Report inappropriate content 1-6 of 6 replies Sorted by 1 DDootsie Edinburgh, United. No pooling. Usually, baggage pooling isnt allowed in flights that fly to or from the United States or Canada, and in U.S. or Canada-based airlines. Take what you want, not just what you can with our generous weight allowances. If their Ryanair flights are cancelled, they willencounter allmannerofdifficultytrying to reorganisetheiritineraries, and all with a pileof baggage in tow. To avoid any fees, the passenger often must switch some of the items found in the suitcase to another suitcase, or else carry it on. For checked baggage, stored in the aircraft hold, usually the weight is the limiting factor. If a flight is booked together with another flight it may also have different limits (e.g. That should be enough to bring all the essentials for your journey or for a short trip. Check us out! Thanks once again, I just love Trip Advisor, everyone is so nice :o), <
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