US History Final Semester 2. Frank Wills worked the midnight to 7 a.m. shift as a security guard at the Watergate Office Building in Washington, DC. What does Nixon do to Dean, Haldeman, and Ehrlichman? Cherokee began 2012 owing accounts payable of$6 million. The positions of American Progress, and our policy experts, are independent, and the findings and conclusions presented are those of American Progress alone. YOUR RATING . Fielding's office, Committee for the Re-election of the President, men adjusted electronic equipment that had been installed a month before, Nixon's reasons for not releasing the tapes of his conversations, executive privilege, president is immune from judicial orders, proof that Nixon tried to destroy evidence, what paper Woodward and Bernstein wrote for, journalists that investigated the Watergate break-in and first cracked the Watergate scandal, reported who investigated the Watergate break-in and first cracked the Watergate scandal in August 1972, when Woodward and Bernstein cracked the Watergate scandal, when the 1st report of the Watergate break-in was, when other newspapers dismissed the story of the Watergate scandal, what did Woodward and Bernstein do, anonymously provided Woodward and Bernstein with the highly political source, nicknames for the tapes of Nixon's conversations that were released and sealed his fate, why Deep Throat provided info to Woodward and Bernstein, bitter about not being appointed director of FBI, FBI was being partisan, moral reasons, illegally researching , phone tapping, burglary, dirty tricks, cover up, wouln't release tapes, when he finally did, there was a gap of 18 minutes that had been erased, White House conversations between Nixon and advisors, who paid the CIA agents to break into Watergate, how many years did it take for Nixon to resign after the break-in, sabatoging democrats (stink bombs, fake letters), wholesale lawbreaking, interviewed Nixon a few years after his resignition, Chapter 11: The Great Depression vocabulary, A. \text { Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 } & 47.518 & 3737 & 320 & 99.0 \\ Click card to see definition 1972 Click again to see term 1/18 Previous Next Flip Space Created by MrsDaley123 TEACHER Terms in this set (18) HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. c. $25,000. What actions suggest that Nixon had knowledge before the actual break-in? 2577306628443439324633193227304232403025373728623455282235053285MorsepowerSports>Car195290189305345450225195215185320155305201320236Mile(mph)90.7108.093.2103.2102.1116.291.789.793.092.399.084.6103.293.2105.097.0. \text { Weight } \\ Acting FBI director L. Patrick Gray resigns after admitting that he destroyed documents given to him by John Dean days after the Watergate break-in. The Watergate Break-In The origins of the Watergate break-in lay in the hostile political climate of the time. About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the page at Watergate Scandal . Laws passed in that period have transformed, among other things, the federal budget process, government practices for protecting individuals personal information, and oversight of the intelligence community. Four of them formerly had been active in Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) activities against Fidel Castro in Cuba. Who were the five burglars at the DNC office in the Watergate office complex? I stand in a cluttered room surrounded by the debris of electrical enthusiasm: wire peelings, snippets of copper, yellow connectors, insulated pliers. when the 1st report of the Watergate break-in was. On August 9, 1974, facing likely impeachment for his role in covering up the scandal, Nixon became the only U.S. president to resign. The president, his chief of staff, H.R. 1. The first of these laws, the Federal Advisory Committee Actenacted before Nixon even left officesets out rules requiring certain processes for federal advisory committees to ensure that advice by the various advisory committees formed over the years is objective and accessible to the public.21 It provides people with a window into whom the government is listening to when setting policy. What was the nickname given to Nixon's top two aides? Watergate On June 17, 1972, several people broke into the Democratic National Committee Headquarters; they were discovered by an on-site guard and were arrested by local police. Nixon wanted to win the next election by the greatest amount ever in a presidential election, former FBI agent and current White House staff assistant; hired to gather intelligence on Nixon's enemies, former CIA operative; brought in by Liddy to help carry out the mission, his enemies and leaks to the press would undermine his international agenda, former military analyst who leaked the Pentagon Papers, special investigation team created by Nixon to "stop leaks". S1.E9. The Washington Post reported that a $25,000 check intended for Nixon's 1972 reelection campaign was deposited in the bank account of one of the Watergate burglars. Solicitor General Robert Bork fires Cox. Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations, Mike Koehler, The Story of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act,,, Articles of Impeachment, available at, James N. Benedict and Leslie A. Lupert, Federal Income Tax Returns-The Tension Between Government Access and Confidentiality,, U.S. Senate, Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, available at, Eric Rosenbach and Aki J. Peritz, Confrontation or Collaboration? The trial of the five arrested burglars and two accomplices began in federal court less than two weeks before Nixon's second-term inauguration. Included in net income is a gain on the sale of land of$20,000. Why did the taped door cause such concern? However, you'll want to watch the chronological telling of events, followed by the analysis. Universal History Archive/UIG/Getty Images. Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. if(subscribe.checkValidity()) { Today, all candidates, political parties, and political committees are subject to strict contribution limits and must disclose every dollar raised and spent. Subsequent. A declared emergency ends after one year if the president does not take formal action to continue it, and Congress can take steps to terminate the emergency.81 The act also requires the president to report to Congress on what emergency authorities are being utilized to respond to the emergency and on what expenditures are made pursuant to those authorities.82. To fix a bug on the phone that was not working. Later that night, Nixon delivers his first primetime address to the nation on Watergate, stressing his innocence. The televised Watergate hearings that began in May 1973, chaired by Sen. Samuel Ervin, commanded a large national audience - 71% told Gallup they watched the hearings live. Berger, Kennedy, and Pilipenko, Confronting the Cost of Trumps Corruption to American Families, p. 812. The amendments also imposed timelines for responses to public records requests, created sanctions for wrongly withheld information, and made other clarifications to make it easier for requesters to obtain information.17. As special counsel Robert Muellers investigation continues, along with parallel investigations into other potentially illegal activity by President Donald Trump and his associates, it is already apparent that the Trump presidency will also be marred by scandal.2 Given these parallels, it is instructive to look at the reforms of the post-Watergate era when considering lessons for policymaking in a post-Trump world. What is the term used to describe demand for these parts ? Throughout the 1972 campaign season, Woodward and Bernstein were fed leaks by an anonymous source they referred to as Deep Throat, who, only some 30 years later, was revealed to be FBI deputy director W. Mark Felt, Sr. "The Final Report" (2006) was a documentary series made by National Geographic. During 2012, Cherokee paid $35 million on account. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Therefore, in preparing a response to the Trump administration, policymakers must consider how the nature of his scandals will affect the range of potential policy responses. b. Importantly, reform legislation did more than simply address Nixons personal misconduct. Today, Watergate is a symbol of investigative reporting worldwide, and the suffix "-gate" is used to describe scandals everywhere. hoped to avoid impeachment/more association with scandal, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" Literary De, Chapter 1: Introduction to Personal Finance, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass -, American Pageant Chapter 38: The Stormy Sixti, Tudors: Unit 2: Religious changes, 1509-88: T. A: To the left are arrest photo enlargements of the 4 Cubans from Miami who committed the crime: Valdez Martinez, Virgilio Gonzalez, Bernard Barker, and Frank Sturgis. According to the President who were his public enemies? How was the break-in at the Watergate discovered? After clarifying the connection between the Watergate break-in and subsequent campaign finance scandal . Articles by Woodward and Bernstein describe the existence of a major dirty tricks campaign conducted against Democratic Presidential candidate Edmund Muskie, orchestrated by Donald Segretti and others paid by CREEP and Nixons private attorney. While contemporary coverage of former President Richard Nixon focuses on the Watergate burglary and cover-up that ultimately led to his resignation, the Nixon administration was rife with unethical and undemocratic conduct. 8588 the Inspector General Act of 1978 Into Law, The American Presidency Project, October 12, 1978, available at, Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, Building on 40 Years of Excellence in Independent Oversight.. Show your work. Sign Up Just as in the post-Nixon era, if policymakers are prepared, efforts to address these Trump administration scandals have the potential to be wide-ranging. Then-Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote, If anything is to be learned from our present difficulties, compendiously known as Watergate, it is that we must open our public affairs to public scrutiny on every level of government.20 It was in this vein that Congress passed two separate laws to enhance government transparency. The Final Report. did not have the votes to avoid impeachment. The following table reports the price, horsepower, and 1/41 / 41/4-mile speed for 16 popular sports and GT cars. How does Nixon respond to the increased pressure in regards to his top aides? Sam Berger is the senior adviser at the Center for American Progress. While the descriptions of these reforms are not intended to be exhaustive, they provide a sense of the breadth of the response and provide an example for current policymakers. In the past year and a half, the Trump administration has already engaged in extensive misconductincluding government policymaking handed off to self-dealing industry leaders;83 apparent misuse of campaign funds;84 the president and his family openly profiting from public office;85 taxpayer dollars wasted on first-class flights and unnecessary office upgrades for Trump cabinet officials;86 personal and financial threats issued against political opponents;87 and collusion with a foreign adversary to undermine a U.S. election.88. What office was located at the Watergate Complex? Information on Nixon's Democratic opponents in the election of 1972. Patricia W. Ingraham, The Design of Civil Service Reform: Good Politics or Good Management?. In Patricia W. Ingraham and David H. Rosenbloom, eds.. Jerrell D. Coggburn, Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. In Jack Rabin, ed., The American Presidency Project, Ethics in Government Act of 1978 Remarks on Signing S. 555 Into Law (October 26, 1978), available at, Carroll Kilpatrick, President Refuses to Turn Over Tapes; Ervin Committee, Cox Issue Subpoenas,. How much in accounts payable did Cherokee owe at the end of 2012? In less than two years, the Trump administration has created and exacerbated a broad range of problems. The basic pillars of the act continue to serve as the foundation for the modern civil service. Including warrantless wiretapping of journalists and government officials. The conspirators would expose the White House- sanctioned break-in of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office. \end{array} \\ Plot the standardized residuals against y^\hat{y}y^. Cherokee Corporation earned revenues of $37 million during 2012 and ended the year with net income of$7 million. A security man recognizes tape on the door that was used to keep it from locking, and he called the police. On June 17, 1972, five men were arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate complex in . Cherokee began 2012 with receivables of $11 million. Several days later, Leon Jaworski is appointed as the second special prosecutor. In an election eve Gallup Poll, respondents overwhelmingly said that they trusted Nixon more than Democratic candidate McGovern. But as president, I must put the interest of America firstTherefore, I shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow.". Significantly, they provided that only properly classified information could be withheld on national security grounds and gave judges the power to determine whether information was properly classified. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like president during Watergate, "Watergate affair", what Watergate was name after and more. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Newspapers that were sympathetic to Nixon hardly mentioned Watergate at all. While Congress is going through articles of impeachment, how does Nixon react? Haldeman and John Ehrlichman. In turn, this can help build support for policymakers to take steps to rewrite those rules so that the system is more responsive and accountable to all Americans. All episodes. Who was eventually revealed to be "Deep Throat"? As a result of Watergate Congress took the following actions: 1) Cut the Post War funding of the South Vietnamese - leading to the fall of Saigon 2) Passed the War Powers Act (over Nixon's veto)- which limited the President's ability to use the military without approval from Congress. What are the burglars looking for when they broke into the Watergate Hotel? Nixon was reelected in a historic landslidewinning all but Massachusetts and the District of Columbiaand embarked on what looked to be a dynamic second term. I have just installed a dozen solar panels on my roof, and they work. 20 Questions Show answers Question 1 30 seconds Q. Haldeman // C) John Dean and Elliot Richardson // D) Daniel. John Dean. d.$255,000. Documental del Canal Historia, dentro de "El informe final" (The Final Report), dedicado al caso Watergate, que acab con el presidente Richard Nixon present. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. In response, Congress sought to reassert its authority over the budget process.73 The act, among other things, limited the circumstances under which the president could impoundchoose not to spendfunds Congress had appropriated.74 It also created standing budget committees in the House and Senate;75 established the Congressional Budget Office to provide Congress with independent, expert advice;76 and directed the budget committees to create a spending blueprint in advance of the fiscal year.77, During his presidency, Nixon twice declared national emergencies: once in response to a strike by U.S. postal workers and again to impose import controls.79 Motivated by a general distrust of Nixon as well as by concerns around the Vietnam War, Congress reviewed the use of emergency powers, determining that numerous national emergencies were still in effect.80, In response, Congress passed the National Emergencies Act, creating a formal process through which to declare a national emergency that allows the president to invoke certain extraordinary powers provided by statute. Although the post-Watergate period is widely understood as an era of reform, over time, the full extent of the changes has faded from view. What prompted the Committee to ask about listening devices in the Oval Office? He tells Haldeman, Erlichman, and Dean to resign. Meanwhile, the White House arranged for the disappearance to another country of Hunt (who never actually left the United States), part of a plan for the burglars to take the fall for the crime as overzealous anticommunist patriots. The Watergate scandal was a series of interlocking political scandals of the U.S. President Richard M. Nixon's administration. What is some of the information gained from Woodward's anonymous source? Days later, the White House denied involvement in the break-in. \end{array} Explain. White House employees sabatoge Nixon's enemies. Nixon is pardoned by President Gerald Ford for any offenses he might have committed against the United States while president. Three articles of impeachment are debated and approved by the House Judiciary Committee against Nixonobstruction of justice, misuse of power and contempt of Congress. Soon after, Woodward and Bernstein and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigators identified two coconspirators in the burglary: E. Howard Hunt, Jr., a former high-ranking CIA officer only recently appointed to the staff of the White House, and G. Gordon Liddy, a former FBI agent working as a counsel for CREEP. Burglary, arrest, and limited immediate political effect, All 119 References in We Didnt Start the Fire, Explained, 25 Decade-Defining Events in U.S. History,, Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia - Miller Center - The Watergate story, Constitutional Rights Foundation - The Watergate Scandal, Watergate scandal - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Approved by eNotes Editorial Team. Who was paying the burglars' legal bills? A full list of supporters is available, Congress Must Pass the Preventing a Patronage System Act To Protect Federal Civil Servants Impartiality, Key Moments From the January 6 Committee Hearings, The urgent need to update the Electoral Count Act, Hearings reveal Trumps vast plan to overturn Americans votes, Why the United States Must Stay the Course on Ukraine, Paid Leave Policies Must Include Chosen Family, The Killing of Tyre Nichols Must Serve as a Catalyst to Root Out Racial Injustice in Policing, 5 Ways Governors and Mayors Can Leverage Federal Investments. In total, 41 people will receive criminal convictions related to the Watergate scandal. The break-in. Who did the White House suspect was leaking information to the Washington Post? Sarnata Reynolds, Caroline Medina, Molly Weston Williamson, Rachael Eisenberg, Brandon Tucker, Hadi Sedigh. Top secret documents that showed the government's calculated expansion of the war in years leading up to the Nixon administration. Our aim is not just to change the conversation, but to change the country. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 16 Nixon's crime was the watergate cover-up, which he orchestrated Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by Madison_Cipriani9 Terms in this set (16) Nixon attempts a legal maneuver to avoid handing over the tapes to Cox by suggesting U.S. Sen. John Stennis to summarize the tapes for investigators. Four others, including E. Howard Hunt, had already plead guilty. Watergate: Who Did What and Where Are They Now? While the post-Watergate reforms were far-reaching, they generally tracked and responded to the specific problems discovered by the post-Watergate investigations and the resulting public concerns about abuse of government power. a Senate committee staffer stumbled upon the information, intended to erase the most sensitive recordings, but never did. Clip 5 Why was Nixon taping conversations? The first nationally televised hearings of the Senate Select Committee begin. Vice President Gerald Ford becomes president. Identify the appropriate financial statement and show how Cherokee will report its ending receivables balance in the companys 2012 annual report. hampton beach homes for sale 919-497-6028. cannery row nashville wedding The reporters who broke the Watergate scandal were which two people? \text { Morsepower } \\ Some of the FECAs provisions have since been weakened or struck down by U.S. Supreme Court decisions, but many have persisted for more than 40 years. And as many as 21% reported watching 10 hours or more of the Ervin proceedings. They are found guilty of conspiracy, bugging DNC headquarters, and burglary. For example, it established the Office of Government Ethics, the first centralized overseer of executive branch ethics requirements.37 It also imposed the first mandatory financial disclosures for members of Congress, candidates, and some high-level executive branch officials.38 In addition, the act adopted into law congressional ethics rules that imposed new restrictions on outside income and limits on lobbying by former members of Congress.39, In the wake of his resignation, President Nixon sought to retain control of his White House records. All 50 states have now adopted some type of open government law, most of which are even broader than the federal rules.22, The Inspector General Act was put in place in the wake of the Watergate scandal, as a means of ensuring integrity and accountability in the Executive Branch.24 It created offices of inspectors general (OIGs) at 12 federal agencies, subsequently expanded to todays total of 73 OIGs and 14,000 personnel.25 The law empowers these offices to audit and investigate agency programs, to report the results of these investigations to Congress, and to make recommendations to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness and to prevent and detect fraud and abuse.26 The Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, an agency made up of the 73 OIGs, credits its work for hundreds of billions of dollars of potential savings, tens of thousands of successful prosecutions, and transformational government reforms.27, A promise of civil service reform was central to President Carters election campaign.29 Carter ran as an outsider, fueled in part by the distrust of government wrought by the Nixon administration. Learn about our sister organization, the Center for American Progress Action Fund, an advocacy organization dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans. As part of a dispute over spending levels, Nixon refused to spend tens of billions of dollars that Congress had provided, a direct challenge to its power of the purse. Get information on Ellsberg- break into his psychiatrist's office. Creator Watergate-The Final Report NationalGeographic Video Qs - Watergate: The Final Report http:/ Name Pd 1. Nixon announces that John Dean has completed an internal investigation into the Watergate break-in, and has found no evidence of White House involvement. Like their post-Watergate predecessors, policymakers must be ready to seize the opportunity to advocate for bold responses that do not just restore the prior status quo but also make fundamental positive changes. See Watergate Report, p. 1179. The Privacy Act sets standards for how agencies collect, maintain, use, and disseminate peoples personal information. A comparison of this year's and last year's balance sheets reveals an increase in accounts receivable of $35,000, an increase in inventory of$20,000, and a decrease in accounts payable of $55,000. The tapes are believed to include evidence that Nixon and his aides had attempted to cover up their involvement in the Watergate break-in and other illegal activities. White House counsel John Dean is fired. Former Nixon aide and FBI agent G. Gordon Liddy and James McCord, an ex-CIA agent and former security director of the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP), are convicted for their roles in the break-in at the Watergate complex. \text { Chevrolet Corvette Convertible } & 50.144 & 3246 & 345 & 102.1 \\ A full list of supporters is available here. Overwhelmingly said that they trusted Nixon more than Democratic candidate McGovern on Nixon Democratic... 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