So, that part of it was awesome. We had a, if you remember, we had a COVID extended season. Michael Red: Hey, everybody, this is Michael Red and welcome to the Betting on Yourself Podcast, where I interview successful entrepreneurs, athletes, and other top performers who rose to the top, took success into their own hands and bet on themselves. Peter: Yeah. They called themselves The Magic Three as middle school teammates on the Upper East Side. John: This must be one of the greatest rides of her life seeing you do this whole journey, huh? How exhausting was the bubble? If youre not playing defense, theyre going to call you out, said Woodhouse, who would temper his Friday night activities in anticipation of The Run. Thanks for listening. We have large sections that you never think about 10 years ago that people hang out at a bar, never have a seat, never, standing room only. It's really best of class.". We've developed about 75% of it and people are living here, working here, and playing. "It's going to be a blow-away experience beyond expectations for anybody that's been to a pro sporting event in the state of Wisconsin, that's for sure," Feigin says. This is all a good launch point for Feigin to introduce a state-of-the-art arena. His is a story of grit, will, and great humor. And how did that all come about? So, how do we figure out and reorganize on the senior leadership pattern. He really taught me the lesson late in life is the real geniuses or the ones who can take these complex things and talk to me about them and I understand them. Ive got two kids Im working as, Id say a consultant, helping to put together a business plan. Above me there are my two children, my son, Tyler, my daughter, Courtney. Theyre going to look at that ring forever and remember that. Michael Red: So, I did some research and so, the sources got back to me. Peter: The same he is, everywhere else. Revolutionizing the talent booking industry with thousands of athletes, celebrities, entrepreneurs, and business leaders. Because I talked with the Lakers guys, I talked with the Boston guys on what they had, did. Now, the lockdown has forced some of The Runs longstanding members to confront their athletic mortality. Here is your example of everything you read everything you hear, everything he does is true. I answer that by saying like we were successful because at the time the Brooklyn Nets, the Orlando Magic, and a bunch of other teams were selfless with their help with us on how to have best practices on how to build an arena and how to build an infrastructure on how to form. So, I don't think uncommon to probably everybody and certainly every leader, everybody who has a real responsibility, the last 12 months were like nothing we could have ever imagined, we could have ever thought about and really reacted to. You sound super excited about the future. I always think it comes back. Are you now being used as a paradigm by other team presidents, GMs owners that are looking to you and coming to you for advice or for just pearls of wisdom of how can we do it because heres where we sit in baseball or in football or in basketball because they want to follow this amazing path and journey that you guys have created there? That's actually a step up from the orange vests and hard hats he's been wearing in Milwaukee, constantly checking on the construction of the Wisconsin Entertainment and Sports Center, the non-branded name of the arena. Now, you had private equity partners. I think thats like fair. Peter Feigin: And for a year of that, I kind of dropped everything and just kind of toured the country with an organized schedule, kind of understood the revenue part of it, kind of do. In his senior season, he was named the team captain, along with his twin brother Daniel, and was named the team's most improved player. You got to think about what the objective is, but I truly do believe, just no is not an answer if you surround yourself with smart people. Obviously, your assistant help set this up. "He plays with the Bucks 95 percent of the time. The Bucks are one of the 17 teams that is competing in the new NBA 2K League, a necessary decision in Feigin's mind. It's like how do we, between us, like as you know. Talk a little bit about where you even grew up, how you even got here. Michael Red: So, the league, obviously, is halted with COVID and then in the middle of all of that, you have the George Floyd issue. We built an infrastructure, to our owners' credit on, they made it really simple. And the Milwaukee Bucks players were the catalyst for that to happen in a big way. He is a legitimate superstar who also manages to bring in the European market. Players, for 50 nights a year, land at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning to get home and kind of do what the time balance is. We stopped operating. I mean, if I didn't have real responsibilities of a family and a wife, who actually says we need to live somewhere and stuff, I could get paid in gear. So, people talk about business, it wasn't a slow beat. "You will be in a business meeting on Monday with one of the 300-500 business executives in the town and you will see them some place later that week or the week after, unlike in New York City," he says. View Peter Feigin's professional profile on LinkedIn. I've been telling him. Thats the biggest change is the regional sports networks have changed dramatically. Peter Feigin: And how we almost flaunt it in a good way and it's kind of easy. What advice can you share backwards to the young people out there that want to live your journey or something close to it? Michael Red: I'm a big believer that the healthier the person, the healthier the product, healthier the business. In many ways, you were doing a startup when you came to Milwaukee with your partners. When they talk about Milwaukee, theyre like, Are you kidding me? This is the best place Ive ever been. We go from that answer where we know how important it is because the winters here suck. And the task at hand here is like the more successful we are on the court, the more successful we are on the business, the more opportunity we will have to do other things. Ive had so much fun and been in sports entertainment and aviation and in different things and its all been about every job Ive had incredibly, Ive said like, oh my God, could you imagine, like Ive died and gone to heaven. Peter: Yeah, I think number one is to explain kind of a small market. And a diverse community gives us diverse thought, gives us better outcomes. Talk about that. It is the "snow equivalent to STORM SHIELD" - a great new product that gives you high resolution snow forecasts for any part of the nation! During a media car wash in NYC in December, Feigin opts for a sweater, not a suit and tie. Back when the Feigins (now teenage) sons were much younger, Lasry suspected that Peter or Dan would give them a secret signal to scamper onto the floor if their team was losing. Is this coming? The good news is it's pretty small shop. How does that boat go? "As we got further along, one of my jobs was to staff up that operation and have a business plan," Feigin remembers. Let them know they're part of the family. Are you allowed to talk about that, Peter? By the way, Aaron is a fanatical basketball fan, and by the way, a regular classic Wisconsin superstar wants to come to a game, pays for his ticket wants to be left to watch the game. Just what you said is like were always coming in this balance of how do we, we want Giannis to represent the Bucks brand. I volunteered/got myself pushed into the reset committee of the bubble committee on the NBA to do something that's never been done before. In all, about 100 players have played in The Run over the decades, some more luminous than others. What the heck do we do, like everybody else? By the way, part of the culture here and part of the DNA is, before you come in and before you, youve got to want to be involved. That everybody understands their benefits for their health insurance, that we're getting psychological health, that we're feeding people in the community, that we are on top of not just marching for social justice, but that we're dealing with, police reform, that we're resourcing our players. Peter Feigin, youre making an amazing impact. The Runs roots date to the early 1980s, when Lee became childhood friends with the Feigin brothers. When Carter Pewterschmidt stops by in "Fresh Heir" to announce that he has made Chris Griffin the sole heir to the Pewterschmidt fortune, the family hears a crash. So, if you're against equality, then we probably never will understand or get along or agree with each other." Im sure somehow our paths will cross. The Run also often doubles as a day care. So, of course, he's just had enough. 2023 ERI. And obviously, you have dealt with a little bit of this with Sterling Brown a couple years ago, so you guys happened to prepare for this a little bit. John: Thats awesome. And I think the balance is really, really tough because you know what an NBA season is. Michael Red: The family, I know, that's big for you in that culture and what you try to create as a culture is family. Peter Feigin: And how do you rethink your strategies for retail? Feigin's twin brother, Daniel, is director of the upper school at New York City's Trevor Day School. Peter Feigin: So, I think that the sky is the limit in how we take this unbelievable success and what we think could be a championship and get ready just for exponential growth. Maria Natalia Mendez, a daughter of Dr. Nena Mendez and Dr. Hermann Mendez of Manhattan, was married Friday to Peter Feigin, a son of Barbara and James Feigin of Manhattan. It was important for us for our players, for our organization, for the city to stand up. Hey, its a job. This is learning on the job, right? John: In terms of watching the young generation now come up, has NIL and the advent of NIL do you believe thats going to have a positive or negative effect as you continue to recruit players in the future? And I knew who Arthur Ashe was, but I wasn't a big tennis guy and my job was basically being Arthur Ashe's right hand person through. Peter Feigin: Yeah. A lot of storytelling and symbolic, and its been 50 years between championships. She is like, "We're in this together." Hes very straightforward. Peter: got to do what youre going to say and say what youre going to do and really be substantial. Peter: it worked in such a great way for me and with a magic wand really evolved into one of the most incredible jobs ever. We've got Peter Feigin. We're talking about localizing all of our social, so in every language you can imagine to absorb it from us, so we can tell the story. How did that come together? Everythings compounded we happen to have picked Giannis in a draft, like in, as the 16th pick. "We had to build a new arena or we were going to move the team. Peter: Which like, by the way, might evolve to 20%, 30% of an arena at some point. Peter Feigin: Well, long story short, like, six years ago, he calls me and he says, "Hey, can you get to Milwaukee to go meet with Senator Kohl. Talk a bit about how to do that without bruising anyones ego and keeping everybody happy. Peter: We didnt finish the championship till mid-July, which meant like we didnt have long to get the rings included. How could it be?" I don't know, being able to be a business person and kind of get away from your day job and go into a data room of a pro team seemed just the greatest thing I'd ever experienced. His sabbatical included a lengthy stint in Los Angeles on the set of Space Jam 2. After he finally made his return to The Run in January, his comeback was cut short by the pandemic. You cant imagine. To learn more about the world championship, Milwaukee Bucks, you can find Peter and all of his colleagues and the players and all their stats, You know what I mean? And you do it, for us, kind of my job was to be that rock and support and think about if you told me that 50% of my time would be spent on making sure everybody is okay. Its certainly an example of how do you keep the entrepreneurial spirit in an organization and what better way to do it with chicken, and its great chicken. I need socks and I know we're not making them. This is a super special edition. "Instantaneously, overnight, we have 30 million people playing NBA 2K around the world, probably more, so we begin a league and we have competition on a global basis. And you've done this a number of times throughout your career and your life. Peter: Yeah, I think I have this, my own personal craziness is I love to collect people. Peter: Oh, my goodness. The first kind of fully owned African American sports agency, whose main client was Arthur Ashe. "Of course, you have Greece, but Asia is mesmerized by Giannis. It was July. And I think he's going to sell the team. Michael Red: Peter, Peter Feigin. Im so proud and honored to have this conversation with you today, and thank you for your generosity of your time. As you get older, its just harder to keep up with everybody, he said. Whether youre building an arena, whether youre building infrastructure or a team, whether youre dealing with the same problems, it is really powerful to end up with, when you come up with conflict and problems or you need solutions, or you need smart brains to be able to pick up the phone with 5, 10 like-minded people who are dealing with the same stuff. I also listen, I thought, and my parents thought both my brother and I were as you can imagine before ADD was actually diagnosed, Peter: for kids our age and stuff, because its still be on impulsive, relentless, like, [inaudible]. And theyve got it on. Peter Feigin: They made it really simple. Maybe I'm biased, but knowing you and seeing what you've done with the Bucks. Peter: But one of the incredible things, alignment we have with myself, John Horst, whos our GM and coach Bud is like, weve got this undercurrent of constant improvement and kind of like never, pleased but never satisfied. I said, oh, its so good to get all your support. So, these guys are thrown into a world where they're responsible for everything, they assume they know everything, and what their experience is. Well, Peter, this has been more than a delight. I really hope I get to meet you in the future. Peter is a serious businessman and an hilarious friend. How do we get the people to try and start the journey to professionalize and really build a gold standard operation. But in a short period of time, the prospect and the opportunity of just not running a team, but kind of building a city and the real estate and the expansion and kind of where Milwaukee was as a city and kind of an inflection point was just kind of one of these miracle situations. How do you balance with that and how do you create that menu that people can pick and choose from? Then it would move the franchise to Las Vegas or Seattle. He ran companies like Alma and Posner and cosmetics. What would you be doing? As commissioner of one of New York Citys longstanding pickup basketball games, Dan Feigin always knew where he would be every Saturday morning: inside the subterranean gymnasium at Trevor Day School in Manhattan, where he has worked for nearly three decades as a teacher, coach and administrator. Here in a million person city and your ability to affect change, your platform, your ability to really make a difference is so incredible. It has huge value and its paid huge returns for us. Now youre on the journey. I mean, I probably publicly spoke for the first time in my life 100 times in the first 200 days to everybody from Lions Clubs to the barber shop, to the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts to kind of preach how big a deal it is for city this size to have and keep an NBA team. Growing up, you used to hang out, go to the garden and you were a Knicks fan or Rangers fan and Yankees or Mets. And again, it's kind of the relationship. It's like it really is part of your life. I think COVID, like everything, slowed us up for about a year, but we're back on it. But you got to remember, there's the rest of the neighborhood and we've got to continue to focus on the task at hand. So, we continue to want to make this a place where players are like, "Shit, I've never been treated like this.". For naming rights, Feiginsaid the franchise is looking for an international brand willing to spend $7 million to $10 million annually for 20 years. Peter Feigin: And I think I kind of have this delusion that there's nothing that I can be a part of, that we can't accomplish. Not like how to just excel in basketball. We had this, I think it was an intern, said to us like, Well, we should, have you read about ghost kitchens? Of course were sitting there going like, eh, kind of like, we dont know what the hell youre talking about. He simplified the commodities business like, oh, I understand it now. But the Bucks' toughest hit came off the court. Ive never seen less arguing in a serious pickup game, said Adam Keefe, a former N.B.A. "We have a. It's a simple filter to go through things, if we have to question it, we're pretty sure its wrong," shared Feigin. And more importantly, kind of like building such a strong infrastructure with other people. And with that, Feigin became the business brains behind a team about to set NBA standards in architecture, basketball operations and technology -- only he didn't know it. The Bucks are currently in position to make the playoffs for the second straight year and third time in four years since Feigin and friends took over. It was kind of like take a weekend and moonlight into a fun job. More recently, Tom Kearns, a mental health counselor and one of The Runs longtime staples, has been bringing his 12-year-old daughter, Sophia, so she can shoot hoops on the side with Dan Feigins 12-year-old daughter, Dylan. Before life as we knew it went on hiatus in March, Peter Feigin was occasionally returning to New York from Milwaukee for weekend visits and to rejoin The Run, which has become multigenerational. The way it works is they closed in April. Theres some other attributes, but just take those three is like your best, which, whether youre on basketball or the business side, you die for. You start and now talk about the major, like you said, you got a great human capital person, you got a great CFO. You cant replicate that., But I will tell you that most cathartic incredible, awesome thing, which everybody told me and again, the collaborative is awesome. So, for all the listeners, I played in Milwaukee for 11 years over a decade and had an incredible time there. Feigin, 50, calls his game the Saturday Morning Run popularly known among its members as The Run or S.M.R. and he has a massive collection of T-shirts to prove it. Youve collected all this human capital, both starting and back up. That the only option we really had was to build grassroots and build relationships and take time across the entire community. Peter Feigin: Yeah, I don't know if it's still risk. You miss throwing that pass. Michael Red: I just, I got to start the podcast off with, before we get into our history, someone just texted me and wanted me to ask you this question. Here's your Asian Americans. Im addicted now to the operating side of the challenge of constant improvement, and how would you look at an organization and dive in there and really look to re-engineer tweak, and build for revenue growth? Every Wednesday, Dan Feigin, now the director of Trevors Upper School on the Upper East Side, sends a mass email to determine who will be playing that weekend. But yet, still being leaders with more than a vote movement, just amazing, amazing. And I think with time, you certainly kind of can take that. Number one, obviously, because like you said, its rare air, but youre learning on the job. It became such a healthy place to be.. And everyone was thrilled when Keefe showed up. And we'll get into the twin in a little bit. ", Pass the sticks.We here., Bucks Gaming (@BucksGG) December 14, 2017. Either it came from Khris Middleton or Jack [crosstalk 00:02:21]. Bucks championship parade will be this Thursday, Bucks President Peter Feigin says - YouTube Breaking news: The Bucks Championship parade will be this Thursday! I better go home and talk to Natalia to do it. You didnt study sports. At the backdrop of the luncheon were items invented by African Americans. I never wanted to be that guy with the goggles and the knee brace and the tucked-in shirt being like, Hey! People will ask me all the time like, "How would you respond these times, Mike, as a player?" Youve got Wes Edens who has probably started up dozens of companies in private equity and has an unbelievable kind of entrepreneurial spirit. This is probably the best hour of the week. We had Chris Middleton and Giannis involved in it kind of conceptually, and really fun conversations with Giannis brother Costas had just won for the Lakers the year before. If you're going to go look at teams, grab my brother. Youre going to have a lot of fun. Okay. John: Thats literally a reality show that, it could be on Netflix. Welcome to the impact podcast, Peter. Peter Feigin: Michael, like I said, anytime, anywhere. If Im 25 and struggling to get up and down the court because I was out with my friends, and these guys who are running companies are showing up and playing ball, then I have no excuse. By the way, I've got access to the Team President, the GM, everybody is all around just to resource and help. Feigin can do all the PR he wants, but the most effective pitch to get fans into the new arena is out of his hands. Are they all going to be important or do you see one heavier leaning heavier than other, in terms of future revenue opportunities that are credible and consistent? Peter: Yeah, it was incredible. Peter Feigin: I think we have a good structure with Jon Horst, who's really our GM and kind of really runs the basketball day-to-day. We've got one of the global sports stars in the world. Now, Ive been extremely lucky. The most meaningful thing that you can never take for granted is we gave about 850 part-time workers rings to get done. Now, he's the chair of the 2017 Greater Milwaukee Heart & Stroke Walk/5K Run, which is Sunday at Veterans Park . John: Its fascinating you say that. President Peter Feigin tells the 'The Claman Countdown' how the Bucks franchise has impacted the local economy Bucks president Peter Feigin said Friday that the team is going to use the. And if a new player does not endear himself to the group, it tends to reflect poorly on whoever invited him in the first place. 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