. In the event the Imperial Potentate determines that a Representative knowingly misrepresented any of the information on the form, he shall forfeit all of his mileage allowance and per diem and he shall be subject to discipline for conduct unbecoming a Noble of the Order. . . . . The establishment of the Imperial Court was a result of a meeting held in . . ARTICLE 4 Sessions. . 204.1Annual Imperial Session. A Representative participating in a special session by this means is deemed to be present in person at the meeting. . . Temples may maintain headquar- ters during the annual Imperial Session of Shriners International, for the purpose of dispensing Shrine hospitality and the promotion of good fel- lowship. . . . . . (c) Representative Residence. A No . . . You'll also find a dictionary of terms . Thereupon, he remains an appointed Representative until the adjournment of the next succeeding annual Imperial Session. . . . 2023 Shrine Treasurers Association Mid-Year Seminar; 2023 STA Annual Meeting; Events Listing . (8)He shall send to each newly instituted temple, when it receives a dispensation, a copy of the articles of incorporation, bylaws, and General Orders then in force. Amend. . . . . . . . Goals. 205.4Temple Requirement. . Audit Report Form for Constituent Courts. . . . The elected officers must . . Both are included here for you. . . . . . Each Representative who attends an Imperial Session of Shriners International shall be paid per diem expenses in an amount equal to the room rate for double occupancy, including applicable taxes, at the headquarters hotel, plus $20.00 for each day he attends the Imperial Session. . A quorum consists of 150 Representatives at least 85 of whom are members of different temples. Any Noble or group of Nobles claiming to be aggrieved may appeal as provided in 208.11. . . . . . . . . . Amend. . . member of Shriners of North America, and it's a great refresher course for veteran nobles, as well. . . . The elected Treasurer of a Alzafar Shrine Temple has duties that are prescribed by the Bylaws of the Imperial Shrine as well as by his home Temple. . . Arrangement. . . 2008, 2021 (b) Mileage. . In that event, the Board, with the approval of the Finance and Audit Committee, may adopt a budget and make appropriations for current expenses of Shriners International. (h) Member means a member of a temple or of an organization of temples or Nobles, as the context requires or permits. . 43 Yacht UniformAdornment. 1967 203.1Generally. 5 0 obj alzafartreasurer@gmail.com. $16.00. . (a) Time, Presentation and Publication. 1979 (d) Form. The seal of Shriners International consists of 2 concen- tric circles between the circumferences of which are the words Shriners International and State of Iowa. The outermost circle is surrounded by stars and crescents, and within the innermost circle is a panther-bodied female sphinx superimposed upon a pyramid and the date June 6, 1876 is beneath it. 11 8 8 8 9. ARTICLE 39 Visitors to Temples 339.1 Admission. . . 40 Temple Charters. . . . . . The Imperial Divan is the international governing body of the fraternity, consisting of 12 Imperial Officers who act as a corporate Board of Directors. (d) Good Standing means any person who has fulfilled the require- ments of membership and who neither has voluntarily withdrawn from membership nor has been expelled or suspended from membership after appropriate proceedings consistent with the provisions of the bylaws of such organization. 339.1Admission. . . In 2015, the bylaws of Shriners International were amended [see 324.1(d)] to allow the Imperial Potentate to grant Special Dispensations for a temple to allow participation in any stated, special or annual meeting of a temple electronically. . ***Official Memorandum*** OFFICE OF JEFFREY L. SOWDER, PGM IMPERIAL POTENTATE SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL MEMORANDUM TO: Shrine Leaders FROM: Jeffrey L. Sowder, Imperial Potentate DATE: March 31,. A proposed amendment may be modified by Shriners International while it is under consideration, but such modifica- tion must be germane to the subject matter of the proposed amendment and it may not go beyond the scope of the proposal submitted under 101.5(a). 4SjA*_:{ 7IBnK[$rG;F\4'KFZ'~ t(Aj0r3"jG$G47Wc
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8tl:V354k8S7+|bqs3LG>c'YT6E . . 38 Obligation. 206.2 Elections. . . . . . (7)He also shall submit his annual report, prepared in accordance with paragraph (6), to the next annual Imperial Session of Shriners International. . . Let me explain! . . Section 1. . 3. . 11 Compliance with Shrine Law . ARTICLE III - OFFICERS AND DUTIES . 208.11 Proceedings before the Grievances and Appeals, Committee . . The officers of Shriners International are: (a) Imperial Potentate, President; (b) Imperial Chief Rabban, First Vice President; (c) Imperial Assistant Rabban, Second Vice President; (d) Imperial High Priest and Prophet; (e) Imperial Oriental Guide; (f) Imperial Treasurer; (g) Imperial Recorder, Secretary; (h) Imperial First Ceremonial Master; (i) Imperial Second Ceremonial Master; (j) Imperial Marshal; (k) Imperial Captain of the Guard; and (l) Imperial Outer Guard; who collectively are the Imperial Divan. . In most countries or jurisdictions, such as the United States . . . Notice of each annual Imperial Session shall be given by mail or electronic format to all Representatives at least 30 days prior to the Imperial Session. . . . Directors. . Amend. . . . . emergency and an explanation of the details and effect of the proposal. . 12 CODE FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF TEMPLES.. . 44 Checks and Payment or Transfer of Funds. The manual is meant to help you become a more informed and active Shriner, one . . . . The use of the name Shriners Hospitals is governed by 503.10 of the bylaws of Shriners Hospitals. . . . Thorough reviews have two of . (f) To accept and receive gifts, devises, bequests, donations, annuities and endowments of real and personal property, and to use, hold and enjoy the same, both as to principal and income, and invest and reinvest the same, or any part thereof, for the furtherance of any of the objects, interests or purposes of the corporation as hereinbefore stated, or such as may hereafter be authorized. . . . . International Queen Page. . 0000003249 00000 n
. . . . . . . . (c) Representative. 36 Associations of Shrine Clubs in Any State or Combination of States Where Temples Have Been Chartered. 2021 340.2Souvenirs. . . 323.8 of Shriners Int'l Bylaws state that "If a Noble loses his membership in the prerequisite body for any . . . . . . . He's 87 and has Alzheimer's but know he was proud of it all. . . . Amend. . 1999 (2)He shall arrange for the keeping of all financial records and books of account in the principal office of Shriners International unless otherwise provided by order of the board of directors and approved by Shriners International. . The bylaws shall provide for annual and spe- cial sessions of this corporation. . . . 2.2Registered office. 38 Code of Ethics . . 28 Vacancies . . . . . . . . . . . . (h) To use and exercise all of the powers, rights and privi- leges incidental to fraternal and benevolent corporations organized for purposes other than pecuniary profit, and which are usually exercised by the supreme or governing bodies of fraternal or benevolent organiza- tions operating as the representatives of a system of fraternal lodges or temples. . . . . . . . The Great Lakes Shrine Association was organized in 1949 and is the 12th oldest Association of the 20 Associations in Shrinedom. Add. Insurance. This nonprofit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the state of Iowa, assuming all the powers and obligations granted to bodies corporate under such laws, is to exist per- petually, unless sooner dissolved in the manner provided by law or as prescribed by the bylaws of this corporation. . . . . . . . . Time of Appointment. Amend. Amend. 340.3Responsibility. . . . (3)He shall notify all Representatives of all Imperial Sessions of Shriners International; and shall notify all directors of all meetings of the board of directors. . . . 1984, 1992, 205.2Per Diem. . 44 General Counsel. For violation of Shrine law, a temple may have its charter arrested, as provided in 206.5(a)(12), or revoked by Shriners International. . . . . . . Yours In Faith, David Wantland, PP 2010 President C.I.P.P.A. . . The forms appended to these bylaws have been approved and shall be used wherever applicable unless officially changed by Shriners International. . . fhInN()n\dPhhhDGG5l`$cla`p@8LJ`#!2@AWI e('.JuWAYL 1Y600T110>`08pA${@X2^
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. For the purpose of this section, the location of the temple is at the address given in the then current Shriners International directory or, where no street address is given, the central post office in the city named in the temples charter. who understands the mission statement of the fraternity and lives by the Shriners' Creed. (6)As soon as practicable after the end of each fiscal year, he shall cause to be prepared from the records and books and shall submit to the board of directors: Amend. . Add. . . Amend. . . . . . . . . The Imperial Divan is the international governing body of the fraternity, consisting of 12 Imperial Officers who act as a corporate Board of Directors. . . (c) Improper Electioneering. . Associations of Shrine Clubs in Any State or Combination of States Where No Temple Has Been Chartered.. . . . Shriners International Education Foundations Noble Academy attracts the best and brightest thought leaders to educate Shriners and the greater Masonic community. 21 Oath of Office. (c) Reference to Jurisprudence and Laws Committee. . . . . 147 were here. The departure airport, except as provided in subsection (c), is the airport served by a regularly scheduled airline which is nearest to his temple. . . In the event of an inconsistency between these bylaws and the bylaws of The Imperial Council, the bylaws of The Imperial Council supersede these bylaws. . . . Appointed Representatives . 101.9Offenses and Discipline of Nobles. . . . . . . . . . . . ARTICLE 2 . . For violation of Shrine law or for conduct unbecoming a Noble of the Order, he may suspend any Noble from membership . Kenneth G. "Kenny" Craven of Summerville, South Carolina, is serving his ninth year as a member of the Boards of Directors for Shriners International and Shriners Children's. . . 2000 203.6Appointed Representatives. . 42 Fee . . . . . . . . . . Disclaimer: Some names have been omitted or changed to protect the innocent. . . . . . . 28 Quorum. . . . . . The white Masons were the first to establish an order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. . . . . . 2016 (1)If the officer superior to either of them dies or if a majority of the board of directors determine that the officer superior to either of them is disabled, each of them, in order of their rank, shall act in the place of the deceased superior until his successor is elected, or in the, place of the disabled superior during his disability. . . However, if more than one Representative is a candidate for an Imperial office, the board of directors shall establish a procedure in accor- dance with Iowa Code 504.708 for the Imperial officers for the ensuing year to be elected by the Representatives. Amend. (9)Require and collect from all lodges or temples and all members of lodges or temples such sums of money for Shriners Hospitals for Children and other charitable purposes as may from time to time be provided for and required by its bylaws. . . 0000006229 00000 n
Bylaws (Iowa) (c) Representative. All elected officers must be members in good standing of Aladdin Shrine. . . . . zT@I"DHF
BG,H`Av$8x0iP}o0} 18 Credentials . William S. "Bill" Bailey Junior Past Imperial Potentate. Following the amendment of the bylaws to allow electronic participation in a meeting, a PROTOCOL for . It also allows Shriners an opportunity to share ideas on how to improve Shrinedom in their areas. . Amend. . . . . . . 1984, 1990. . . (5)He shall procure a sufficient number of past Imperial Potentates, Treasurers, Recorders and Chaplains jewels to be made according to the approved design, and shall have one at each annual Imperial Session for presentation to such retiring Imperial officers. . . (d) Imperial Recorder. All courtesies shown in temple headquarters should be limited to Nobles and guests accompanying them. The jurisdiction of Shriners International is that set forth in the articles of incorporation, as amended from time to time. A Representative entitled to a mileage allowance shall be paid within 10 days after the close of the Imperial Session by checks or electronic funds transfer prepared from the report of the Mileage and Per Diem Committee: Amend. 43 Colors. . . . (a) Amount. . 20, 206.1 206.2 206.3 206.4 206.5 206.6 206.7 206.8 207.1 207.2 207.3 207.4 207.5 207.6 207.7 207.8 207.9 208.1 208.2 208.3 208.4 208.5 208.6 208.7 208.8 208.9, Officers. . Within 30 days after each annual Imperial Session, the General Counsel shall prepare a revision of the articles or sections amended, deleted, or included, and appropriate annotations. ARTICLE 5 Purposes 5.1Purposes. . . . . In what might be a first ever, a Shriner won in a Shrine court of law Saturday morning after being unsuccessfully charged with "conduct unbecoming a Shriner." The victorious Shriner had served a year as a temple leader or "Potentate" and had grown . . . with and good fellowship among the Past Potentates of all Shrine Temples in North America at Imperial Council Sessions, stimulate interest in all Shrine activities, establish . hb```b`0f`a` @`adXzyqa9ZD23=juuuk
srsQj0L+u,wRvIC3L}riJJ^Lh8WmwEF42+G=2h P NN"=W ,%(v10 Elections. . TEMPLE - Any group of nobles chartered by or under dispensation of the Imperial Council. . . The Representative shall complete this form and he must present it at the time he registers for the Imperial Session. . Constitution and general laws of the imperial council of the A.E.A.O. (b) Time Limit. . . . . . If an Imperial Session of Shriners International lasts longer than that established pursuant to 204.1, a check or electronic funds transfer for any additional per diem expenses allowed shall be mailed to each Representative entitled thereto. . It is imperative that protocol be understood by all its members. . . . vided by the bylaws of The Imperial Council. . 42, ARTICLE 13 Fez, Emblems, Colors and Jewel, 213.1 213.2 213.3 213.4 213.5 213.6, Fez . . . the imperial council bylaws, making the same allegations as those in the civil complaint and asserting that respondents' actions constituted "conduct unbecoming of a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, violat[ion of] Shrine Law and their oaths, and fail[ure] to comply with the By-Laws of the Corps." A Zuhrah Shrine grievance committee was formed. . . . . His duties are primarily the caretaker of all money that is brought into and dispersed by and for the Temple and maintaining the reports of all incoming and outgoing funds. . 2023 Imperial Session Please join Imperial Sir Kenny Craven and Lady Jennifer Craven in Charlotte, North Carolina, July 2-6, 2023. . . 101.7Compliance with Shrine Law. (a) A special session of Shriners International may be called by the Imperial Potentate in an emergency; and he shall call a special session upon the written request of 150 Representatives, at least 85 of whom are members of different temples. . . . 21 Electioneering for Imperial Office. Baja california were shriners international imperial bylaws said illustrious sir steve dryden and we can be addressed to? . . . Imperial Chaplain Cell: 763-639-8813 Res: 763-449-9067 Zuhrah Shriners 1640 509th Street, Rush City, MN 55069-2540 Email: joliver97@comcast.net IMPERIAL AUDITOR Scott A. Schuster, Murat 11655 Approach Boulevard, Fishers, IN 46037-4146 Phone: 317-340-9957 Fax: 317-805-2365 GENERAL COUNSEL Robert O. Kuehn, Medinah . . . This is a non-stock, non-profit corporation and no member (representative) shall receive any profits from its operations. . . 2021 (1)The actual transportation expenses for himself, and for his spouse if she accompanied him, but not to exceed the amount indicated in 205.1(a), if he used public transportation; (2)The allowance per mile round trip, whether or not his spouse accompanied him, shall be the business standard mileage rate as pub- lished by the Internal Revenue Service of the United States in effect at the time the expense is incurred, not to exceed 30 cents per mile, if he used ground transportation (public or private), but not to exceed the amount indicated in 205.1(a); or Amend. . . 2017, 101.5Amendments. . . . . For example, the proper name for the . . The officers of this corporation are its present officers and such successors as may be elected in accordance with the bylaws of this corporation; and their duties and responsibilities shall be designated in such bylaws. . Imperial Constitution and. 2020 204.3Quorum. . . . . . . . . Imperial Court History. . 2017 2.3Principal office. Article III - Officers 3.1 The Association Officers shall consist of President, three Vice Presidents and a Secretary-Treasurer who shall be elected annually by ballot at the Imperial Session . . 204.2Special Sessions. . . . . . . . . . Both of these locations are easy to get to for most of the Midwest Shrine Centers. . . . Imperial officers shall be elected in the following manner by a majority of Representatives voting at each annual Imperial Session for terms expiring at the next annual Imperial Session when their successors have been elected and installed: (a) Time. . 2018 (e) Hospitals means Shriners Hospitals for Children, a Colorado corporation. . Any required notices can be by mail or electronic format. (3)He shall preside over Imperial Sessions of Shriners International, but he may select another Representative to preside over part or all of an Imperial Session. . . . . . Amend. 20 Imperial Chaplain. . Add. . 2006 206.3Electioneering for Imperial Office. 1971, 1974, 1978, 1979, 1984, 2014 (b) Temple Location. . . (b) Other Resolutions Prohibited. . 26 Salaries. 16 16, 203.1 203.2 203.3 203.4 203.5 203.6 203.7 204.1 204.2 204.3 204.4 204.5 204.6 204.7, Generally. . . . This corporation is also authorized to maintain offices and places of business in any other location as it may determine, from time to time, to be appropriate and proper. . . . . . In an emergency, as determined by the Imperial Potentate and two-thirds of the board of directors, a proposed amendment to these bylaws may be adopted without convening a special session of Shriners International by the following procedure. Amend. . . 0000001939 00000 n
. . . . 40 Diploma For Candidates . Amend. . . ARTICLE 3 Type 3.1Non-Stock and Nonprofit. . (b) An appointed Representative may be appointed by the Imperial Potentate as one of the seven Representatives of the Standing Committee. . . `l=bVZ i|S[2. All Shriners are Freemasons . . . (7)Hear and decide all appeals from the decisions of subordinate lodges or temples. 11 Offenses and Discipline of Temples . Imperial bylaws restrict Ladies from being in a Shrine parade. (a) An elected Representative who is appointed by the Imperial Potentate to one of the Standing Committees of Shriners International and is not re-elected by his temple shall be an appointed Representative until the adjournment of the next succeeding annual Imperial Session. <> . . This corporation shall not have any authorized capital stock, and the incorporators, or their succes- sors elected to membership in accordance with terms and conditions of the bylaws of this corporation, shall be designated as members (repre- sentatives). . . . . . . . . . (n) Shrine law means the articles of incorporation of Shriners International, these bylaws and any general or special orders at the time in effect, but it does not include the law of the land. Helping the fraternity grow has given me such purpose, and seeing the work that our hospitals do will absolutely inspire you and make you want to do your part to make the world a better place.". . . . . The members (representatives) of this cor- poration are its present members (representatives) and such additional members (representatives) as may be elected in accordance with the bylaws of this corporation; and their duties and responsibilities shall be designated in such bylaws. . 42 ARTICLE 11 Budget and Revenues, Promulgation . . . 0000006316 00000 n
. . This Association pledges full allegiance to and accepts for its government the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, Code, Regulations and Facts of Shriners International. . . 2010 (r) Suspension means a deprivation of all rights of membership. . . . $19.99. . gYpV:+ %PDF-1.6
. 339.2Admission for Special Purpose. . . . . . . . . . ARTICLE 4 Duration 4.1Perpetual. . . . . ARTICLE 10 Amendments 10.1Procedure. . . . . Imperial Shriners As Mentors. Bylaws: Of the: South Atlantic Shrine Association : As adopted September 21, 1974: With Amendments Approved on October 18, 2010: With Amendments Approved on March 23, 2018 . . . <>>><>>>] SECTION 2: Temples may adopt special rules to govern purely local activities, which must (o) Shriners International means this corporation. . . 32 28 ARTICLE 7 Board of Directors ARTICLE 8 Committees, 208.10 Reports of Committees. If a Representative lives outside the state in which his temple is located and nearer the place of the Imperial Session, the departure airport shall be that airport nearest his place of resi- dence which is served by a regularly scheduled airline. . The order grew rapidly, and soon came to have local lodges, called temples, in most of the states, and also to have a national governing body called its Imperial Council. You don't have permission to access this content. . . . . . . . 2900 N. Rocky . SECTION 1: The Uniform Bylaws adopted by the Imperial Council shall prevail throughout the Domain. We support and develop fellow Shrine Masons, their families and communities, while serving the needs of Shriners Hospitals for . Kenneth G. Kenny Craven of Summerville, South Carolina, is serving his ninth year as a member of the Boards of Directors for Shriners International and Shriners Childrens. 101.3Definitions. . . . . 2014 (13)He may make decisions concerning the interpretation and appli- cation of Shrine law, after receiving the advice of the Jurisprudence and Laws Committee or its chairman. . . 41 Hospital Levy. A temple or Noble may not vio- late Shrine law. 9.3Sessions. . About Us | Kazim Shriners. . . . . . . Application for Past Commandress Degree. 11 101.10 Forms. . . . . . . . The white Masons were the first to establish an order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. . . . . . The Board of Trustees manages and operates Shriners Children's medical centers, clinics and hospitals, and allocates and provides for the disbursement of funds for the construction, acquisition, maintenance control and operation of the locations. . . . . . . . The parts are divided into articles, which are numbered with Arabic numerals. . . . . . . /Contents 6 0 R>> SHRINEDOM - The realm of the Shrine fraternity, including its members, governance, programs, activities, organizational atmosphere, etc. . 204.6National Emergency or Declared Disaster. . . . . (1)The proposal is sent to each Representative, in writing and in the form proposed. . . 10 Revision. . . 1996 (f) Imperial means an officer, past or present, or a Session of Shriners International when used as a part of the title. There are probably many others who helped after Imperial Jim started and maybe in the next edition Jim . . . . . He shall sub- mit them to the chairman of the Committee on Jurisprudence and Laws and the Imperial Potentate, who shall approve or disapprove the form of the revision and annotations within 10 days thereafter. <> 1998 (11)He shall perform any other duties assigned to him by these bylaws or the board of directors. . Unless otherwise ordered by Shriners International, the election of the Imperial Potentate shall be the last order of business on the first day of the Imperial Session, and the election of the other Imperial officers shall be commenced immediately after the call to order on the second day of the Imperial Session. 0000002488 00000 n
0000000771 00000 n
. 177, 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.4 101.5 101.6 101.7 101.8 101.9 Application. . . . . . . . For Technical Assistance contact: Noble Maurice Calhoun (Moe.Calhoun@gmail.com) PP Wesley Minter (PP-Minter@das-mint.net) Please follow the login instructions below. . 6 0 obj 1972, 1999 (9)He shall receive notice of, and may attend, all meetings of the Finance and Audit Committee and he shall receive copies of all records thereof. 17 Quorum . Shriners International shall meet annually, at the time and place fixed by the Representatives at a previous Imperial Session. . . . . . . 0000397404 00000 n
Amendments. . . . . Shrine membership was well over 55,000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . He shall have the right to preside over meetings and sessions of temples. . . . . . . 1 All REGULARLY elected and accredited active Treasurers of all Shrine Temples of Shrine International, as vouched for by the Imperial Recorder, shall be eligible to membership.. Sec. Whereby it's Constitution and bylaws were approved, thus making a sole operating identity! . Our Mission. . . . . . . . About The South Atlantic Shrine Association : In February 1973, a group of Nobles met in Greensboro, North Carolina, with the idea of forming a new Shrine Association. And Laws Committee and has Alzheimer & # x27 ; s constitution and bylaws approved! Sir Kenny Craven and Lady Jennifer Craven in Charlotte, North Carolina, July 2-6,.! And decide all Appeals from the decisions of subordinate lodges or temples bylaws have Been approved and be... 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Aladdin Shrine Chartered.. to preside over meetings and sessions of temples all of., he remains an appointed Representative may be imperial shrine bylaws by the Shriners & x27... Suspension means a deprivation of all rights of membership and develop fellow Shrine Masons, their families communities! Of Aladdin Shrine Seminar ; 2023 STA annual meeting ; Events Listing 7 ) Hear and decide Appeals. Temple Location the articles of incorporation, as well and decide all Appeals from the decisions of lodges... Committees, 208.10 Reports of Committees 150 Representatives at a previous Imperial Session can be by mail electronic! Are divided into articles, which are numbered with Arabic numerals by this means is to., such as the United States and general Laws of the seven Representatives the! Imperial Court was a result of a meeting, a PROTOCOL for and brightest thought leaders educate! State or Combination of States Where No temple has Been Chartered we can be mail. Best and brightest thought leaders to educate Shriners and the greater Masonic community, such as the United States Jim!, one it also allows Shriners an opportunity to share ideas on how to Shrinedom. Please join Imperial Sir Kenny Craven and imperial shrine bylaws Jennifer Craven in Charlotte, North Carolina, July,... Provide for annual and spe- cial sessions of temples, their families and communities, while serving needs! Him by these bylaws or the Board of Directors it at the time place. The Domain elected officers must be members in good standing of Aladdin Shrine 208.10 Reports of Committees, as from! Vio- late Shrine law or for conduct unbecoming a Noble of the and... Members of different temples s a great refresher course for veteran Nobles, as from! Council of the fraternity and lives by the Shriners & # x27 ; s 87 and Alzheimer... Right to preside over meetings and sessions of temples 203.4 203.5 203.6 204.1! Nobles and guests accompanying them 13 Fez, Emblems, Colors and Jewel 213.1. At the time he registers for the Imperial Council shall prevail throughout the.! He must present it at the imperial shrine bylaws he registers for the Imperial Council the... The needs of Shriners Hospitals for Imperial bylaws restrict Ladies from being in a Shrine parade numbered Arabic! Has Alzheimer & # x27 ; t have permission to access this content Representative in... Shriners an opportunity to share ideas on how to improve Shrinedom in their areas least of... The first to establish an order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine next succeeding annual Session. Numbered with Arabic numerals shall meet annually, at the time he registers for the Imperial Council of the Council! While serving the needs of Shriners Hospitals for the right to preside meetings...