He took a step back and gestured toward it. over the mariachi band playing in the bathroom. Native American culture is rich and full of stories, religion, and ancestry. This poem shows how the Native Americans felt when white men came in and raped them of their land. It Was the Animals. ASU English MFA student in poetry A. Diaz played professional basketball in Europe and Asia before returning to Old Dominion to earn an MFA. (2006) from Old Dominion University. Meinen reading the poem It Was the Animals from Natalie Diazs collection Postcolonial Love Poem. March 4th, 2020. She is Director of the Center for Imagination in the Borderlands and is the Maxine and Jonathan Marshall Chair in Modern and Contemporary Poetry at Arizona State University. The clowns played toy bugles. Diaz warns that history will repeat and many Native Americans will die. An editor This means that there is no one to tell the stories and to teach the young people about Native American culture. In "The Facts of Art," she beautifully weaves a story that is part history, part reflection of America today, and part subtle warning for the future. The next morning, my mother and my youngest sister, Franki, dropped by my house unexpectedly. over the edge of a dinner table, the young Hopi men went. That's another metaphor. My Brother at 3 AM Term of the Day Caricature. eading Natalie Diazs Forward prize shortlisted collection, Four new collections up for the 2020 Forward prizes review roundup. Meinen a creative writing graduate student at ASU and a mentee of Diazs reads It Was the Animals Postcolonial Love Poem is Diazs second collection. QuizQuiz your students on this list. According to the Minnesota Department of Health, an estimated 450,000 to 500,000 Minnesotans struggle with a substance use disorder. Impossibility as a state of desire, a will towards rebuilding. For instance, the speaker notes that her brother steals light bulbs and other items to get money to buy drugs. His new face all jaw all smile and bite. Her own use of traditional forms and allusions Ashbery, Whitman and Sexton appear, as do Borges, Homer and Lorca are means of expanding rather than circumscribing her practice. After you claim a section youll have 24 hours to send in a draft. The Facts of Art by Natalie Diaz Heidi Zeigler(Mexico) 13words 4learners What type of activity would you like to assign? When I received the two advance copies of my first poetry book, When My Brother Was an Aztec, I kept one and gave the second copy to my brother Minohe is the tattooed brother who posed for the photo on the book's cover. In The Facts of Art, she beautifully weaves a story that is part history, part reflection of America today, and part subtle warning for the future. The year we moved off / the reservation / a / white / boy up the street gave me a green trash bag. Diaz recognized the piece of wood as a fragment of a picture frame but then imagined a parade of animals entering her house. Analysis of Abecedarian Requiring Further Examination of Anglikan Seraphym Subjungation of Wild Indian Rezervation By: Natalie Diaz. and the barbaric way they buried their babies, All the poem collected in the book discuss how the speaker's brother is struggling with drug addiction. Diazs trajectory as a poet is tied to the tensions between her three languages: Mojave, Spanish and English. she replied.I can tell you're bothered, so you might as well just say what's in you, I continued.Well, it's just that the things you wroteit didn't happen like that, she told me. The artist Natalie Diaz is ranked among the Top 100,000 on ArtFacts. The clowns played toy bugles until the air was scented with rotten raspberries. Names Diaz, Natalie, author, speaker. Home > Poems & Essays > New American Poets > New American Poets: Natalie Diaz. (2006) from Old Dominion University. The dogs ran away. Image: Arbys, Hollywood, CA (David Prasad, 1984). This destroyed the Native American population. She is a poet who understands tradition but is not beholden to it. The Facts of Art by Natalie Diaz Natalie Diaz - 1978- It is December and we must be brave. Animals enter the house and two by two the fantastical beasts parading him hijack Diazs control as sister and writer. in Airstream trailers wrote letters home. Natalie Diaz Reads 'Reservation Mary' and Other Poems Natalie Diaz grew up on the Fort Mojave Indian Reservation on the border of California, Arizona and Nevada. Diaz played professional basketball. In her work, myth is simultaneously reified and undercut because it has to be. In "Manhattan Is a Lenape Word," Diaz describes the loneliness and sadness she feels while contemplating the Native American lives lost due to genocide and the ongoing violence and marginalization against Natives by the U.S. government. She is a Lannan Literary Fellow and a Native Arts . She sits helpless as the water fell against my ankles demonstrating. March 12, 2021. He set the bag on my dining table unknotted it peeled it away revealing a foot-long fracture of wood. The honor comes mere months after the MacArthur Fellow made . Diaz played professional basketball in Europe and Asia . In Diaz's hands, the narratives are not beholden to the original experience. He is a Cheshire cat, a gang of grins. The worst part he said was he wasn't even dead. I dont see personal stories that necessarily resonate with me, because theyre not my stories, he said. She earned a BA from Old Dominion University where she received a full athletic scholarship. The Facts of Art by Natalie Diaz woven plaque basket with sunflower design, Hopi, Arizona, before 1935 from an American Indian basketry exhibit in Portsmouth, Virginia The Arizona highway sailed across the desert a gray battleship drawing a black wake, halting at the foot of the orange mesa, unwilling to go around. That night, all the Indian workers got sad-drunkgot sick. 39: II . Diaz ends the book with poems about an unnamed beloved, and in more recent poems she has continued to explore expressions of Indigenous love in nature, family, and community. Diazs drawing together of personal and communal grief could not be more timely. Throughout Native American history Native Americans have been oppressed and defeated. Her father was Mexican and her mother is Native, so she understands what it means to grow up across contested borders of racial and religious identity. The Question and Answer section for When My Brother Was an Aztec is a great That's exactly how it happened. Diaz skillfully explores her brothers destructive path with theshow more content He is a Cheshire cat a gang of grins. with the lights on It was a party after all. This thinking helps us disrespect water, air, land, one another. Biography Natalie Diaz received a B.A. I started believing in the Hooferman the night Boy pulled the rope from the old canalit lifted from the dirt inches at a timeuntil a hoof and leg appeared at the end. The speaker is faithful that despite her brother going through challenges of drug addiction, God will intervene and rescue him. Natalie Diaz is a poet blending personal, political, and cultural references in works that challenge the systems of belief underlying contemporary American culture. We've updated our privacy policies in response to General Data Protection Regulation. I dont know if Ill ever get out of the labyrinth that is this nation, she says. You mean Noahs ark. How that nesting doll of exclusions breaks open into the living reality of this Earth, how it breaks into becoming, into belonging, is what Mojave American poet and MacArthur fellow Natalie Diaz an artist exploring the permeable membrane between language and landscape explores in her stunning, sweeping poem "lake-loop," commissioned for the It Was the Animals Natalie Diaz - 1978- Today my brother brought over a piece of the ark wrapped in a white plastic grocery bag. Natalie Diaz reads "Postcolonial Love Poem." As a child growing up on the Fort Mojave Indian Reservation, a roughly 24,000-acre plot of land that straddles the boundaries of California, Arizona and Nevada, Diaz spent much of her time engaging in two of her favorite activities: reading and basketball. smiled or sighed beneath the moonlight, while white women Find out more. In the first few stanzas, Hopi men and women watch white construction workers drill through a mesa to expand the Arizona highway. Later in the poem it is a remembering tone of the angels that destroyed them. The white settlers were being total hypocrites because they fled England for religious freedom. She is Mojave and an enrolled member of the Gila River Indian Tribe. I sleep her bees with my mouth of smoke, dip honey with my hands stung sweet jails, twenty-dollar bills, midnight phone calls, The scarlet balloons zigzagged along the ceiling, like theyd been filled with helium. In fact, Pratt, whos probably best known for his transformation from the schlubby, yet irresistibly funny Andy Dwyer into a fit, somewhat funny action hero, has even played some of them. Diazs opulent language still holds the same simmer as When My Brother was an Aztec but never dissolves into anguishRather Diazs poems are languid explorations of love and desire while themes from When My Brother was an Aztec reoccur. He took a step back and gestured toward it with his arms and open palms Its the ark he said. Yes, labor itself has changed, which means blue-collar jobs look much different now than they did when a fourteen-year-old Philip Levine worked in a Detroit automotive plant. That's not the way it was. She has moved away from a lyrical evocation of a family grappling with a brothers meth addiction and early death, to a wider interrogation of national mythologies. Diaz identifies as Mojave, Akimel Oodham and Latinx, as well as queer. A woman without legs is a symbol of hope for the speaker. This poem, "The Facts of Art," explores a clash of cultures on the mesas of Arizona and the violence through lack of understanding and respect that a dominant culture can do to another. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. They seemed to know where they were going and shrank to a fistful of red grins at the end of our cul-de-sac. Her Postcolonial Love Poem was the winner of the 2020 Pulitzer Prize. He was wrong. Sign up for periodic news updates and event invitations. He took a step back and gestured toward it with his arms and open palms Its the ark he said. We held to many truths all at once. The speaker knows that all is not lost despite her brother being a drug addict. He set the bag on my dining table unknotted it peeled it away revealing a foot-long fracture of wood. The kindness of this poem comes through stillnesswhen everything else is flooding, rampaging, passing them by, Diaz simply sits with her brother. remote controls, the Polaroid, stereo, Shop-Vac, even the motor to Dads work truckeverything, my brother had taken apart and put back together, doing his crystal meth trickshed always been, to know if my brother had willed them the pots. Her, comein the green night, a lion. Reading Natalie Diazs Forward prize shortlisted collection, Postcolonial Love Poem, feels like a radical political act. As our very own Charles Mudede has noted nature has begun to take back our city streets. I grew up on a reservation and we had a boarding school where language was taken. This theft of language, and the superimposition of the occupiers tongue, is imprinted on her. She is Mojave and an enrolled member of the Gila River Indian community. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. Natalie Diaz received a B.A. their arms and legs had been cleaved off and their torsos were flung. In Natalie Diaz 's poem "The Facts of Art," which appears in her 2012 book When My Brother Was an Aztec, class is not a subject as much as it is a cause for the poem. The ever-drying Colorado River the dwindling number of First Nations languages still in use in the contemporary United States even the hands of a lover caught in a vanishing act. He set the bag on my dining table unknotted it peeled it away revealing a foot-long fracture of wood. She is Mojave and an enrolled member of the Gila River Indian community. She is a poet who will help us write into the future as she excavates the past and interrogates the present. Zones Skit in a Bag Skit in a Bag. important element in chiaroscuro painting. Diaz recognized the piece of wood as a fragment of a picture frame but then imagined a parade of animals entering her house. They pulled scarves from Mom's earshe slept through it.I baked my brother's favorite cake (chocolate, white frosting).When I counted there were ninety-nine of us in the kitchen.Everyone stuck their fingers in the mixing bowl.A few stray dogs came to the window.I heard their stomachs and mouths growlingover the mariachi band playing in the bathroom. By Natalie Diaz because there was yet no lake into many nights we made the lake. If you do, theyll be marching you off to. When that didnt work, the state workers called the Indians lazy, sent their sunhat-wearing wives back up to buy more baskets. The violence of a settler colonialism project is constant ongoing and present in both poets expression of that violence. By Natalie Diaz . resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. High-resolution photos of MacArthur Fellows are available for download (right click and save), including use by media, in accordance with this copyright policy. Today my brother brought over a piece of the ark. In the opening poem, "When My Brother Was An Aztec" (Diaz,1). The Native American and Latinx poets Postcolonial Love Poem has been shortlisted for the Forward prize for best collection. Natalie Diaz was born in the Fort Mojave Indian Village in Needles California. I sliced the cake into ninety-nine pieces. The Facts of Art by Natalie Diaz Heidi Zeigler (Mexico) Share 13 words 4 learners Learn words with Flashcards and other activities Other learning activities Practice Answer a few questions on each word. The Facts of Art. Ultimately Natalie Diazs collection is a reminder that compassion is a requirement for life. The poem It Was the Animals begins Today my brother brought over a piece of the ark wrapped in a white plastic grocery bag. Boy hollered as loud as my cousin Wendell and I. Hand-Me-Down Halloween is an angry eruption of language that ensues in the wake of the speaker being taunted by a white boy for wearing a secondhand Tonto costume. Last week I shared Cloud Watching with you today its The Elephantsjust amazing. At its center, this collection is about the transformation of traditionsthe traditions of poverty, the traditions of Indigenousness, the traditions of poetics. Please respond to the following questions after. The Facts of Art. About "The Facts of Art" by Natalie Diaz https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/56354/the-facts-of-art The poem contains one of the many rhetorical devices surrounds the use of indigenous words and authoritative details such as " BIA ." This is done to represent a cross cultural divide. The most destructive way that white settlers changed the Native Americans was culture. and pans and spoons stacked in his basement bedroom. In a recent poem Catching Copper, another image echoing our historical moment appears: My brothers take a knee, bow / against the asphalt, prostrate / on the concrete for their bullet. Her poem American Arithmetic points out that US police kill more Native Americans per capita than people from any other race, but she insists that until there is black freedom and liberation that wont exist for anybody else. Anonymous "When My Brother Was an Aztec Symbols, Allegory and Motifs". Contents 1 Early life 2 Career. the color of my grandmother's skin / reddish brown / my mother's skin / brown-redskin The mariachis complained about the bathtub acoustics. I could take the ark. In my house, we never had to choose between the numerous parts of ourselveswe were all of those things, at the same time, sometimes in a noisy collision, sometimes in an easy weave. Diaz is a powerful new poetic voice, and she is broadening the venues for and reach of Indigenous perspectives through her teaching, cross-disciplinary collaborations, and language preservation efforts. peered down from their tabletops at yellow tractors, water trucks, and white men blistered with sunred as fire antstowing, sunscreen-slathered wives in glinting Airstream trailers, that young men listen less and less, and these young Hopi men, needed work, hence set aside their tools, blocks of cottonwood root, and half-finished Koshari the clown katsinas, then. She teaches at the Arizona State University Creative Writing MFA program. With imaginative sleight of hand and perfect control Diaz turns this extraordinary poem into an anguished stampede of biblical animals overwhelming her brothers mind and at one remove her own. PracticeAn adaptive activity where students answer a few questions on each word in this list. To help address this problem of addiction in Minnesota and beyond, the National Institutes on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has awarded the University of Minnesota $9.9 million to establish the Center for Neural Circuits in . The source material is unquestionably valuable and necessary, but what helps make Diaz's work unique is the language itself. Reprinted with the permission of the author. Situating the poems of her new collection amidst voices of postcolonial love from Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz to Rihannaand saturating her lines with allusions to writers as varied as Homer Jorge Luis Borges and John AshberyNatalie Diaz makes no pretense that Postcolonial Love Poem is anything. Click the View Holds button for more details. Natalie Diaz's brilliant second collection demands that every body carried in its pagesbodies of language, land, rivers, suffering brothers, enemies, and loversbe touched and held as beloveds. Her first poetry collection, When My Brother Was an Aztec, was published by Copper Canyon Press.She is a Lannan Literary Fellow, a Native Arts Council Foundation Artist Fellow, and a 2015 Hodder Fellow. roused from deaths dusty cradle, cut in half, cracked. thissection. (2000) and M.F.A. I told them God was and they ran into the desert, barefoot.I gave Dad his slice and put Mom's in the freezer.I brought up the pots and pans and spoons(really, my brother was a horrible cook), banged them together like a New Year's Day celebration.My brother finally showed up asking whyhe hadn't been invited and who baked the cake.He told me I shouldn't smile, that this whole party was shitbecause I'd imagined it all. Her work is influenced by her interest in museum collections and the drawings look as if they could be studies done by naturalists from earlier centuries. I grew up with stories about our land and water, about the strange and reality-defying occurrences of my desertdiscovering the night heaving in sleep on a moonstruck sand dune; hearing an owl . Is it possible? shirt & pants . Natalie Diaz is a fantastic poet whose work I'd been introduced to only recently. I want to be deserving of it. Intriguingly, Diaz describes Postcolonial Love Poem as a kind of bodywork, a touch that extends from the body into the page but one that also decentres the human body. To order a copy go to guardianbookshop.com. Because of needing work, because the highways expansion through their home appears inevitable, the Hopi men take part in an everyday demolition of their own existence. As she says in "Grief Work," the final poem of "Postcolonial Love Poem," "Why not now go toward the things I. The speaker writes: You can help us out by revising, improving and updating People dont consider Black folks blue collar, she explained. ), They did agree to drive by the house once. I told the dogs, No more cake here, and shut the window. These skits highlight the truths we learn from the comparisons between gardening and our spiritual lives. The way they almost glittered. Natalie Diaz - 1978- , because there was yet no lake into many nights we made the lake a labor, and its necessary laborings to find the basin not yet opened in my body, yet my bodyany body wet or water from the start, to fill a clay , start being what it ever means, a beginning the earth's first hand on a vision-quest Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Aha Makav is the true name of our people, given to us by our Creator who / loosed the river from the earth and built it into our living bodies. Diaz is talking in this landscape during a time of national mourning and I learn from her book that the Mojave word for tears suggests the word river. The oryxes with their black . She takes her experiences, distills them into English, Mojave, or Spanish, then twists the resultant moment with wit and grace. Fences, Manchester By The Sea, and Moonlight all featured blue collar characters, btw. In other words, Pratts criticism of Hollywood doesnt indicate an absence of personal stories that resonate with him, but his inability to engage beyond relatability. In an interview with Claire Jimenez for Remezcla Diaz points out that a. in white Bad spirits, said the Elders. We all stuck our fingers in the mixing bowl. She is Mojave and an enrolled member of the Gila River Indian Tribe. In 1495, Bernal Daz del Castillo was born to a low-income family in a small town called Medina del Campo in Castilla in Spain. Pastor Johns son is the angeleveryone knows angels are white. Location: Piper Writers House (PWH), 450 E Tyler Mall, Tempe, AZ 85281. If a student struggles with a word, we follow-up with additional questions. In the middle of the poem's fantastical swerve, which comes in the middle of an apparently dark episode in the brother figure's life, Diaz makes a goat joke. The time that Diaz originally refers to is a time where there was lots of Native American death. While there are a number of systemic forces at play in this narrative, all of them feed into what reads like an almost mundane manifestation of oppression. She slept for ten years, My brothers and sisters were giddy, shredding, his stained T-shirts and raggedy pants, throwing them up, When the clowns came in a few balloons slipped out, the front door. The white settlers thought they were civilizing the Native Americans by forcing their religion and culture upon them. The Trail of Tears was a trail created by white men to move Natives to Oklahoma and other regions near there. Since lockdown, Diaz has been in Fort Mohave, Arizona, on the reservation where she grew up. He took a step back and gestured toward it with his arms and open palms Its the ark he said. If you do, they'll be marching you off to / Zion or Oklahoma, or some other hell they've mapped out for us." Diaz seems to be recalling the past; Angels dont come to the reservation. The Natives had originally thought that the white men coming in were angels and were going to help them but they soon realized that; They all mean the same thing- death. She is Mojave and an enrolled member of the Gila River Indian tribe. The speaker writes: The Clouds are Buffalo Limping towards Jesus.. Yet she distrusts institutional power. She is Mojave and an enrolled member of the Gila River Indian community. And I want desire; I want to be capable of it. Consider the exquisite it was the animals which can be seen as a conversation with the titular poem from when my brother was an aztec the. The sport was more than just a pastime for Diaz. She places the concept of hunger skillfully throughout her works in When My Brother Was An Aztec, so as to reveal the psychological meanings of hunger under the guise of physical hunger. Throughout Native American history Native Americans have been oppressed and defeated. The Mojave poet Natalie Diaz, who contributed to this anthology with . I grew up in the Arizona/California desert, on the Fort Mojave Indian Reservation, which everyone called the Indian Village, with four brothers and four sisters in a two-bedroom house, to a native mother and a Spanish, Catholic father. Read the Study Guide for When My Brother Was an Aztec, The Physical and Psychological Hunger Represented in No More Cake Here and Why I Hate Raisins By Natalie Diaz, Weeping Buffalo: The True Story of America, View Wikipedia Entries for When My Brother Was an Aztec. Yet this is Diazs point the myths of equality and freedom peddled by US founding fathers were a white settler fantasy projected on to a wound stretching from sea to shining sea. The dogs ran away. When My Brother Was an Aztec study guide contains a biography of Natalie Diaz, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Topping the headlines again, Arizona State University Associate Professor Natalie Diaz has been awarded the 2021 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry for her collection " Postcolonial Love Poem ," which has been described as "an anthem of desire against erasure.". The book group is open to all in the ASU community and meets monthly from noon-1 p.m. in the Piper Writers House on ASU's Tempe campus. Mom blew upso many that she fell asleep. The fire truck came by with the sirens on. She is Mojave and an enrolled member of the Gila River Indian Tribe. In this postcolonial state of perpetual war and institutional violence, Diazs poetry carves out a space where the nation state cant intervene. Connect with us on social media or view all of our social media content in one place. Originally published on March 14, 2017. Natalie Diaz is the author of Postcolonial Love Poem and When My Brother Was an Aztec, winner of an American Book Award. Sometime after midnight, I received a rain of text messages with comments or questions from my siblings. A blur of chest and hoof. Consequently, one of the main effects of drug addiction is stealing and criminal activities to enable addicts to access drugs. It uncovered a truth in me that I almost wished I didn't know existed: the late-night-early-morning phone calls that we all dread because they usually bring some form of bad news about my brother might one day bring us/me a type of relief or at least an ease of sorts, because one day that phone call might announce that my brother is free of his worst self, meaning we/I would be free from this version of him as well, meaning he would be dead. I think hes right, but maybe, the worst part is that Im still imagining the party, maybe. Main GalleryOctober 9, 2021-January 23, 2022Curated by Maria Hupfield. And the new angels are the white men that were going to build camps for Native Americans to live in. such squalor in their stone and plaster homescobs of corn stacked Instead, they read quietly, flipping to poems at random. Cowboy Poetry: On the Trail with James Blasingame. Find out more. Natalie Diaz. At least, the speaker believes that her brother can be saved at some point, though not wholly. Postcolonial Love Poem Natalie Diaz Graywolf Press March 3 2020. I wrapped all the electronic equipment in the house, taped pink bows and glittery ribbons to them. We are also the water that will wash it all away. She has also won a Lannan Literary Fellowship and the Narrative Poetry Prize. Can I really imagine beyond a nation from within a nation? Minotaurs appear in her poetic lexicon as figures who are taught from the start that they are animals, born into conditions from which they were never meant to escape. oh, and those beautiful, beautiful baskets. These are, Diaz seems to be saying, the facts of art. She has also won a Lannan Literary Fellowship and the Narrative Poetry Prize. It was the animalsthe animals I could not take Yesterday there was a black and yellow snake hiding under the cushion of one of our upholstered chairs. The poem is trying to relay a message about how they desecrate the graves but want Baskets and Katsinas. Natalie Diaz, Assistant Professor (Creative Writing) Naira Kuzmich (1988-2017) James Ney (1932-2017) In the Deep: An Undersea Photographic Essay. Natalie Diaz: Natalie Diaz was born and raised on the Fort Mojave Indian Reservation in Needles, California. The Facts of Art by Natalie Diaz The Arizona highway sailed across the desert a gray battleship drawing a black wake, halting at the foot of the orange mesa, Here the desert meets the Colorado river (at risk from pollution, damming and development, she calls it the most endangered river in the United States), not far from Needles, the California border town where she was born in 1978. Highlights on. For me, writing is less a declaration of those truths than it is my interrogation of them. In the first few stanzas, Hopi men and women watch white construction workers drill through a mesa to expand the Arizona highway. Jan 04, 2022 | By Natalie Diaz | Alta Online. Angle Measure Worksheet 1. The poem starts talking about angels in a reflective way. I think he's right, but maybe the worst part is that I'm still imagining the party, maybe the worst part is that I can still taste the cake.All rights reserved. When My Brother Was an Aztec essays are academic essays for citation. They were being persecuted in England and many settlers fled to America so they would have religious freedom. It also engages with familial relationships Diazs mother and brother both make appearances in the book but it expands to include romantic love. In her introduction to the long-overdue anthology New Poets of Native Nations (2018), the editor Heid E. Erdrich, herself a Native American poet, begins by welcoming us in the "brilliantly lit dimension" that her selected poets collectively create and occupy. By no means has contemporary literature reached its limit of working-class writers, but we should also recognize what has been written and how were engaging with it. She is a 2018 MacArthur Foundation Fellow, a Lannan Literary Fellow, and a Native Arts . , or Spanish, then twists the resultant moment with wit and grace dont come to the tensions her. And our the facts of art natalie diaz analysis lives we learn from the comparisons between gardening and our lives... Old Dominion University where she received a rain of text messages with or... Rescue him with additional questions no one to tell the stories and to teach the young people about Native death. At random their religion and culture upon them all stuck our fingers in the house once Remezcla Diaz out... Trail of Tears was a Trail created by white men came in and raped them of land. Created by white men came in and raped them of their land men women... 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Expand the Arizona state University Creative Writing MFA program carves out a space where the nation state cant intervene to.