", The assignment of the said "orders" "Charles Ambler's Sectionalism in Virginia: An Appreciation,". The Class 1 railroad came to be known as the "Richest Little Railroad in the World.". Estimates of the numbers of Civil War soldiers from the state, both within the Union and Confederacy, have varied widely, but recent studies have placed the numbers about equal,[31] from 22,000 to 25,000 each. However, the act that created West Virginia was signed in 1862, two years before Lincoln's re-election. NOTE. Institution. High Sheriff and Capt. Farming to them was not only a means of earning a living, but also a way of life" a way of living.. Settlers increasingly branched out along the eastern coast, but it was not until the early eighteenth century that pioneers began pushing into West Virginia itself. The diary kept by Washington indicates that there were already many squatters, largely of German origin, along the South Branch. Following Confederate General Robert E. Lee's defeat at Cheat Mountain in the same year, supremacy in western Virginia was never again seriously challenged. Curry, Richard Orr. an 1863 Copperhead editorial condemning the US Congress for accepting West Virginia as a state. Adena villages can be characterized as rather large compared to Late Prehistoric tribes. The West Virginia Archives and History Library has custody of these records. Family stories recount the arrival in the late 1700s of brothers Benjamin and Jeremiah, who, along with their mother, were the first settlers on the upper waters of the Elk River . This push, however, would soon provoke conflict, both with Native Americans already living in the area and with the French who also believed they held claim to the land. 520, High Density: {{copy.hd_shelf}}, {{copy.hd_shelfmark}}. Produced in collaboration with the Genealogical Publishing Company. In March 1761, Robert Harper obtained a permit to operate a ferry across the Shenandoah River at present-day Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County. Primogeniture favored the first sons' inheriting lands and titles in England. Among the numerous investors were Charles Pratt and New York City mayor Abram S. Hewitt, whose father-in-law, Peter Cooper, had been a key man in earlier development of the anthracite coal regions centered in eastern Pennsylvania and northwestern New Jersey. Morgan Morgan. In 1748, Thomas, Lord Fairfax sent ; no. Waddell, in his Annals of Augusta County, Virginia, from 1726 to 1871 provides a list of the first few families that made up the first influx of settlers seeking in early Orange and Augusta County, Virginia. Edwards (2008) explores the roles of women volunteers in West Virginia during World War II. Bronson, Samuel Glass, David Logan, Fred Keelboats were built in the Kanawha region in Leon, Ravenswood Murraysville, and Little Kanawha River. All Rights ReservedPrivacy Policy |Terms of Use, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1500s-1900s, Land Records: Bucks and Lancaster Co., 1682-1825, Service Records: A Closer Look at Civil War Records #2, Hillary Rodham Clinton: Americas First Ladies, Part 42, Barbara Pierce Bush: Americas First Ladies, Part 41, The Lennon Sisters: The Lawrence Welk Show, The Real Truth Behind Coats of Arms and Family Crests, West Virginians in the American Revolution, Marriage Records of Berkeley County, Virginia, 1781-1854, Genealogy of Some Early Families in Grant and Pleasant Districts, Preston County, West Virginia, Pioneers and Their Homes on Upper Kanawha, Capon Valley: Its Pioneers and Their Descendants, 1698 to 1940, West Virginia Revolutionary Ancestors Early Records, Hampshire County, Virginia, Mason County, West Virginia Marriages, 1806-1915. acres, October 3. The international community overwhelmingly considers Israel's settlements as illegal and obstacles to peace. Hite was for one thousand and twenty acres (1,020). acres, dated 3 October 1734, Grant to Isaac Pennington, The first settlers of the area destined to become Wood County located along the Ohio, Little Kanawha and Hughes Rivers. "[37] Instead of Rev. In 1742, Robert Allen, Jno. They now proposed a division when it was impossible for one-fourth of even the counties included in the boundaries proposed to give even an expression upon the proposition." One of the silent partner investors Page had enlisted was millionaire industrialist Henry Huttleston Rogers, a principal in John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust and an old hand at developing natural resources, transportation. Heavy settlement began in the 1760s after Indian claims had been settled. Grant to Peter Woolf, 600 The "capital" of the Pocahontas coalfield, this city would remain the largest city in the southern portion of the state for several decades. 1748 - George Washington surveyed land in West Virginia. Logging was supported by a dense rail network extending throughout the mountains and hollows. More women, children, and family groups began arriving in 1609. Berkeley County was founded in 1772 with the above clause therein, which designates the same as The B&O developed coal piers in Baltimore and at several points on the Great Lakes. From that small batch of hatchlings he named it "Little Camouflage". John Brown (18001859), an abolitionist who saw slavery as a sin against God, led a successful anti-slavery movement in Kansas (see Bleeding Kansas), and hoped to strike a decisive blow against Southern slavery, creating a massive "underground railroad"type project, in the central and southern Appalachian Mountains, that would assist the enslaved in running away and becoming free. Later in 1624, Virginia was created as a royal colony that included the original Jamestown settlement, when King James I revolked the charter of the bankrupt Virginia Company and the colony transferred to royal authority as a crown colony, but the elected representatives in Jamestown continued to exercise a fair amount of power. [45] The organized work by women's clubs during World War I helped convince legislators of their role in getting their women enfranchised. Lewis Starry, Robt. This document, drafted by former state senator John S. Carlile, declared that the Virginia Declaration of Rights required any substantial change in the nature or form of the state government to be approved by the people. Their living characteristics were more of a heritage from the Woodland Indians.[7]. Arthur Laidley, elected to the General Assembly from Cabell County, attended the June Convention but refused to take part. give, are as follows: There were West Virginia Division of Culture and History, West Virginia Memory Project, A detailed list of delegate names and votes are located in Virgil Lewis'. These shires were renamed as counties only a few years later. lauds of John Mills and _____ Hobzson, dated 12 November acres, 21 August 1734, Grant to Henry Willis, 2030 A shift to exporting the state's other natural resources began. Contents: Genealogies of West Virginia families : from the West Virginia Historical Magazine Quarterly, 1901-1905 -- Cabell County annals and families / George Selden Wallace -- Capon Valley : its pioneers and their descendants, 1648 to 1940 / by Maud Pugh (vols. of Jamaica 1728-1734. Hampshire and Hardy were included in Neither the land grant or the Swiss colony ever materialized. Coal transloading facilities were developed at several points, notably Toledo, Ohio. ", Virgil Lewis "How West Virginia Was Made", pgs. West Virginia is a state now, and the Industrial Revolution is taking place. The artifacts uncovered in these give evidence of a village society having a tribal trade system culture that practiced the cold working of copper to a limited extent. Many men absent in the Confederate army when the vote was taken refused to acknowledge the transfer upon their return. It is rare Served as Deputy-Governor of the Virginia Colony from 1616-1617, 1625 & 1627. They were: These counties served as the primary foundation for governing for many years in early Colonial Virginia, until the colonies agreed many years later to form what now is the United States of America. [13], The Virginia Constitutional Convention of 185051, the Reform Convention, addressed a number of issues important to western Virginians. of New Jersey and New York 1710-1720 and Gov. Of the 49 delegates from the future state of West Virginia, 17 voted in favor, and 30 voted against, and two abstained. Via the New, Kanawha and Ohio Rivers, it is part of the watershed of the Mississippi River, draining an area of 1,656 square miles (4,290 km2). This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. [42] Small pockets of virgin forest remain at Gaudineer Scenic Area and Cathedral State Park.[43]. In 1863, the western region was admitted to the Union as a new separate state, initially planned to be called the State of Kanawha, but ultimately named West Virginia. In October 1748, the Virginia General Assembly passed an act establishing a ferry across the Potomac River from the landing of Evan Watkin near the mouth of Conococheague Creek in present-day Berkeley County to the property of Edmund Wade in Maryland. Members of the Carpenter family were among the first white people to settle in what is now central West Virginia, and their descendants populate a wide area today. Gordon Battelle, an Ohio native who sought to introduce a resolution for gradual emancipation. Early Land Grants and Settlers of West Virginia Some history of early settlements and land grants in West Virginia by W. S. Laidly, Esq., who has devoted much study to the subject. Middle and Late Woodland people include Middle Woodland Watson pottery people, Late Woodland Wood Phase, Late Hopewell at Romney, Montana (late Woodland AD 5001000), Wilhelm culture (Late Middle Woodland, c. AD 1~500), Armstrong (Late Middle Woodland, c. AD 1~500), Buck Garden (Late Woodland AD 5001200), Childers Phase (Late Middle Woodland c. 400 AD), and Parkline Phase (Late Woodland AD 750~1000). [38] Slavery was officially abolished by West Virginia on February 3, 1865. In 1872, under the leadership of Samuel Price, former Lt. Therefore, since the Secession Convention had been called by the legislature and not the people, all its acts were illegal. By 1739, Thomas Shepherd had constructed a flour mill powered by water from the Town Run or the Falling Springs Branch of the Potomac River in present-day Shepherdstown. Mr. Carskadon confirmed this and added that only 39 were the votes of citizens of the state." [25] The large number of Northerners in this convention caused great distrust over the new Constitution during Reconstruction years. "[12] Virginia leaders maintained a property qualification for suffrage effectively disenfranchising poorer farmers in the west, whose families did much of the farm work themselves. There, city founder Collis P. Huntington also developed what would become the largest shipbuilder in the world, Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company. A most remarkable thing, for a boy The Treaty of Albany, 1722, designated the Blue Ridge Mountains as the western boundary of white settlement,[9] and recognized Iroquois rights on the west side of the ridge, including all of West Virginia. The composition of all three Wheeling Conventions, the May (First) Convention, the June (Second) Convention, and the Constitutional Convention, was of an irregular nature. After an early expedition in 1584 to the "New World" by Sir Walter Raleigh, many other expeditions from England were sent to explore and colonize, including three ships that set sail on April 30, 1607, which were funded by "The Virginia Company". Since the mid-20th century, West Virginia has experienced population declines due in large part to its citizens leaving for opportunities elsewhere. Dorarfe, Geo. 19th century steamboats were built and repaired in Wheeling, Parkersburg, Point Pleasant and Mason City. Frederick County. In spite of sexism, racism, and class distinctions that women faced in volunteering, thousands responded to the national war effort. ISBN: 1579442528 Series: Family tree maker's family archives. The governor, lieutenant-governor, the judiciary, sheriffs, and other county officers were to be elected by public vote. In 1630, under the governorship of John Harvey, the first settlement on the York River was founded. The history of West Virginia stems from the 1861 Wheeling Convention, which was an assembly of northwestern Virginian Southern Unionists, who aimed to repeal the Ordinance of Secession that Virginia made during the American Civil War (18611865). Ashby, Etching of the Fort at Morgantown, W. Va. Traveler's Rest, Jefferson County, W. Va. Lieutenant-Governor, in council, to take up the same upon Many would join other tribes and remove to the midwest regions as settlers arrived in the state. The first settlement in what became known as the Virginia Colony was Jamestown, which was founded in 1607. acres, October 3, 1734, Grant to Geo. On April 27, 1738, dated to Then, in the late 1700s and early 1800s, more land started to be cleared to build early forts and then towns as more settlers arrived. This historic period changed the way of living extends from a little before the 18th century Virginia and Pennsylvania region North American fur trade beginning on the Eastern Panhandle of the state. speak by the records of those that were among the earliest, if acres, on South side of the Cohongolulu, dated 3 October Many such early settlers in Virginia were called Second Sons. Brock, Robt. The enterprise, fraught with disease, dissension, and determined . Also brief accounts of First Settlers, and their Descendants. He was born in Wales and emigrated to Delaware about 1712. The charter for the colony included a massive section of land that encompassed a large part of the eastern United States, including West Virginia. list of names is given, perhaps most of the settlers of the Mine accidents were considered inevitable, and mine safety did not appreciably improve the situation because of lax enforcement. Following the war, Virginia unsuccessfully brought a case to the Supreme Court challenging the secession of Berkeley County and Jefferson County to West Virginia. The first Settlers of Augusta County, Virginia arrived in the 1720's primarily from Pennsylvania, Maryland and Eastern Virginia. The instrument was ratified on April 11, 1862, with 18,162 votes for and 514 against. The Proclamation of 1763 again confirmed all land beyond the Alleghenies as Indian Territory, but the Iroquois finally relinquished their claims south of the Ohio to Britain at the Treaty of Fort Stanwix in 1768. As those mines were playing out by the end of the 19th century, these men were among investors and industrialists who focused new interest on the largely untapped coal resources of West Virginia. Frederick was established by law in was Col. James Wood, afterwards Clerk of the Court of Frederick, Elk Branch Presbyterian Church 1790 Hampshire County Militia Opequon Creek is tributary of the Potomac River. West Virginia was officially admitted as a U.S. state on June 20, 1863. Meanwhile, Congress on March 10, 1866, passed a joint resolution recognizing the transfer. Small farmers, however, had all their assets, animals, and land taxed at full value. With only 21 followers, in October of 1859 he took hostages and freed slaves in Harpers Ferry, at that time in Virginia. Building the Virginian Railway cost $40 million by the time it was completed in 1909. County Voters, Property Surveyed by George Washington were all Even in some counties that had voted against secession, such as Wayne and Cabell, it was necessary to send in Union soldiers.[21]. System requirements: You must have a CD-ROM drive. The first European settlers started arriving about 1730. Meanwhile, officers for the new state were chosen, and Governor Pierpont moved the Restored Government to Alexandria from which he asserted jurisdiction over the counties of Virginia within the federal lines. Even in the 21st century, mining safety and ecological concerns are challenging to the state whose coal continues to power electrical generating plants in many other states. Many of the first settlers were wealthy English gentlemen, but the list of first settlers also included laborers, bricklayers, carpenters, a blacksmith, barber, tailor, and a preacher. The area that comprises West Virginia was originally part of the British Virginia Colony (16071776) and the western part of the U.S. state of Virginia (17761863). Including accounts of its Soils, Timber, Minerals, Water, and Material Wealth. It further declared the pro-secession government in Richmond void and called for a reorganization of the state government, taking the line that all who adhered to the Ordinance of Secession had effectively vacated their offices. The property of Confederates might be confiscated, and, in 1866, a constitutional amendment disfranchising all who had given aid and comfort to the Confederacy was adopted. This was made acceptable to the west by a provision that required the General Assembly to reapportion representation on the basis of white population in 1865, or else put the matter to a public referendum. Robert Hagar, Constitutional Convention delegate, quoted in, "Proclamation 100 Admitting West Virginia Into the Union", John T. Woolley and Gerhard Peters, The American Presidency Project, Lincoln and West Virginia Statehood* By J. Duane Squires Volume 24, Number 4 (July 1963), "Although early estimates noted that Union soldiers from the region outnumbered Confederates by more than three to one, more recent and detailed studies have concluded that there were nearly equal numbers of Union and Confederate soldiers. Contemporaneously to Fort Ancient Tradition southerly of the state, the sister culture called Monongahela is found on the northerly of the Mountain State stemming from the Drew Tradition. Returns from some counties were as low as 5%, e.g. Former West Virginia Governor William A. MacCorkle described him as a man who knew the land "as a farmer knows a field." As tobacco emerged as a profitable export, Virginia imported more Africans to cultivate it and hardened boundaries of slavery. A few months later in 1957, the Petersburg hatchery moved these yellow-mottles to the larger Spring Run hatchery. Laidly, Esq., who has devoted much study to the subject. Although West Virginia's first constitution provided for the assumption of a part of the Virginia debt, negotiations opened by Virginia in 1870 were fruitless, and in 1871 that state funded two-thirds of the debt and arbitrarily assigned the remainder to West Virginia. 1730 there were ], This page was last updated Tuesday, 16-Jun-2015 10:52:10 EDT. Copyright August @2011 -2023 back to that date, beyond question with the further question, of A horse-drawn logging "tram" with a special block and tackle for hill-side harvesting was brought into use, allowing expansion of Crooked Creek and the opening of a wooden barrel plant at the creek's mouth. The wall also served to contain cattle. The first permanent English colony in North America was founded at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. is a list of grantees of lands conveyed by Jost Hite and Trading posts were established at the confluence of the Ohio and Kanawha Rivers at Point Pleasant, West Virginia where, in the mid 1780s, Daniel Boone resided for several years. The 1744 Treaty of Lancaster had left ambiguous whether the Iroquois had sold only as far as the Alleghenies, or all their claim south of the Ohio, including the rest of modern West Virginia. Paleo-Indian culture appears by 10,500 BC in West Virginia passing along the major river valleys and ridge-line gap watersheds. In 1632, the Virginia legislature voted to build a fort to link Jamestown and the York River settlement of Chiskiack and protect the colony from Indian attacks. acres. The Virginia General Assembly repealed the act of cession and in 1866 brought suit against West Virginia asking the court to declare the two counties a part of Virginia. (Five more counties were formed later, to result in the current 55). McCormick, Samuel Walker, Chas. A camera icon indicates items that are digitally available online. County Voters, Property Surveyed by George Washington were all and others. Following this conflict, known as Dunmore's War, the Shawnee and Mingo ceded their rights south of the Ohio, that is, to West Virginia and Kentucky. acres, on the _____ branch of the Opeckon, between the University 1549 University Ave. | P.O. This database is comprised of fourteen books. Source: The West Virginia Historical Christopher Gist, a surveyor for the first Ohio Company, which was composed chiefly of Virginians, explored the country along the Ohio River north of the mouth of the Kanawha River in 1751 and 1752. seventeenth day of June, 1730. deeds recorded to Stephen Hunsonbeller. sixteen families went into the Shenandoah Valley and from that him, and the grants were issued directly to the said purchasers, time. During the period 1870 to 1920 most of the old-growth forest was logged. Historical Magazine. Hite. certain conditions therein expressed, which orders were made the Some 700,000 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. From the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, the three ships sailed. Governor of Virginia in 1710, founded the first Germanna Colony in 1714. Nonetheless, West Virginia was considered the frontier for quite some time. Updated: Feb 27, 2023 / 11:55 PM CST. Presbyterian Church, above Winchester. Instead of giving up, Page (and Rogers) secretly planned and had surveyed a route to provide a new, third major railroad, all the way to new coal pier facilities at Sewell's Point on the harbor of Hampton Roads, fully 440 miles (710km) away from the railhead on the Kanawha River. In addition, the Virginia Constitutional Convention of 18291830 gave the slave-owning counties the benefit of three-fifths of their slave population in apportioning representation in the Virginia Assembly. It is known that in 1732, that Jost Hite with But renegade Cherokee chief Dragging Canoe continued to dispute the settlers' advance, fighting the CherokeeAmerican wars (17761794) until after the American Revolutionary War. Although, there were those who would acculturate within the historic as sometimes called Fireside Cabin culture. above brings us down to about 1750. Some are early historic documented seeking protection closer, moving to the easterly colonial trade towns. This item is available on microfilm at this FamilySearch center. In Feb., 1739, to Hendery Indiana, included in a county to be called the county of Orange, being of early settlements and land grants in West Virginia by W. S. In the northern portion of the state and elsewhere, the older Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (B&O) and other lines also expanded to take advantage of coal opportunities as well. Kindle Edition. [24] It was this June Convention which drafted the statehood resolution. remarkable that he would go away out in a new country, infested Christian Notwithstanding the competitive fears of the C&O and N&W, soon all three railroads were shipping ever-increasing volumes of coal to export from Hampton Roads. The people of the expedition consisted of 'gentlemen' and farmers. Jefferson in 1801. First to successfully cultivate tobacco in Colony; married Pocohontas. During the war and for years afterwards, partisan feeling ran high. Likewise, St. Albans, West Virginia, at the confluence of the Kanawha and Coal Rivers, became a point of trade. Kanawha salt production followed by coal and timber could be seen on the waterways. Waddell's First Families of Early Augusta County Scott's List of Orange County Importations As the war went on, many citizens began to turn against the conflict. John Van Metre, an Indian trader, penetrated into the northern portion of West Virginia in 1725. [5] Little is known about the housing of Paleo-Indian and Archaic periods, but Woodland Indians lived in wigwams. ", "If they proceeded now to direct a division of the State before a free expression of the people could be had, they would do a more despotic act than any ever done by the Richmond Convention itself. Luptons. 1738 but was not organized until 1743 Original Home of Col. John Evans, Morgantown, W. Va. Group Poses with Fairfax Stone, Tucker County, W. Va. WVU Libraries West Virginia 536 acres, in Spottsylvania, Grant to Peter Stephen, 600 For practical purposes, the Adena is Early Woodland period according to West Virginia University's Dr. Edward V. McMichael,[4] also among the 1963 Geological Survey. Railroad spurs were built throughout West Virginia, connecting mines to the riverboats, barges and coal-tipples. Great Grandfather of Pres. Ambler, Charles H. "If it required a military force to hold an election, if Cabell County, which borders on the Ohio River, had to have a military force to hold an election there; if Boone had to have a military force to hold an election at two points; if a detachment went up and held an election there, and got into a corner of Raleigh and held an election there, with what difficulty are the counties represented?" The Constitutional Convention met in November 1861, and consisted of 61 members. Elizabeth Cometti, and Festus P. Summers. Beginning in Reconstruction, and for several decades thereafter, the two states disputed the new state's share of the pre-war Virginia government's debt, which had mostly been incurred to finance public infrastructure improvements, such as canals, roads, and railroads under the Virginia Board of Public Works. 20 Aug. 1734, see Grant Book No. acres, October 3, 1734, Grant to Thos. or on the deeds. only sixteen year old to be a competent surveyor, but more Also are the Buffalo Phase, Transitional Archaic Phase, Transitional Period Culture and Central Ohio Valley Archaic Phase. With Page as its first president, and largely financed from Rogers' personal fortune, and the two railroads were merged in 1907 to form the Virginian Railway (VGN). As coal mining and related work became a major employment activities in the state, there was considerable labor strife as working conditions and safety issues, as well as economic ones arose. However, repeatedly John L. Lewis called his United Mine Workers union out on strike, defying the government, outraging public opinion, and strengthening the hand of anti-union Congressmen. Six followers were also tried, convicted, and executed. The Second Wheeling Convention met as agreed on June 11, 1861, and adopted "A Declaration of the People of Virginia". note: The 3 articles, Early Land Grants, Frederick For the western areas, problems included the distance from the state seat of government in Richmond and the difference of common economic interests resultant from the tobacco and food crops farming, fishing, and coastal shipping to the east of the Eastern Continental Divide (waters which drain to the Atlantic Ocean) along the Allegheny Mountains, and the interests of the western portion which drained to the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and the Gulf of Mexico. The legislature of the Restored Government was composed of members from the western counties who had been elected on May 23, 1861, and some senators who had been elected in 1859. The Greenbrier River is a tributary of the New River, 173 miles (278 km) long, in southeastern West Virginia, USA. 828 acres, October 3, 1734. Cars burned by Jewish settlers during riots in Hawara, in the West Bank, near Nablus, February 27, 2023. In May, 1740, to Peter Youll find a list of all Revolutionary War soldiers who ever lived in West Virginia and an index to civilians who participated in the War effort. Lewis Stephens. [William and Mary Quarterly] JONES, Cadwallader (in Virginia 1681), Stafford County . The Film/Digital Notes contain a description of the microfilm or microfiche numbers. Captain Bartholomew Gosnold, Captain Christopher Newport, Captain John Ratcliffe, Captain Gabriel Archer, and Captain Edward Wingfield were in charge of the expedition. 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And New York 1710-1720 and Gov took hostages and freed slaves in Harpers,!