Vimes was educated at a dame school, where he was once blackboard monitor for a whole term, before he had to drop out and concentrate on learning about life out on the streets. [12] Although in Guards! Revealed in the events of Thud!, after years of night-time patrols, Vimes' mindscape is described as the city of Ankh-Morpork-itself, streets and all, in the dead of night, whilst the rains are bucketing down over your head. It is later revealed that the force that was preventing the Summoning Dark from making any progress in possessing Vimes was Vimes' own 'inner guardsman', who patrols the streets of his mind. The Watch. He now finds himself in the awkward position of continuing to despise the ruling classes of the city, while actually being a member of them. Through his detective work and adventures he saves the city and many people's lives on multiple occasions. explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective, Learn how and when to remove this template message, who was responsible for summoning the Dragon, all of those little reactions and impulses, The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, "The Annotated Pratchett File: Feet of Clay", "Richard Dormer leads cast in comedy thriller The Watch", "Without Terry Pratchett, the world is less magical", "Terry Pratchett's Discworld: The Cinematic Universe That Never Was", "Terry Pratchett estate backs Jack Monroe's idea for 'Vimes Boots' poverty index", Samuel Vimes article in Discworld & Pratchett Wiki,, Ethnic tensions between dwarfs and trolls in, Ethnic tensions between humans and goblins in, Tensions between dwarf factions over the Clacks and the new railway in, This page was last edited on 17 January 2023, at 16:40. In Snuff, it is highlighted that not only can Young Sam read, but that he is quite advanced and now reads to his father. and Snuff. His feathers are soggy and limp and his cloak is becoming heavy with water. The Vimes spot shows the aforementioned Night Watch captain struggling to get through a hard day's work, while the Sybil promo highlights her passion for justice. Since becoming the Commander of the Watch and as such a popular target with the clients of the Assassins' Guild, Vimes also started the exercise of personally engineering pitfalls and death traps around his house and outside of his office at the police headquarters. Artist Paul Kidby, who has collaborated with Pratchett on several works, portrays him as resembling Clint Eastwood. Deduction is not Vimes' favorite activity; he distrusts clues and loathes mysteries ("mysteries get you killed"), and he now has the Cable Street Particulars to deal with peculiar crimes, but sometimes Vimes still personally investigates a case. When the Summoning Dark trespasses into his mind, needing a host in order to track down the Deep-Downers, it tries to enter through one of the doors that opens when Vimes becomes angry, only to be pulled away at every time. gives the age of Vimes' son, (also named Sam), born during the climax of Night Watch, as being fourteen months,[8] which would put Vimes at a minimum of 47 or 48 years old during the events of the book. was adapted for BBC Radio 5 in 1992 and starred John Wood as Vimes. [15] This meant that when he hadn't been drinking, he was beyond sober - he was "knurd". His Grace, The Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel "Sam" Vimes is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. The captain is set to marry one of the richest women in the world, and he often opines about the differences between low-status and high-status spending habits. Little is known about what happens between then and Guards! The assassin must actually be one. His chronic alcoholism may be partially due to his natural state of extreme sobriety, known as being knurd. In Thud!, after years of nighttime patrols, Vimes's mindscape is described as the city of Ankh-Morpork, streets and all, in the dead of night, with the rains bucketing down over your head. The best caption for Sam Vimes would probably be "Dirty Harry gone to seed".He is cynical, stubborn, rude and with an almost religious contempt for authority.He is also a closet idealist (albeit a disillusioned one) and a reluctant diplomat and nobleman.. Vimes' relationship with Vetinari is completely symbiotic - the conflict between them is what move the plots of the books as well as in . Vimes was played by Paul Darrow, best known for his role in Blake's 7. University of Belgrade Faculty of Philology Undergradruate studies M.A. Nobby Nobbs or Fred Colon), or after watching his back in a street fight to the extent that they have demonstrably saved his life (A.E. 3D printing settings I have included two versions, a full one and a hollowed out one with a wall thickness of 2 mm. Whatever happened to him exactly, she raised the young Sam on her own. ", Whenever he thwarts an Assassin in an attempt, he usually lets them go after taking their share of the payment for his inhumation (which he then donates to the 'Watch Widows and Orphans Fund', or to the 'Sunshine Sanctuary for Sick, Abused or Abandoned Dragons'), and subjecting them to a little humiliation. He hates Alchemists because they blow things up. It is also mentioned in Night Watch, that at the time of the "Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May", both Sam Vimes and Havelock Vetinari were 16 years old, meaning that they are both the same age. In addition, Vimes' office at Pseudopolis Yard has "everything that his ingenuity could devise", including sharp ornamental railings, "which are pretty, and make the house look nice, but are, above all, spiky. As he is about to massacre the now-defenceless deep-downers, he hesitates thanks to "the Watchman" in his head and begins to struggle with himself, which buys enough time for Sergeant Angua to arrive at the scene and force him down. She is a deeply gracious lady, able to like almost anyone (even Nobby Nobbs). Il peut tre extrmement difficile d'tre constamment avec quelqu'un qui ne vous aime pas. 5,630 notes. Vimes' age is never explicitly given, and information is not always consistent. His full name and title is His Grace, His Excellency, The Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. The Watch showed their worth by stopping a dragon from taking over the city. His "Blackboard Monitor" epithet is used like a title in Snuff, implying it may actually have been accorded some official weight by the Low King of the dwarfs. Continuing to call him by any of these titles after he's explained his preferences is an excellent way to get in His Grace His Excellency's bad graces. In Feet of Clay, he still has the habit to reach in stress situations for the bottom desk drawer, where his bottle used to be. where Vimes' internal Watchman - which describes itself as existing to keep the darkness in rather than keeping it out- battles with the Summoning Dark for supremacy of his soul and is ultimately victorious in dispelling the evil entity from its attempts to use Vimes to kill for it. As other noblemen might ride horses, wear laces, ruffles, and plumes, Sam Vimes walks the city on endless patrols and wears his old battered Watch armor and leather shirt and jerkin, with the standard sword and truncheon. bring the trainee's ego back down to the Disc,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, Captain Samuel Vimes of the Night Watch (. Havelock goes to visit Sybil and Sam after the birth of their son and Vimes has some feelings. You see that clich so often in fiction. Title(s) jeff zalaznick wedding lake compounce swap meet 2022 rever d'une personne avec qui on ne parle plus islam He is married to Sybil Ramkin, the richest woman in the city. Lawn has since founded the Lady Sybil Free Hospital. Guards! In the days of Guards! In every book in the series, the fee for his assassination has risen until he has been removed from the Guild register, meaning that contracts on his life are no longer accepted (this was initially literal, as no assassin wanted to take the contract). March 28, 2012 Terry Pratchett noted the following about Vimes on the Usenet: "Vimes is fundamentally a person. First introduced in Guards! Sometimes this darker side comes out when Vimes loses control of his anger and he effectively 'goes spare'. As Lu-Tze explains to Vimes in Night Watch, both pasts are true and there was a real John Keel. He also has a soft spot for the poor, the working class, or the young. From Terry Pratchett's Men At Arms: The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Born into poverty, he is now a highly reluctant member of the nobility, having been made both a knight and a duke. He chokes off all of those little reactions and impulses, but he knows what they are. He first appeared in the novel Guards! [17] Her hobby has left her with her natural hair singed off and she wears a wig in nearly all circumstances. Vimes has personally designed and installed many traps and deadfalls all around the Ramkin family home and the Watch headquarters at Pseudopolis Yard. When he witnesses a crime occurring, he abandons everything and chases the miscreant. Just about the only kind of people that he doesn't hate are gargoyles, who never commit crimes that anybody finds out about, and the wizards; they may mess up the space-time continuum and destroy the universe, but such offenses seldom fall within Vimes's jurisdiction. Though he sometimes has to call in a plasterer when Vimes is particularly angry, Vetinari doesn't worry about ita sign that he intentionally angers Vimes so as to goad him into a desired action. (Angua's brother Wolfgang denies that the werewolves died, as they can only truly be killed by silver; they would just have "nasty headaches later on.") Both are effectively 'good' characters, who nevertheless both secretly fear the darkness inside themselves, and constantly strive to control the darker sides of their nature. Rated: T - English - Fantasy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,701 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: Jul 8, 2021 - Vetinari, Sam Vimes, Death, Susan Sto Helit - Complete. Presumably this is also why the protective flame-baffles between the Vimes residence and Sybil's dragon stables are much, much sturdier in Thud! [4] He was part of that section of the Watch which played a large role in the rebellion against Homicidal Lord Winder. Both are effectively 'good' characters who nevertheless secretly fear the darkness inside them, and constantly strive to control the darker side of their nature. Vimes is the Commander of the City Watch, the burgeoning police force of the Discworld's largest city, Ankh-Morpork. it is revealed that some of her family's possessions are still stored in the attic of the building in this instance they retrieved a copy of Methodia Rascal's Koom Valley painting, made by Sybil as a child, after the original is stolen. The beleaguered leader of this motley crew has seen his fair share of oddities over the years, but perhaps nothing has been so strange as the sudden appearance of a dragon over Ankh-Morpork. In addition to former alcoholism, Vimes has many prejudices. This meant that when he hadn't been drinking, he was beyond sober - he was knurd. I've been rereading the disc world novels and am wondering who can assassinate Sam Vimes. He is promoted to being the Commander of a reunified City Watch at the end of its sequel Men at Arms, and presides over the Watch's transformation into a modern police force. Thus he saw reality as it really was, stripped of the mental illusions that most people construct in their minds to get to sleep at night. he could tell exactly where he was anywhere in Ankh-Morpork just by the feel of the cobbles beneath his feet, due to the thinness of his boots at the time. [3] It has been suggested that Sam's father was a watchman in Jingo and he is a descendant of Suffer-Not-Injustice "Old Stoneface" Vimes, the Watch Commander who instigated the rebellion against, and subsequently beheaded, Lorenzo the Kind, the last king of the city, a sadistic torturer described as "very fond of children." The character of one of her ancestors, John "Mad Jack" Ramkin, was inspired from real-life aristocrat John "Mad Jack" Fuller of Sussex (&/or John "Mad Jack" Mytton of Shropshire). However, he never totally loses control. She was born into the wealthiest family in Ankh-Morpork and resides in the most select part of Ankh, Scoone Avenue. Since his son's birth, Vimes has discovered a new cause in life: arriving at home every day at six o'clock sharp to read Where's My Cow? Although in the short run it costs more to provide medical check ups, wellness programs, and so forth, in the long run, those rich enough to afford them will not only spend less overall on medical care, they will have a higher quality of life. One of the facets of Sam Vimes that Sir Terry wrote best was his alcoholism. When given bad news, he has a tendency to, on his way out, pound his fist against a certain spot of wall near the office door. He accepts that a publican may offer a free pint or a meal to an officer just because having an officer on the premises at rush hour makes things go more smoothly is just a way of doing business, but draws the line at an officer taking money to look the other way. His son Samuel "Young Sam" Vimes II was born at the end of Night Watch. In Thud!, after an attempted assassination of his family, Vimes becomes furious at the 'deep-down dwarves', a problem only made worse by the presence of a dark entity of pure vengeance within his mind. He is often required to wear the ducal dress uniform, which has ruby tights ("you wouldn't wear tights to battle if you thought you would be taken prisoner"), a spiky coronet, a gilt armour ("toy armour"), and no place to hang his sword ("you got made a duke for fighting and then they gave you no sword to fight with"). The conflict within Vimes is between his virtuous nature ("the Watchman") and what he calls "the Beast". [citation needed]. He now finds himself in the awkward position ("practically zen" according to his boss) of continuing to despise the ruling classes of the city while actually being a member of them. The pattern of Sam and Sybil's marriage was set the moment he turned away from his wedding to chase an assassin who had just made an attempt on the Patrician's life. He is also fiercely anti-authority, possibly a facet of his character which he inherited from Old Stoneface. In Feet of Clay, Corporal Nobby Nobbs refuses the position of Earl of Ankh, terrified that Vimes would 'go spare' when he found out. In the newest stories, Keel is Vimes himself transported back in time by thirty years. 2021. His appearances throughout the Discworld sequence show him slowly and grudgingly rising through the ranks of both police force and society. Samuel "Sam" Vimes is the Commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. ), and Vimes' own sense of justice being so strong that, in Thud!, it was even able to fend off an attack by a 'quasi-demonic thing of pure vengeance'. A human raised by dwarfs, Carrot joined the Watch and set out to help the city. Vimes' involvement in preventing a pointless war with Klatch in the novel Jingo led to his being once more rewarded with an unwanted title, in this case, Duke of Ankh. When given bad news, he has a tendency to, on his way out, pound his fist against a certain spot of wall near the office door. Real Name: Samuel Vimes. Later adventures include a journey to berwald in The Fifth Elephant, a journey back to the days of the Glorious Revolution in Night Watch, making peace between dwarfs and trolls in Thud! Vimes is a very conflicted character. It was around this time he was taught all he knew by Sergeant-At-Arms John Keel, which is where his cynical outlook on life and his firm belief in justice comes from. Born into poverty, (as a descendant of disgraced ancient Ankh-Morpork nobility), he became a highly reluctant member of modern Ankh-Morpork nobility, having been made both a knight and a duke, as well as an ambassador. He promotes Watch officers according to merit and ability, regardless of gender, species, or seniority. [12] He eventually did actually kill Wolfgang (with a firework, it having been previously established that werewolves can be killed by fire as well as silver.). Vimes' firm grasp of basic human nature, and of the Ankh-Morpork psyche in particular, led to him spending some years as a drunk, and Fred Colon postulates that this was because Vimes' body didn't produce any "natural alcohol", and he estimates that Vimes was about "two drinks below par". While there have been a number of amateur stage productions of the books, a professional adaptation of Guards! [23] As of 20 July 2022, this index does not exist. Ironically, the one title Vimes holds with genuine pride (as of Snuff), aside from Commander, is "King" .. as in, "King of the River", an honorarium awarded in recognition of his role in saving the riverboat Wonderful Fanny from piracy and flood. Besides watch armour, Vimes has some gentleman's suits, a dress uniform of the Watch Commander, and a dress uniform of the Duke. Due to his authority in Men at Arms, when he finds himself in possession of the Gonne, he struggles between his sense of justice and the Gonne's twisted desire to use him to kill in the name of justice. Guards!, he is the Captain of the (useless) Night Watch. It was so poor that there was little crime, though Sam was part of a street gang (The Cockbill Street Roaring Lads) with Lupine Wonse (who later became secretary to Lord Vetinari). His mother told the young Sam that Thomas was run down by a cart, but this is untrue. This has put Vimes high on the hit list of the Assassins at a price of $AM20,000 in Feet of Clay rising to $AM600,000 after 9 failed attempts at the time of The Fifth Elephant; recently, however, he has been taken off the register, and the Guild of Assassins no longer accepts contracts on his life. In some ways he found it a relief when, in Night Watch, he was transported back to the Ankh-Morpork of his youth, and became a sergeant-at-arms in the inefficient, paperwork-free and moderately corrupt Watch of that time. He also received a knighthood. Job Location: Experience Required: Qualification: . His role as Duke of Ankh largely involves diplomacy (his visit to berwald in The Fifth Elephant for example), and his rough and ready upbringing has given him an obliquely effective approach to this field. Keel taught Vimes several important lessons, such stopping him from taking bribes at a time when such behaviour was widespread in the Watch. Around the same time, a dragon assaulted the city, and the Watch was instrumental in its defeat. Commander Sir Samuel Vimes' entry in the Discworld Companion is as follows: Head of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. Guards!, Men at Arms, Feet of Clay, Jingo, The Fifth Elephant, Night Watch, Thud! On one side, there is Vimes, however rough and pessimistic he may seem, defender of law and order, and the other side is a Vimes who would kill for revenge and make his own law. [4] Having married into the upper classes, he still possesses an innate dislike of inherited wealth and an instinctive revulsion towards social inequality. He describes this as The Samuel Vimes 'Boots' Theory Of Socio-Economic Injustice. As Vimes's long-time close friend Sgt. [21], The Cretaceous conifer species Pseudotorellia vimesiana is named after Sam Vimes.[22]. At one point Death notes that if Vimes is having a 'near-Death' experience, Death is also forced to have a 'near Vimes' experience (as of Thud! When Vimes discusses his time as a blackboard monitor,[9] he thinks about it being "more than 45 years ago" and that he was six years old at the time, putting his age at least 51 years; this is confirmed when he refers to the new vampire officer, age given as 51, as being "not that much younger than him". Vimes is attacked and badly wounded while leading a procession. He is often referred to as the second-most powerful man in the city after Lord Vetinari. Guards! Assassin must be their main job title. Vimes was sixteen when he joined the Watch. Vimes is depicted in the novels as somewhere between an Inspector Morse-type 'old-school' British policeman, and a film noir-esque grizzled detective. Group Affiliation: The Night Watch. He hates many kinds of people and many things, and he has quite good reasons to. Guards! Other titles used occasionally are Ambassador for Ankh-Morpork as well as Blackboard Monitor Vimes (mostly by dwarfs, due to their near worship of words and therefore dislike of blackboards and their being monitored). Vetinari likes to use Vimes as a diplomat, and while more often than not Vimes is the cause of diplomatic incidents, these seem often the intention of Vetinari. Find an assassin capable of inhuming Samuel Vimes from discworld. Captain Carrot quotes Vimes's ideas about social justice, and tries to make them a reality. He is married to Sybil Ramkin, the richest woman in the city. They are known as Sammies (which is based on the British terms for police officers, Bobbies, and the now obsolete Peelers both after Robert Peel and possibly on the earlier term "Charleys" for night watchmen, after Charles II during whose reign they were instituted), even to the people who may have never actually heard of Samuel Vimes himself. However, the Watch declined in importance during this time, particularly after Lord Vetinari legalised the Thieves Guild. It's freezing. Samuel "Young Sam" Vimes II) is Sam and Sybil Vimes' son and only child; he was born at the end of the events in Night Watch, is about fourteen months old by the time of Thud!, and at the age of six years by the time of the events of Snuff. His mum told him that the man had been run over by a cart, but Vimes suspected that if this were true at all, then it was probably a brewer's cart, which had 'run him over' a bit at a time for years". In The Art of Discworld, Pratchett explains that Vimes protects himself from the Beast with the symbol of his own badge, which prevents him from becoming the criminal he despises, at least in his own mind. Species Last modified on Mon 31 Jan 2022 14.03 EST. and Snuff . It is mentioned in Men at Arms that Vimes has been in the Watch for 25 years, making him 41 at the time of that novel. A pair of good boots, which cost fifty dollars, would last for years and years - which means that over the long run, the man with cheap boots has spent much more money and still has wet feet. Whenever Vimes is angry, doors of some of the houses open (the more angry he is, the more numbers of doors will open). 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