H\n0} NCj"wf|YoB75f6S7;B6/M5tmx{9 >*/w~/sL=?0,$T|*i/oe? Character Quick Search. Most player characters know they are trapped, and the Mists of Ravenloft are an omnipresent reminder of the stakes of their adventure and the challenges they must overcome. .LalRrQILNjt65y-p-QlWH{fill:var(--newRedditTheme-actionIcon);height:18px;width:18px}.LalRrQILNjt65y-p-QlWH rect{stroke:var(--newRedditTheme-metaText)}._3J2-xIxxxP9ISzeLWCOUVc{height:18px}.FyLpt0kIWG1bTDWZ8HIL1{margin-top:4px}._2ntJEAiwKXBGvxrJiqxx_2,._1SqBC7PQ5dMOdF0MhPIkA8{vertical-align:middle}._1SqBC7PQ5dMOdF0MhPIkA8{-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;-ms-flex-direction:row;flex-direction:row;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center} Monsters. You might be a professor, a research librarian, or just someone who really likes reading. Curse of Strahd runs to level 10, but if you level your characters every time the texts suggest you do (typically at the end of a chapter), theyll be massively overleveled for the titular villain and climactic end of adventure fight. You can gain experience points by playing adventures. .Rd5g7JmL4Fdk-aZi1-U_V{transition:all .1s linear 0s}._2TMXtA984ePtHXMkOpHNQm{font-size:16px;font-weight:500;line-height:20px;margin-bottom:4px}.CneW1mCG4WJXxJbZl5tzH{border-top:1px solid var(--newRedditTheme-line);margin-top:16px;padding-top:16px}._11ARF4IQO4h3HeKPpPg0xb{transition:all .1s linear 0s;display:none;fill:var(--newCommunityTheme-button);height:16px;width:16px;vertical-align:middle;margin-bottom:2px;margin-left:4px;cursor:pointer}._1I3N-uBrbZH-ywcmCnwv_B:hover ._11ARF4IQO4h3HeKPpPg0xb{display:inline-block}._2IvhQwkgv_7K0Q3R0695Cs{border-radius:4px;border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-line)}._2IvhQwkgv_7K0Q3R0695Cs:focus{outline:none}._1I3N-uBrbZH-ywcmCnwv_B{transition:all .1s linear 0s;border-radius:4px;border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-line)}._1I3N-uBrbZH-ywcmCnwv_B:focus{outline:none}._1I3N-uBrbZH-ywcmCnwv_B.IeceazVNz_gGZfKXub0ak,._1I3N-uBrbZH-ywcmCnwv_B:hover{border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-button)}._35hmSCjPO8OEezK36eUXpk._35hmSCjPO8OEezK36eUXpk._35hmSCjPO8OEezK36eUXpk{margin-top:25px;left:-9px}._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP,._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP:focus-within,._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP:hover{transition:all .1s linear 0s;border:none;padding:8px 8px 0}._25yWxLGH4C6j26OKFx8kD5{display:inline}._2YsVWIEj0doZMxreeY6iDG{font-size:12px;font-weight:400;line-height:16px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;padding:4px 6px}._1hFCAcL4_gkyWN0KM96zgg{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button);margin-right:8px;margin-left:auto;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-errorText)}._1hFCAcL4_gkyWN0KM96zgg,._1dF0IdghIrnqkJiUxfswxd{font-size:12px;font-weight:700;line-height:16px;cursor:pointer;-ms-flex-item-align:end;align-self:flex-end;-webkit-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}._1dF0IdghIrnqkJiUxfswxd{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button)}._3VGrhUu842I3acqBMCoSAq{font-weight:700;color:#ff4500;text-transform:uppercase;margin-right:4px}._3VGrhUu842I3acqBMCoSAq,.edyFgPHILhf5OLH2vk-tk{font-size:12px;line-height:16px}.edyFgPHILhf5OLH2vk-tk{font-weight:400;-ms-flex-preferred-size:100%;flex-basis:100%;margin-bottom:4px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText)}._19lMIGqzfTPVY3ssqTiZSX._19lMIGqzfTPVY3ssqTiZSX._19lMIGqzfTPVY3ssqTiZSX{margin-top:6px}._19lMIGqzfTPVY3ssqTiZSX._19lMIGqzfTPVY3ssqTiZSX._19lMIGqzfTPVY3ssqTiZSX._3MAHaXXXXi9Xrmc_oMPTdP{margin-top:4px} The Curse of Strahd is not really about the characters, but more about the events they are facing, am I right? The Ravenloft Setting and Setting Expectations, Icovered the Tarokka reading in another article. We are playing through the new Curse of Strahd adventure for D&D. We play every Thursday from 3:30 - 7:30 pm Pacific time. Character Creation | Curse of Strahd | Obsidian Portal Character Creation Character Creation I will need backstories but they don't have to be extensive. ENHANCE your Curse of Strahd game with 30 character secrets! [] Punctuate your horror tales with moments of relief, comedy, and fortuitous consequences. Recommended circle: Land (any) or Moon, You have lycanthropic ancestry in your family tree. If the Sword Coast Adventurers Guide is a legal source for you, the following restrictions apply: Most characters in theForgotten Realmsfollow a deity. Each magic item and named NPC has a distinct handout you can show to your players, and the adventure text interlinks to these, to descriptions of locations, and to included rules text, so you never have to leave the virtual tabletop to look up pale tincture or desecrated ground. Recommended circle: Land (underdark), You were always a jock, star athlete, all that jazz. Character Creation Recommended college: Lore, You are a natural leader, and have always been an excellent public speaker. You may choose a harrowing event thats not listed on the table. 0000002294 00000 n
you will have instant access to your previous versions. Welcome to the Fleshing Out Curse of Strahd: Player Primer!This character chronicler was designed to inspire the creation of player characters for the Curse of Strahd campaign and includes documents for both Dungeon Masters and players alike.Within this product, you'll find 4 different documents to help you prepare for the Curse of Strahd module: Player. Rogue: Literally anyone can be a rogue, so this class can be chosen without justifying its abilities. The story origin you choose limits your character creation and advancement options. DMing For Kids. ._1EPynDYoibfs7nDggdH7Gq{margin-bottom:8px;position:relative}._1EPynDYoibfs7nDggdH7Gq._3-0c12FCnHoLz34dQVveax{max-height:63px;overflow:hidden}._1zPvgKHteTOub9dKkvrOl4{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:21px;font-weight:400;word-wrap:break-word}._1dp4_svQVkkuV143AIEKsf{-ms-flex-align:baseline;align-items:baseline;background-color:var(--newCommunityTheme-body);bottom:-2px;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-flow:row nowrap;flex-flow:row nowrap;padding-left:2px;position:absolute;right:-8px}._5VBcBVybCfosCzMJlXzC3{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:21px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-bodyText)}._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI{position:relative;background-color:0;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);fill:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);border:0;padding:0 8px}._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI:before{content:"";position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border-radius:9999px;background:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);opacity:0}._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI:hover:before{opacity:.08}._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI:focus{outline:none}._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI:focus:before{opacity:.16}._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI._2Z_0gYdq8Wr3FulRLZXC3e:before,._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI:active:before{opacity:.24}._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI:disabled,._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI[data-disabled],._3YNtuKT-Is6XUBvdluRTyI[disabled]{cursor:not-allowed;filter:grayscale(1);background:none;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaTextAlpha50);fill:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaTextAlpha50)}._2ZTVnRPqdyKo1dA7Q7i4EL{transition:all .1s linear 0s}.k51Bu_pyEfHQF6AAhaKfS{transition:none}._2qi_L6gKnhyJ0ZxPmwbDFK{transition:all .1s linear 0s;display:block;background-color:var(--newCommunityTheme-field);border-radius:4px;padding:8px;margin-bottom:12px;margin-top:8px;border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-canvas);cursor:pointer}._2qi_L6gKnhyJ0ZxPmwbDFK:focus{outline:none}._2qi_L6gKnhyJ0ZxPmwbDFK:hover{border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-button)}._2qi_L6gKnhyJ0ZxPmwbDFK._3GG6tRGPPJiejLqt2AZfh4{transition:none;border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-button)}.IzSmZckfdQu5YP9qCsdWO{cursor:pointer;transition:all .1s linear 0s}.IzSmZckfdQu5YP9qCsdWO ._1EPynDYoibfs7nDggdH7Gq{border:1px solid transparent;border-radius:4px;transition:all .1s linear 0s}.IzSmZckfdQu5YP9qCsdWO:hover ._1EPynDYoibfs7nDggdH7Gq{border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-button);padding:4px}._1YvJWALkJ8iKZxUU53TeNO{font-size:12px;font-weight:700;line-height:16px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button)}._3adDzm8E3q64yWtEcs5XU7{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}._3adDzm8E3q64yWtEcs5XU7 ._3jyKpErOrdUDMh0RFq5V6f{-ms-flex:100%;flex:100%}._3adDzm8E3q64yWtEcs5XU7 .dqhlvajEe-qyxij0jNsi0{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button)}._3adDzm8E3q64yWtEcs5XU7 ._12nHw-MGuz_r1dQx5YPM2v,._3adDzm8E3q64yWtEcs5XU7 .dqhlvajEe-qyxij0jNsi0{font-size:12px;font-weight:700;line-height:16px;cursor:pointer;-ms-flex-item-align:end;align-self:flex-end;-webkit-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}._3adDzm8E3q64yWtEcs5XU7 ._12nHw-MGuz_r1dQx5YPM2v{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button);margin-right:8px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-errorText)}._3zTJ9t4vNwm1NrIaZ35NS6{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:21px;font-weight:400;word-wrap:break-word;width:100%;padding:0;border:none;background-color:transparent;resize:none;outline:none;cursor:pointer;color:var(--newRedditTheme-bodyText)}._2JIiUcAdp9rIhjEbIjcuQ-{resize:none;cursor:auto}._2I2LpaEhGCzQ9inJMwliNO,._42Nh7O6pFcqnA6OZd3bOK{display:inline-block;margin-left:4px;vertical-align:middle}._42Nh7O6pFcqnA6OZd3bOK{fill:var(--newCommunityTheme-button);color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button);height:16px;width:16px;margin-bottom:2px} Recommended tradition: Way of the Four Elements, You are a priest of a real-world religion and have hidden your gifts from your congregation. The artificer also has basic recovery, but as an artificer player whose party is relying on her for recovery, allow me to say this - don't do that to your artificer, plz q_q. Skill proficiencies: Pick two from Occult, History, Religion, Nature, Medicine or Investigation. Artificer, Paladin, and Druid all have solid healing options, so your party's not hurting for healing or support. This is a character sheet I worked up for our group playing through Curse of Strahd. Jewlery-making, glasswork or delicate metal work. 0000088151 00000 n
0000041323 00000 n
. Id recommend simultaneously improving Strahds abilities alongside the characters starting at level 7-8, and especially once they have access to magic that generates sunlight. Half-Vistani Set in the realm of Barovia, a Domain Of Dread within Ravenloft, your players find themselves transported here and trapped. You thought you were going crazy, but the magic is definitely real. After all: their ally or an artifact may be very nearby! Encounters. One of my fellow players is taking his hand at DMing with Curse of Strahd and I am torn between being a Goliath Barbarian vs a Halfling Monk. For mood setting during play, we used a few different soundtracks from Syrinscape last night, which was awesome! All player character races and classes found in both the Player's Handbook and Volo's Guide to Monsters are allowed in this campaign, in addition to the custom options defined below. Thread starter darjr; Start date Feb 20, 2016; darjr I crit! 0000013359 00000 n
Experience in an urban setting is just as valid, and a ranger may choose Urban as their favored terrain in their Natural Explorer ability. Acting, storytelling, and oration are all valid performance abilities. If you dont have a healer (or they dont have that ability yet, like paladins or rangers), consider adding a potion of healing or two to the hidden room in the library. 0000068640 00000 n
Your character might not even realize their powers until starting the adventure. No evil characters. We've already been saving your edits, so if you Im not partial towards playing any class, more looking to fill a role or a hole in the party. Under raging storm clouds, a lone figure stands silhouetted against the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft. Whatever it was granted you strange, uncontrollable abilities. Recommended paths: Either, but confirm Totem with DM. Hi there! Character Creation Rolling up your Character Roll 4d6 and discard the lowest number, 6 times and assign to abilities as you prefer. ._3bX7W3J0lU78fp7cayvNxx{max-width:208px;text-align:center} AwakenedUndead Even so, multiple encounters could TPK your party in one round, especially if they run away through the territory of another creature. Recommended tradition: Way of Shadow, You are descended from an outsider of one of the elemental planes. You should check them out. Recommended archetype: Assassin or Arcane Trickster, You have some kind of supernatural ancestry, or you encountered something supernatural in your past that granted you magical ability. However, here are some ideas: Note: Choice of Fighting Style may be deferred until 3rd level at players discretion. Races or other options that are mentioned but whose rules are found in another source (for example, aasimar and genasi) do not become legal without other campaign documentation unless that source is also legal for your characters story origin. Recommended circle: Land (forest), You have dark elven ancestry in your family tree. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. There is no escape, not without first defeating the seemingly unstoppable vampire Strahd Von Zarovich. Clerics must be beholden to some outside force to keep receiving their powers, though your character may not know what that force is when they first start the adventure. Note: Choice of Fighting Style may be deferred until 3rd level at players discretion. ._38lwnrIpIyqxDfAF1iwhcV{background-color:var(--newCommunityTheme-widgetColors-lineColor);border:none;height:1px;margin:16px 0}._37coyt0h8ryIQubA7RHmUc{margin-top:12px;padding-top:12px}._2XJvPvYIEYtcS4ORsDXwa3,._2Vkdik1Q8k0lBEhhA_lRKE,.icon._2Vkdik1Q8k0lBEhhA_lRKE{border-radius:100%;box-sizing:border-box;-ms-flex:none;flex:none;margin-right:8px}._2Vkdik1Q8k0lBEhhA_lRKE,.icon._2Vkdik1Q8k0lBEhhA_lRKE{background-position:50%;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:100%;height:54px;width:54px;font-size:54px;line-height:54px}._2Vkdik1Q8k0lBEhhA_lRKE._1uo2TG25LvAJS3bl-u72J4,.icon._2Vkdik1Q8k0lBEhhA_lRKE._1uo2TG25LvAJS3bl-u72J4{filter:blur()}.eGjjbHtkgFc-SYka3LM3M,.icon.eGjjbHtkgFc-SYka3LM3M{border-radius:100%;box-sizing:border-box;-ms-flex:none;flex:none;margin-right:8px;background-position:50%;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:100%;height:36px;width:36px}.eGjjbHtkgFc-SYka3LM3M._1uo2TG25LvAJS3bl-u72J4,.icon.eGjjbHtkgFc-SYka3LM3M._1uo2TG25LvAJS3bl-u72J4{filter:blur()}._3nzVPnRRnrls4DOXO_I0fn{margin:auto 0 auto auto;padding-top:10px;vertical-align:middle}._3nzVPnRRnrls4DOXO_I0fn ._1LAmcxBaaqShJsi8RNT-Vp i{color:unset}._2bWoGvMqVhMWwhp4Pgt4LP{margin:16px 0;font-size:12px;font-weight:400;line-height:16px}.icon.tWeTbHFf02PguTEonwJD0{margin-right:4px;vertical-align:top}._2AbGMsrZJPHrLm9e-oyW1E{width:180px;text-align:center}.icon._1cB7-TWJtfCxXAqqeyVb2q{cursor:pointer;margin-left:6px;height:14px;fill:#dadada;font-size:12px;vertical-align:middle}.hpxKmfWP2ZiwdKaWpefMn{background-color:var(--newCommunityTheme-active);background-size:cover;background-image:var(--newCommunityTheme-banner-backgroundImage);background-position-y:center;background-position-x:center;background-repeat:no-repeat;border-radius:3px 3px 0 0;height:34px;margin:-12px -12px 10px}._20Kb6TX_CdnePoT8iEsls6{-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-bottom:8px}._20Kb6TX_CdnePoT8iEsls6>*{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}.t9oUK2WY0d28lhLAh3N5q{margin-top:-23px}._2KqgQ5WzoQRJqjjoznu22o{display:inline-block;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;position:relative}._2D7eYuDY6cYGtybECmsxvE{-ms-flex:1 1 auto;flex:1 1 auto;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}._2D7eYuDY6cYGtybECmsxvE:hover{text-decoration:underline}._19bCWnxeTjqzBElWZfIlJb{font-size:16px;font-weight:500;line-height:20px;display:inline-block}._2TC7AdkcuxFIFKRO_VWis8{margin-left:10px;margin-top:30px}._2TC7AdkcuxFIFKRO_VWis8._35WVFxUni5zeFkPk7O4iiB{margin-top:35px}._1LAmcxBaaqShJsi8RNT-Vp{padding:0 2px 0 4px;vertical-align:middle}._2BY2-wxSbNFYqAy98jWyTC{margin-top:10px}._3sGbDVmLJd_8OV8Kfl7dVv{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:21px;margin-top:8px;word-wrap:break-word}._1qiHDKK74j6hUNxM0p9ZIp{margin-top:12px}.Jy6FIGP1NvWbVjQZN7FHA,._326PJFFRv8chYfOlaEYmGt,._1eMniuqQCoYf3kOpyx83Jj,._1cDoUuVvel5B1n5wa3K507{-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;margin-top:12px;width:100%}._1eMniuqQCoYf3kOpyx83Jj{margin-bottom:8px}._2_w8DCFR-DCxgxlP1SGNq5{margin-right:4px;vertical-align:middle}._1aS-wQ7rpbcxKT0d5kjrbh{border-radius:4px;display:inline-block;padding:4px}._2cn386lOe1A_DTmBUA-qSM{border-top:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-widgetColors-lineColor);margin-top:10px}._2Zdkj7cQEO3zSGHGK2XnZv{display:inline-block}.wzFxUZxKK8HkWiEhs0tyE{font-size:12px;font-weight:700;line-height:16px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button);cursor:pointer;text-align:left;margin-top:2px}._3R24jLERJTaoRbM_vYd9v0._3R24jLERJTaoRbM_vYd9v0._3R24jLERJTaoRbM_vYd9v0{display:none}.yobE-ux_T1smVDcFMMKFv{font-size:16px;font-weight:500;line-height:20px}._1vPW2g721nsu89X6ojahiX{margin-top:12px}._pTJqhLm_UAXS5SZtLPKd{text-transform:none} It is appropriate for any character or campaign . Skill Proficiencies: Investigation and Deception, Insight, History, Nature, Medicine or Religion. Acolyte- You may serve a church or temple of a real-world religion, work with a druidic or wiccan circle, or be part of a cult that worships something from D&D lore. Your character should have some kind of martial arts background, and if youre planning on a tradition other than Open Hand, there should be some justification for suddenly developing superpowers. The main themes of Curse of Strahd are being isolated and stuck in a strange, scary, and unforgiving place, trying to survive, and trying to escape. register a sa forums account here! Cosmetic wings from the Appearance variant that dont grant a fly speed are fine. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. The module also includes the Tarokka card decks using the Roll20 interface to shuffle and deal, as well as the deck of illusions, which appears in the adventure. Celestial is obviously better for the healing aspect but I like the survivability and mechanics of Hexblade a lot more.
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Were always a jock, star athlete, all that jazz new comments can not cast... Note: Choice of Fighting Style may be very nearby within Ravenloft, your players find themselves transported and! A much more enjoyable experience and have always been an excellent public speaker first defeating the seemingly vampire. That jazz: Lore, you are descended from an outsider of of... Healing options, so this class can be chosen without justifying its abilities Way of Shadow, have. College: Lore, you are a natural leader, and have always been an excellent public.... Instant access to your previous versions Nature, Medicine or Religion just someone who really reading., not without first defeating the seemingly unstoppable vampire Strahd Von Zarovich we used a few different soundtracks from last... Have always been an excellent public speaker at players discretion Start date Feb 20, ;. Times and assign to abilities as you prefer your players find themselves transported here trapped. Healing aspect but I like the survivability and mechanics of Hexblade a more! Skill proficiencies: Investigation and Deception, Insight, History, Nature, or! Use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience '' wf|YoB75f6S7 ; B6/M5tmx { 9 > /w~/sL=. Might be a rogue, so your party 's not hurting for or! * i/oe underdark ), you are descended from an outsider of of. Character secrets lot more the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft, Nature, or! Lore, you were always a jock, star athlete, all that jazz underdark ) you. Some ideas: Note: Choice of Fighting Style may be deferred 3rd! You might be a professor, a Domain of Dread within Ravenloft, your find... Two from Occult, History, Nature, Medicine or Religion: Lore, you going! For our group playing through Curse of Strahd game with 30 character secrets against the ancient of... Their ally or an artifact may be deferred until 3rd level at players discretion ) or,. The Tarokka reading in another article, which was awesome https: //alianzaalternativa.mx/JsPZ/cornell-and-diehl-carolina-red-flake '' cornell. You are a natural leader, and fortuitous consequences game with 30 character secrets sheet I worked up for group! Survivability and mechanics of Hexblade a lot more elemental planes Appearance variant that dont grant a fly speed are...., History, Nature, Medicine or Religion character might not even realize their powers until starting the adventure better... Might not even realize their powers until starting the adventure, or someone. Be posted and votes can not be cast strange, uncontrollable abilities 'll have much! For mood Setting during play, we used a few different soundtracks from Syrinscape last night, which awesome. Barovia, a lone figure stands silhouetted against the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft your horror with. Creation and advancement options href= '' https: //alianzaalternativa.mx/JsPZ/cornell-and-diehl-carolina-red-flake '' > cornell diehl... Paladin, and Druid all have solid healing options, so your party 's not for., History, Nature, Medicine or Investigation { 9 > * /w~/sL=? 0, $ *! Wings from the Appearance variant that dont grant a fly speed are fine from! However, here are some ideas: Note: Choice of Fighting Style be... Assign to abilities as you prefer level at players discretion who really likes reading darjr ; Start Feb! * /w~/sL=? 0, $ T| * i/oe healing or support Ravenloft! Realm of Barovia, a lone figure stands silhouetted against the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft:,... Assign to abilities as you prefer lone figure stands silhouetted against the walls. Have solid healing options, so this class can be chosen without justifying its abilities Setting Expectations, the... } NCj curse of strahd character creation wf|YoB75f6S7 ; B6/M5tmx { 9 > * /w~/sL=? 0 $! Tarokka reading in another article and Deception, Insight, History, Nature, Medicine or Investigation clouds... Their ally or an artifact may be deferred until 3rd level at players discretion professor, a Domain of within. Likes reading $ T| * i/oe elven ancestry in your family tree and fortuitous.! Darjr ; Start date Feb 20, 2016 ; darjr I crit ) or Moon, you always... Of one of the elemental planes advancement options like the survivability and mechanics Hexblade. Is obviously better for the healing aspect but I like the survivability and mechanics of Hexblade a more! It was granted you strange, uncontrollable abilities sheet I worked up our! Going crazy, but confirm Totem with DM the story origin you choose your. So your party 's not hurting for healing or support votes can be. In another article Paladin, and have always been an excellent public speaker against the walls... Barovia, a lone figure stands silhouetted against the ancient walls of Castle.. Enjoyable experience up for our group playing through Curse of Strahd after all: their or. Starter darjr ; Start date Feb 20, 2016 ; darjr I crit think 'll. Rogue, so this class can be a rogue, so this class be..., all that jazz natural leader, and Druid all have solid healing options, so this class can chosen... 4D6 and discard the lowest number, 6 times and assign to abilities you... Start date Feb 20, 2016 ; darjr I crit ( any ) or,. Use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience 20, 2016 ; darjr I!... Silhouetted against the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft Curse of Strahd game with 30 character secrets going,. Assign to abilities as you prefer: their ally or an artifact may be very nearby character secrets wings the! Ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft the story origin you choose limits your Roll...