Other parts of the email laid out concerns the group had with Hayes' tweets about books that deal with race and religion and questioned whether he had the necessary experience to take the post as senior pastor. Check the upcoming First Baptist Church - Naples schedule for concerts, shows, and events in 2023-2024 to find the best tickets for all events at First Baptist Church - Naples. Their considerations related to legitimate theological, moral, and political issues. However, he stated, In the 22 years I was there (FBC Naples), I never heard a racist commentever. Jude certainly understood this. It is a populist movement of tremendous influence and minimal accountability. I guess thats why this slanderous information is labeled as commentary. Interesting. Go. Budget Crisis at FBC Naples? We likewise contacted SBC President J.D. He and his wife live in the Washington, D.C. area with their son. In fact, concerned church members have come forward to reveal the questions and concerns they had about the nominee. But, then again, with such an unmistakable history of racism behind it, predicting which way the SBC would jump in response to a charge of racism would be too easy. (The church publishes an annual directory with member email addresses.). First Baptist Church has had problems for years. We need to see people as fellow human beings made in the image of God. Wicker said the future for him and his wife is uncertain. For 27 years Hayes Wicker and his family faithfully devoted their lives to Gods calling in ministry at FBCN. First Baptist Naples has a byzantine process that allows the pastoral staff to recommend to the deacons the expulsion of a member. Caudill said no one replied to his letter. It does not suddenly make a point valid or invalid. The first to plead his case seems right, Until another comes and examines him. You may recall this line from his I have a dream speech: I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I believe Dr. King was right. But we are not merely ambassadors. Been here 25+ times. to affirm of Wickers intended replacement, Marcs Hayes. Christianity Today (CT) reported in November that Neil Dorrill had claimed at a Q&A session that inappropriate emails had been sent to Hayess church in North Carolina, Biltmore Church. In November, Caudill sent a letter to several prominent SBC leaders, including President Greear and SEBTS President Danny Akin, urging them to retract their statements supporting the racism narrative offered by FBC Naples. According to sources, Wicker wanted a long period of transition to the new leadership, with even an overlap to help the transition process. I am Caucasian from Eastern Europe. Church leaders have alleged that race played a role in the failed vote to affirm Hayes, causing a firestorm of heated discussion on social media and spawning posts by religious websites and blogs. The Story Of First Baptist Church Naples is disturbing and alarming, but it is meant to be an inspiration. He and his wife and his children love God and Gods people. SUNDAY, Dec 11 (7pm) First Naples glorifies God by being a multigenerational, multiethnic, multiplying church, that raises up the next generation of disciple makers, church planters, missionaries, and world changers, to reach Naples to the Nations. Now, everything I just said is my opinion. The power plays, ego trippin (yes, I did say trippin), greed, pride, etc., has been going on throughout church history. Church leadership responded in an email to members, calling the Voices of FBCNs email inaccurate and slanderous and claiming that a security breach of the churchs email list had occurred. Its no wonder why real born again, followers of the Lord Jesus Christ are walking away from churches, not the body of our Lord Jesus, the Ekklesia, but from this mess we call church. Bonnett told the Daily News in an email Wednesday no revote has been scheduled. It noted that Hayes had unfriended or blocked several people who had signed the petition on his social media accounts. From the reporting in this article, it seems clear that more light needs to be shed on events. Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? Hotels. Upvote 1 Downvote. To be blunt, it stinks and the whiff of corruption I detect is an autocratic sense of entitlement, with a touch of greed, perhaps, as well. Dorrill did not elaborate on how the process was compromised, and Bonnett did not answer emailed questions about the matter. Bunch of old white guys with too much time on their hands and too many books in their personal theology libraries. "To our knowledge, he has never handleda multi-million-dollar budget, building programs, fundraising and/or staffing issues as required by a Senior Pastor," the group wrote. *Please note that the preceding is my personal opinion. What Happens Now? The leadership structure for the past 500 years in pretty much all of our churches is just refurbished Roman Catholicism. Love for Jesus, for my fellow brother/sister and love for the truth. concerned with factors other than racism, such as Marcus Hayes The biggest reason most did not vote yes, had to do with the fact that people didnt think it was fair to ask Marcus to uproot his family and relocate to a church that was in COMPLETE turmoil and had a leadership that was REFUSING to acknowledge it. If there is any racism its from Pastor Hayes and his endorsement of Woke Movement. Nothing new in this article. Despite his disagreement with the process, Wicker said he submitted to an exit agreement offered by the church, which included a non-disclosure clause. ( I wonder what the Aramaic is for fad.). The message at FBCN is clear: get along or get out. Boy oh boy. Takeaway: One could reject the concerns of the church members and not label them racist. Despite this track record, Wicker said he was shut out of the new pastor selection process. An earlier version of this article named the group accused of stealing the email addresses as concerned FBCN members. Yet, thats what multiple sources have alleged is happening to them. I can tell you I am not a racist. Two days after the meeting with Pastor Edie and Chairmen Boone and Collier, Wicker said he was told to vacate church premises immediately. And we are soldierscharged with pulling down ideological strongholds and casting down the lies and deception spawned by the forces of evil (2 Corinthians 10:35; 2 Timothy 2:34). For sales or technical support please click here. I also find it interesting that Dorrills past financial misdeeds didnt seem to be a problem for the dissenters until the Hayes vetting process. You obviously didnt pay attention to everything in that article, only the points you chose to focus on on. Also concerning to the group was the fact that Marcus Hayes didnt respond to a letter Concerned Members of FBCN had sent him a week earlier, outlining their issues at the church. I would know. Certified Public Accountant, For nearly two weeks, Christian social media has been atwitter with commentary over whats being called The Asbury Revival at, Arizona Pastor Blows the Whistle on Andy Stanley, Robby Gallatys Glowsticks Are Not the Problem, Video: JD Reports on Critical Race Theory Tearing Apart SBC Megachurch, Southern Baptist Youth Pastor Fired for Questioning Near-Death Experience Teachings. No, Again. Grateful that FBCN is moving toward amputating the racists, tweeted Rev. Doesnt matter what denomination or race you are, all of this drama is toxic on a nuclear level for the body and spirit and surely the work of Satan himself. The churchs Just like there are women who are pro-Gloria Steinem feminists, and there are women who are not fans of Gloria, black people are capable of holding differing opinions too. Since the failed vote, other allegations have surfaced. More than 450 emails in support of Hayes were received by the church in the past four days, Dorrill said during the Nov. 2 service. Thanks for submitting! Coffee. Today, a former FBC Naples insider who is Also, the concept of colorblindness is nice in theory but is biologically impossible (unless you are colorblind). Takeaway: The treatment of the retiring pastor at FBC Naples is eerily similar to the treatment of the retiring pastor at McLean Bible Church. I was preparing to speak before the largest crowd we would ever have, he said. Wicker spent 27 years as pastor of First Baptist Church of Naples. First Baptist Naples is, ethnically, a predominantly white church but we are not a racist church.. weekend the congregation failed Good Ole Fascist techniques of taking away 1A rights are even occurring within the church. Giving. this approach to transition can become a helpful model for other churches.. Wicker, a former President of the Florida Baptist Convention and the SBC Pastors Conference, was such a high-profile leader and fundraiser for Baptist causes that his retirement was covered by Baptist Press, which reported the following on February 4th: In mid-January, Wicker, 68, Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Wicker said he was shocked by the accusations, but instead of fighting, he tendered his resignation. Wicker said several weeks later, the church emailed him, stating that Wicker had facilitated and cooperated with a rival faction in the church, which voided his exit agreement. In June, Voices of FBCN sent an email to many in the church, criticizing the actions of church leadership. And this statement was made by an African American pastor on Moody Radio. Yet Wicker said that without his approval or prior knowledge, a statement read by Boone was inserted at the beginning of the video, saying that Wicker had confessed to misuses of power and actions unbecoming of a Senior Pastor. This statement was also emailed to church members on May 23. Clarified a few things I had heard through the SBC grape vine. We have read so many of our traditions back into the New Testament, and tried to make them fit. The film makes note that Marcus Hayes was subsequently ramrodded in Crossroads Church Texas. And they said, Surely, you will not die. After years of delay, Southern Baptists passed a series of reforms in 2022 aimed at addressing abuse in the nations largest Protestant, A former youth pastor at First Baptist Church (FBC) of Bentonville, Arkansas, has accepted a plea deal for his victimization of children, Several churches deemed not in friendly cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) have responded to action taken by the SBC Executive. I attended the Saturday evening service with Dr.Marcus Hayes. Ungodly treatment of a Godly man and his entire family, not to mention those whose leadership and dedication to the Lord was well-known and long-standing. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of "Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse" by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. The views expressed in any video or live stream presented on our website may not necessarily be the views of the CWM owners and staff. What a great and wise man of God he is? Wade Burleson is also part of the smear campaign, too. Instead, the group alleges that the racism charge was a ruse by men who had recently seized control of the church, expelled and maligned a beloved pastor of 27 years, and then fabricated a basis for excommunicating those who had objected. Wicker called the allegations appalling., We reached out to Boone, specifically asking about the allegations mentioned in the video, but he did not respond. Wicker said Dorrill banned him from pastoral search team meetings, and the chairmen of the personnel and finance committees told Wicker his oversight was not needed. For the church's leadership, "it exposed a sickness in what we characterize as a cancer within our fellowship," he continued in the letter, which also asked for forgiveness from Hayes and his wife and "any other person who has been offended, hurt, or damaged by the outcome" of the vote. Get new articles and breaking news delivered to your inbox. The day after excommunicating the 18 members, FBC Naples lay leadership and pastoral staff sent an open letter to the SBC, accusing some who didnt vote for Hayes, whos a member of the SBC Executive Committee, of racism. Totally the act of Satan in this issue because where the Spirit of the Lord is there is peace. ", Church officials, however, have been largely mum on the details of the alleged campaign and racism. The Asbury Revival Is Over. **Statements about the actions taken by FBC Naples leadership assume the fidelity of Pulpit & Pens inside source. Similarly, an article in The Grio asked, Did a Florida church not hire a pastor because he was Black? And Christianity Today stated, Black Pastor Candidate Withdraws After Controversial Vote at SBC Megachurch.. Many church members are staying silent because they fear their children will be kicked out of the Christian school run by the church. Thats what REALLY happened. To find sermons, announcements, and other resources, click on the link below. At the end of the service we found the pastor in The Commons area. Following worship services on December 7 and 8, receptions were held to honor Edies six years at the church. Arkansas Youth Pastor Pleads Guilty to 13 Counts of Sexual Assault, Churches Respond to Action of SBC Executive Committee, Why Businessman Peter Chung Matters for the Future of The Kings College. First Baptist Church Naples, she said,"is not a racist church by any stretch of the imagination. Pray for Me; Log In All of the events need to be understood in the context of the overriding event and the church governance that permitted this to happen. ", Although church leaders don't believe that all who voted"no" did so based on race, Dorrill said,"it is undeniable that race played a part in the final days leading up to this election.". Quite the contrary the creedal history of the church was arguably constructed to exclude precisely the kind of views that were being espoused. Church leadership has told excommunicated church members that public response to their situation will result in a restraining order banning them from First Baptist Academy related activities. If all things had been equal and fair, our story would not have reached as far and wide, and stoked the emotions that it has. More about this ministry: Welcome to First Naples! Only love. During Wickers 27-year tenure, FBC Naples grew from 400 weekly attendance to over 3,000. With two young children at home, she dedicated her time to being a stay at home mom until 2007 when the Lord opened the door for her to be a preschool teacher at First Baptist Academy in Naples. Dorrill near the end of a Nov. 2 service told the congregation that "the integrity of our election last weekend was compromised. In the spring of 1945, Reverend Joseph Engel, his wife and young son were sent by the Brookdale Baptist Church of Bloomfield, New Jersey to plant new churches in South Florida. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. If I had known that, there would have been no resignation whatsoever., I was shocked that they would make this immediate. So we are ambassador-soldiers, reaching out to sinners with the truth even as we make every effort to destroy the lies and other forms of evil that hold them in deadly bondage. Sadly, that did not come to fruition. #JemelRoberson https://t.co/Y1dMXQY33N, But the Group of Concerned FBNC Members, citing the tweet, said Hayes should be questioned about his relationship with first responders, specifically police, "and his thoughts on such topics as Ferguson, police shootings involving people of color, etc. This is a warning to all Southern Baptists. The Marcus Hayes vote was used to cry wolf. They make me want to Puke profusely second only to Calvary Chapel. You would call Martin Luther King an Uncle Tom Im sure. Thats why its so harmful to the church; its born of and encourages the myopic tendencies of American evangelicalism. It provides an identity for its most passionate acolytes. Church discipline for dissenting members was greeted with wild applause. (Auxanos founder, Will Mancini, also serves as director of consulting for Lifeway, the publishing division of the SBC.). The dissenters, and their surrogates, have done a good job (whether they realize it or not) of explaining why Hayes was rejected and much of it is deeply racially tinged, including: Hayes rejection of the notion of racial colorblindness, Hayes support of Eric Masons book Woke Church and intersectionality, Hayes support of slavery reparations for descendants of African American slaves, and Hayes alleged statements in support of more black leadership in SBC member organizations. Instead, Ericksen said Hayes has no experience as a head pastor and said that his political views wouldn't go along with a conservative church. Regardless of who is at fault for what, this is NOT what Church should be. I believe Hayes was rejected because of racism. So sick of this hate and evil which is exactly what this all is. How about Luke 16:11 So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? Men who run a church into so much debt that it is soon bankrupt with one plague of pestilence, why do we believe Jesus gave such man any true riches or wisdom at all? Doesnt the Holy Spirit operate in us as individuals? the group wrote. At least four emails were "broadly sent," he wrote, with others privately sent. And if He wanted us all to be the same, He wouldve made us the same. FBC Napless accusations and treatment of Pastor Wicker upset dozens of church members. However, leaked I can tell you unequivocally racist did NOT play any part in the actions of decision of the excommunicated members of FBC. To donate. Select the event you would like to attend below: FRIDAY, Dec 9 (7pm) NO RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE. Where in the N.T. Per the church's constitution and bylaws, a senior pastor must be affirmed by a margin of at least 85% of the vote, but Hayes only garnered 81%of the vote, with 1,552 "yes" votes compared to 365 "no" votes. First Naples glorifies God by being a multigenerational, multiethnic, multiplying church, that raises up the next generation of disciple makers, . Ill never bother with a Church again, because this is always going to be an issue. Read the letter from the church to the Southern Baptist Convention, question and answer session with Hayes and his wife, Read the letter from First Baptist to church members regarding voting results, fatal shooting of a black security guard by a white police officer, Police release name of cop who killed black security guard who was corralling a gunman, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Pastor Hayes is the Pastor. Takeaway: Using children as political pawns is despicable. No One Knows. into an embarrassing public debacle. Hayes Wicker announced his retirement in January with the intention of reaching a mutually agreed upon exit date with church leadership. (I)t seems from social media posts that, with no investigation, some convention leaders have chosen to believe this narrative, Caudill wrote. One Denomination that claims to hold the Christian faith to avoid is the Southern Baptist Churces and their affiliations. We reached out to Dorrill, but he refused to answer any questions. Hayes, a black man married to a white woman, I'm New. Well-sourced. Regardless of what specific concerns were held, its important to know that 1) no evidence of genuine racism on the part of those holding them has surfaced, and 2) the efforts these members made to ask questions and express reservations were not taken seriously. Upvote 3 Downvote. Garippa, who was never part of Concerned Members of FBCN, declined to comment on why he left FBC Naples. THAT IS OK! Two weeks later, Garippa started another church called The Naples Gathering. Theyve even released an open letter to the SBC with the same claim. Caudill added that Dorrill advised Caudill that any pastoral candidates suggested by Wicker would be dead on arrival., In the months leading up to Wickers resignation, the church hired Auxano, a church consulting company, to advise the church on the pastoral transition process. Honestly, the system that ousted him is the machine he created. And it is must never be carried out with retribution in mind, but always with the hope of restoration. As a side note, is the implication that if a white* person disagrees with a person of colour on the legitimacy of Woke political philosophy/identity-building/self-definition in the church, that person must necessarily be a racist? It may interest you to go over to TWW and read their article, as well as the comments from members of that church who state they were unfairly misrepresented in their vote against this new pastor. What would Jesus make of Wokeness intersectionality, and indeed, the movement for resegregation by some of those who are of the Prominent Woke, in light of Galatians 3:28? @Bernie Lutchman you are so correct. We met his wife and daughters. Marcus Hayes based upon prejudice, our church loves all people of all colors equally," Stearns wrote. It is widely known that an 85% affirmative vote is unusually high. Need to read the book by Shelby Steele White Guilt where he lays out perfectly the Marist agenda going on. Akins son, Jonathan Akin, is currently serving as interim pastor at FBC Naples. pastoral staff has publicly accused church members who did not approve of Marcus However, CT said it was not able to confirm whether Biltmore Church received such communications. Jonathan Akin is also national director of young leaders for SBCs North American Mission Board. Let us pray for you. Wicker, a former President of the Florida Baptist Convention and the SBC Pastors' Conference, was such a high-profile leader and fundraiser for Baptist causes that his retirement was covered by Baptist Press, which reported the following on February 4th: However, in May, Wicker said he agreed to videotape a short farewell message to members from a script both he and the personnel committee had approved. ", "While racial issues were brought into play, and horrifically there indeed were some who did not approve Rev. The following Tuesday, April 23, Wicker met with FBC Naples leaders including Dorrill, Chairman of the Personnel Committee Troy Boone, Chairman of the Finance Committee Don Collier, and Chairman of Deacons Terry Cole. Visit: firstnaples.org/media. The petition for a special business meeting was never even ACKNOWLEDGED by the leadership is a Violation of the bylaws. "Is that what the gospel is all about?". And because it promises rewards to individuals and organizations influence, students, platform it is both very hard to criticize and functionally unaccountable to any but its own. "Unfortunately our church familys business has become fodder for spotlight-seeking bloggers and others who are commenting about Christians whom they do not know personally, and slandering a church that they know little about," Sonya Stearns, a member of the church, said in an email to the Daily News. Roku Live Streaming, Copyright 2023 ITP Productions, Inc. dba ChristianWorldMedia.com, All Rights Reserved, Welcome to First Naples! In 2016, under the leadership of its former pastor, the church changed its bylaws to adopt the85%approval rule, instead of a simple or super-majority, Stearns continued. Some of these blacks are church leaders. Last And as of March 1, the churchs $14 million budget had a shortfall of $1.2 million. The shooting drew national headlines, outrage and questions about whether race factored into the officers decision to open fire. Bob Caudill, a former deacon and spokesman for Concerned Members of FBCN, said that a month before the vote on Marcus Hayes, the group had circulated a petition requesting a special business meeting to discuss serious concerns at FBC Naples. Dwight McKissic, a prominent African American SBC pastor in Arlington, Texas. No church creed has ever taught the nonsense that had become so pervasive in evangelicalism. The separation was hardly amicable. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? Jesus said that He wants us to all be in unity and that He is building a church. Two weeks later, garippa started another church called the Naples Gathering sources have alleged is to. 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