Two variable function . 30) Can you solve Oxford Universitys Interview Question?. Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. 3) Stacking cannonballs solving maths with code how to stack cannonballs in different configurations. In order to score in the top range here, make sure your IA is clearly structured. To find out more, see our. 11) Projectile Motion Investigation II. This problem asks you to explore a sliding ladder. 4. 22) The Folium of Descartes. Lets take a look at the criteria for your Math IA. Math models can also be used to learn about a system, visualize data, or understand the origins of the system. You may also include any personalised problem statements and explain how you aim to achieve a solid investigation on the topic. 14) Galileos Inclined Planes. Explores unfamiliar maths and devises own approach to area under curve. Proving of Fermats little theorem.. This will also give you personal engagement points. Optimizing volumes: Explore the mathematics of finding a maximum volume of a cuboid subject to some constraint. 38) Friendly numbers, Solitary numbers, perfect numbers. Mathematics and photography: Exploring the relationship between the aperture of a camera and a geometric sequence, Normal Distribution: Using distributions to examine the 2008 financial crisis, Mechanics: Body Proportions for Track and Field events. 6) Logarithmic scales Decibel, Richter, etc. Nice to see you here. You can think of the IA as a written mathematical presentation that will impact your final grade. Afterward, calculate the average of all of those proportions for the whole season. Find out! Exploration into Modelling a Population Pyramid (19/20) Share. For this reason, this theory does not only apply to sound coming to electronic instruments but every kind of instrument. Like almost all of your internal assessments, your Maths IA has to begin with a super clear introduction that sets the context and aim of the whole exploration. 5) Diophantine equations: These are polynomials which have integer solutions. 2. This means, that perhaps in the future music can be created entirely mathematically. An inversion chord is the same as a major chord, but the notes are in a slightly different order. 14 Advice from an IB Examiner on topics you should avoid. Furthermore the musical chords are representated with the help of multiple sinosodial curves, so that they can be broken down and their mathematical relation can be understood. The planets follow a surprising pattern when measuring their distances. Equation 3: y=sin(698.46/440x)(Incorrect value(698.46) compared with the table) Mathematical modeling is used by scientists, mathematicians, businessmen, and economists. How big would the length of the basement have to get so that the area satisfied the client? You should include relevant graphs, tables, and diagrams. In your development, you may investigate the correlation between different topics or ideas within Mathematics SL and HL or your AI SL. Your assessment needs to define the concept and aim of the work. Equation 3: y=sin(739.99/440x) Request this IA to be marked. You can take any data and try to figure out whether it is normally distributed or not. 39) Finding the average distance between 2 points on a hypercube. 15) Modelling epidemics/spread of a virus what is the mathematics behind understanding how epidemics occur? Your email address will not be published. What conclusions did you reach, and did you succeed in exploring the aim that you set out at the beginning of the Math IA! Many branches of math and science use mathematical modeling, and equations and graphs are not the only types of math models. Statistical Modeling Purpose & Types | What is Statistical Modeling? We've trained a system that solves grade school math problems with nearly twice the accuracy of a fine-tuned GPT-3 model. I started by working out how to model a single note. Look out for these during the Winter and Easter breaks before the final exam. There are many different uses for mathematical models such as understanding relationships or making predictions about the future, and there are many different types of mathematical models that can be used depending on the needs of the scientist. Computers can take in a large data set, perform statistical analysis on the data, and generate plots within minutes. Example 2 is another example of modeling a system using an equation. 7) When do 2 squares equal 2 cubes? She currently teaches struggling STEM students at Lane Community College. Using trignometric graphs but nothing is done with them. and many many more tips and tricks on securing those top marks on our free resources page - just click the 'Maths resources' button! One example is modeling the radioactive decay of chernobyl, and determining if conditions are suitable for living. Terms like plug in or put in should be replaced with mathematically sophisticated words like substitute.. Ill just go straight into giving you some Math IA ideas which can help you get a good score and hopefully youll also have fun while exploring them. Probabilistic Models Overview & Uses | What is Probalistic Modeling? The table of values for this chord shows that my original conjecture does not hold true for all chords. Katherine has a bachelor's degree in physics, and she is pursuing a master's degree in applied physics. The given equation, {eq}v_f = v_i + at {/eq}, says that it is possible to find the final velocity of an object from its acceleration and the time that the object travels. Equations are one form of mathematical modeling, and the physical kinematic equations relate velocity, distance traveled, acceleration, and time. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. You can also model everything from Angry Birds to stunt bike jumping. 2) Hexaflexagons: These are origami style shapes that through folding can reveal extra faces. 36) Can we prove that 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 . The mathematical nature of the notes in traditional harmony suggests that the sound waves are more pleasing to our brain because of the way the notes fit together. 26) Fermats little theorem: If p is a prime number then a^p a is a multiple of p. 28) Recurrence expressions for phi (golden ratio): Phi appears with remarkable consistency in nature and appears to shape our understanding of beauty and symmetry. There are many different types of graphs, and graphs are commonly used mathematical models for data analysis because it is possible to visualize a system without knowing how all of the pieces fit together. A great introduction to some of the ideas behind non-euclidean geometry. This investigates a generalized version of projectile motion discover what shape is created. Utilising technology can be helpful in conducting a thorough exploration of the topic. However, the gaps are still in a neat ratio of 1:2:2. ie 6 is a perfect number because 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. Or is it better to switch? The poor mayor does indeed have a problem! Subscribe and get the latest IB guides, notes,news, tips and product updates. The IB is all about learning, so be sure to show the marker your growth throughout the IA. 7) Quantum Mechanics a statistical universe? Tic Tac Toe: What is the optimal strategy in this legendary game? A good use of your calculus skills. The picky client needs the basement to have a specific area, and the area of a rectangle can be modeled mathematically with the equation {eq}A = lw {/eq} where A stands for area, l stands for length, and w stands for width. 35) Sphere packing how to fit spheres into a package to minimize waste. This equation stated how initial velocity, acceleration, and time could be used to find final velocity, and, in Example 1, this numerical statement was able to give a quantitate description of how fast the race car and driver were traveling. Can we use a mixture of pure maths and computing to solve this problem? What is a mathematical model? 5 0 obj Simplifying this expression gives the final answer of {eq}v_f = 800 {/eq} m/s. [], 100 IB Economics IA Article Suggestions Article by: Liam Travers Every economics teacher ever says that the key to writing a good Economics IA is finding a good article. This topic links to graph theory. This investigation was very limited, as I was not able to research properly how electronic instruments work, and how they differ from mechanical instruments. Harmonic series: Explore why certain notes/chords in music sound dissonant, and others consonant, by looking at the ratios of frequencies between the notes. Youll have to plot a lot of curves. Equation 2: y=sin(587.33/440x), Equation 1: y=sinx ~gv;pg9;{eF4"_=}GiRpfg)ZS-7q-25+0Zj9Ga!Q }?Vr / =\KV^vn519= r>W3?iLLJN3==TGfbFx( {t,AcmXEHf*0|%]x#Y/5Ia'r0?v>c-orGysxuJ.OFCQeG`n)CC Q`;|':OO/Vk!&rgXC`ERY). Youve likely spent weeks relaxing and thinking about anything other than school! Do not simply place these simply as appendices at the end of the essay - they should be fully and clearly labelled to ensure that the examiner knows what you've included and why. Erroneous notation, it should be 554.37x/440). Minor chords are also considered to be in harmony. Math in Art: Types, Examples & Paintings | How is Math Used in Art? Apart from the dreadedmathematics exam, you're also expected to write up the exploration of a topic. 24) A geometric proof for the arithmetic and geometric mean. 13 40 Mathematics Internal Assessment Ideas. 9) Modeling with springs and weights. The following graph demonstrates how this chord travels through the air: Equation 1: y=sinx These ideas need to be conveyed in your writing. lanchester s combat model ia maths sl 7 exploring an alternative method of calculating the volume of a star Probability: Are Oxford and Cambridge biased against state-school applicants? Some classic physics which generates some nice mathematical graphs. Maths Exploration (IA) ideas 28452 March 19, 2021 Predicting fire spread in wildlife fields: This mathematical model of fire presented in this paper offers for the first time a method for making the quantitative evaluation of both rates of spread and fire intensity in fuels that qualify for the assumptions made on the model. So there we have it, a well organized exploration of the idea and IB layout of your Mathematics IA! Required fields are marked *. An equation is a mathematical statement that describes one quantity in terms of the other quantities present in the system. Algebraic Model Overview & Examples | What is the Algebraic Model? 13 chapters | Following the vertical axis to 1750 then tracing down to the horizontal axis, the basement would need to be at least 31 ft to have the desired square footage. legislation, you have rights in relation to your data. At what rate is the distance between the cars increasing two hours later? The gaps in the ratios do not directly relate to the difference in semitones, as the semitones do not have equal frequencies-the frequencies of semitones diverge as the frequencies increase, and the notes get higher in pitch. << /Length 11 0 R /N 1 /Alternate /DeviceGray /Filter /FlateDecode >> Again using an A chord, I have modeled a minor chord and looked at its features. The great Indian mathematician Ramanujan discovered some amazing examples of these. It is also worth noting that the maths produced should be at a similar level to the math you cover in your syllabus. 12) Magic squares and cubes: Investigate magic tricks that use mathematics. 2, How to come up with an idea or a topic. Alongside the criteria, samples of the students work (oral performances, portfolios, lab reports, and essays) are also submitted to the IB for the final grade. 11) Mersenne primes: These are primes that can be written as 2^n -1. Investigate how to solve them. 1) Step one is to calculate the area for basement 1. Online Private Tuition: One-on-one support from the comfort of your own home, whenever and wherever you need it. However, there is not necessarily a difference in chords that are in harmony and discordant chords. 2) Gravity, orbits and escape velocity Escape velocity is the speed required to break free from a bodys gravitational pull. So this involves you writing down the mathematics on paper to see if your topic will work. Mathematical models are used in nearly every field of mathematics, but what is model in math? 8) Change in a persons BMI over time There are lots of examples of BMI stats investigations online see if you can think of an interesting twist. 34) The Tusi circle how to create a circle rolling inside another circle using parametric equations. The use of mathematics to prove and explain concepts is applicable to various contexts. By doing this, you can determine findings throughout the process. 18) Hyperbolic geometry how we can map the infinite hyperbolic plane onto the unit circle, and how this inspired the art of Escher. The most commonly used math models are equations and graphs. This analysis can be done in minutes or hours, but without a computer the same analysis could take decades. Lanterna also offers the following to support students: The IAs make up 20% of your final grade in IB Economics, so you cannot underestimate their importance! These waves look very similar to the major chord waves, as only one note has changed; the C# has gone down by a semitone. When do we have a square number which is also a triangular number? Computer modeling may be new, but chemical formulas as a math model are centuries old. You can test whether something is normally distributed or not. Also, ensure that you look at our article on Tips to get a 7 in the Math Internal Assessment. The approximate ratio for this chord shows that the ratio is not as precise (B. This client is so picky that unless the basement has exactly 1750 square feet he absolutely will not buy the house. 2) Torus solid of revolution: A torus is a donut shape which introduces some interesting topological ideas. 18) Fermats last theorem: A problem that puzzled mathematicians for centuries and one that has only recently been solved. We look forward to joining the Lanterna and being part of your success. %PDF-1.3 Football topics such as exploring the probability of penalty kicks being saved, or the best position of the goalkeeper. Fermats Last Theorem is one of the most famous such equations. Importantly, make sure to also discuss some of the challenges in your IA and what you would/could explore with more time and more words. I will now look at some discordant notes and see how they compare with the chords I have already looked at. Laura received her Master's degree in Pure Mathematics from Michigan State University, and her Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Grand Valley State University. The intervals are known as a perfect fourth and perfect fifth are, as the name suggests, considered to be the most harmonic intervals. 2) Goldbachs conjecture: Every even number greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes. One of the great unsolved problems in mathematics. By following this tried and tested structure for your math IA, each student will be able to present their findings consistently and optimally. 1) The Van Eck Sequence The Van Eck Sequence is a sequence that we still dont fully understand we can use programing to help! I also would have liked to try to find a mathematical formula connecting the number of semitones to the frequency ratios. Examples are given. The challenge is to see how many different shapes can be made with a given number of squares and how can they fit together? This involves making predictions about things you may be interested in, and then finding ways to manipulate the problem, formula, or question to encompass those areas. The IB is measuring relevancy by checking that you only included maths that is directly intended to answer the research question. IA. endobj Copyright 2023 Get the grade you deserve. In this case, it is about the investigation of and correlation between mathematical concepts. For example, it is possible to describe how a baseball travels through the air after it has been thrown using the kinematic equations from physics. The next step in this process is to do the math. Graphs are another common method of mathematical modeling, and each of these types of models is explored in detail below. 67 lessons. So Im not just going to give you a list of 50 Math IA Topics though we have that if you want. 5) Knigsberg bridge problem: The use of networks to solve problems. Optimizing areas: Optimizing the area of a rectangle is easy, but can you find a way to do it for any polygon? << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /ColorSpace << /Cs1 7 0 R >> /Font << /TT1 8 0 R A key feature of equations and graphs that makes them useful models is their ability to make predictions about the future of the system in question. This process can help you reflect on new relevant logic that you may not have known previously. Gini coefficient: Can you use integration to derive the gini coefficient for a few countries, allowing you to accurately compare their levels of economic inequality? Limited understanding of notes played together), Equation 1: y=sinx You should do some research before you embark on this Math IA Idea and learn everything you need to know. Explore this famous number theory puzzle. 50) Square triangular numbers. There are no specific requirements on which font you should use, but going with Arial or Times New Roman is generally recommended, with double line spacing and font size of 12. 6) Square Triangular Numbers. You can try and figure out average sleep and compare it with the grades and work outputs. If an artist has two albums you can check out which one is significantly popular. Share. This chord, however, has 3 notes, so it can be more easily compared to the other chords I have looked at. 25) Eulers 9 Point Circle. Using the physics of travel near the speed of light to see how we could travel to other stars. Maths - SL. 5 Algebra and number. Find out more! 20) Twin primes problem: The question as to whether there are patterns in the primes has fascinated mathematicians for centuries. For example, our chosen problem of the nuclear reactor exhaust steam funnels could be confined to modeling the hyperboloid shape of the cooling towers and start from there. Computer modeling has become a popular method for quantitively understanding real-world problems, and chemical formulas, which succinctly describe chemical reactions, have been around for centuries. The graph of such a chord looks like this: Equation 1: y=sinx 19) Elliptical Curves how this class of curves have importance in solving Fermats Last Theorem and in cryptography. Instead of comparing means, youll be comparing proportions. Go back to Example 2 and Figure 2. Unfortunately these equations are very difficult to solve - but luckily we can use a computer program to plot what happens. . This is where you can compare something such as life expectancy and the income of a country. The body of your IA exploration should focus on the particular topic you have chosen to investigate and the relevant mathematical material that will address the intended aim of the work. Equation 3: y=sin(659.26/440x) underdefined term and not clear to non-musicians), as it has an exact frequency of 440 Hz2, and is the note that Western orchestras tune to. 1. Use Figure 4 to help the mayor find out how fast her town is growing. Using Mathematical Models to Solve Problems, How Mathematical Models are Used in Business, Static Vs Dynamic Simulation in Quantitative Analysis. 2/3 could be written as 1/6 + 1/2. 40) Finding focus with Archimedes. . Doc Preview. The graph for the minor chord looks like this: (E. 3,4,5 triangle). We need to assign starting values for S, I and R - the numbers of people susceptible, infectious, recovered (immune) from measles. More poor use of terminology) than the discordant notes. 36) Sierpinski triangle an infinitely repeating fractal pattern generated by code. IB Math IA Examples and Ideas IA Idea 1 - Modeling Statistics Modeling statistics is a pretty broad concept for an IA, but it can refer to any project where a change in statistics is presented in a visually effective manner. 29) Classical Geometry Puzzle: Finding the Radius. 5) Stacking cannon balls: An investigation into the patterns formed from stacking canon balls in different ways. Youd be better off carefully thinking about what youre going to do and what interests you, and what would make you have the most personal engagement and the ease of access to data that you need. Friendly numbers, Solitary numbers, perfect numbers:Investigate what changes the condition of numbers, Force: Calculating the intensity of a climbers fall based upon their distance above where they last clamped in. Can we use a mixture of pure maths and computing to solve this problem? Example 2: A real estate agent has a very picky client who wants a very large basement. So in this method you are testing the difference between two means and you are checking whether there is a significant difference. Looking at Figure 2, basement 1 has a length of 25 ft and a width of 55 ft so. A chemical formula is a mathematical model that relates the relative amounts of composite chemicals in a molecule. 13) The Tusi couple A circle rolling inside a circle. 41) Chaos and strange Attractors: Henons map. The Chinese Remainder Theorem: An insight into the mathematics of number theory, Sum of all positive integers is -1/12? With these Topics ensure that you are not heavily reliant on the Physics aspect; put more emphasis on Mathematics. Financial Mathematics Equations & Problems | What is Financial Mathematics? succeed. All rights reserved. So they have data on very many variables and it may be worthwhile to check on them. 4, 40 Mathematics Internal Assessment Ideas. Modelling COVID 19 using SIR Model. View Mark Scheme. 18. For example, physicists studying proton-proton collisions at CERN use computer modeling to learn about the particles produced during the collisions. 27) Volume optimization of a cuboid how to use calculus and graphical solutions to optimize the volume of a cuboid. An Augmented 6th is also known as a dominant 7th, which was one of the first discordant chords to be used in music in the West. 4) Why e is base of natural logarithm function: A chance to investigate the amazing number e. 5) Fourier Transforms the most important tool in mathematics? Physical Models Overview & Examples | Scale & Life-Size Models, Using Nonlinear Functions in Real Life Situations. Graphs not related to tables). The second criterion looks largely at the mathematical language you have used, such as: Ensure that these three components are accurate and consistent throughout your IA. The mathematical model definition is that a mathematical model is a quantitative description of a system. 19) The Barnsley Fern: Mathematical Art how can we use iterative processes to create mathematical art? endobj Equation 1: y=sinx This is a puzzle that was posed over 1500 years ago by a Chinese mathematician. This is an area of maths that is not strictly bound to the number! You may present your work in a word processing software (like Microsoft Word or Pages), or it can be handwritten. The distance between the two cars is changing at the rate: Mathematical models are numerical or quantitative representations of a real-world system.There are many different types of math models, and they common involve constants and variables. Login. The Pythagorean theorem states that the square of the hypotenuse in a right triangle equals the sum of the squares of the legs. 4) Applications of complex numbers: The stunning graphics of Mandelbrot and Julia Sets are generated by complex numbers. Investigate some rocket science! In order to find it, the initial velocity (v) and the angle ( , from the horizontal, at which the ball was kicked at, need to be calculated. I will now look at the augmented 6th, another discordant chord. How can we find the area of any polygon? These statistical analyses and plots model the input data and allow the researcher to understand different attributes of the data set. The example gives the acceleration of the car and the driver as 80 {eq}m/s^2 {/eq} and the time that both travel as 10 seconds. 16) Hyperbolic functions These are linked to the normal trigonometric functions but with notable differences. What is a Mathematical Model? This is why we allow the book compilations in this website. How to use graphic software to make art from equations. 14) Circular inversion what does it mean to reflect in a circle? Equation 4: y=sin2x. This assessment is a great way for students to expand their knowledge and learn valuable skills. Exemplars. Middle School Life Science: Homework Help Resource, Middle School Life Science: Tutoring Solution, Middle School Earth Science: Homeschool Curriculum, Prentice Hall Conceptual Physics: Online Textbook Help, Middle School Earth Science Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, Prentice Hall Chemistry: Online Textbook Help, GACE Biology (526): Practice & Study Guide, AEPA Middle Grades General Science (NT204): Practice & Study Guide, MTTC Integrated Science (Secondary) (094) Prep, Holt Science Spectrum - Physical Science with Earth and Space Science: Online Textbook Help, NES Middle Grades General Science (204) Prep, ScienceSaurus Student Handbook Grades 6-8: Online Textbook Help, Create an account to start this course today. Can you find the pattern behind it? This evidence would suggest that notes which are traditionally considered to be in harmony are mathematically neater than those that are not in harmony. No mathematical explaination on how these are determined) ( B. Equation 1: y=sinx Equation 2: y=sin (554.37/440x) Equation 3: y=sin (659.26/440x) Equation 4: y=sin2x ( A. We hope this will give you the push you need to realise your potential and understand complex and unfamiliar mathematics. A model in math can be different depending on the type of model or what the model is describing, and some of the uses of mathematical models are: An error occurred trying to load this video. Investigate what makes a number happy or sad, or sociable! How many different ways can we use to solve a number theory problem? Ib Math Studies Ia Thesis Example When somebody should go to the ebook stores, search initiation by shop, shelf by shelf, it is truly problematic. 3) Minimal surfaces and soap bubbles: Soap bubbles assume the minimum possible surface area to contain a given volume. May 2022. It solves about 90% as many problems as real kids: a small sample of 9-12 year olds scored 60% on a test from our dataset, while our system scored 55% on those same problems. Look at the inherent probabilistic nature of the universe with some quantum mechanics. Simona received her PhD in Applied Mathematics in 2010 and is a college professor teaching undergraduate mathematics courses. This can be like the proportion of people who dropped out of high school. 4) Genetics Look at the mathematics behind genetic inheritance and natural selection. It covers what mathematical modeling is as well as different types of models in math. 17) Medical data mining Explore the use and misuse of statistics in medicine and science. For example, recall the kinematic equation from Example 1. For the purpose of this investigation, S will be the . Solving math word problems. You have to be careful when you do Math IA in this category as you have to have the correct interpretations. Where you can compare something such as life expectancy and the physical kinematic equations velocity... Im not just going to give you a list of 50 math IA in this method are! 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