All the pieces are in place for the abuse of power, and it could happen quickly. He said it was misleading. We had a President who sowed division, and the result is that hundreds of thousands are dead. The other thing that I hold some hope in, in lowering the temperature, is simply improving the material conditions of peoples lives through government. In this episode, Andrew is joined by George Packer, the author of Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal, to explore the four narratives that now dominate American life: Free America, Smart America, Real America, and Just America. It doesnt happen in neighborhoods. And, if Im wrong, then Id be actually quite happy. Justin is under the weather, his column will return Wednesday. I dont know where else it could happen. Its because of the courage and openness of the people I spoke with that I was able to tell this story. For example, in your Letter from Sudan, published in the magazine last year, you described the Sudanese politician Hasan al-Turabi right down to his flower-patterned polyester socks. Where do you get your inspiration? "Certain folks, frankly, don't support us in leadership roles." ++++ She does know that Chicago isn't even a majority-white city, right? But I think Just America has gone in the direction of a dead end that has some of the illiberal qualities of Real America, and that comes up with a politics and policies that arent working and which are going to doom it. But I felt that in the last few years, politically and culturally, things have happened that showed that there are divisions within, as well as between, those two big blocks of Americans. 467 pp. IN "The Assassins' Gate," his chronicle of the Iraq war, George Packer tells the tale of Drew Erdmann, a young American . Do you know if many Vietnamese felt the same way as these Iraqi translators and others whom we employed and then abandoned? A recent essay in the Atlantic by George Packer, author of the 2013 book Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America, makes the case that America is, in fact, a failed state. Gili Ostfield, a production employee and union member, pointedly told HuffPost last week that if The New Yorker tries to print a diminished magazine without striking employees, it will be a stain on David Remnicks reputation.. Well, I think Smart America is the one its closest toin a sense, its one generation overthrowing the previous one, children overthrowing parents. the In Don DeLillo's "Underworld," a woman named Klara watches that film, the most famous home movie ever shot, in a private art installation in New York, where it is being screened in several rooms at different speeds, and she feels that it somehow exposes the workings of the mind: The footage seemed to advance some argument about the nature . Syria has been more hospitable, following the Baathist ideology of Arab brotherhood, but even Syria has made it difficult for Iraqis to work, and its open-door policy has begun to close. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. Bitter political fights between the parties in the nineties, all kinds of scandals and impeachment. (The NewsGuilds president, Susan DeCarava, said in response to questions about the exchange that it does not comment on confidential organizing conversations.), The meetings host, Adam Davidson, had already been among the writers talking to Mr. Remnick about setting up a health care plan for writers. To me, he embodies it. What are celebrities, after all? . She has an MFA in creative writing from the University of Pittsburgh and a BA in English from the University of Southern California. He labels these four distinct expressions of contemporary American culture: "Free America" (center-right and libertarians), "Smart America" (center-left meritocratic elites), "Real America" (Donald Trump's . We are divided that way. Joe Biden was elected last year with more votes than any candidate ever, and it doesnt seem to me that he fits into any of these Americas exactly. It's a full-scale scholarly biography of Richard Holbrooke, one of the most influential U.S. diplomats of the late 20th Century.[9]. Under The New Yorkers structure, even some of the best-known writers are considered contractors, and their bosses had given them the impression that health insurance was not a possibility. Were nave. And I think were going through something not unlike that: a generational conflict in which the young think the old have sold them out, and the old think the young are arrogant and foolish. Why did ISIS . Mr. Remnick declined to be interviewed, but said in an email that his two goals were that we achieve our highest editorial ambitions and that we work together with fairness, adding, Ill be glad to see us sign a foundational contract that memorializes our commitment to both., Many of the writers I spoke to said they saw Mr. Remnick as caught between an uncompromising union and an ailing parent company. But this is the direction we have to go in. And Just America: its a necessary slap in the face to my generation and to the complacency of most Americans, who dont want to know the history of race in this country. Egypt, Jordan, and United Arab Emirates have largely stopped issuing residence visas and are even forcing some Iraqis to return home. They also want to live normal lives, and they dont see that happening with an American departure. Once trust is built in the course of long conversations, the details that a story requires start to surface. 2023 Cond Nast. What I hear when I travel these days is hostility not just toward the U.S. government but toward the country and its people. Per the Census survey from last year: White Alone: 45.3% Black Alone: 29.2% . They loom larger in times like now, when inequality is soaring and trust in institutions governments, corporations, schools, the press is falling. Or are you making a larger point that, for liberals to achieve something beyond just winning elections, they have to inculcate a sense of patriotism and national spirit? Almost any Republican now can be slotted into the Reagan mold or the Trump mold, or theyre pretending to be one but theyre clearly the other. But, in comparison with Iraq, America acquitted itself with a measure of honor by evacuating and resettling its Vietnamese friends in the United Statesa hundred and forty thousand of them by the end of 1975. BUT, most of us would like to be able to get health insurance.. The difference is that Gerald Ford, knowing that Vietnam was lost, was politically able to bring refugees here in large numbers and felt morally compelled to do so. The ones I talk toand, for various reasons, its an extremely limited poolwant America to leave. The New Yorker George Packer is an author and staff writer for The New Yorker . I respond with shame and defiancemostly shame. Narrator: George Packer; Length: 19 hours 46 minutes; Publisher: Recorded Books, Inc. Its been the most dominant narrative in our society. Photograph by Ahmed Muhammed Ali / Anadolu Agency / Getty. But they were also suspicious of the NewsGuild, and began a parallel set of meetings with its rival, the Writers Guild of America, East. The article, Packer said, kept eluding me. And this is really the story of my adult life, from the late nineteen-seventies onward. I dont blame our fallen reputation entirely on President Bush and his advisers, though. The unionization effort has created an uncomfortable moment for the writers at The New Yorker, who have the kind of jobs and influence every journalist wants but few attain. "Long engagements". Ben Rhodes was the Presidents speechwriter, foreign-policy adviser, and confidant. These are gross generalizations, but I think they have some truth to them. The New Yorker is now working out the final details of a contract, and people on both sides appeared optimistic they would reach an agreement this week. And if we have a politics that focusses on that, and tries to bring us closer to that, I think thats a healthier narrative than any of the four Ive described. But the desire to be equal, I think, is still there as a driving passion. Why The New Yorkers Stars Didnt Join Its Union, [6], Packer was a Holtzbrinck Fellow Class of Fall 2009 at the American Academy in Berlin.[7]. He doesn't theorize about it. Some salaries at The New Yorker start at $42,000 a year and remain under $60,000 after 20 years on the job. It obviously has to do with leadership. Almost half a century later, the ghost of the scandal that launched Woodwards career haunts the Trump White House. Twitter reacts to Kentucky crushing Auburn,Auburn was unable to keep up in the second half. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Betrayed, from the issue of April 2, 2007. Last Best Hope was inspired, Packer says, by "political pamphlets from other periods of crisis.". They have little faith that the U.S. can achieve it, but even less that their own government and security forces can. Johnson, one of the publishing industrys rare Amazon critics, pushed back against Amazons predatory practices. A deal was finalized late last month. For several years, I have thought that the Iraq War, in its moral atmosphere, more closely resembles the First World War than it does either the Second World War or Vietnam. Instead, youll be speaking to them ideologically, and they might tune you out. By Alexander Russo It's no simple task when journalists decide to write about their families' school choices and their children's classroom experiences. Compared to Iraq or the recession in rural North Carolina, I thought it would be relatively straightforward, Packer said. A rumor began to circulate, spurned by an article in The Sun, attributing the cause of the wreck to Judge carrying the ashes of Sattay on the Umbria. At the same time, you may not sell those policies through the frame of specific identities. Say what you want, but Biden is . Bluntly, re: NewsGuild, what it comes down to for me is that I would never hire an agent who had lied to or about me, Mr. Taub wrote to a WhatsApp group for staff writers after the incident. . George Packer. You have to be very high up to know about it, he said. Im really quite divided about this, Isaac. This is a really important impulse and corrective that were going through right now. That is Bidens project. His reference points all seem to go back to Roosevelt and Truman and trade unions. In a new interview, staff writer for The Atlantic George Packer responds to critics of his controversial essay about education in Brooklyn. But politically, if that is its messageif identity is its messageI think its going to be an uphill battle. They originally thought of it as a [Jeff] Bezos piece, he said. Some of the material in this article is also drawn from reporting on this topic by my colleagues Noam Scheiber and Marc Tracy. The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America focuses on the ways that America changed in the years between 1978 and 2012. By Glynnis MacNicol Feb 1st, 2010, 10:40 am. And in a way you can see they have followed each other in power from one decade to the next. The Packers could obviously expect a king's ransom in draft and perhaps other capital were they to trade Rodgers, and that's a big part of the equation. I think you lose a lot of people who simply dont see themselves that way. I wonder how much its in the control of, say, one side of the political spectrum to bring the other side back. He told his colleagues that after years of reporting from Iraq, he had . Simon & Schuster, 576 pp., $20.00. What did George Toma say about why the Super Bowl 57 field was so slippery? A month after releasing long-lists of 10 in each of the four . Amazon is good for online shoppers, but is it good for books? We are blunt. November 2, 2022. The fourth America is also a rebellion. They wanted to hear how bad things were. George Packer, a staff writer at The New Yorker, is the author, most recently, of The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America.. Smart America is where I mostly live, but its no longer a meritocracy, if it ever was. And, if there is a return to that, then Im happy. Then Ben Taub, an investigative reporter, asked Ms. Mohit why she had told their unionizing colleagues that the NewsGuild was also organizing the writers. From the episode: Andrew Keen: One of the chapters [in your book] is called "Make America Again," rather . One of the things Packer mentions is the Gazelle Project, referencing Stones book. Unionized employees from Cond Nast marched from New York University to the home of Anna Wintour, Cond Nasts global chief content officer, last Tuesday. All rights reserved. She changed a bit during the campaign, but I think of her as something of a throwback. The Gazelle Project targeted small independent publishers to extract better terms for Amazon -- as a cheetah would target a gazelle. Jordan's 9/11 occurred on November 9, 2005, when Iraqi suicide bombers blew up fifty-seven people in three Amman hotels, including twenty-seven members of a . The President and his new national-security adviser, John Bolton, are in an especially bad position to respond to the atrocities in Syria. In his new book, Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal, George Packer writes that the United States is in a state of disrepair, brought about primarily by the fact that inequality undermined the common faith that Americans need to create a successful multi-everything democracy. The book opens with an essay on the state of the U.S. during the pandemic, and then offers sketches of four different visions of the country: Free America, of Reaganism; Smart America, of Silicon Valley and other professional lites; Real America, of Trumpist reaction; and Just America, of a new generation of leftists. For more information:. But I mean it in a larger sense. Nationalism is a word I avoid as a positive. The financial crisis of 2008 was years in themaking and has had a lasting impact onAmerican political life. The Devastating New History of the January 6th Insurrection. [2] Packer's sister, Ann Packer, also is a writer. I teach history and English, and I can assure you that the perception of current U.S. politics in my students eyes and minds is even worse than the sad reality that you and your fellow-journalists and researchers have deemed it your duty to report on, at the risk of being labelled unpatriotic. But there was a rejection of perhaps some of the things he stood for, and perhaps of the multicultural, multiracial America that he embodied, by forty-six per cent of the country. And maybe we needed that. And it then felt like half the country, in 2015, responded to seven years of this by choosing a lunatic white nationalist to be its nominee for President. He doesn't measure or model it. Nobody was interested in a union rep coming between them and Mr. Remnick on editorial decisions. In recent years, a small group of scholars has focussed on war-termination theory. Regarding his abilities, the . [3] In a 2022 talk for House of SpeakEasy's Seriously Entertaining program, Packer shared that his father took his own life when he (Packer) was twelve years old, calling it "the big event of my childhood. In addition, he has written two novels, The Half Man and Central Square., 2023 Cond Nast. I agree. George Packer. New Yorker writer George Packer's 2013 book, "The Unwinding," tells the story of the modern United States through the eyes of a few Americans including Jeff Connaughton, who worked as a . The moment, of course, seems all the stranger, in that much of the conflict is playing out virtually, while everyone is working remotely. (April 29, 2013). Can he save his country from collapse? On Saturday afternoon the primary participants of The New Yorker's delightful and addictive "Campaign Trail" podcast collected for a live version of same, sort of like when Monty Python did The Secret Policeman's Other Ball. George Packer, a staff writer from 2003 to 2018, has covered the Iraq War for The New Yorker and has also written about the atrocities committed in Sierra Leone, civil unrest in the Ivory Coast . And I think thats necessary, because weve demonized one another through social media, through isolation during the pandemic, to a point where people are unrecognizable and have been cast in terms of good and evil. The past four years have severely tested those ideals, and under the leadership of Jeffrey Goldberg, who became editor in chief the month before . 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A new mood of activism has swept through the home of the mascot Eustace Tilley. A lot of people think of Just America as a response to Trump, too, which is why its interesting that youre defining it as just as much a reaction to Smart America. Do you think youre more likely to say, when looking back on Just America in this period, Wow, that was a crazy time that many of our institutions on the left went through, and they did a lot of harm, or You know what? Essays and reporting. The economist discusses what the U.S. gets wrong about Putin and the war in Ukraine. But its in the bill, its in the law, because fairness demanded it. Packer has made four tours on assignment in Iraq for The New The stories I tell in the book of Horace Greeley, Frances Perkins, Bayard Rustin, are of progressivesnot quite in the same way that people are today, but certainly reformers, and even radicalswho nonetheless see themselves as working on behalf of the whole country, and trying to bring it together, and trying to hold it to its promises in a way thats generous and not punitive or resentful. It took Amazon a little while to decide they werent going to cooperate with me, he said. [5] He served in the Peace Corps in Togo.[2][4]. I very much enjoyed this piece, because it seems to fit . Is a Woman Ever Going to Win the White House? Add that to the extreme difficulty of Iraqis emigrating to the West (Sweden is the exception), and they are basically unwelcome all over the world. Ad Choices. "I am a black woman -- let's not forget," she told the New Yorker. June 29, 2021. Packer's maternal grandfather, George Huddleston, Sr., had served eleven successive terms (19151937) representing Alabama's 9th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives. What am I writing about here?, What he came up with, he explained, is Amazons relation to the world of culture -- especially books.. In the best tradition of Carlyle and Swift, he spends much of the first half of the book . The writers discussed whether they should follow their colleagues into the NewsGuild, and whether the magazine treated writers fairly. There is no country in the region that wants to absorb Iraqis in a long-term resettlement. Packer's sharp portraits of these new tribes are the heart of this book, and his critique of them reveal his central concerns. Ad Choices. Even more, segregation ended because of the civil-rights movement. The New Yorker writer Janet Malcolm was asked during a libel case how compensation was set. These days, however, the NewsGuild has the cultural wind at its back. But other tensions revolve around the sense that the junior jobs only rarely offer promotions into the ranks of writers, and no clear career path. It might require a book to answer. His uncle, George Huddleston, Jr., succeeded to his father's seat in the House of Representatives from 1954 to 1964. But some also shun its blunt and adversarial language. Its a pretty radical solution, if you think about what it would do to their sales he said. Right. When youre been an industry for a long time, you cant imagine things differently. And Obama was also trying to put forward an idea of America that is patriotic, that is aware of its flaws, and that says the arc of history bends toward justice, and so on. And it says, Were all individuals. We all have a chance to make it. Theres an overlap. George Packer broke with the magazine's tight-lipped traditions by sharing details of his own deal with Cond Nast. How much power can employers exercise over their employees? Its stuck in its original hierarchy, and that hierarchy has to be overthrown in order for justice to come. Projects on that scalewhich is where national service comes in againseem like a better way than just attempting to give a big speech in the Obama mode, saying, There is no Red America, there is no Blue America, because that doesnt work. But the only people with real leverage over him wont use it. And the reasons are complicated, but I think the basic one is that most Americans do not identify, fundamentally, as members of identity groups. Maybe publishers need to think disruptively and not be victims., Maybe, he added, they should think a little more like predators., [For the Record, 1:15 p.m. PST Feb. 10: An earlier version of this post misquoted author George Packer as saying, Maybe publishers need to think destructively and not be victims. He used the word disruptively, not destructively.], Join Carolyn Kellogg on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. patriotic feeling has to be tapped if you want to achieve anything big. Remember the slogan when Obama first ran? Initially, Amazon was going to give Packer access to report about the company from the inside, then things changed. In July 2013 the New Yorker Festival released a video entitled Geoffrey Canada on Giving Voice to the Have-nots, of a panel that was moderated by George Packer. Trumps performative macho is scaring voters in both parties away from women candidates. What accounts for the level of incompetence in the American administration of postwar Iraq? The Hulu docuseries is a remarkable work, advancing the prestige true-crime genre's slow but steady reorientation toward centering victims. THE Roaring 20s was the decade when modern celebrity was invented in America. First of all, I agree about Obama. The best way to make it is to get government out of the way and to cut taxes and deregulate and set us free in order to use our industry and talent to make something new. It means were better. Where does Bernie Sanders fit in? Along with Canada, the panelists included Abhijit Banerjee, Katherine Boo, and Jose Antonio Vargas.[8]. The House report describes both a catastrophe and a way forward. George Packer (Togo 1982-83) In The New Yorker. Some of the writers are also worried about the impact of a strike. So, for example, in the COVID-relief bill, theres several billion dollars for disadvantaged farmers. George Packer's new Atlantic story traces a theme of disappointment with President Joe Biden's failure to live up to his initial ideals as he tracks Biden's shifting views on the long war . According to Packer, in the place of the old stories, "four rival narratives have emerged, four accounts of America's moral identity" two on the right, and two on the left. They might even be repelled by it. Its hard to even begin to think how you start reaching a giant chunk of Real America. And its legacy might be similar. George Packer on "Exit Right: The People Who Left the Left and Reshaped the American Century," by Daniel Oppenheimer. For example, do we get rid of standardized testing because there are disparate outcomes between groups? While he was working . One point of view is that you have to be aware of racism and different identities and different inequalities if you want to take the step of improving everyones life. The village of waiting. This post has been corrected. The New Yorker staff writer George Packer answers readers' questions about his article " Betrayed," from the issue of April 2, 2007. The chances of a poor American kid getting into one of the top Ivy League schools today are the same as they were in 1954. Aaron Rodgers is a year-to-year . But the alternatives to American power will be even less appealing. Absolutely. Patriotism, to me, is closer to what Im trying to describe because its like loyalty. About a month after the meeting at Mr. Davidsons apartment, about 40 of the writers met in the community room at a West Village apartment building. Its the professional class. Can Clinton win it back? I recently spoke by phone with Packer, who is a staff writer at The Atlantic and was previously a staff writer at The New Yorker. Everyone I met on my last trip feared a wider catastrophe without American troops. The New Yorker may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. And both are in an almost permanent state of conflict, in which the country really isnt progressing. Just as youre more loyal to your family than to people you dont know. His award-winning biography, Our Man: Richard Holbrooke and the End of the American Century, was released in May 2019. Jane Mayer came from Washington, and Lawrence Wright flew in from Austin, Texas. And youre right that eight years of Obama in some ways gave us Trump. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Packer describes the decline of America from a very specific . I had this idea about the way international organizations go into Bosnia or Northern Ireland or Israel and just get the warring sides to build a school together, or put on a play together. That dynamic poses a threat to both traditional, top-down media institutions and organized labor. Or is there something about Americans that limits our capabilities in this type of project? Its the first time since Free America emerged, in the nineteen-eighties, that weve had a serious new political project as ambitious as thatof simply improving peoples lives in jobs, in working conditions, giving labor more power, breaking up monopolies, providing health care. Compare that to the several hundred Iraqisalmost all of them refugees from the Saddam erawho have been allowed to immigrate to the United States over the past few years. She told them, two people in the room said, that the guild could protect them from being fired and could even defend them against misguided editorial choices, if, for example, an editor she cited Arianna Huffington suddenly wanted everyone to write about sleep. Id call that Real America. The answer to your question depends on how much can be achieved by this movement. But I have also come to believe that Iraq represents a larger failure than just that of individuals in the Bush Administration or the Administration as a whole. Did you get any sense, from the Iraqis you interviewed, of their opinion of an American exit strategy? Or are they admitting Iraqis as immigrants and permitting them to integrate with the general population? "To name a few," he went on, "Liana Finck, Emily . He has certainly made it clear hes trying. That doesnt mean it ignores racism, discrimination, disfranchisement, and the history of all of these. Mr. Remnick reports directly to Cond Nasts chief executive. The conversation made clear how inconsistent benefits and pay were among writers, and many left angry at Cond Nast over the opaque and uneven system. Packer doesn't preach about this. . Anyone can read what you share. In many ways, this reminds me of the nineteen-sixties, and millennials and boomers have a lot more in common than either side has acknowledged. I just couldnt quite face that thought. When he came back from book leave in mid-2013, Packer's New Yorker editors suggested the idea to him. Obama did what you are talking about, in terms of making compromises in the way he talked about certain issues. Comment. I ended up travelling through Europe and the Middle East for about a month, with two weeks in Baghdad. They would like security and order, however possible. INSIDE STORY: "A new bipartisan push for paid family leave," by CNN's Dana Bash and Abbie Sharpe: "'We live in the greatest nation in the world, and we do so many things well, but when . Model it one side of the American Academy in Berlin. [ 8 ] was interested a. When modern celebrity was invented in America is the direction we have to go back Roosevelt! Justice to come did what you are talking about, in terms making... Packer says, by & quot ; control of, say, one side the. American exit strategy its because of the four what Im trying to describe its... Much of the material in this article is also drawn from reporting on this topic by colleagues. 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Happen quickly constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Statement..., referencing Stones book COVID-relief bill, theres several billion dollars for disadvantaged farmers in its original,! One side of the things Packer mentions is the Gazelle Project why did george packer leave the new yorker referencing Stones book New America focuses on job! Tell this story of the things Packer mentions is the direction we have to go....
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