the show runners didnt want anything in the way of an amazing kiss. Jane Austen smacking Davies about the headnow that would be worth watching! She also was, at 22, facing spinsterhood. One reason why I love the comments so much is that I gain so much from others perspectives, what people like and what turns them off. I am thinking of Persuasion now, and though this is a reverse situation, where the man chooses to marry for money (for whatever reason) instead of for the love of his life there arises an opportunity for a do over. That is a plausible ending if there is another episode for Sanditon. Thank you for your review, Christina. He sees her as well. Even Willoughby, selfish rake that he is, gives us charm and wit before his fall from the proverbial pedestal. Esther feigns boredom, but Lord Babb urges the horses on. Charlotte/Sidney is boring by comparison. I did warn you a few weeks ago that the last episode had a Big Surprise. I was left speechless after the conclusion, with one question running through my head: What did I just watch? However, she's not alone. Lady D swoops down upon the hapless brothers and sister, saying she wants her investment back or else theyll all be put in the poor house. She and Charlotte chatter like close girlfriends are wont to do, giggling and exchanging highly personal information. You and the wine deserve an award for suffering through it and then doing such a great job evaluating and of course, not giving away the ending. Premieres Sundays . They must give us a respectful Jane Austen ending!! And so, Sidney says, What a brute I was., Charlotte, who, once upon a time was a feisty opinionated woman, says, I deserved it.. My head spins from the many scene changes and from my low blood sugar. We agree on so many points. Sanditon is back! Perhaps Charlotte, having gone home is being invited by her new friend, Susan, and taken in as her ward, or Susan hears of the Parkers demise and helps them, rendering Sidneys impending marriage gone. Absolutely agree, particularly about the ridiculousness of the Parkers not objecting to Sidney sacrificing himself. The worker men would nit have been allowed in the gentlemans rowing contest. I agree. "Now that is quite the accusation to level against an officer of the British empire, Miss Lambe," he replied with just enough of an angle to his smile to confirm that his loyalty was far from unshakeable. Sanditon is back for season 2! Do read Austens original manuscript. Her 75-page unfinished manuscript described Charlotte as an observer. And I actually found him more interesting this season . *Yeah, whatev,* I think. From the miserly and rich Lady Denham (Anne Reid), the Antiguan heiress Miss Lambe (Crystal Clarke), to social "brother and sister" schemers attempting to inherit the mean Lady Denham's money. What happens to her? In fact I wasnt sure if it was the end. I inferred that they were both childish in spirit and had fun together. For me , it started with episode 7, when everything began to feel contrived. At least hes gutsy enough to tell her in person of his actions. Once I realised that, I sat back and enjoyed it, though, as someone else said, the comments here were far more entertaining. I felt so betrayed by this final episode and turned right to you for commiseration. I wish Sanditon had been marketed to us as a mini soap opera version of a Jane Austen classic romance rather than a continuation of an unfinished novel. Will Sidney give himself a talking to? I plan to follow up this mini-series with this book. There, she hobnobs with her hosts, the. I, too, am somewhat disappointed in the ending but if is not implausible, on the contrary. When I did, I began to enjoy it, but I do not like loose ends that we were left with. THATS IT?! A fine kettle of fish! Like, really Charlotte, your good friend Georgiana comes home from a traumatic kidnapping and you go visit her like what, twice? Are you still proclaiming your independence? Sidney, you may think that a woman is there for you to use for pleasure or money, to play games with or exploit. I also was pleased that Esther seems to have found some sort of happiness. In the eighth clip released, Miss Lambe (Crystal Clarke) receives a letter from her love Otis (Jyuddah Jaymes). Austen is rolling over in her grave exactly what I told my mom while watching this episode. Informed minds want to know. My favorite part in the whole series: 1) when the workers stormed in to the cricket match, and some idiot gentleman said they look good. Yes, they did! It really does feel that way and I am glad to read that so many other people were so sad about it too. Agree, let it die! Are you kidding me! This isnt Jane Austen, although some of the characters were likeable. James is beside himself with grief and regret. Good for you, Lizzie. The only thing I regret is the sense Tom has hell be all right. Really to leave a Jane Austen story in such a shambles is a travesty. One good result that came from Davies productionIve ordered a copy of Sanditon and will read Austens original, albeit incomplete, text. Young Stringer and Charlotte strike up a friendship. My first thought was that they definitely set up episode 8 for a second season. Charlotte is stunned, however. Just let it drift over the horizon, and be done with it. Even if Sidney had said, I must do this for us the ultimate sacrifice, at least it would have shown that the family was aware and cared about what it would mean for him. No. P&P versions: I love the movie with Matthew Macfayden and Kiera Knightley for its romance and how it captures the main characters dancing around each other with their own pride and prejudices until they drop the walls and they discover the real nature of each other. So there you are,Vic.It appeals to my subversive nature. I have the complete works of Jane Austen as books, and one or two DVDs of each of the movies or TV versions. Once I let myself go in terms of recapping the Sanditon episodes, I had fun making sport with the more improbable situations. (Gasp!) This is NOT Jane Austen! You might so I do so long for joy that meretricious versions depress me. Reaching episode 8 I was in shock that Davies switched the DNA of what we know to be a Jane Austen novel with traditional endings based on the character development presented. She was an immature, inexperienced child. ? I did not know that a 2nd season might be in the works, so I thought that really was the end. Season 1. It turns out, he has saved them allexcept for he, himself and Charlotte. What happens with her? :-) I just dont like having to guess thats where this was leading. i am praying there will be either a second set to this series or, at least a final tying up of so many loose strings. Isnt the first rule of Austen that after all the suffering comes a happy ending? Colour me outraged! "Do we have a rebel in our midst, Captain Fraser?". Davies and his team have an obligation to viewers to end this mini-series without a cliff hanger. ), Personally, I will stick to the Sanditon ending as written by Another Lady. Its not perfectly Austen either, but it is a good deal better than this! The sumptuous Jane Austen adaptation will bow out with its third and final series, but what's in store for Charlotte Heywood, Georgiana Lambe and the town's other residents? Here's everything you know about plot, cast, director, filming location and more! I will leave it there its not about me but it had to do with the character transforming and understanding something about women that he had never known before. Following which, Sidney breaks upon Charlotte that he has plans to honour his word and has to get married to Eliza Campion. Hes presented to us as a sort of Darcy manqu, but the blessed Jane didnt re-tread her heroes any more than her heroines. She couldnt care less about cards. I completely agree that there should have been more Tilney in Sidney. Sidney quickly answers, Shed be delighted.. He clearly would like to marry but feels himself inadequate. Later in the series, Georgiana gets kidnapped to be a man's wife because Otis had mentioned her when he had debts to pay, and after she is safetly back home she breaks it off with Otis because she can't trust him anymore. The music climaxes in volume. What about borrowing all or part of the money from Georgianna? I think Andrew Davies must have had his mind on an entirely different novel. If you would like to share a new site, or point out an error, please email us. I guess first impressions are real. (#1 goes to the London ball, and #3 to the assembly ball at the beginning of the series.) And as written it seems Charlotte may after all marry Mr Stringer as Esther has married Babington and maybe Sidney will marry Eliza all pragmatic. However,. 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