It translocates to the root for complete control. How Much Curtail in a 1 gallon hand sprayer? Record the number of seconds to spray the area. Do not apply after the boot stage. Once the application site is dried the pets and children will be safe to re-enter. Add any surfactants, adjuvants or drift control agents according to manufacturers label. Alicia Bodine has been a professional writer for 13 years. NOTE: Carefully read the directions and precautions contained on the label of the herbicide, insecticide, or fungicide with which PREFERENCE is to be used. Tank Mix Compatibility Testing: A jar test is recommended prior to tank mixing to ensure compatibility of Curtail and other pesticides. Please remember that applications to vegetation emerging from open water require a site-specific permit (in Pennsylvania). Yes, when applying the product keep all pets off the area until it has fully dried. GRASSES GROWN FOR SEEDApplication TimingApply only to established grasses before the boot stage of growth. Do not spray into bodies of water that contain wildlife, as it is hazardous to fish. Refer to the label of the tank mix partner for lists of other weeds controlled, rates of application and use precautions. Used too much curtail in grass kill dandelions. If foliage is wet at the time of application, control may be decreased. Using 2020 pricing, material cost for a treated acre will be approximately $65. When using Cody Clopyralid Herbicide with a surfactant, browning of the plants can be seen within 2 days. Cody Herbicide can be applied with a backpack sprayer, handheld pump sprayer or a skid sprayer. Cody Herbicide is used on label listed crop areas and non-crop areas to control for various types of broadleaf weeds. The combination of the herbicides glyphosate and triclopyr satisfies the objectives for an herbicide mixture, providing a wide control spectrum and timing window, minimal non-target impacts, and the ingredients are readily obtained and easy to use. Put on long sleeves, pants, boots and gloves to cover every inch of skin. Application Rate Use 1 3/4 to 3 1/2 pints per acre of Curtail M per year for control of annual weeds and Canada thistle. 3500 1000 = 3.5). 0000013770 00000 n To control or suppress weeds listed on the label, make application after maximum emergence of the target weeds but before they exceed 3 inches in height or diameter (for rosettes). Post-harvest fall treatments may be made to actively growing Canada thistle after the majority of basal leaves have emerged. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Add any surfactants, adjuvants or drift control agents according to manufacturers label. Add 3/4 of the required spray volume to the spray tank and start agitation.2. 15 gallon sprayer: 19 oz. Use of a surfactant in the spray mixture may increase weed control effectiveness but may reduce crop safety, particularly under conditions of plant stress. 0000007865 00000 n This should take a few hours, more or less. Tank Mixtures for Grasses Grown for SeedCurtail at 1 3/4 pints per acre may be tank mixed with Banvel or Buctril to improve the control of certain weeds. If herbicidal symptoms do not occur, the test crop can be grown. Repeat this procedure two more . Cody Herbicide is not recommended for use in residential areas. 0000015206 00000 n Find supplemental labels for this product. 2007 Ford 250 SD 5.4 2007 16x7 Haulmark enclosed trailer 2008 Toro Z580 60" 25 hp kubota diesel 2006 48" Hustler Trimstar with Proslide 21" Lawnboy commercial 2 X Kawasaki ktr26ac trimmers 1 Echo . (CB03C475-B341-4969-8B44-023277042900 (full).png), CB03C475-B341-4969-8B44-023277042900 (full).png, Label never really says. Choosing a triclopyr product is more complex than for glyphosate because there are several distinct formulations, summarized in Table 1. Use only nozzle types and spray equipment designed for herbicide application. Put on a long shirt and long pair of pants. Flexible application Curtail has a wide application window. The scarcest component in land stewardship is personnel time. Fill the container full with w ater and recap. In addition, Curtail M also controls many annual broadleaf species, such as wild mustard, wild buckwheat, pigweed, lambsquarters, volunteer sunflower and more. Performance & security by Cloudflare. However, a mixture of the herbicides glyphosate and triclopyr can address most invasive plant species issues, particularly if you are foliar spot-treating target weeds (Figure 1). - Do not tank mix Curtail M with 2,4-D or dicamba unless the risk of crop injury is acceptable. Always wear the proper personal protective equipment when mixing and applying Cody Clopyralid Herbicide. Potential for crop injury is increased if 2,4-D is applied to winter wheat in the fall when it is not fully tillered. Spot TreatmentsTo prevent misapplication, it is recommended that spot treatments be applied only with a calibrated boom or with hand sprayers according to directions provided below. Oil: Mix LV 400 2,4-0 Weed Killer and the oil first Add this mixture to the water. It can be applied when perennial grasses are fully grown and developed. Adding metsulfuron-methyl (e.g. RANGELAND AND PERMANENT GRASS PASTURESApply 4 to 5 pints per acre of Curtail M when weeds are actively growing. teaspoons/gallon = recommended pints per 100 gallons x 1* or teaspoons/gallon = recommended pints per l00 gallons x 0.96 or milliliters/gallon = recommended pints per 100 gallons x 4.73* 2. Using ultra-low volume (10 gallons carrier volume per acre or less) application methods is not an option. Depending on the severity of the growth you are trying to kill, you can use a volume of 0.5 percent (which is 0.7 ounces of the herbicide) all the way to 10 percent (which is 13 . This product delivers effective weed control against the following: Refer to the Product Label for complete product efficacy information. per gallon of water 0000006360 00000 n Step 5. For the control of labeled annual and perennial broadleaved weeds in Canary Seed (Phalaris canariensis), apply Curtail M Herbicide at a rate of 1.5 - 2.0 L/ha in a minimum of 100 L water/ha to thoroughly cover the weeds with a spray pressure of 200 to 275 kPa. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR 2. After spraying Curtail, how long do I have to wait before planting? When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. If foliage is wet at the time of application, control may be decreased. application with a maximum use of 18.9 fl oz (0.062 lb of clopyralid) per acre per year providing that no other product containing clopyralid has been applied pre-plant or post-plant. To control or suppress listed weeds, make application after maximum emergence of the target weeds but before they exceed 3 inches in height or diameter (for rosettes). i mix 3 oz. I am a homeowner in muncie, in and I live next to a farm. It can be applied on permanent grass pastures, fallow croplands and broadleaf weeds found in wheat and barley that do not have legume seeded underneath. Cody or Curtail: 2 qt./acre rate = 3 gallon backpack: 4 oz. When tank mixing, do not exceed recommended application rates and use only in accordance with the most restrictive precautions and limitations on the respective product labels. For control of late-emerging Canada thistle, a preharvest treatment may be made after grass seed is fully developed. Do not apply more than 5.3 pints of Cody Clopyralid Herbicide to croplands per year. Agitation in the spray tank must be vigorous to compare with jar test agitation. Broad-spectrum broadleaf control Curtail controls many annual broadleaf species such as wild mustard, wild buckwheat, pigweed, lambsquarters and volunteer sunflower. There are a number of aquatic-labeled glyphosate products. 1.28 oz. The label states that the contents of the b ill 5 000 ftbag will cover 5,000 sq.ft. Curtail is an herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley. This will be enough herbicide to cover 1,000 square feet. An effective mix also provides flexibility through a wide application timing window, as well as location within the landscape. Less retreatment is more work directed elsewhere. Its pretty strong stuff. For example, a product that has a dilution ratio of 1:256 would be calculated like this: 128 256 = .5 ounces per gallon. To calculate the amount of Curtail required for larger areas, multiply the table value (fl oz or mL) by the area to be treated in thousands of square feet, e.g., if the area to be treated is 3500 sq ft, multiply the table value by 3.5 (calc. Spray Coverage Use sufficient spray volume to provide thorough coverage and a uniform spray pattern. Until recently, the choice was simple, as the choice was using the water soluble, aquatic-labeled 3-pound gallon (e.g. Glyphosate has a very broad spectrum, controls most treated plants, and at least injures almost any plant species treated. Order and received just 2 days later really fast shipping! 0000006382 00000 n Click to reveal Your IP: For details refer to Penn State Extension backpack sprayer calibration article "Backpack Sprayer Calibration for Woodland Applications". Note: Do not permit lactating dairy animals or meat animals being finished for slaughter to forage or graze treated grain fields within 1 week after treatment. Curtail controls many annual broadleaf species such as wild mustard, wild buckwheat, pigweed, lambsquarters and volunteer sunflower. 25 gallon sprayer: 32 oz. ft, 1 1/8 fl. Application RateApply 1 3/4 to 2 1/3 pints per acre of Curtail M. The higher rate may be used when the condition of the weeds and/or crop at the time of treatment may prevent optimum control. Cody Herbicide will last 1 to 2 years in storage if kept in moderate temperatures. - Do not exceed a cumulative amount of 0.25 lb active ingredient (ai) of clopyralid per acre per single crop year.- Do not contaminate irrigation ditches or water used for irrigation or domestic purposes.- Do not use in greenhouses.- Chemigation: Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system. You can apply the Cody Herbicide to the lawn yourself to control the thistle. - Do not use on newly seeded areas until grass is well established as indicated by vigorous growth and development of tillers and secondary roots. Add the required amount of Curtail M.3. The number in parentheses ( ) indicates the amount to use in one gallon of water . Then wash your hands. Bodine is passionate about gardening, travel, education and finance. Apply the spray the same day it is prepared while maintaining continuous agitation. 0000001077 00000 n It is important to keep your skin covered as Curtail herbicide can cause irritation to the skin. I would water heavily to try and get it to move out quickly. Application Directions Application Timing Apply to actively growing weeds. Tank Mixing This product may be applied in tank mix combination with labeled rates of other products provided (1) the tank mix product is labeled for the timing and method of application for the use site to be treated; and (2) tank mixing is not prohibited by the label of the tank mix product. 0000010993 00000 n 0000001925 00000 n Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide with no soil activity that can be applied to foliage or cut surfaces of woody stems. 3. Tank Mixing Precautions:- Read carefully and follow all applicable use directions, precautions, and limitations on the respective product labels.- Do not exceed recommended application rates. Refrain from entering the treatment area for 48 hours following the application and do not allow animals to graze on the land for seven days following treatment. For program lands, such as CRP, consult program rules to determine whether grass or hay may be used. The second procedure is to follow the mixing instructions from the "Garlon 3A" label, which specifies adding triclopyr first in the mixing process, to a tank filled to at least 75 percent of the final mix volume (rather than the common practice of starting with 50 percent of the final mix volume), and mixing completely before and during adding the glyphosate product. To control or suppress listed weeds, make application after maximum emergence of the target weeds but before they exceed 3 inches in height or diameter (for rosettes). Cody Herbicide controls for the following broadleaf weeds: Annual, Beans, Biennial, Black, Bull, Canada, Clover, Cocklebur, Coffeeweed, Common, Cornflower, Curly, Cutleaf, Dandelion, Difuse, Dock, Eastern, Field, Flixweed, Giant, Groundsel, Hairy, Hawksbeard, Hawkweed, Horseweed, Jimsonweed, Knapweed, Kochia, Ladysthumb, Lambert, Lambsquarters, Lentils, Lettuce, Locoweed, Marshelder, Meadow, Musk, Mustard, Narrowleaf, Nightshade, Orange, Peas, Pennsylvania, Pennycress, Perennial, Pigweed, Pineappleweed, Pinnate, Plantain, Prickly, Radish, Ragweed, Red, Redroot, Russian, Salsify, Shepherdspurse, Sicklepod, Smartweed, Sorrel, Sowthistle, Spoted, Sunflower, Tansymustard, Teasel, Thistle, Tumble, Velvetleaf, Vetch, Volunteer, White, Wild, Wormwood, Backpack Sprayer, Gloves, Hose End Sprayer, Pump Sprayer, Spray Rig. In other respects, this mixture poses minimal non-target injury risk. 0000001547 00000 n Use 5 pints per acre for dense infestations or under poor growing conditions such as drought. Do not forage or graze dairy animals on treated areas within 7 days after treatment.- Do not transfer livestock from treated grazing areas (or feeding of treated hay) to sensitive broadleaf crop areas without first allowing 7 days of grazing on an untreated pasture (or feeding of treated hay). Specific Use Precautions:- Banvel tank mixes with Curtail M may be useful in broadening the annual weed control spectrum but may reduce control of perennials, such as Canada thistle. It attacks weeds through the foliage and through the root system. Another consideration is potential non-target impact, whether the non-targets are plants or other organisms. This first is limit spray carrier volume to no less than 15 gallons per acre and avoid storing unused mix when practical. We recommend using the handheld pump sprayer for smaller jobs. Application rates in the table are based on an area of 1000 sq ft. of curtail m to mix per gallon of water ? I killed the grass with too much curtail what should I do ,thanks? Later applications may result in less consistent control. 2. An ideal mix for invasive species management would effectively control all targets you encounter so that you don't have to make multiple passes through an area. This first is limit spray carrier volume to no less than 15 gallons per acre and avoid storing unused mix when practical. Commonly available packaging is convenient to users treating relatively small acreages, as the common 2.5-gallon container size of either herbicide will treat 3 to 5 acres, and shelf life is several years in proper storage (no freezing). Spot Treatments To prevent misapplication, it is recommended that spot treatments be applied only with a calibrated boom or with hand sprayers according to directions provided below. There is probably not much that can be done, accept to sod or seed. The activity spectrum of the glyphosate plus triclopyr mixture is additive, as the combined control spectrum is greater, and there are no known instances of the combination being less effective on a target species than the individual ingredients. Find supplemental labels for this product. This article will provide details showing this mixture is effective, versatile, and poses minimal risk to non-target organisms. See Tank Mixing Precautions under Mixing Instructions. Please check out Clopyralid 3 (Sonora) as an alternative. Working Days/Hours:Mon - Fri / 8:00AM - 6:00PMSat / 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Address:2739 Pasadena Blvd, Pasadena, TX 77502. Now let's plug in some numbers! Pour rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Within a few days, it was gloriously dead. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Because this is a post emergent herbicide, there is really no wait time to planting. The field bioassay can be initiated at any time between harvest of the treated crop and the planting of the intended rotational crop. The most common are surfactant-free, with 4.0 pounds of glyphosate-acid per gallon. These will further protect you from injury from the Curtail herbicide. Remove and wash your clothing as soon as you have finished using Curtail herbicide. What is the ratio of Curtail M to water? Once the application site is dried the pets and children will be safe to re-enter. Curtail, will control and eliminate the broadleaf weed of Clover. It helps to apply the herbicide methodically (moving from left to right, or right to left) so that you do not miss any spots. Re-treat as necessary but do not exceed 3 1/2 pints per acre of Curtain M per season. Hand-Held Sprayers: Hand-held sprayers may be used for spot applications. If possible, this should be done in the field which you will be spraying. The potential for crop injury exists due to the MCPA component of this product and must be balanced against the benefits of improved weed control. Curtail herbicide has superior control of Canada thistle. Put on protective eyewear, chemical-resistant gloves and a chemical-resistant apron. per gallon of water Triclopvr 3SL or Garlon 3A or Renovate: 2 qt./acre rate - - 1.28 oz. Always read and follow label directions. Pour your water into a backpack sprayer. Apply the spray the same day it is prepared while maintaining continuous agitation.Note: Foliar-applied liquid fertilizers can cause yellowing or leaf burn of crop foliage. When tank mixing, do not exceed recommended application rates and use only in accordance with the most restrictive precautions and limitations on the respective product labels. Curtail M herbicide translocates to the roots of stubborn perennial weeds, providing outstanding control of Canada thistle. 4f~"> /kcO M'g4u 7wNJVTP*=.#(\IZS ,Wz .[5jU_NA K{~O|#3=-q.?C!]6F&R8(}-+J{U+NQD $`6 (taJ7;#EB{"jqO;(:&GrF[T\3L@ZnCfbQt.-ZQ{ DPp8aA,\0$"[~h]309p!&me}o{yZTQ,p Tank Mixtures for Grasses Grown for Seed Curtail M at 1 3/4 pints per acre may be tank mixed with Banvel or Buctril to improve the control of certain weeds. Company shipped quickly and price was reasonable. Using a mixture of the herbicides glyphosate plus triclopyr provides a broadly effective and low-risk treatment for invasive plant species. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Jar tests are particularly important when a new batch of fertilizer or pesticide is used, when the water source changes, or when tank mixture ingredients or concentrations are changed. Note: Higher rates of Curtail M or any application of Curtail M following a spring postemergence treatment with 2,4-D or MCPA may increase the risk of crop injury. The more restrictive requirements of the program rules or this label must be followed. It translocates to the root for complete control. What do I do.? Mixing Instructions1. Observe the test crop for herbicidal activity, such as poor stand (effect on seed germination), chlorosis (yellowing), and necrosis (dead leaves or shoots), or stunting (reduced growth). As vegetative canopy and weed density increase, spray volume should be increased to obtain equivalent weed control. 0000013792 00000 n A mixture of glyphosate plus triclopyr is a useful standard mix for managing most vegetation targets. LN2blf0Ln#^l y!G Xu%Wq? 75 x 20. Hand-Held Sprayers: Hand-held sprayers may be used for spot applications. Only weeds that have emerged at the time of application will be affected. Use only in a well ventilated area. Do not broadcast apply in less than 2 gallons of total spray volume per acre. GRASSES GROWN FOR SEEDApplication Timing Apply only to established grasses before the boot stage of growth. Browse 23 questions Will this product kill horsetail ? You will need at least 4 hours before a rain and ideal would be 24 hours. 3. oz./1,000 sq. An advantage of using a surfactant-free product is you get to specify the surfactant, and ensure use of an aquatic-labeled product. The generic version of the popular Curtail Herbicide, Cody Herbicide It provides dual action as it kills weeds through absorbing into the foliage and also seeps into the ground to kill at the root system. Should take a few hours, more or less ) application methods is not fully tillered Herbicide application n supplemental! 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