[337], In 2016, Sturgeon disclosed that she had miscarried five years previously. while other islanders said they had missed doctors appointments, funerals and even the chance to say goodbye to dying loved ones because of cancelled sailings. Sturgeon immediately announced that she would be a candidate in the election to replace him, and received huge support from the SNP hierarchy. ", "Rise of Nicola Sturgeon: from 'nippy sweetie' to SNP leader? [29] The political columnist Iain Macwhirter declared that while she "didn't inspire great warmth", she was "quick on her feet, lacks any ideological baggage and has real determination unlike Roseanna Cunningham". She opposed the decision made and criticised Scottish Secretary Alister Jack for blocking the bill and said that the decision was an attack on the Scottish Parliament and Scottish democracy as a whole and said that the matter would be brought to the courts. We believe that the value of marriage should be clearly referred to in the guidelines, without denigrating other relationships or children brought up in other kinds of relationship." [73] In July 2014 Sturgeon said this would put at risk the right of EU citizens to continue living in Scotland: "There are 160,000 EU nationals from other states living in Scotland, including some in the Commonwealth Games city of Glasgow. After qualifying as a solicitor, she worked for Bell & Craig, a firm of solicitors in Stirling, and later at the Drumchapel Law Centre and a Money Advice Centre in Glasgow from 1997 until her election to the Scottish Parliament in 1999. On 17 January 2023, the UK Government decided to implement a section 35 order of the Scottish Act 1998 which prevented the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill from gaining Royal Assent. [108][109], Sturgeon launched, in what she claimed, as the most bold, ambitious and reforming SNP manifesto for the 2016 Scottish Parliament election. [60][61] This marked the first death in Scotland and Europe. "The First Minister must stop hiding behind Boris Johnson," a spokesperson for the organisation said. [238] At a press conference in Bute House, Sturgeon insisted that her resignation was not due to "short term pressures" and stated that the job "takes its toll on you". [13] Her grandmother married Robert Sturgeon, a gardener from Ayr, at St Paul's Parish Church in 1943, and they both eventually moved back to the south west of Scotland. Born in Ayrshire, Sturgeon is a law graduate of the University of Glasgow, having worked as a solicitor in Glasgow before her election to the Scottish Parliament in 1999. All professional football below the Championship has been. [174][175] The following week Sturgeon received an official reprimand from Police Scotland after a video emerged of her campaigning in a barber shop without a mask. "We have seen a rapid increase in the number of confirmed cases in Scotland over the past 10 days," she told Parliament. "If she wants to show leadership on climate she must clearly say: stop Cambo. [261], In response to the Brexit vote, to discuss Scotland's interests, Sturgeon travelled to Brussels to meet with both Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission as well as Martin Schulz, the President of the European Parliament.[262][263]. [41] Sturgeon led coalition negotiation talks between the Scottish Liberal Democrats and the Scottish Greens, but these talks failed to reach an agreement, with the Lib Dems backing out and the Greens instead supporting a 'confidence and supply' agreement. [205][206][204] Key documentation, which might have explained why ministers signed the contracts without appropriate safeguards to protect taxpayers' money, was lost and Sturgeon later said this too was "regrettable" and that "the Government will learn lessons. [48] Sturgeon oversaw the scrapping of prescription charges In Scotland, an election pledge by the SNP originally for the chronically ill and those with cancer. She joined the SNP following an assumption by her English teacher, who was a Labour councillor, she would be a Labour supporter. [321], Sturgeon was elected leader of the SNP at a time the party enjoyed a surge in membership. [146] Two of the civil servants who made complaints about Salmond later said they felt they had been "dropped" by the Scottish Government after it lost the judicial review against him, adding they feared their experiences would make it less likely people would make complaints in the future. [167], In February 2021 Audit Scotland published a report that concluded the Scottish Government had not prepared adequately for a pandemic. [134] It was the best result for the Scottish Conservatives since Margaret Thatcher and the party's campaign slogan, "We said No to independence. They announced their engagement on 29 January 2010,[332] and were married on 16 July 2010 at ran Mr in Glasgow. [82][83] It quickly became apparent that no other candidate would be able to receive enough required nominations to run a credible leadership campaign. [297][298], In the 2021 SNP manifesto, Sturgeon committed the party once again to reform the Gender Recognition Act[233] and in August that year included the commitment in her agreement with the Scottish Greens on power-sharing. [121] Sturgeon said it was "democratically unacceptable" that Scotland could be taken out of the EU "against its will".[122]. [132] Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, all plans for another referendum were put on hold. NICOLA Sturgeon would be humiliated if she forced another divisive referendum on Scotland - as support for independence has plummeted and Scots would vote to stay in. [126] May's comments confirmed that the PM wanted the Scottish government to be "fully engaged" in the process. [110] She set out the party's plans to increase income tax by freezing tax thresholds, reversing her previous policy of cutting taxes for higher earners. [88], At a speech in Dundee's Caird Hall on 7 November, Sturgeon pledged to be "the most accessible First Minister ever" when she took over. "[250], In July 2022 the figures for 2021 were released, revealing that 1,330 had died - nine fewer than in 2020. Boundary changes meant that the notional Labour majority in the seat had increased substantially. ", "Polls "confirm Nicola Sturgeon TV debate success", "SNP could hold independence referendum if it wins in 2016", "Sturgeon: Second referendum 'if and when Scotland wants it', "Nicola Sturgeon launches 'ambitious and reforming' SNP manifesto", "Nicola Sturgeon plays down chance of snap second vote on independence", "SNP manifesto launch: Sturgeon makes personal plea to voters", "Nicola Sturgeon: 'When' rather than 'if' for second independence referendum", "Nicola Sturgeon claims 'historic victory' in Scottish vote", "VIDEO: Nicola Sturgeon ready to lead minority government after SNP election win", "New MSPs to arrive at Holyrood for first day", "Nicola Sturgeon wins Scottish first minister vote", "Scotland Seeks Independence Again After U.K. 'Brexit' Vote", "Scotland Says New Vote on Independence Is 'Highly Likely', "Scots' backing for Remain raises threat of union's demise", "Second Scotland Referendum 'Highly Likely', "Nicola Sturgeon says second Scottish referendum 'highly likely' as it happened", "Sturgeon to lobby EU members to support Scotland's bid to remain", "Sturgeon to seek EU talks to 'protect' Scotland's membership", "Nicola Sturgeon says independence vote would be proposed 'if best or only way to protect EU place', "EU referendum: The 'stark difference' between Wales and Scotland", "Scottish parliament votes for second independence referendum", "Nicola Sturgeon writes letter to Theresa May requesting second Scottish independence referendum", "Theresa May: 'Now is not the time' for indyref2", "Voters want a break, says Nicola Sturgeon as she postpones IndyRef2", "Nicola Sturgeon Says The General Election Could "Reinforce" Her Plans For IndyRef2", "Sturgeon: Indyref2 'factor' in SNP losses", "Is Scotland on the cusp of a Tory resurgence? [12] Her family has some roots in North East England; her paternal grandmother, Margaret Sturgeon (ne Mill), was from Ryhope in what is now the City of Sunderland. One particular problem it highlighted was that not enough had been done to ensure Scottish hospitals and care homes had enough personal protective equipment. [186], In August 2021, confonted by climate activist Lauren Macdonald about the Cambo oil field west of Shetland, Sturgeon refused to take a position on whether its development should go ahead. [62], To tackle Scotland's poor relationship with alcohol, Sturgeon passed legislation to increase the price of alcohol per unit to help reduce sales, in particular, for those addicted. In response to the UK-wide vote for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, the Scottish Government, headed by Sturgeon, launched the Scotland's Place in Europe document, a white paper setting out the Scottish Government's aims and wishes of Scotland's role in Europe post-Brexit. I hated everything she stood for. [233][234], In September 2021, Sturgeon was accused of shutting down debate about gender reforms after she described concerns about gender recognition reform as "not valid" and campaign groups and analysts complained that their concerns were being ignored. Nicola Sturgeon once again appears to have hit out at Rangers supporters following their Scottish Premiership title parties on the streets and squares of Glasgow. Nicola Sturgeon's announcement of her resignation as first minister on Wednesday signalled the departure of a leader viewed by some as the most important figure of the devolution era - and . Sturgeon outlined some details for business support, including 32m to hospitality and leisure, but sport was absent from the funding list as the situation is monitored. 3: Robert Aderholt and Alabama's 4th District", "Sturgeon backs Catalan referendum calls", "Iain Macwhirter: Madrid should have learned the lesson of the Scottish independence referendum", "Nicola Sturgeon has first audience with the Queen", "First Minister Nicola Sturgeon leads Scottish tributes to Queen", "First Minister Nicola Sturgeon: 'The Queen was special to Scotland', "Nicola Sturgeon attacks 'Westminster austerity economics', "What's in the SNP's growth commission report? Nicola Ferguson Sturgeon (born 19 July 1970) is a Scottish politician serving as First Minister of Scotland and Leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) since 2014. It's as simple as that', "Scots are not becoming more conservative: three factors behind the Tory 'revival' in North East Scotland", "Nicola Sturgeon puts Scottish independence referendum bill on hold", "Nicola Sturgeon refuses to abandon indy ref 2 and promises new timetable in 2018", "Sturgeon refers herself to ethics body over actions in Salmond case", "Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints", "Alex Salmond says there is 'no doubt' Nicola Sturgeon broke ministerial code", "Alex Salmond inquiry likely to recall SNP chief exec and Nicola Sturgeon's husband Peter Murrell", "MSPs bid to recall SNP chief Peter Murrell to Salmond inquiry", "Team Sturgeon breathes a sigh of relief", "Alex Salmond complainers claim government 'dropped' them", "The SNP mess has left me flabbergasted what kind of message does it send? The couple have been in a relationship since 2003. [302][303][304][305], Sturgeon has been highly critical towards the leadership of Boris Johnson's government. [185] As part of the agreement, the Green Party co-leaders would be nominated to serve as ministers. ", "Donald Trump is 'misogyny at its worst' says Sturgeon", "Scottish independence: Sexist envoy Tony Abbott is boost for second referendum, says Nicola Sturgeon", "Sturgeon slams 'sexist' tweet by Labour MSP Neil Findlay", "Sturgeon Insists Salmond is the 'Least Sexist Man' She Knows", "Sturgeon rejects sexist jibe about Salmond", "Challenge friends over sexist conduct, Nicola Sturgeon urges men", "Men must challenge misogynistic behaviour, says Nicola Sturgeon", "Several women 'close to quitting SNP over gender recognition plans', "Joanna Cherry accuses SNP colleagues of 'performative histrionics' over transgender issue", "Anger over trans woman on all-female SNP shortlist", "Why has the SNP been accused of 'transphobic views' and who is Teddy Hope? [135] Observers also concluded that opposition to the EU's Common Fisheries Policy in coastal communities was a factor behind large swings to the Tories in North East seats previously held by nationalists for decades. "[164], In April 2020 whistle-blowers in the NHS came forward to reveal that staff were being made to reuse dirty personal protective equipment (PPE) while at work. [202][203][204], Sturgeon told the Scottish Parliament of her "deep regret" that islanders were enduring such chaos and said that the Government was "learning lessons from this experience". [1][2] She is the longest-serving first minister of Scotland. [128], Prior to the day the Prime Minister triggered Article 50, formally allowing the process of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, the Scottish Parliament voted 69 to 59 in favour of another independence referendum. At the time, Celtic had just been knocked out of the Betfred Cup after a 2-0 defeat at home to Ross County. [276] She described the Queen as the "greatest constant in our national life" and added her death was a day for reflection and remembrance" and "a day for giving thanks to The Queen for her devotion to duty and the decades of public service she gave to the people of Scotland.[277][278], She has at times been a critic of austerity, saying that the UK government's "austerity economics" is "morally unjustifiable and economically unsustainable". [43][44] He appointed Sturgeon as Deputy First Minister and tasked her with the Cabinet position of Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing. [266] Sturgeon highlighted her disapproval of his language and views relating to sexism and misogyny, and stated upon Trump's victory that she hopes "Trump turns out to be a president different to the one he was during his campaign and reaches out to those who felt vilified by his campaign". Following the referendum defeat, Sturgeon said that "further devolution is the route to independence". [265], Sturgeon was highly critical of Donald Trump and his policies during the 2016 United States presidential election and had publicly backed his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. The first confirmed case of the virus in Scotland was announced on 1 March 2020, when a resident in Tayside had tested positive. The SNP said Sturgeon had returned around 27,000 worth of her salary back into the system to pay for services. [229] However, proposed changes to Scotland's Gender Recognition Act that would have allowed people to change their identity through self-identification, rather than a medical process, were paused in June 2019. Depute Leader of the Scottish National Party, Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Capital Investment and Cities, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing, longest-serving first minister of Scotland, elected unopposed as SNP leader in November 2014, Glasgow University Scottish Nationalist Association, Glasgow University Students' Representative Council, Shadow Minister for Children and Education, Shadow Minister for Health and Community Care, 2004 Scottish National Party leadership election, Nicola Sturgeon's tenure as Deputy First Minister, 2009 swine flu pandemic in the United Kingdom, Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Act 2012, Scotland's poor relationship with alcohol, Scottish Independence Referendum Act 2013, social justice, communities and pensioners rights, 2015 United Kingdom general election in Scotland, second referendum on Scottish independence, 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, 2017 United Kingdom general election in Scotland, sexual harassment case concerning allegations against Salmond, Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints, 2019 United Kingdom general election in Scotland, Scottish National PartyScottish Greens agreement, power-sharing agreement between their parties, historically been a strong supporter of the oil and gas industry, Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, List of current heads of government in the United Kingdom and dependencies, "Nicola Sturgeon: Scotland's first minister to resign saying 'time is now' to go", "Nicola Sturgeon to resign as Scottish first minister", "Alex Salmond's resignation could give Nicola Sturgeon her day of destiny", "The transition from Alex Salmond to Nicola Sturgeon", Birth certificate of Nicola Ferguson Sturgeon, "Nicola Sturgeon: SNP leader in 60 seconds", "Heading to my home town to wish my mum a happy birthday!! [118], In response to the result, on 24 June 2016, Sturgeon said that Scottish Government officials would begin planning for a second independence referendum. "[148], Sturgeon led her party to a landslide victory in the 2019 United Kingdom general election in Scotland. She also said that the result "renews, reinforces and strengthens" the mandate for Indyref2.[154]. [16][17], In her early teens, Sturgeon joined the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and in 1986, at the age of 16, she became a member of the Scottish National Party (SNP), quickly becoming the party's Youth Affairs Vice Convener and Publicity Vice Convener. Overall 52% of voters in the United Kingdom voted for Brexit (leaving the EU), with 48% voting to remain. [32], The results of the leadership contest were announced on 3 September 2004, with Salmond and Sturgeon elected as Leader and Depute Leader respectively. [236], In 2023, Sturgeon was criticised in connection with the Isla Bryson case, in which a transgender woman who had raped two women when named Adam Graham began self-identifying as a woman after being charged. [265] With London seeking to restrict immigration to the United Kingdom, she asserted that Scotland should be able to set its own immigration policy, as well as policies relating to employment and trade. [26], Sturgeon served as Shadow Minister for Health and Community Care from 2000 to 2003, and Shadow Minister for Justice from 2003 to 2004. [92], On 20 November 2014, Sturgeon was sworn into office at the Court of Session in a ceremony presided by Lord Gill,[93][94] after receiving the royal warrant of appointment by Queen Elizabeth II. The latest lockdown protection levels have been revealed as Nicola Sturgeon announced Scotland's plans to move out of lockdown. [24] Shortly after this, Sturgeon was appointed as the SNP's spokesperson for energy and education matters. Sturgeon confirmed in June 2016 that the Scottish government had formally agreed to draft legislation to allow a second independence referendum to take place. [104] The party received 50% of the vote share in Scotland and replaced the Liberal Democrats as the third largest party in the British House of Commons. Thatcher was the motivation for my entire political career. If you are not, as First Minister, prepared to put your neck on the line on the education of our young people then what are you prepared to. It was reported that Salmond had privately supported Sturgeon in her leadership bid, but decided to run for the position himself as it became apparent she was unlikely to beat Cunningham. NICOLA Sturgeon's sister has launched a passionate defence of her handling of the coronavirus crisis. [28] On 24 June 2004, Sturgeon announced that she would also be a candidate in the forthcoming election for the leadership, with Kenny MacAskill as her running mate. From 2007 to 2012, she served as the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing. [15] Sturgeon was a fan of Wham! "The basic values of integrity and decency - essential to the proper working of any parliamentary democracy - demand that he go," she tweeted. While it commended the authorities for preventing hospitals from becoming overwhelmed during the crisis, the watchdog also noted that recommendations from pandemic planning exercises in 2015, 2016 and 2018 had not been fully implemented. [326], Sturgeon won the Scottish Politician of the Year Award in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2019. [133] However, the SNP lost 21 seats in the 2017 United Kingdom general election in Scotland and the party's vote dropped by 13%, although they remained the biggest party in Scotland. "[334], Sturgeon is known for her love of fiction and says reading, "gives me a lot of joy and helps with the stresses and strains of work". [142][143] Sturgeon's husband, Peter Murrell, was called to this inquiry to give evidence on 8 December 2020. Issuing apologies now is too late for thousands of people. [232], In January 2021, a former trans officer in the SNP's LGBT wing, Teddy Hope, quit the party, claiming it was one of the "core hubs of transphobia in Scotland". [338], In May 2022, Sturgeon tested positive for COVID-19. Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said footballing authorities should intervene in the case (Fraser Bremner/Daily Mail/PA) / PA Wire In a statement released on Tuesday, the club said the . Absolutely not, there's no man I know who is less sexist. [224][225] Unionist parties have rejected this characterisation. [284] She has at various points commented on the behaviour or attitudes of men towards women; publicly condemning Donald Trump,[285] Tony Abbott[286] and former Labour MSP Neil Findlay. Sturgeon admitted that these results were "bitterly disappointing" and acknowledged that her party's plans for a second referendum were 'undoubtedly' a factor in the election results. The SNP continued to enjoy this electoral success throughout Sturgeon's eight years in office. His then-depute, Roseanna Cunningham, immediately announced her intention to stand for the leadership. Aged 21, Sturgeon was selected as the SNP candidate in the Glasgow Shettleston constituency. Shortly after being elected, Sturgeon appointed John Swinney to the newly created position of Cabinet Secretary for Covid Recovery. West Virginia's governor signed a bill Wednesday allowing people with concealed carry permits to take firearms onto public college and university campuses. From 18 November until her official appointment on 20 November, she served as the acting First Minister, essentially the First Minister-elect. We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, today and always, as they fight for freedom and democracy. In the 1987 UK General election, Sturgeon got her first taste of campaigning, going door-to-door to get her local SNP candidate, Kay Ullrich, elected to Westminster. Nicola Sturgeon has tweeted her support for England's women's football team ahead of their Euros final against Germany. Sturgeon furious at decision to refer Holyrood bills to Supreme Court . In Alex Salmond's shadow cabinet, she served as Shadow Minister for Children and Education from 1999 to 2000. [96][97] During her first First Minister's Questions after being sworn in, Sturgeon tried to strike a conciliatory tone, saying that she came into her new post "with an open mind and a willingness to hear proposals from all sides of the chamber. Quite simply, I would not have been able to do what I have in politics without his constant advice, guidance and support through all these years. On 19 September 2014, independence was rejected in the Scottish independence referendum, with 55.3% of the voters voting no and 44.7% voting yes. [309][310] This was the only occasion when he made a formal visit to Edinburgh as he declined future invites by the first minister. However, that decision is not for today. Initially, the Scottish Government resisted banning public events and on 12 March allowed 47,000 fans to attend a Rangers match at Ibrox, insisting that, "stopping mass gatherings [is] not the best way to contain this virus. Sturgeon used Brexit at her advantage as a case for a second referendum on independence but plans came to a halt amid the COVID-19 pandemic. [311][312][313] Sturgeon claimed Johnson's "fragile male ego" stopped him from meeting her. The SNP emerged as the second largest party and sat in opposition to the Labour-Lib Dem coalition. Prince Albert II (Monaco) 21 Monaco Supporter 16. [264], With a view towards Brexit, Sturgeon demanded greater powers for the Scottish Parliament, arguing that Brexit is threatening Scotland's devolution settlement. She became the youngest ever parliamentary candidate in Scotland in the 1992 general election. ", "IFS: Independent Scotland 'would face continued austerity' under Growth Commission proposals", "Is post-referendum Scotland a feminist paradise? Electoral success throughout Sturgeon 's eight years in office Sturgeon confirmed in 2016... Since 2003 the mandate for Indyref2. [ 154 ] announced their engagement on January... Newly created position of Cabinet Secretary for Covid Recovery electoral success throughout Sturgeon 's eight in! Sturgeon appointed John Swinney to the newly created position of Cabinet Secretary for Recovery., 2015 and 2019 `` renews, reinforces and strengthens '' the mandate for Indyref2. 154... Green party co-leaders would be a candidate in Scotland: from 'nippy sweetie to! 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