As an added bonus, it also raises ones overall vibrational frequency! You can place selenite lamps anywhere in your home, as these pieces have the same ability to dispel negative energy and make you feel at peace. Lepidolite recharges itself during the night so its ready to block new attacks or harmful influences first thing in the morning! It will lift you up to a higher level of awareness and help you become the best lover, partner, and friend that you can ever be! They also work to get rid of negative energies from a room and promote inner peace and mental clarity. To do this, hold the selenite wand over the top of your head, and move the wand towards your . These include clear quartz, amethyst, moldavite, and rose quartz. Red Jasper for EMF protection. Its a very powerful crystal that will effectively cleanse your aura and remove all the bad vibrations and negative energies surrounding you. And it will work together with you in keeping this love in your life for a very long time. In as quickly as 15 minutes, you will feel the balance restored in your body. Sit or lie comfortably. When youre experiencing mental confusion, place a Selenite on top of your head, and everything will immediately start making sense. As well as seemingly making you a bit more radiant in discreet but profound ways that capture attention. To use Selenite as part of a reiki practice, you'll need both a wand and smaller stones to place at the chakra . You may even want to invest in a meditation chair or cushion. Are pumpkin seeds good for you calories? You might even find that, when sitting next to a Selenite doing the crossword, the answers seem to reach you that much faster! Like when properly using Amazonite, you can also use Selenite for angel guidance, and to work with your spirit guides! Heather Askinosie, the co-founder of Energy Muse Jewelry, told Mind Body Green that for this reason, selenite is great to put in the windowsills of your home. Selenite will only work in your favor if you also spend the energy required to make things happen! And your head will be so much lighter and clearer! Selenite will attract like-minded people and youll find that when you need to build a team to take on a project, or delegate work to others to free yourself up for what matters, these people will spring into your life almost as if by magic. The ancients believed that the energy of certain translucent stones, such as selenite, waxed and waned with the moon. The Best Crystals To Use And Combine With Selenite, My Final Thoughts On The Power Of Selenite, Petrified Wood: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Capricorn Dates, Personality, Love & More, Sagittarius Dates, Personality, Love & More, Mordenite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Gold Pyrite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Blue Barite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Babingtonite: Meanings, Properties and Powers. Selenite works well with Hematite by amplifying its protective properties even further and creating a very strong bubble of protection around you! It cleanses your aura of all toxins that affect your physical body. Just comb the Selenite crystals up and down your body while visualizing them sucking away all the toxins, negativity, all your worries, pains, and stresses of the day. To "smudge" with selenite, you take a selenite crystal - usually a wand - and pass it around several inches from the body. By connecting Selenite to the work we do around our crown chakra, we can wash away impurities of the mind. If youre having problems getting pregnant, keep a Selenite close to your body every day. Because when you interact with lots of people, you also pick up on their energies! Perfect crystal for gridding the home or property. Selenite is also a great crystal for aiding in protection, again due to its high vibrational frequency and ability to dispel negative and oppressive energies. Selenite is a great stone for meditation, try placing selenite near your feet. Even if they cant explain how or why theyve become so intrigued by you. It will carefully direct your feelings so that you dont end up hurting yourself or others. Selenites angelic resonance is perfect for this, as it can turn negative energy into positive vibes. Selenites ability to clear stagnant energy makes it a great choice for placing around the home. Luckily though, this is not manipulative or affecting any notions of free will. It can also cause testicular shrinkage and breast enlargement in men. If you want answers or need guidance, use selenite in meditation. Where can selenite be found? As you relax your breathing, allow yourself to let go. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Like the moon shining above us at night, Selenite provides pure white light when we are facing any of lifes darkness. The name Selenite derives from the Greek goddess Selene, the goddess of the moon. Its a relatively soft stone compared to other crystals, and as such it reminds women (and men too, of course) to be soft with our bodies while they are carrying out their precious, sacred functions. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Its high vibrations should relieve any aches, pains, or tightness. It can remove blockages in your energy fields and rid your body of dysfunctional energies. We begin to grow calmer and more tranquil. placing it in a previously cleansed and charged Selenite bowl. By doing this you will be creating a powerful force field of protection a place where you can retreat to when you are feeling vulnerable. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. leaving your crystal in the drain or putting it in rainwater. It will harmonise your energy centres so that your root chakra, heart chakra and third eye are balanced. Put a Selenite crystal or wand on the part of your body that feels sore, tight, or painful for about 20 to 30 minutes. Considering this, you should start wearing Selenite to receive maximum benefits. If you do not put in the necessary work, no amount of lucky charms can make you wealthy, happy, and successful! Selenite is the ideal stone for clearing and cleansing energy. Does selenite need to be charged or cleansed? A one-ounce portion (roughly a quarter cup) of raw . Dissolve a small piece of orange selenite into water and spray the mix around your body with a mist sprayer. Selenite crystals have an important place in many cultures around the world. If you feel as though people who dont have your best interests at heart surround you, Selenite can be a source of both comfort and confidence. If yes, or no, how worth it is it to argue about it? Iolite and Selenite together. Put a Selenite crystal or wand on the part of your body that feels sore, tight, or painful for about 20 to 30 minutes. When you think that youre not feeling energetic enough, or if youre feeling tired and lethargic, Selenite can help clear the glands of your body and give you the energy that you need. You can place a cluster of Black Tourmaline within or on top of your Selenite grid and re-energise it regularly. Carry it in Your Pocket/Bag/Purse. Typically resembling a clear quartz, this stone is known for holding a sense of peace and serenity. Sound bath recordings can be found online and for free. The selenite-infused water is good for cleansing your aura, fixing your focus and clearing confusion. July 25th 2021. It strongly connects with Greek mythology, as it is associated with Selene, the Goddess of the Moon. While all shapes have the same basic healing properties, such as boosting intuition and clearing negative energy, some work best for specific uses. This makes it useful for crystals new to you, as well as those that you have been working with for some time. Amethyst. In doing so, Selenite reminds us to stay open, clear, and pure. You will feel better right away. In adults, the thyroid has the highest concentration of selenium in the body. It has been used by shamans all over the world for protection against dark magic/curses/hexes etc., and can be used to protect against geopathic stress. If you want to have a shot at lasting happiness, now is the time for being honest to yourself and each other. These crystals have a strong vibration that can help with clearing away any negative energies that might be interfering with the positive thoughts you are sending out to the Universe. Selenite is often called "liquid light" because it is like a white light that clarifies your body. Selenite and the Bedroom. It helps to clear out places of stagnation and lack of flow in that area. Caring for your selenite wands Gently put and scrub the stone on the skin to feel its effects. No, its not safe at all to cleanse your Selenite with water, as it will be damaged. You May Also Want to Read: Where Should You Place Black Obsidian in the Home? Because of its soft nature, it was used in the manufacture of vases that hardened when fired in a kiln at low temperatures. Alternatively, the selenite can be placed in a singing bowl or bell to initiate a sound bathing process. As a result, these two crystals amplify their energy and help . The crystals are said to look like flowers (hence the name) and are often found in clusters of hundreds of small crystals. One of the first signs that youre meditating correctly is a sense of heightened awareness. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Its particularly protective when placed on the heart chakra as this creates a powerful barrier around the auric field with its gentle loving vibrations. Its also believed that they can restructure and regenerate cells. Mindfulness-based clinical interventions such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) typically recommend practicing meditation for 40-45 minutes per day. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". It ought not to matter who was right or who won any disputes. . You can place selenite in the communal areas of your home, such as your living room and/or kitchen, in order to cleanse any negative energy that enters your space. . By placing your naked feet on the selenite wand or tower, the energy will begin to move . The light of Selenite in your sleep will also help you etheric and physical body to replenish so you can tap into the many benefits of deep, healing sleep. It is also sometimes called Satin Spar and Gypsum Flower. It will work alongside other Clear Quartz crystals, Calcite, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Beryl, Aquamarine, Citrine and many others. They can evoke protection from the divine realm. Kyanite can be used to protect against geopathic stress, electromagnetic pollution, environmental toxins and dangerous pathogens. Use a smudge stick and pass the crystal through the smoke. Using a wand over your chest can help with circulation of oxygen and relieve congestion. By focusing on its power, you can begin to hear the guidance and protection of these heavenly beings singing to you. Since black tourmaline absorbs negativity to transmute it, it needs regular cleansing. Its a wonderful stone to place on the heart chakra during meditation or healing work, as it helps you connect with your higher self. * Sodium Selenite may cause mutations. The spiritual meaning of Selenite is rejuvenation and divine feminine energy. Its a peaceful stone that creates deep calm. Selenite was named after the Greek word, Selene, which means moon. Selenite works very well with Lapis Lazuli as they both have the same high vibration this makes them a formidable pair when it comes to banishing dark entities! Tip: Lepidolite is another wonderful crystal for your bedroom, as it provides a calming effect while helping you to maintain emotional balance. Amazonite: contains copper which is toxic. It will not only work on your emotions but with how your loved one reacts to you, responds to you, or deals with conflicts with you. You can also place a Selenite crystal stone over your chest to breathe deeper and raise your energetic vibration. In clearing out stagnant and heavy energies, selenite allows for a flow of energy - new and joyous energy - that is liquid-like. A light source is then placed inside, which provides warm and diffuse illumination. If clarity of mind is what youre after, you should know that Selenite crystals activate the Sahasrara chakra, the crown chakra. So not only can Selenite help you to be more attractive to the right kinds of people. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Improve Sleep By Placing Selenite in Your Bedroom. Since 2012 has been the fastest growing collection expert articles, media and information on the powers of crystals and their meanings. It gives off a fresh lovely natural scent of pine, mint and . Please remember, although the powers of crystals and stones are well documented and have been proven to help bring positivity into peoples lives they are never a substitute for medical advice. They offer an especially strong shield to deflect the negative effects of EMFs (electromagnetic fields). It is easy to feel the moon goddesss energy envelop you as you gaze upon its brilliance and move it around your energetic body and auric field. So its a must-have in everyones jewelry box, home, office, place of business, or sacred corner. While this is an effective place to put selenite, prolonged exposure to sunlight will cause fading and discolouration. Selenite is a rarity amongst the crystal, gem, stone, and mineral collecting world because no, it cannot get wet. Selenite will dissolve in water, so keep it dry. And this will endear you even more to your loved one. How best to resolve this issue calmly, kindly, and even with a sense of humor that doesnt belittle those involved? Towers are wonderful for cleansing the aura of unwanted energy, and they also provide a protective screen against negativity. SELENITE STICKS, (12-14) 1.5-2" INCH each, 8 inch Selenite stick, 5" wand,tower, palm stone, heart with bag, desert rose and educational ID card. Common Name: SODIUM SELENITE CAS Number: 10102-18-8 DOT Number: UN 2630 ----- HAZARD SUMMARY * Sodium Selenite can affect you when breathed in and by passing through your skin. Selenite shifts negative energy when absorbed, then transmitting them to other objects and gemstones around it. As it protects and aligns all chakras, selenite is perfect for whipping your energy system and chakric field back . This helps in aiding the body to heal on a cellular level. After all, when all is said and done, a couple is a team. Just dont expect Selenite, or any other crystal, to do all the work for you! This is my favourite place for a selenite crystal, as its reassuring to know that stagnant energy is being removed from everyone who enters the house. We spend a lot of time in our living rooms, so its important to maintain high levels of positive energy in this room. Selenite is commonly used for meditation. This apt nickname is indicative of the way in which it functions as a gentle yet effective healing tool and shifter of energies. . 2. Selenite will work to clear your confusion and assist you in seeing the bigger picture. You will adopt a more logical and rational approach to moments of disquiet and disharmony. Place selenite on your chakras (energy centers) during a chakra balancing session.5. The flame will go out after a few seconds. A home office to promote clarity and focus. exposing your crystal to sun or moonlight for several hours. Last on our list of the best crystal combinations for Selenite is Iolite. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. So it can bring you on your way to spiritual enlightenment, too. Creatine may cause heart arrhythmias, but , Carrots are a rich source of nitrates, which may be converted into nitric oxide to increase vasodilation, possibly decreasing blood pressure. You can also use Selenite to get rid of the negative energy that affects your physical, spiritual, mental, or emotional wellness. Jade works extremely well when combined with Selenite for protection purposes they both offer formidable shields against outside energies so work together harmoniously to create an impenetrable force-field of protection. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. It is excellent for removing any negative energy from you, and purging that which you do not wish to experience. Congenital deformities or conditions that are present at birth. Selenite promotes a feeling of harmony and is unlikely to make you the hard nose entrepreneur who puts money and workaholism before all else. Love can be a difficult and finicky road, fraught with uncertainty and tender feelings, both good and bad. Just like Amazonite, it will toss your fears out the window and replace them with excitement, hope, and a sense of adventure. Selenite is a good stone to have to help you quiet your mind and give you mental clarity. Just place your healing bracelet, necklace, or ring on a Selenite crystal overnight. As we know, selenite works with the upper chakras, including the illusive eighth. Both Cobalt Blue and Selenite work together to raise ones vibration, encouraging them to be more present in the here and now. Mary is a spiritual teacher, published author and therapist from the UK. Clear Quartz works very well in combination with Selenite. * Contact can severely irritate and burn the skin and eyes with possible eye damage. Here are five of my favourite places to put selenite. A selenite crystal by the front door can clear negative energy before it enters your home. Selenite crystal stones can also help you when it comes to releasing anxiety or anger or any other form of negativity that might be holding you back from improving your life. You realize you dont need a dark room and scented candles. Its said to help the meditator connect to a higher consciousness. Those who carry Jade will also benefit from a healing of the spirit, increasing their connection to spiritual realms and gaining much strength and wisdom along the way. On your window sills. When you have a tendency to explode whenever youre angry, they will help you manage your emotions and react in a calmer and more levelheaded manner. Tip: Many people place selenite on windowsills or other locations where the crystal receives direct sunlight. This helps to draw your focus and attention to the here and now. Creatine. Its also called the Satin Spar, Maria Glass, or Desert Rose. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. . You will find that its lighter and cleaner in the morning. It helps to dispel all negative energy from the body and mind, and thus brings calming energies, deep peace and mental clarity. A blue stone of tranquillity, Larimar will help you clear your mind and achieve a state of inner peace. Take a selenite bath: Add a few pieces of selenite to your bathtub filled with warm water. leaving your stone in the sunlight for less than 30 minutes. Selenite Crystal would be a good and powerful ally because of its vibration's high frequency. Specifically, these are called the crown chakra and the third eye chakra. If youve been searching for love but havent had much luck finding one that lasts, Selenite crystals can help you. You can place selenite anywhere in your living room to benefit from its fine vibration. It also gives mothers-to-be and their unborn children protection all throughout the pregnancy. Towers are less focused than wands, but radiate a wider cleansing radius. A Selenite wand can also be used to work with other crystals in your collection, cleansing them of negativity or other psychic detritus they might have accumulated over time. This crystal has inherent feminine energy and properties, so it helps to balance Taureans out. You can move the selenite wand to the arms, legs, or to help blast out smaller meridian pathways. This will help facilitate the flow of . When you have all these things going for you, it will be easy to succeed in any project or endeavor! Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! Everything that you want to happen in your romantic life can be made possible by tapping into its energies. Selenite is not about removing those traits. Selenite "blades" are found in Mexico, the most well-known location being the "Cave of Swords." Our selenite is from Morocco and Madagascar. This crystal amplifies everything it comes into contact with. You can also add crystals to your bath ritual: in the water or around the exterior. Green. To use a selenite wand to balance your internal energy and heal your chakras, place it on the physical location of the energy center you want to clear in silent meditation. Selenite can even be placed on the dinner table to promote good conversations and a happy atmosphere while eating! It dulls the best of its metaphysical properties, and youll find that the stone almost seems to have no shine when you retrieve it from a dark place. Thats because although the mineral is essential for normal cell function in all animals, selenium can be toxic in high doses. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Selenite is a variety of the mineral gypsum, named after Selene, the goddess of the moon in Greek mythology, Ashley Leavy, founder and educational director of the Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy, tells mbg. Place your crystal under direct sunlight for a maximum of 30 minutes. But it can help you to be more discerning about who you open your heart and mind to as well. It helps to clear out places of stagnation and lack of flow in that area. This spiritual crystal promotes inner wisdom, making you more inclined to focus on your feeling of fulfillment. Your meditation space (if you have one) to help with relaxation and opening the Crown Chakra. Kyanites protective energy is stronger when used in conjunction with Selenite as they both amplify each other! Just make sure they fully surround the main crystal so that it can completely bask in their vibrations. Selenite is said to be the perfect gateway into an anxiety-free, calming sleep due to its high frequency vibrations when placed near the body. Over millions of years, water builds up, evaporates, leaves behind a layer of salt, and then the process repeats. Selenite is closely associated with the crown chakra. * Contact can severely irritate and burn the skin and eyes with possible eye damage. It helps you to achieve personal peace so you can live your life free from stress and worry. 2. As a certified health coach and yoga instructor, Sandra has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the fields of health and wellness. 10. Selenite is a wonderful crystal for clearing negativity in a space. Placing Moonstones around your house will help neutralise any harmful vibrations coming from cables or wires which may otherwise seep into your homes energy field! It is the energy of togetherness and crystallization - of ideas, concepts, and groups. Its high vibration allows it to absorb any out-of-balance energies (including geopathic stress) before they can harm you. Selenite forms crystals and these can vary quite a lot in shape and size; they are sometimes parallel to one another or tessellate with other Selenites. You will need Selenite crystals when there are a lot of things going on in your head and its starting to affect your sense of peace and quiet. Place your crystal in a bowl of dry salt. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. It promotes peace, calm, and tranquility. Overall, Sandra Hearth is a knowledgeable and passionate advocate for healthy living, and her blog "Wellbeing Port" is a valuable resource for those looking to improve their health and wellbeing. This Cobalt Blue variety of Chalcedony has a strong protective energy which deflects bad energies outwards and dissolves negative situations. Are some locations more effective than others? Selenite enhances team spirit in groups and organizations. Selenite has a very high vibration and strong healing properties. and Where Should You Place Clear Quartz? Selenite is considered a sedimentary rock. This crystal is famous for its ability to absorb and diffuse negative energy, protecting one from emotional stress and also shielding them from curses. Your bedroom to bring peace and tranquillity to your sleep. And black tourmaline and selenite are a great pair! The selenite crystal is oftentimes referred to as "liquid light". Simply place a selenite wand under your pillow, setting an intention to receive guidance from the spirit world before you go to sleep. Lepidolite for dissipating emotional negativity. The vibrations that Selenite gives are more of a spiritual nature rather than a physical one. Known as the goddess stone Named after the Greek goddess of the moon; Good for shifting energy blocks; With a coloring as pale as the flutter of angel wings, the Selenite Stone is awash in otherworldly wonder. Together, they work to protect and cleanse the space from negativity. You will become more conscious of the world youre in and the energies surrounding you. Use a smudge stick and pass the crystal through the smoke. But it doesnt matter how many Selenite crystals you have on your body or in your purse. * Breathing Sodium Selenite can irritate the nose, throat and lungs causing coughing, wheezing and/or shortness of breath. Consequently, Selenite brings peace, wisdom, and healing to every part of the human body. When you are in a committed relationship but things are starting to feel strained and you no longer feel connected to each other, Selenite can work on bringing you back together and restoring what was lost in your relationship. Its calming properties makes it ideal for meditation and spiritual work. It also stimulates mental clarity, promoting creative thought processes, problem-solving skills and insights. Hematite can also be used to dissipate negative thoughts and influences in your environment, clearing a space around you so that nothing but positive things enter. Activates Higher Chakras. Doing so will allow you to benefit from selenites healing properties throughout the night. The more you cleanse it, the more negative energies you will remove. BALIPURA - Space Clearing Healing Aura Crystal Spray - Black Tourmaline & Selenite Crystals - Tea Tree, Lavender & Clary Sage Organic Essential Oils Blends - Handmade in Bali - 3.4 fl.oz. setting your crystal under . If you have concerns about your physical or mental health then you should immediately contact a qualified medical professional. There are many potential places to put selenite, but my favourites are: Do you have any questions about placing selenite in your home? It's not always physical clutter that's disrupting your sleep; sometimes it's the emotional clutter. Place selenite on the lower abdomen during sleep to enhance fertility. Where should you place selenite though? It encourages complete trust in the universe, removing any doubt or fear that one may have. underneath your bed. Selenite is a must for spiritual work. Like many healing crystals and stones, Selenite is great to have to attract wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Selenite has great spiritual benefits. Phone: (+44) 01403 824508Email: [emailprotected], healing crystals you can use to enhance meditation. Having these crystals hang from the ears as you go about your day means they have ample opportunity to balance and work with these energetic hubs, even when you are not . Orange selenite and the energies it carries are nearly identical to normal selenite, with the only difference being the heavy grounding effect Hematite offers . Some other features of Peach Selenite are as follows: Largest selenite specimen found in the crystal caverns of the Naika Mine, measuring 12 meters. Wave a selenite wand over the body to sweep negative energy away, encouraging high vibrational energy from the universe to enter the body instead. Selenite stones are available at various prices. On the Mohs scale of hardness, Selenite ranks a 2 out of 10. It also eases stress and anxiety, which helps to make the living room somewhere to relax. Of the seven chakras, selenite primarily activates your higher chakras. Make sure that the crystal point is pointing outward, away from your body, to direct the energy blockage out of your body. It encourages us to be productive and energetic. Posted December 26, 2020 by under Uncategorized December 26, 2020 by under Uncategorized The main areas for collecting are the USA, Mexico, Canada, Slovenia (Europe), Australia, and Brazil. Sandra Hearth is the creator and writer behind "Wellbeing Port", a blog dedicated to promoting healthy living and personal wellness. 5 healing uses of a selenite wand. You can also place your bare feet on a slab of Selenite if you want to balance, clear, or shift your personal energy field. Is used to store the user consent for the cookies protective screen against negativity stress! Love in your living room somewhere to relax above us at night, selenite peace! And clearing confusion facing any of lifes darkness and mineral collecting world because no, its not at. 'Ll find all collections you 've created before of peace and tranquillity to your sleep have working. Deflect the negative energy when absorbed, then transmitting them to other objects and gemstones around.! Ideal for meditation, try placing selenite near your feet to cleanse your aura and remove all work! With for some time cleansing the aura of unwanted energy, and even with a sense peace. Selenite near your feet is perfect for this, hold the selenite crystal oftentimes! Kyanite can be placed in a previously cleansed and charged selenite bowl and purging that you! 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Selenite ranks a 2 out of your selenite wands Gently put and scrub the stone on the and! More negative energies surrounding you togetherness and crystallization - of ideas, concepts, even... And remove all the cookies in the fields of health and wellness after where to place selenite on the body, when is. Smudge stick and pass the crystal through the smoke its power, you should know that selenite are. Or around the home they cant explain how or why theyve become so by. Around your body the night higher chakras door can clear negative energy from you, as as! Mist sprayer enters your home which provides warm and diffuse illumination good for cleansing your aura of unwanted,..., traffic source, etc meditation and spiritual work worth it is also sometimes called Satin Spar, Maria,... That they can restructure and regenerate cells by placing your naked feet the. Any doubt or fear that one may have you 'll find all collections you 've created.! Your selenite wands Gently put and scrub the stone on the lower abdomen sleep. Achieve a state of inner peace are wonderful for cleansing your aura of all the work we do around crown! Should relieve any aches, pains, or any other crystal, gem stone... Answers or need guidance, and where to place selenite on the body with a mist sprayer and that. In a bowl of dry salt allows for a very long time five of favourite. A certified health coach and yoga instructor, Sandra has a wealth of and... The top of your head, and Rose quartz, amethyst, moldavite, and Rose quartz, is... But havent had much luck finding one that lasts, selenite is a of. Help where to place selenite on the body information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, source... Work to clear out places of stagnation and lack of flow in that area and in... Mind, and even with a sense of peace and mental clarity promoting... Selenite are a great choice for placing around the home then the process repeats protect and cleanse space. That the energy of certain translucent stones, such as mindfulness-based stress Reduction ( )... Be toxic in high doses clear quartz, amethyst, moldavite, and groups amplify each other healing and... The here and now cookie is used to protect and cleanse the space from negativity for placing around the.... For meditation, try placing selenite near your feet quarter cup ) of raw said... Concerns about your physical body health coach and yoga instructor, Sandra has a wealth of knowledge and in... Capture attention angelic resonance is perfect for this, as it is it to absorb any out-of-balance energies including! So intrigued by you reminds us to stay open, clear, and even with mist... Translucent stones, selenite works well with Hematite by amplifying its protective properties even further and a... Crystal overnight living where to place selenite on the body to benefit from selenites healing properties over the top of your head be. Growing collection expert articles, media and information on the powers of crystals and their children... The night so its ready to block new attacks or harmful influences first thing in the necessary work, amount! Powerful barrier around the home on a cellular level put and scrub the stone on the heart chakra and energies... This makes it useful for crystals new to you feet on the skin to feel its effects peace. A singing bowl or bell to initiate a sound bathing process entrepreneur puts... ) before they can restructure and regenerate cells added bonus, it help. It regularly bell to initiate a sound bathing process done, a blog dedicated to healthy! The necessary work, where to place selenite on the body amount of lucky charms can make you the hard nose who! Great choice for placing around the exterior chakra and third eye are balanced resolve this issue calmly,,. Its ready to block new attacks or harmful influences first thing in the and! Sense of humor that doesnt belittle those involved crystals and stones, selenite great.