Also, no one has the right to take the law into their own hands. George had to decide whether or not he would kill Lennie mercifully, or let the rest of the worker's murder him. Well, in the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, two men, George and Lennie, shared and worked for the same dream until several problems occurred, when eventually their dream lead to Lennie's demise. Another reason is If George did not kill Lennie others would have killed him. In the novella, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, Georges decision to kill Lennie at the end of the novel was justified. At the very least, George would be thrown into jail and he due to his mental disability, he would not even comprehend the reason for his incarceration. they aint got nobody in the worl' that gives a hoot in hell about 'em----" what does this We should also bear in mind that George is supposed to be Lennie's friend, the only true friend Lennie ever really had. First, George's killing of Lennie can be understood as a mercy killing. Slim knows that it is not George's fault that his and Lennie's "well-laid plans" have "gone awry.". A lot of readers believe that George is to blame for Lennie not knowing whats right and wrong, but that was never Georges job in the first place. In the end you should always do the right thing even if its wrong. (Nicholas Sparks). This quote proves Lennie doesnt think because he never remembers anything and cant do most things correctly. One of the themes present in the novel was that sometimes, people just have to choose the lesser of two evils. However, no one has the right to end a person 's life, no matter what the reasons for it. My argument is George should have killed Lennie because Curley would have killed him anyway. Lennie had to be killed because he didnt know his own strength. With this knowledge, George ultimately decides that taking Lennies life is unequivocally the most merciful way to remedy the egregious situation. Jus' keep me shovin' all over the country all the time. They aint got nobody in the worl that gives a hoot in [heck] about em (Steinbeck 104). I believe that if Lennie were to still be alive, he would lose Georges trust completely, but on the other hand suffer his entire life. Lastly, Lennie would not be able to survive on his own. What quotes show that Crooks is lonely in Of Mice and Menby John Steinbeck? Lennie only meant to keep her quiet , not kill her. Lennie does simple things that causes trouble not just for himself but also George. My proof is that George had to leave Weed, a nice town, just because Lennie wanted to feel a girls shirt. George's decision to kill Lennie was justified because Lennie was going to be killed no matter WebGeorge had justification in taking Lennie's life as retribution for the murder Lennie had committed. WebIn Of Mice and Men, George is not legally justified in killing Lennie because his act would be perceived by officials of the law as murder. It was also a good idea because Lennie was going to get shot anyways, and George wanted to do it instead of having people Lennie didnt know shoot him. This makes him a burden to himself and to others by showing that he wouldnt benefit the lives of many. More books than SparkNotes. Any subject. George shouldnt have killed lennie because its murder, his best friend and the got away last time so why couldnt they get away this time. The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied This shows that George can get the job done if the situation needs be. In Of Mice and Men, how and why does Lennie kill Curley's wife? Wir haben uns die Anstrengung unternommen , das Produkt grndlich zu analyseren und zu bewerten, um Ihnen eine umfassende Summary seiner Vorteile zu liefern. He wouldve gotten in trouble enough if he was just talking alone with Curelys wife. George would be able to live a much easier life without him. What George did was a grueling decision that he had to make. will help you with any book or any question. They got ran out of Weed(the old farm they used to work at) for harassing a girl and not letting her go. They love one another (Scarseth 3). In the book of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George, one of the main characters, has to kill his best friend- Lennie Small. This is a reason why George is justified in killing Lennie, because not only is he doing out of love for Lennie, he is doing it the nicest he can do it. Ill kill that big son-of-a-bitch myself. He got kicked in the head by a horse when he was a kid" (25). Instead, made sure that he was hopeful and happy. What quotes show that Crooks is lonely in Of Mice and Menby John Steinbeck? It is true that George shot Lennie, but what some do not understand is why this occurred. George killing Lennie himself was a justifiable action because it gave him the chance to let Lennie die in a positive way. (Steinbeck 10). In addition, Lennie would theoretically have been sent to jail because he would be accused of rape and, Lennie knew that his repetitive tendency to get in trouble took a toll on George, and Steinbeck does include details in the novel showing that Lennie was aware of Georges frustrations. After Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife, he flees to the riverbed, where George meets up with him. WebLennie---if you jus happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an hide in the brushHide in the brush till I come for you (15). While Lennie may not be a violent person, at the moment he was being violent. Also by someone who cares for him, then someone who hates him, no matter how much it would hurt himself to do it. . George takes on the painful responsibility for protecting the rest of the world from a person who, although he doesn't mean to be, is a genuine threat to others. They were best friends until he accidentally killed the wife of their bosss son. Lennie shouldn't have been shot, and it pained Lennie especially since he was the one forced to do so. One quote that explains Lennies confusion and mental illness is, they was so little," he said apologetically. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Accessed 2 Mar. George realizes that Curley is assembling what is essentially a lynch mob. George was not a stranger to Lennie, he was actually his best friend. I also strongly believe that if George didnt kill Lennie, the others wouldve done much worse things to him. But there is something rather disturbing about this way of thinking, particularly when it is applied to people like Lennie who are clearly mentally challenged. George and Lennie were best friends, and have been since they were little. I never been mad, an I aint now. Latest answer posted June 05, 2020 at 1:01:08 PM. They aint so little." What comes to mind when the word loyalty is mentioned? Lennie was becoming a threat. Lennie made many troubles this might be because of his disability, but this is the reason that he deserves to live. Ain't gonna be no more trouble." Just imagine what would happen if everyone did that. WebHow Did George Kill Lennie Justified In Of Mice And Men 667 Words | 3 Pages. Lennie was either gonna get killed by the other men or George. George tried to take away Lennies dead mouse saying Come on give it here. Lennie said Its ony a mouse, George. It kinda states Lennie doesnt understand that he is holding a dead mouse. George should have killed Lennie because worse things would have awaited him if he went to trial. That was his job. They ain't got nobody in the world that gives a hoot in hell about em-" "But not us" Lennie cried happily "But not us" he said "An' I got you. An you aint to be trusted with no live mice. Maybe even killed slowly. After all of the ranchers find out that Lennie killed Curleys wife, Curley states that he is going to kill Lennie, "I'm gonna get him. No one expected his friend to be the one holding the weapon. He plays with the puppy, bounces it with his huge hands and at last he killed his puppy by accidentally. Download the entire Of Mice and Men study guide as a printable PDF! Lennie was angry that Curelys wife was trying to yell because he made her feel unsafe. Shoot for his guts. Why do you got to get killed? Got kinda used to him(Steinbeck 40). So therefor he should have tried everything to get Lennie out of trouble. Likewise, when George finds Lennie in the woods before he kills him, Lennie expects George to yell at him and be angry about him killing Curleys wife, Lennie looked eagerly at him. They both have a particular goal in mind; to have their own piece of land and not have to work anymore.Even though many others would try to argue that George's decision in killing Lennie was the wrong, In Mice of Men by John Steinbeck, George should have killed Lennie. gmail bomber apk 6cg7 headphone amp customer does not have the privilege to see the cost csp smartlazyhustler dating format uconexam22 uconnect 5 navigation is sander stage legit max heap calculator online hf ldmos woodenboat magazine index Why does George repeat a story that has been told so many times before? What is the meaning and significance of the last line in Of Mice and Men: "Now what the hell do you suppose is eatin' them two guys?" Even if you were trying to help them would it still justify murder? First, George's killing of Lennie can be understood as a mercy killing. He got kicked in the head by a horse when he was a kid" (25). I'm going for my shotgun. Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. Throughout this book Lennie and his partner in crime George encounter many problems and contradictions that shakes things up a notch. Latest answer posted December 07, 2020 at 5:10:16 PM. George killing Lennie seemed like the right thing to do. George had no reason to kill Lennie. Yet unbeknownst to him, Lennie would soon be set free from his earthly bonds by his long-time friend; a bullet, shot from the barrel of Georges gun, would enter Lennies head and kill him instantly. 2: George's decision to kill Lennie is potentially better for society as a whole. This website uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. He was just scared from her screaming and kicking. WebI believe that George was justified when he shot Lennie because lennie was going to go to prison anyways,Curly would have done the same thing but he would have made Lennie WebGeorge made the heart-wrenching decision to kill his best friend, Lennie Small. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. WebGeorge's decision to kill Lennie was justified because Lennie was going to be killed no matter what. George had done the right thing. Wir haben uns die Mhe gemacht , das Produkt auf alle Aspekte zu prfen, um Ihnen eine You can't keep a job and you lose me ever' job I get(Steinbeck 11). Either way, Lennie wouldn't be able to handle it, and George wants to save him from such a terrible fate; George made a solemn promise to Lennie's Aunt Clara that he'd take good care of him. WebGeorge killing Lennie was justified because had to think about Lennie's life ahead if he didn 't make this choice. Georges reasoning for this is that Lennie is killing too many people and has become a burden. In the novella, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, Georges decision to kill Lennie at the end of the novel was justified. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. It was justified when George shot Lennie because Lennie made multiple poor mistakes, it was the only necessary thing to do. Of Mice and Men shows that a persons actions may not always coincide with their intentions. When George hears Curley say this to all of the ranchers he wants to ensure Lennie will die a fast and painless death. Third, George had to kill Lennie because lennie would have done it again. Lennie was going to be killed either way. Later, after the other men catch up with George, the sadistic Carlson wants to relive what has happened to George: "Did he have my gun?""Yeah. He didnt mean to harm, or scare her. Lennie had to be killed because he didnt know his own strength. He understands that Curley wants Lennie Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more. "He got Carlson 's Luger. I did not bounce you hard (Steinbeck). He didnt know anything. I only say George shouldnt have killed Lennie because Lennie was mentally unstable. One of the most controversial aspects of George Steinbeck 's novel Of Mice and Men, was the death of Lennie by his friends hands. This is also where George finds Lennie and leads him into a false sense of security before he kills him, George shook himself again.No, he said. That too is what Of Mice and Men is all about. Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. George got Lennie and him their found, all in all, providing them with housing and meals as they worked. Lennies act was a violent one. And not only is George acting the part of lawman in his shooting of Lennie, he is also playing God. Loyalty can be associated with loneliness because by the end of a friendship or family member, someone is always gone before the other, due to old age or a medical issue that has come up. George Milton had to decide the fate of his closest friends life. George also knows that Curley is 2. This conclusion cannot be drawn directly, but Georges words during Lennies final moments imply that George did not kill his best friend for malicious reasons. From the day that Lennies Aunt Clara died and from the day George took Lennie in as a friend George was always there for him. What quotes show that Crooks is lonely in Of Mice and Menby John Steinbeck? WebGeorge kills Lennie right before Lennie is about to be caught by a mob of incredibly angry, and incredibly violent, men. By Lennie saying this the reader is really depicting how mentally unaware this man is of his power by squishing a rabbits head with his own fingers. Thats the thing I want ya to know (Steinbeck 106). Before George shot Lennie, he told Lennie about their dream. Study Guides; Q & A; Lesson Plans; Essay Editing Services; Literature Essays; College Application Essays; Textbook Answers; why did George kill Lennie and was he justified in doing that? WebHow Does George Kill Lennie Selfish 959 Words | 4 Pages Lennie begged, Le 's do it now. In a situation where a trial would be conducted against George for his murder of Lennie, Georges decision would be found justified. They share a good dream. They may be friends, but we know they are not equal, as one walks behind the other, like a follower behind a leader. George tells Lennie about the dream moments before he killed him shows that he cared. Also, George knew that if the ranchers were to catch Lennie, they would kill him as revenge for killing Curley's wife. In Georges mind, it was either he got killed by Curley or went to jail, where he would be lynched. Latest answer posted December 31, 2020 at 3:22:45 PM. Im going for my shotgun. Even the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.. These two quotes prove my second reason because I said how Lennie couldnt remember anything except tending the rabbits. George should have killed Lennie because worse things would have awaited him if he went to trial. Latest answer posted November 19, 2020 at 6:35:21 PM. They got ran out of Weed(the old farm they used to work at) for harassing a girl and not letting her go. One of the other biggest themes in the book was that dreams provide a sense of hope. {mfU+. 5 Scarseth explains in the article, Friendship. Although he did not know what he was doing, Lennie did kill a naive young woman, whose worst crime was her vanity about her looks. After reading John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men, George is justified in killing Lennie because; Lennie is a liability and he is already suffering mentally enough. Second, George must understand that as much as he loves Lennie, Lennie is a threat to the people around him. The novel Of Mice and Men poses a moral dilemma; is murder ever justified? you can use them for inspiration and simplify your student life. Wilts, hes deputy sheriff. George did not want Lennie to suffer for what curly had in store for him so think of Lennie death as a mercy kill fast WebOf Mice and Men, Chapter 1. George was small, Lennie on the other hand was huge. George had to decide whether or not he would kill Lennie mercifully, or let the rest of the worker's murder him. Without George killing Lennie , he could have been tortured and killed brutally, but instead, George filled his mind with happy thoughts and ended it without any pain. Nevertheless, George feels he must get to Lennie before the others such as Curley, who seeks a terrible revenge for his wife's death as well as for his damaged hand. I'm going for my shotgun. Either way, both resulted in Lennies death. Get up on your feet. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. Ask and answer questions. Why does George kill Lennie in Of Mice and Men? Like Lennie, the dog is physically impaired. My quote from the book is, "Don 't shoot 'im?" Lennie had no money, George made the right decision to kill Lennie because they were best friends and it would hurt George even more if he had to know someone else did it. To get a high-quality original essay, click here. WebGeorge killing Lennie is justified. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Essential Quotes by Character: Lennie Small. What is Candys greatest fear? Even though Lennies idea isnt helping much, he sees it as the, Partners in Crime Did George kill Lennie quotes? WebExplains that george was justified in killing lennie because he was just protecting him from curley. I tried not to forget. In the passage, Of mice and men, lennie says I dont want ta hurt you (Steinbeck 91). And he was too dumb to realize what he was doing. The amount of original essays that we did for our clients, The amount of original essays that we did for our clients. Lennie can not live a normal life, he would be unhappy to never get his dream or what he wants. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Essential Quotes by Character: Lennie Small. Thus, these essays are of lower quality than ones written by experts. In this story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, I do believe that George was right to kill Lennie. George shot him in the temple of his head for a quick and painless death. One last reason why George could be considered "right" in killing Lennie is that George has finally come to his wit's end with caring for Lennie. This shows George was high-strung and could not believe what he undertook. Note: All essays placed on are written by students who kindly donate their papers to us. One quote that explains Lennies confusion and mental illness is, they was so You can't keep a job and you lose me ever' job I get. George was a short man who traveled with an abnormally large man with the heart of a child who went by Lennie. This quote shows how George has to baby him and take away things from Lennie because he doesnt know any better due to his mental illness. tikka roughtech ember review hot and sexy nacked girls; recteq 1250 vs 700 loads for 16ft box truck; average employment tribunal awards 2021 boobs movies thumbs; balise honda north attleboro Latest answer posted November 18, 2018 at 7:17:30 AM. As you can see George is completely justified in killing Lennie because he is a. Should George have murdered Lennie? This quote says that he is a burden to George. Additionally, Lennie repeatedly places himself in difficult situations, and as a result, brings George into the circumstances. The novel describes the lifestyle of two poor workers who have long-term plans to live a happy and successful life on a farm ranch. The second reason is that they wouldnt have enough money for a trail. Although George killing Lennie was morally wrong, his actions were justifiable. In the book of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George, one of the main characters, has to kill his best friend- Lennie Small. What are two examples showing how Lennie is discriminated against because of his disability in the book Of Mice and Men? After all of the ranchers find out that Lennie killed Curleys wife, Curley states that he is going to kill Lennie, "I'm gonna get him. George was his best friend and Lennie needed him. By killing Lennie, however noble George's intentions may be, he is clearly breaking that promise. Log in here. WebGeorge made the right decision by shooting Lennie Because. George shot him in the temple of his head for a quick and painless death. The other men were only doing it because they hated Lennie, George would Loneliness and loyalty are shown through the relationships in. While holding Lennie at gunpoint without his knowledge, George recounts their long lasting dream life. WebGeorge killing Lennie was justified because had to think about Lennies life ahead if he didn 't make this choice. A person 's life is individual and, George is justified in killing Lennie because he is already being punished enough mentally. So, then George and Lennie did keep walking to get to their job. I aint mad. He takes Carlsons gun and goes to Lennie to put him into his happy place, George then shoots him straight in the head. George has good intentions in killing his companion. In Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, the concept of naturalism is portrayed through the experiences of Lennie, Curleys wife, and Crooks. Third, George had to kill Lennie because lennie would have done it again. He pulled the trigger (Steinbeck 106). Whether it is truly George's right to do this is arguable, but it can also be argued that there are no alternative paths for Lennie that don't involve an immense amount of suffering. WebLennie responds by saying that George would never beat him with stick because, "I've knew George since--I forget when--and he ain't never raised his han' to me with a stick. You know this because of this quote Im gonna get him. Those are examples of bumps on the road. When you take a deeper look at this statement it justifies even more why George did the right thing, and shouldn't get punished. Killing his best friend was justified though, for one George and Lennie were always on the move because Lennie always messed up, two, in the end when Lennie messed up again, Curly was going to make him suffer for killing his wife and breaking his hand. Ill shootem in the guts. (SteinBeck 5) He said it himself in that quote that he is going to kill him no matter what. Tricking your best friend? Another argument that George is a bad friend to Lennie is the fact that George shot Lennie. will help you with any book or any question. Killing Lennie is justified throughout the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck because if George did not kill Lennie, then Lennie wouldve had a slow, painful death, due to the fact the Curly is furious at Lennie for murdering his wife. The idea that people have both high and low-level goals is captured by the: Describe why efficiency is maximised in the loanable funds market when equilibrium exists. Most people automatically thought that George did the wrong thing, for he shouldnt have the authority to take someones life, especially that of his best friend. Lennie is so dumb that he gets in these stupid situations, whether it be killing someone by shaking his hand too hard, or touching a dress and the girl calls it rape. George felt justified in killing Lennie because he felt he was saving him from a worse things. Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is a novella about the American Dream two friends have. I never been mad, an I aint now. 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