Thank you, Joshua and Itamar for your help with our Joint Life Application. In Sure Dwellings: A Journey From Expulsion to Assimilation, by Margot F. Sephardic Jewish ancestry extends through the Iberian PeninsulaPortugal and Spain. While the terms have often been used interchangeably, "Sephardi'' derives from the Hebrew word Sepharad, referring to the Iberian peninsula, and in its strictest sense refers to Jews descended from fifteenth-century Spanish and Portuguese exiles, whether they went to . Los Apellidos estan sacados de las In the . EU PASSPORT ! are in alphabetical order. Diamanta This girl's name means "diamond.". Apparently Catholics using the same surname didnt count! The list covers the period 1759-1813 with all the names of the poor Sephardic Jews who were granted Sedaca (charity) - an amount in Dutch florins- against the promise to leave Amsterdam and not to return within the next 15 years. This reference documents the assimilation, name changes and coversion Sephardic family names of ancestors can also be used as proof of Spanish roots. I've got Austrian citizenship in 4 months for all family members which consists of 12 people! From the civil I suspect most surnames were probably adopted from godparents at the original baptisms, but I dont know. The main issue in receiving a Portuguese passport and citizenship is obtaining the letter of recommendation from one of the Jewish communities in Portugal. Por suerte, ese viaje de ida y vuelta que es la historia permite la revisin del pasado para apreciar en su dimensin y alcance una herencia que guarda un tesoro de ideas, creencias, vivencias y saberes una cultura latente que la tenemos encriptada en lo ms profundo de nuestras races sociolgicas y genticas. The internet made it easier to extend the reach of genealogy and collect data beyond national borders, Farhi says. The family name originally comes from Galicia, Spain and has its own coat-of-arms. King Manuel of Portugal made a similar order in 1497. The service is amazing! So, whats the truth? Therefore, if you are latino or hispanic with a surname from the list, that doesn't mean that the interested people are jews. They deserve more then 5 stars!! (~), List of (mostly) I highly recommend! Someone called Maria Mendoza in Mexico at the same time looks to be Catholic and would require strong evidence to prove otherwise. This site is no longer available, so I published the information here. They deserve more then 5 stars!! Genealogist Alain Farhi disagrees. (~), Sephardic names by ETSI, this magazine is worth while. The pandemic also caused delays in obtaining the required apostilles for various documents from various state agencies and the US State Department. This book contains names of Sephardim In 1776, 18 ships reached North American rebel ports. (~), From the book Depending on jurisdiction, your family surnames may not have been fixed until the late 18th Century. Spain has also allowed Sephardic Jews the possibility of obtaining Spanish nationality; however, the allotted time period expired in October 2019 after a term of three years. Girona is home to Museum of the History of the Jews and the Nahmanides Foundation, a research center dedicated to Jewish heritage that also houses the Eliezer Eljanan Schalt Library. Our Talalay family always heard that This was our name in Spain, and that we were Sephardic in originno matter how long wed lived in Eastern Europe, specifically in Mogilev, Belarus. I am not clear if women were given the name Chaya (female of Haim). The names are in alphabetical order. Our law office has much experience in immigration law in general and a specific expertise in obtaining the certificate to prove Jewish heritage from the Jewish communities in Portugal. FP 2000, Adelaide, 5th Australia. During the pandemic, my wife and I decided to move to Israel where I am originally from after living in the U.S. for over 20 years, but we had no idea how to go about securing visas before and after arriving in Israel. Portuguese authorities already recognize some surnames of Greek and Egyptian Jews written on one verified list. Best lawyer house from Israel! extracted from the book, Finding Our Fathers, by Dan Rottenberg. We found Decker, Pex, Ofir & Co. On the internet and began working with Ariel in late November 2021. I admire the Austrian citizenship team in Tel-Aviv branch! Although Ashkenazi Jews still enjoy a more accessible gene pool, Family Tree DNA founder Bennett Greenspan says, the number of Sephardim in the companys databases is growing. Cohen, Nof Ayalon Israel). A big thank you to Irina especially from the Jerusalem office. relatives, house locations, and professions. Ariel did a superb job of leading us through the process, helping us to understand which documents were essential, which would most likely be required, and which, though included on the list of required documents, were rarely required. that converted to Christianity. We had a pleasure of working with Irena Rosenberg who assisted in getting our two U.S. born children registered in Israel and supported visa process for my wife in 2021. listed here represent the famous names of Jewish/Sephardic Argentina. When you hear Decker,Pex,Ofir &Co, you hear 10+ class services, luxurious professionals, confidentiality and exclusive attention to your needs. Beside each listing is a number or series of numbers My Sephardic friends kept telling me how lucky I was to have married an Abravanel. Obviously it's recommended to go through the entire process accompanied by a law firm specializing in the field. Among its many offerings it contained a unique section on Sephardic herardlry and a list of Sephardic surnames that he patiently extracted from a large number of published books. But American Jewish culture was Ashkenazi. Mike Decker and have know him for many years. Theyre generally kept in Spanish regional archives; with a few on FamilySearch microfilm (search the online catalog for the place Spain, then click the Notarial Records category). My wife and I strongly recommend anyone planning to go through this process seriously consider hiring Decker, Pex, Ofir & Co. and, specifically, Ariel Galili. The names are in alphabetical order. Unfortunately, the Portuguese Law ignorant of Sephardic genealogy references some surnames. list are the names of the relatives of the victims. records of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The advice Mr. Pex gave us was great, such as what to do, he gave useful links, and advice about which officials to contact. Otherwise you will loose hours/days/weeks with things that they can solve in minutes. Joshua Pex was both an amazing human being and an inspiring human rights attorney. Brazil. Not every reaction has been positive, though. it in that way. A list of 3,500 names used by Jews, or Register of Isaac and Abraham De Paiba (1715-1775) from the Achives of the Ferra I Martorell. (~), From the book, Jose Maria Abecassis. SEPHARDIM, The Spirit That Has Withstood the times. Contains the names of Find clues to your Jewish ancestry with this guide to surnames, including commonly used Jewish naming traditions, prefixes and suffixes. The present database covers 1,484 given names, their various spellings and their diminutives born in medieval Spain, in the countries all around the Mediterranean Basin, in the three north-European communities of: Amsterdam, Hamburg and London as well as in the Caribbean. Things started moving once Mr. Pex came into the picture. In addition, there are many lower order matches who seem to have Sephardic names (Nunes, Garza, Jiminez, Vasquez, Perez (10+), Oliveria, Flores etc) but I haven't checked out their ethnicities and to be honest at this stage of my genetic learning, I don't really know what I'm looking at! Subscriptions are available. They are very friendly and professional. The Jews of Jamaica, by Richard D. Barnett and Philip Wright. The describes in detail the adventures of Sephardim in escaping the inquisition Though the University of New Mexicos Stanley Hordes, PhD, has no personal Sephardic roots to his knowledge, hes fascinated with the Latin American history of the Inquisition and Crypto-Jews (conversos who secretly practiced Judaism). Outside of liturgy, they speak Judeo-Spanish, aka Ladino. No one in my Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazi family from Mogilev really believed we came from Spainuntil I began finding genealogy records and other Sephardic families in Mogilev: Abravanel, Don Yahia, Pines, Aboaf/Abugof and more. German names are due to inter marriage(~), From the book, Historia de la Comunidad This is a code word used over and over again in regards to the Sephardim. Today, many Sephardic names bear the original form or a variation, indicating descent from a particular family. I appreciate your candor and evident integrity. Many Sephardic Jews exiled in 1492 had relatives who remained in Spain and used aliases to hide their identities as they conducted international business. We had a pleasure of working with Irena Rosenberg who assisted in getting our two U.S. born children registered in Israel and supported visa process for my wife in 2021. I am a Jewish, 80-year-old American, and my wife is not Jewish. Essentially a series of royal names listed on this site are taken form the references listed below. Sephardi Jews, also known as Sephardic Jews or simply Sephardim, are a Jewish ethnic division whose ethnogenesis and emergence as a distinct community of Iberian Jews traces back to immigrants originating in the Israelite tribes of the Middle East who coalesced in the Iberian Peninsula around the turn of the first millennium. The Rise and The 'de Fonseka' surname (spelled da Fonseca in Portuguese) is a Jewish (Sephardic) name. Abraham de Mordechai Vaz Dias studied the Amsterdam State Archive to identify many aliases in notarial records; his database is one of the many at (~), From the book, Likewise, aLevy is probably descendedfrom the tribe of Levi. (~), Sephardic names which a coat of arms, crest.or history has been found and will be published in Some remained, secretly practicing their faith; theyre called conversos in Spanish or bnei anousim in Hebrew. They really care about helping their customers without any other interest Spanish archives include records of Sephardic surnames as far back as the 10th centurya genealogical advantage Ashkenazim dont enjoy. And beginning with the first 23 Jews who arrived in New Amsterdam (today, New York) in 1654 from Recife, Brazil, the American Jewish population was mostly Sephardic for nearly two centuries. 2. Sephardic Surnames ( The Sephardic names listed on this site are taken form the references listed below. that returned to Portugal and Gibralter after hundreds of years of expulsion. The meanings of who or what is "Sephardi'' or "Mizrahi" is a complex matter, one that has changed over time and space. I was impressed with his incredibly solid character. Sefaradi De Sobrenomes (Dictionary of Sephardic Surnames): This reference Stein married a Sephardic woman and wanted his children to understand their heritage. Thanks to Michael Decker and the other good people at the law office, as well as to the virtue of my ancestors, the cruelty of the Inquisition, reparations issued in the Iberian Peninsula, and etc, I am delighted to be on track for Portuguese and European Union Citizenship! highly recommended. This answer is: Helpful (0) Not Helpful (0) Add a Comment. of these works have identified the names as being held by Sephardim. (~), From the Ph.D. There are several ways to identify a persons roots, including a list of sephardic last names, which indicate a persons origin. Con la tecnologa de, The information Family Tree DNAs database contains records for Ashkenazim, Sephardim, and those who trace their ancestry to the Levites and Kohanim. The best lawyer firm Ive had dealt with. Irena Rosenberg and Michael Decker worked on my case, they are very professional and helpful. Sephardi Jews came from Spain or Portugal. (~), From the book, I really recommend the law office's services. These ancient surnames are important to tracing roots in Iberia and in subsequent countries Sephardic families lived. The Sephardic Jews suffered persecution from the Visigoths during the sixth century AD, followed by a . In addition, the spelling of many of the stems have changed Isralelita de Chile, by Moshe Nes-El. Most important, you learn that no list of names is ever really complete, that previously hidden resources come to light at different times and places. It is reportedthat the most common surnames of people accused in Portuguese Inquisition documents of being Jewish are: These are also common names amongst Portuguese Old Christians. In Spain and Portugal there seems to be a myth that Jews adopted surnames from trees and fruit. The crypto-Judaism / bnei anusim movement latched on early to Sephardic surnames. Dissertation of Michelle M. Terrill, The Historical Archaeology of the 17th While they have somewhat backtracked over recent years, I suspect that many or most of their followers were originally drawn in from researching their surname online and reading that it is Jewish. These numbers correspond to the references listed below where the names were found. Someone called Sarah Mendoza in 18th Century London will probably have been Jewish. list of 517 Sephardic families punished by the inquisition in Portugal and I really appreciate his courteous and direct approach. Flores is the 55th most popular surname in the United States and the 15th . A really excellent firm. (Izmir lists provided by Dov del Estero. correspond to the references listed below where the names were found. Most of these names, if not all, You were a calming energy during a storm - always breathed a sigh of relief after speaking with you. In case your family name does not appear in a sephardic last names list, this does not indicate that you are not eligible for a Portuguese passport. Interestingly, Arbell discovered that until recently, many Caribbean Jewish communities had prohibitions against Sephardim marrying Ashkenazim. Su Esta web esta dedicada a Hashem. Today, many Sephardic names bear the original form or a variation, indicating descent from a particular family. presented as a memorial to the Jews of TARAZONA. Otherwise you will loose hours/days/weeks with things that they can solve in minutes. Only those names recognizable and labeled as Jewish or converso are Besides his knowing the laws, regulations and procedures, Ariel also made us feel that he was truly interested in helping us to successfully work through this process in as smooth, timely, and frustration-free manner as possible. Canary Islands records are in the Archivo de Museo Canario in Las Palmas. Mayorkas is a Jew, and his name reveals a rich and intriguing story. One father and son, whose Sephardic names were Isac and Jacob Semach, used a maze of at least 14 aliases including the Portuguese names Antonio Hidalgo o Velho, Antonio Hidalgo Ouelho and Antonio Hidalgosee their aliases untangled here . followed by a short biography and references for additional information. We so much appreciate Mikes representation of us. Very much recommended! The authors The Expulsion of the Jews from Spain, by Haim Beinart. lists Sephardic movers and shakers during the period. I am delighted to report that my wife and I have just obtained our Israeli citizenship. The reference code is listed below. The Hebrew version of this Ladino name is Yaffa. I really recommend the law office's services. Many of the names sometimes they . Email [email protected] It is said that the first Jews arrived in Seville in the sixth century BC, and were from David's family. Sanchez); Haran (Jacob de Pina); Petah ve Naim (Jacob Cohen Nassi); Carmel (Isaak Granada da Fonseca); Beit El (Jacob de Meza); Dothan, Carillo, Serphati and Hebron (Moises Nunez Henriquez). In 1979, after my fathers death, I discovered among his papers handwritten trees compiled by my grandfather, Dr. Hillel Farhi, he says. I will choose them again next time if needed. name of parents, age, and location of domicile are also included. We contacted Mr. Pex and he was ready to help us when he heard of our situation. Big news! I have needed legal advice and assistance with immigration due to a complex situation of mine, and he has been extremely available and responsive, honest and clear about my route and how to proceed. Sephardim from now-Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Iran and India, where other Jewish languages and dialects such as Judeo-Persian were common, are more correctly called Mizrahi or Eastern Jews. I was impressed with his incredibly solid character. The British Sephardic genealogists didnt have to catch up with the rest of Jewish genealogy. intermarried. names not well identified are not listed. They supported us 100% and solved our case successfully, we couldn't be happier. Lista de penitenciados por la Inquisicin espaola --Judeoconversos (Forzados) "Cuadro Conversos Aragn". As they responded with more data, Farhi built his database. Sephardic names The Sephardic Jews, or the Sephardim, are a culture within the overall Jewish people. It contains Sephardic names recorded during the Irena is knowledgeable, reliable and competent lawyer who always had answers to all our questions which made us feel confident that everything would be fine with her assistance. reference code is listed below. These numbers correspond to the references listed below where the names were found. In 2004, a genetic study concluded that 13,4% of the Y chromosome of Azoreans is of Jewish origins . The entire team is very friendly and responsive. The best lawyer firm Ive had dealt with. The team at Decker, Pex, Ofir & Co have been awesome to work with in helping our US company establish banking in Israel and in providing counsel for legal needs in Israel. March 25, 2022 Sephardi, or Sephardic Jews (Sephardim, plural) make up the second largest identifiable Jewish culture today. A legal team that is friendly and cares for a superb result Sephardic brides from the publication, List of 7300 Names of Jewish Brides and Big news! (~), From the book, Adi Berger was a wonderful advocate for me and I am deeply grateful for her help! There are He is trustworthy, fair, and goes above and beyond to advocate for the vulnerable. Careful study of names, their origins, their variants, etc. We will be forever grateful for all of the help, guidance and support which Ariel Galili of Decker, Pex, Ofir & Co. provided through this process. She was very professional in all her dealings and kept us informed all the way. The list of surnames is an initial and important indication of Portuguese citizenship, but it is not a prerequisite for acceptance. Thank you for your guidance and support. Their patience, clear explanation and experience are very valuable. Sephardic surnames were popularized by a well-meaning, if confused, Ashkenazi amateur genealogist in the early days of the Internet in the late 1990s. Dan Rottenberg study concluded that 13,4 % of the victims the 15th largest Jewish... ~ ), list of Sephardic genealogy references some surnames his database ) the Sephardic names by ETSI this. Of Portuguese citizenship, but it is not Jewish Margot F. Sephardic Jewish ancestry extends through the Iberian PeninsulaPortugal Spain... That they can solve in minutes Mexico at the original form or a variation, indicating descent from a family.: Helpful ( 0 ) Add a Comment and would require strong to... In Portugal or Sephardic Jews exiled in 1492 had relatives who remained in Spain and has its coat-of-arms. 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