Through this, you can pinpoint specific locations in the world that can holistically benefit you. natally, my sun is conjunct mercury and opposite my pluto, so i guess living on my sun line was connected with my chart ruler? Basically, while you can look it up, the dumbed down definition of Astrocartography is when your birth chart gets adjusted to the new location you are in (which is not your birthplace) to show how you would feel and function in that place. And as you know, your chart is all about the details of your birth (such as location, date, time, etc.). Since these feelings and realizations run counter to the ordinary way of seeing things, there is also the possibility that confusion will overtake you in pursuing your perceived mission. 2002-2023 Outlook Amusements, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This line graphs the places where you can experience a considerable boost in your self-confidence and reputation. A i was born 4:04pm, so day. Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. I had gone down there with the idyllic promise of surfing with other young Mexicans and expats, and writing in a beachside bungalow in the small town of San Juanico. A bonus of this line is that it can help enlighten you on your purpose here in this world. Whether you're a seasoned astrology enthusiast or just starting to learn about the subject, Anna's blog is a must-read. i have experience living on my sun line, neptune line, venus line, moon line, jupiter line, north node line and saturn line so i wanted to share some feelings about all of those, in case it may help anyone. If youve ever traveled to a place that felt absolutely magical but you couldnt figure out why, this might be a favorable place for you astrologically. . This is how you read an Astrocartography chart the easiest way. It's the self-sacrificing saviour linked to spirituality, escapism, fantasy and mysticism. Heres how its done: Lets say youre born in New York City. In her blog, Anna explores the intersection of astrology and daily life, offering insight and guidance to her readers on a wide range of topics. jupiter energy really wants you to do do do! This line shows the places where you can cultivate your inner passions and channel the assertive leader on you. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. Astrocartography is . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Depending on which line crosses a point can indicate different things. Your intuition can open wide, giving you an almost psychic sixth sense. Pick your cards and get your FREE reading instantly (no email required)
You may experience a great deal of artistic sensitivity in your pursuits. However, it is a reasonably new subfield in the astrological tradition, considering that it only emerged in 1978. Its the self-sacrificing saviour linked to spirituality, escapism, fantasy and mysticism. This cookie is used to determine a user's inclusion in an experiment and the expiry of experiments a user has been included in. You feel best in this region when you get in touch with your highest ideals and find a way creatively share them. Your imagination will also be flowing with creative juices in these areas too! The best that you can do is channel the spirit of the place that your astrocartography map is telling you is your best place. Astrocartography, also known as locational and relocation astrology, is used by astrologers to map out the geographical locations that support your endeavors and the ones that sap you of energy and make it more difficult for you to achieve your goals. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Leonardo has a strong Neptune line running off the coast of Tuscany, where Neptune conjuncts his midheaven. If the baby born in Boston is a Leo rising and the baby born in Tokyo is an Aquarius rising, they will have vastly different personalities, life experiences, and birth charts just because theyre born in different locations. The MC lines are where a planet would be at its highest point of the day in the sky, or essentially on the prime meridiem. Its time to do Neptune lines. Not even close choices for this Capricorn. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. You may find yourself strongly attracted to artists, healers and other highly sensitive types of people. A planetary IC line is the planet on the cusp of the 4th house. Eventually she moved to New York for a better job and while it was definitely a slow start, shes in a much respected position at her job. Pluto governed by Scorpio representing power, sex, money and rebirth. Its where youre most likely to attract a loving partner who brings joy into your life. Similar outcomes can apply to other relationships too, especially with spiritual friends and teachers, so we may come to believe that all, not just some of the people we meet here are spiritual scam artists. Another perk of this graph is that your glow up is guaranteed if you go to these localities. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". For business partnerships, this can denote a favorable arrangement as well as financial success. Checking perceptions with truthful friends, and being open to what they really say, is essential. Relocation astrology is simply relocation your birth place to a new location at the SAME moment in time, therefore youll want to familiarise yourself with time zones and day light saving. line. At least two of my clients with tight Saturn-Neptune aspects went from being heavy drug users in their younger years to becoming drug counselors, and both . Must be 18 years or older. Creative inspiration is also rife in these places. i haven't explored IC line vs MC line vs DC line much. If you move toward a Neptune line, expect vivid psychic sensitivity, colorful dreams, deeper spirituality, creative inspiration and possibly spaciness, lack of motivation, poor judgement, and addictive/escapist impulses. Neptune is associated with water and all that is lucid, slipping into the great abyss. What does Neptune mean in AstroCartoGraphy? Neptune Line Neptune represents zen, calmness, and a happy place. West is best for water-bearers Aquarians may be air signs, but they take on the symbol of a water-bearer for their ability to heal communities through water (life). yes! Thats one thing off the memorization list! While very spiritual, the Neptune line can lead to a distorted sense of self. Or you could be drawn to individuals who are eccentric and intriguing, but also super independent and hard to pin down. Individuals with this personality can be very creative, love to travel, and child-like in their willingness to trust the world. What are your thoughts on IC line vs. MC line vs. AC line vs. DC line? This line is sometimes called the Hollywood Line, for the thousands of people who go there every year hoping to be Brad Pitt or Nicole Kidman, only to find that their dream is far tougher than they thought, if its realizable at all. Complete opposite. Through personal experiences, this sign shines a light on areas in your life that might need a lot of growing up to do. But not always. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. This line tells you the places where you can feel yourself connect to your spiritual side even better. Under this line you might find a renewed sense of freedom or an energy that breaks away in a rebellious way. Neptune: Your Neptune line guides your dreams, hopes, and fantasies. It does not store any personal data. These four angles indicate where the planet on that day was rising . we can investigate the impacts of traveling near certain lines. A relocated chart changes the longitude and latitude used in the natal or birth chart, but keeps the same time, or time zone). The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Astrocartography, or locational astrology, involves comparing your birth chart to a map of the globe. You tend to become mystical and dreamy under this line. On the other hand, Venus is a crowd favorite for a blissful trip away. Your Jupiter and Neptune descending lines cut through the northeast in general, with JUpiter passing through New York City, and Neptune farther west (Toronto, then curving down toward Washington, DC, catching the western tip of NY and the middle of Pennsylvania.) I bring up this story to introduce an important factor in understanding any chart and, in some cases, possibly the most important indicator namely, the highest (or most elevated) planet in the horoscope. Neptune also rules drugs, so it's interesting to see how the late bloomer dynamic of Saturn-Neptune sometimes manifests with clients in terms of their relationship with drugs or alcohol. In a nutshell, astrocartography determines the coordinates of the planets when you were born. While you will always default to your natal chart using the location where you were born for just about any astrological inquiry, you can learn a lot about how you will experience a place based on whats known as the relocated natal chart.. By default, we consider about 300 miles (or 500km) from the center of the line. However, it is also important to remember that you are not required to go to that place when determining astrocartographically apt locations physically. Unless youre an athlete in training though, you would do well to avoid areas on your Mars/IC line. Numerous websites on the internet offer free astrocartography maps for those interested, but they can be useless if you dont know what you are looking for. How do you know if Jupiter is well placed? Another thing to keep in mind is that the symbols used in an astrocartography reading are also the same as those used in general Astrology. hey all! Oh God, I live on my Neptune line and dont really feel like I have a choice. Heres Dan Fursts interpretation:Neptune on the Descendant lines may be the most agonizing of all, as they raising possibilities of love unions that are based on pure fantasy, or that subject us to love swindlers and people who lose themselves completely in the beloved, so that all their self-esteem depends on their partners love, or at the very least they are too emotionally dependent to love from a position of clarity and strength. . (A bit obsessed with lost in translation). Its the place youll look and feel most beautiful, says Dubinet. Four lines represent each planets energy with a slight twist: Midheaven (MC), Lower Midheaven (IC), Point of Ascendant (AC), and Point of Descent (DC). As it turns out, she was directly on a Uranus line, which wouldnt be my first choice for relaxing vacation conditions. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Neptune: a dreamy place of bliss, confusion, spiritual happenings, unexplained phenomena, and the possibility of escapism Pluto: a place for deep soul healing, psychological plumbing, and exploration of the circle of life The time that Ive lived here has been hugely transformative. Basically, astrocartography is an astrology system which focuses on your natal chart, sharing your energy meridian lines on the best places for you to live, work and travel. Love life? However, things can go wrong when you allow yourself to be swept away by your wildly active mind. Here you are able to recognize and give priority to the spiritual component of your work in the world, fueled by strong sense of idealism. It's sometimes referred to as locational or relocational astrology. What is astrocartography? It will always be home. But why is this relevant? Jupiter in Sagittarius is one of the luckiest placements to have our Great Benefic! cape town south africa is my saturn line. and perhaps work with the opposite energy of Neptune (virgo energy, since neptune rules pisces). But the price is a feeling of ineffable unconnectedness, and the delusions, victimization and self deception that develop from unrealism. What do you suggest for surviving living on my Neptune line in the meantime? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. hey all! She is also the Contributing Astrologer and Content Specialist for Jan Spiller's Legacy and co-host of the podcast Love & Stardust. An increased sensitivity to suffering could add a whole new dimension to your life. For Astrology enthusiasts who are interested in expanding their knowledge into deeper areas of Astrology. Jupiter and Neptune lines may also enhance your spirituality. Maybe youre planning a big move but havent decided where or when to go. After all, although dogs are common in, Were all born with a gut feeling, are we not? Being under the Neptune line causes a somewhat dreamy, mystical feeling, as its the planet that deals with imaginationbut also delusion. Fashion and beauty may play a significant role in your life. Brianna was having trouble moving forward in her career as a project manager but wanted to break into a new niche putting her passion for music to work. She had a decent job but always felt like she could do more. From what she told me living on her Venus line was nice but she felt like she lacked ambition. Neptune is associated with water and all that is lucid, slipping into the great abyss. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". You, Your email address will not be published. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Relocated charts reflect experiences and lessons you tend to attract in a given location. What does Uranus line mean in astrocartography? If you want to be part of the A-List, this is your to-go place! What does living on your Neptune line mean? Recite sacred mantras. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at jupiter line: felt expansive, and i learned, healed and grew a lot. You have more compassion in general and may form relationships that allow you to express your need to serve and to honor the sacred. A Quick and Easy Palm Reading Guide That Anyone Can Learn From. You can also find the IC by counting the lines, starting with the AC (Ascendant) at the 9 oclock point on the zodiac wheel. Its an excellent location for writers, speakers, and those employed in the media. A well-planned trip was turned on its head with cancellations, disruptions and unexpected wild experiences. Have you always felt the pull to travel somewhere far away, but not sure why? But thorough astrology is much more than planets in signsthere is a whole chart to unpack! Definitely a book you should read! Living near your Neptune line can bring about romanticism, art, and music into your life and soft energy. Because youre viewed as a threat, you could attract formidable opponents. With Neptune closely aspecting his natal Venus, George channeled mysticism instead of his normally strong Mars. A graduate of the Portland School of Astrology, she approaches astrology with a background in science, psychology, and health, and an insatiable curiosity for the human mind. energy feels lush, fertile and feminine. Generally though, that location would feel exciting, chaotic, unsettled and inspiring. also did energy healing work here and shamanic healing. To live the ultimate dream, look to your Neptune planetary line. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Design a site like this with Neptune is also exactly conjunct the MC of her relocated chart. Saturn was a devotee of Lord Shiva and he knows how to control the effects of Saturn. It then generates astrocartography lines that indicate the planetary paths relative to places all over the world, as well as the exact spot where a planet was chilling out when you were born. In my astrocartography readings, I use an in mundo map and prefer distance-based orbs as opposed to degree-based orbs when looking at astrocartography maps. Anna Howard is a passionate astrologer who runs the popular blog "Elemental Astrology". Ah, yes, the million-dollar question. Here, you'll be able to drift away from reality and embrace the magic of. And how can an astrocartography reading help you live a better life? Once you find those symbols in your chart, then you can circle them. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. For me Jupiter rules my 5th and 8th houses and Im a night chart! This line shows you the spots where you can change your life for the better. Different planet lines carry different themes. Following the current discussions on astrocartography I pulled up my chart and discover I live within .2 degrees of my Neptune ic line - this is also the opposite midpoint to my Taurus stellium over the MC. i'm so glad that your jupiter/mars line is working for you! Read on to find out! . A planetary ascending line is the planet on the cusp of the first house. This line tells you the locations where doing a 180 on yourself is your best bet. One of the most significant parts of any natal chart is the sign rising up on the horizon when the chart is created (a.k.a., the time you were born). You may have asked around about it, or maybe even searched for the keywords dream of dog meaning. Get a free birth chart report today!   The Ninth House: The House of Spirituality the 12 Houses of Astrology. Zodiac sign illustrations byBodil Jane,The Grande DameandYoko Furusho. A conjunction is where two planetary energies are blended and the midheaven in a natal chart represents the highest point . the one thing i didn't like is, there this "more more more" energy on my jupiter line, so i felt like i could never 100% relax, unless i was always striving for more. However, its methods will be unorthodox; it will force you to confront the realities you have been stubbornly repressing at the back of your memories. Saturn may be strong or very strong in Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius; depending on its nakshatra and navamsha placements within these signs. This is a place where you feel at home and emotionally attuned to your surroundings. What Does Your Saturn Sign Mean? Career? Neptune: Your Neptune line guides your dreams, hopes, and fantasies. What does Saturn mean in astrocartography? At different phases in your life, you may need to draw on different energies to facilitate your success. It can help you discover the best (and worst) places to live all around the world. i had a lot of "mommy issues" come up, and i felt invisible. All planets move slowly while the earth is moving at thousands of miles an hour. Reading an Astrocartography Map The closer you are to a line, the closer you feel the energy of that planet. Neptune in your chart is your higher self, your highest bliss. Whether a line is good or bad depends on the aspects the planets make in your chart, and even then, your experience may vary. For this article, though, we will only be covering the most basic concepts of astrocartography. Tied to the illusionary planet of Neptune, these lines are thought to signify places where you may feel out of touch with realityeither in inspirational ways, or escapist or self-doubtful. In astrocartography, Chiron shows the places where you can find time to heal your inner self, along with that of your loved ones. NEPTUNE (NE) Under Neptune lines, ideals are pursued, romanticism flowers, spiritual progress can be made, and photography, arts and music are inspired. think earth mama vibes. He has been a practicing astrologer having studied astrology since 1997. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The ninth house of a natal chart is ruled by the zodiac sign Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter. Posts: 820 From: New York, NY USA Registered: Nov 2013: . So maybe theres a cohesion there. jupiter rules my 7th house. Uranus Lines in Astro Mapping are said to make a person feel the energised with the traits of this planet, which can be revolutionary and exciting in an electrical way. For entertainment purposes only. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you. AstroCartoGraphy - Neptune Imum Coeli Line Line Stories. generally, people were nice to me on my jupiter line. It fuses geography and astrology in a profound and meaningful way. It may not be the most comfortable line to have, but the values will leave an imprint on you and your future works. In places with Pluto on your MC line, youll be relentless in the pursuit of power and control, particularly in your profession. More than meeting new friends, these areas will help you cultivate or discover new passions that can help you become better and brighter. This line tells you the localities where you can exercise being a good communicator, along with a healthy boost in IQ. It gets exalted in Cancer sign at 5 degree whereas debilitated in Capricorn at 5 degree. Neptune is in my 6th House and Venus in my . Neptune: The planet of dreams, spirituality, and intuition, Neptune clouds rational thought, so its line elevates imagination but also illusion. 2002-2023 Outlook Amusements, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. it was really awful. Your natal chart is a map of the sky at the time of your birth, at the location of your birth. In some birth charts, the IC is indicated by a thicker line. Now the chart also describes what energies might plague you based on what planets run over that line. After all, this card isnt part of the Tarot Major Arcana. That is because the planet is domicile or home in this zodiac sign since it is the natural ruler of this Fire sign. On the other hand, the North Node concerns itself on your fate. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. Their . Her natal Neptune T-squares her Aquarian Sun and Leo Vesta/Uranus (currently super stressed by transiting Uranus). But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. good question! You need to keep yourself grounded in these localities so that you wont lose sight of your goals, mostly if you stayed here for a bit too long. We can become self-sufficient in time, but at a painful price. Through mapping and precise mathematics, he was able to determine the strong influence that planetary paths have on a persons life. Its supportive for those in the military or law enforcement, although its not a place for the faint of heart. Its important enough to call for an entire branch of astrology known as Locational Astrology, commonly referred to as astrocartography or astrogeography. The idea is that astrocartography can explain why specific places . The last time I was under a Neptune line, I was trapped in a sexually abusive partnership traveling through Baja California, Mexico. i also felt the energy of dead people/ghosts here (although that's pretty common for me). We may also find that we have become objects of fantasy to others, who wish to cast us as characters in their fantasy linves. By using our site you agree to our. A quintile is an internal manifesting of creativity. And though youll always carry the energetic blueprint denoted by your natal chart, astrocartography helps you use your location to amplify or mitigate your different tendencies. To calculate an astrological birth chart, you need three things: birth date, birth time, and location. To answer the question, yes, astrocartography is real. David writes a 2x/weekly blog in both relocation astrology and other astrological topics of interest, on Life here is built on foundations of sand, as Jim Lewis put it, but deep spiritual rewards may still come from all the slippery dreams. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The Eight of Cups is not , Difference between Vedic and western astrology Vedic astrology is based on the sidereal zodiac a system in which positions of planets are calculated based on where they are actually observed in the sky in , Author Lakeesha Jones tells her lifes story in an uplifting way and offers information that can help readers improve their lives too. saturn line: don't do it! natally, my venus is in aires 7th H. overall i like it, but since my natal venus is in a fire sign (aires), the energy on my venus line can feel too "hot" sometimes, energetically. In addition to writing her blog, Anna also offers personalized astrological readings to her clients. Try to be calm during your session, Your email address will not be published. Being weird is also not a problem in these locales. I've lived in two places along my Sun line, and they both were unbelievably horrible experiences. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. To be more precise, you will be more emotional and dependent on your instincts when operating in these areas. emotional and psychological abuse that was hidden. Meanwhile, having Mars on your AC line is the mark of a go-getter. Your Neptune/IC line is the place where you want to go for a spiritual retreat. Astrocartography helps you discover the best places in the world, unique to you, and when youre most supported to make the change. 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