So far, I had issues with endless loading screen trying to do trade. It only ever makes sense initiating a delivery with a full wagon - never bother selling product unless you've hit the maximum. and the box is frozen too. You also sometimes get placed out on the cliffs southwest of Valentine, which is a horrible spot due to how precarious the trails can be. I dont know what else I can do. On top of that, there seems to be fewer players in the desert areas of the game in general (in my experience, players congregate around Blackwater, Saint Denis, and Valentine). Since this animal is you should use to attract it in the wild. Problem is before I even got close enough to see it someone else had killed it and had the skin on his shoulder. In fact, a three-star turkey will count for more than a one-star deer. Stupid bug man. Every sack adds 5 points to your materials meter, meaning a four-person posse will earn as much materials with sacks as a solo player will with a cart. I had it bug out yesterday with a turkey. Typically, your horse can only carry one carcass, but you can also use your lasso to pull a second one back to camp with you, doubling the speed at which you accumulate materials. Still, it's a pretty decent money maker and it unlocks some great rewards. Im glad you found this guide to be useful! Using the best weapons to hunt a Turkey in Red Dead 2, will reward you with a Perfect Quality Kill. Instead of earning the $312.50 payout, every remaining member of the posse will receive the full $625. This is very important to maximising income, as selling a full wagon doesn't simply mean 100% of the product's value, but it comes with a bonus that you only earn on full wagons. The other glitch is when I return with supplies my camp is gone, even though my camp icon isstill be on the minimap. hypodemicnerdal Only way for me to do the mission was kill the player and take that skin to the trader. The main reason for this is that Cripps demands large quantities of animal parts, and keeping him stocked up is a full-time job for a solo player. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Improve this answer. I got a trader resupply mission telling me to go get a skinned deer and deliver it to a trader. Watch the full trailer now for The Flash. And one more thing to make note of: When a player aims, their icon on the map turns into an eye instead of the usual dot. 2. devondawsonmma. Depending on how much RAM you have, the scanning process can take up to a few minutes. If you sell to a distant buyer, however, that becomes $625. Eastern Wild Turkey Details & Location: The Eastern Wild Turkey can be found in the forested or brushy regions of West Elizabeth, New Hanover and Lemoyne. Rival players can steal your deliveries, and you can steal deliveries from other players. Cancel. If this figure is correct, it means youll need to run a new resupply mission after every 50 minutes of production. Once you have the table, you'll have accepted the Trader role in Red Dead Online and can begin creating a thriving business. When it comes to selling your product, you should always sell full wagons only. Most of the time it happens over and over again until I switch lobbies a few times or it just happens to work the next time I am playing. Additionally, there are certain types of animals that Cripps prefers over others. With. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'lightgungalaxy_com-box-4','ezslot_3',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-lightgungalaxy_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'lightgungalaxy_com-box-4','ezslot_4',114,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-lightgungalaxy_com-box-4-0_1'); .box-4-multi-114{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}Needless to say, Ive put a lot of time into the Trader role. its so fucking bugged literally looked up eastern wild turkey bugged because i had a 3 star and couldnt drop it off wtf. Youll usually earn one of two types of supply payouts: sacks of supplies or carts of supplies. I'll have to check it out after work. There are currently three Specialist Roles in Red Dead Online. Do you mean quit out of the mission, or do you mean quit out out of Free Roam and then come back in? always changing after u entered new session. Using the best weapons to hunt a Turkey in Red Dead 2, will reward you with a Perfect Quality Kill. Even though it say buy resupplies for $20. Been getting supplies for free for awhile now. Dont aim your weapon when you are close to a delivery wagon if you dont want to be gunned down. You can find the Wilderness Outfitters location in your camp by looking for the money bags icon within your camp. If you can't find your camp, here is how to set it up. We are a father/son gamer duo, who have just began playing video games together! Sorry partner. You can fill this meter by dropping off animal corpses and pelts at the butcher table. Aron is also a massive fan of Rockstar Games' other smash hit, Grand Theft Auto V. You can find Aron on, 2023 is an unofficial Red Dead Redemption 2 fan site and is in no way affiliated with, The capacity of your Ingredients Satchel is increased - unlocked at Rank 6, Other Traders will be identified at a distance - unlocked at Rank 7, Your canine companion will warn of impending raids - unlocked at Rank 8, Increased material yield of perfect carcasses - unlocked at Rank 11, The capacity of your Materials Satchel is increased - unlocked at Rank 13, The capacity of your Kit Satchel is increased - unlocked at Rank 9, Decreased rate of raids - unlocked at Rank 16, Can carry multiple carcasses and other materials - unlocked at Rank 10, costs $875 and 2 Role tokens, Can carry 50 units of product - unlocked at Rank 5, costs $500, Can carry 100 units of product - unlocked at Rank 10, requires Medium Wagon. Some players have suggested that exploiting the games bugs merely makes up for all the money they lose on game crashes, and I see some validity in that argument. The resupply traders will not accept skinned animals; must have misread the prompt when it tells you that they only accept non-skinned animals. You'll be required to hunt animals to provide inventory as well as deliver all sold items. Can't do Trade Mission Delivery :: Red Dead Redemption 2 General Discussions. Otherwise, there are really two basic things you should know about hunting in Red Dead Redemption 2: Use the correct weapon, and land a clean blow (aim for the head or the heart). its so fucking bugged literally looked up eastern wild turkey bugged because i had a 3 star and couldnt drop it off wtf, Yeah it's a pain in the ass lol crazy how that's still an issue when I posted this 2 years ago. Since you earn materials on these missions, doing back-to-back supply runs is a really fast way to fill your Materials meter. If you play solo a lot, youll also probably find the Hunting Wagon to be useful. Keep this in mind when deciding what parts to sell at the butcher - the valuable ones - and what parts to give to Cripps! Skinning it or doing anything else to it will reduce material yield, and Cripps is picky with what he accepts. But all is frozen for me, the value is "??" On these particular supply runs, youll be earning up to four times the XP you would if you did them alone (and more than that if you run a large posse). So I said whatever and saw another one so killed and brought that one to the trader. Red Dead Redemption 2 I should also point out that a lot of the items listed in the Glitches and Bugs section of this Trader Guide were fixed in the Naturalist update over the summer. Dont be too alarmed; the fees arent bad at all. this started the trader line and the first supply run quest. The game doesnt tell you where to get one (other than suggesting a general area). Im often asked (in Red Dead livestreams) about how to master the role, so I decided to throw together a guide on absolutely everything I know about trading. So you can take advantage of this bug. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. In almost every case, the solution is to log out and then log back in. Im using Social Club too. Heres a guide to complete mastery of the trader role in Red Dead Online. Always turn in full carcasses when you can. Follow him on Twitter: @joshuajwirtanen. Let me check it out, cuz adresses are changing when u change ur session, they're not stay same at all. Youll also occasionally run into bison, whose pelts are worth a decent amount of Materials progress (though theyre not worth as much cash as you might expect). I think I'm doing something wrong. [Important Guest Info Inside]. If you have your posse around for protection, the additional $125 is really hard to turn down. This was an issue for me on ps4, and now its an issue for me on the pc version. A sack will add 5 points to your material meter, while a wagon will add 20 points to your material meter. Red Dead Online is always evolving, whether it be a bug or a new update the best place to set up the trader camp will always change and there will always be a more efficient way to play. This guide will be showing you the exact method to become a trader in Red Dead Online Redemption, to become the trader you would need to follow the following steps: 1 ) Once the mission is loaded, you will have to go to the post office. Verified 120 seconds/unit of goods. It told me to pick up a marked animal that was already skinned when I got there, I have the deer and its not skinned but when I bring it to the trader there is no prompt to give it to him, the exact same thing happend to me, its a shame theres so many bugs in this game rockstar really dont care about it. (Remember, supplies are different than materials.) Turkey via SLATZ_7 on Twitter Poor Tom, it's turkey hunting season again, and Turkeys in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online aren't escaping the festivities. Huh. Taking a full Large Wagon on a long delivery will give you almost enough Role XP for an entire Rank. Ah, now that I think about, I forgot that there was an update today. By I promise you, dear friend, that this is absolutely worth it. I figured out how to start the trader line if you have the letter and opened ti but didn't have the gold. i have the role, and the production is operational. Perhaps the most valuable thing locked . I hope you find it useful! I had it working when I was in a solo lobby but when I went to a populated lobby, it stopped cooperating. Three Roles were initially released with the Frontier Pursuits DLC, with more added later on, including Moonshiner. If you want to earn scads of cash in Red Dead Online, youre going to want to buy into the Trader role. This sale route is actually the shortest Ive found (in the long-distance category), as you only have to cross about 3/4 of New Austin. You dont have control over the exact spot, only a general location. As a Trader, you'll spend your time hunting animals to provide materials for your business. On top of that, if you choose the long-distance delivery route (more on that later), youll need some protection. If you pick Gaptooth Ridge, for example, there are several possible locations within that area that you might end up at. The income from sell missions depends on the amount of product and distance of the client. It's easy! I have a lot more to say about wagons, so check out my full guide to camp upgrades to learn more.). Both of these are reasonably close to large animal populations, and theyre also pretty close to Rhodes. Sign up for a new account in our community. Upon reading the letter, you'll find that. You go out and collect furs and carcasses and then you trade them for money, simple. When I click to buy, I see the free voucher icon pop up & I get the supplies for free. Channel: you very much for watching the video and scrolling all the way down in the description. This was never an issue prior to this update. Youre supposed to find, kill, and deliver the target animal. So nothing is available. The resources that turkeys yield in Red Dead Redemption 2 and its Online mode can be useful both as food and in crafting. Also, if youre struggling with griefers, Ive also written the ultimate guide to avoiding griefers in RDO. ago. 4. johticthegoat707 9 mo. This usually fixes any issues, though sometimes it will require multiple restarts. When I deliver my resupplies I would get the points for the delivery, but the game wouldn't register the supplies. Freezing the value isn't necessary for the pointer to locate the value. Since this animal is you should use to attract it in the wild. Upon reading the letter, you'll find that Cripps has a business opportunity for you and want's to talk more. Its beginning to get very annoying to say the least. I show you how to do just that in this video!If you enjoy this video please consider subscribing: to Fun Dad Gaming! You can purchase the Butcher's Table from the Wilderness Outfitters in your Camp. It usually isn't the best idea to buy supplies for the $20 they cost later on either, unless you are overflowing with cash and are of the impatient sort. You'll need to meet up with him in Armadillo, so he can pitch is business idea to you. I also got one for Bounty Hunter mission where it tells me Posse member had left, when he was clearly there because we both talk on discord. Once you arrive, you'll begin a cutscene where Cripps explains his business idea. Also, you can move your camp at any time, and its really cheap to do so. RankedBoost is not affiliated with the game companies, publisher and its licensors. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Told him I needed that exact skin and brought the other one I had over to try and swap with him. I should point out that I published this in May of 2020, and the game has received several updates. If you steal a horse, or tame a wild one before you have the hunting wagon, you can increase the number of carcasses you bring back to 3. Sorry. may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. However, if you dont want to keep running supply missions, youll want to exit your game, then log back in. You could virtually keep repeating this process all day long. It also happened to me with the one where you have to hunt a snapping turtle and it wouldn't let me turn it in. RDO Frontier Pursuits Update ENDING! I don't know a fix for it either. Since I'm having issues with resupply mission, I tried buy the supplies. When this happens though, we cannot seem to do any other mission because the game thinks we are in a mission. Red Dead Online is always evolving, whether it be a bug or a new update the best place to set up the trader camp will always change and there will always be a more efficient way to play. With a group of even two people, you can stock up your animal supply, then go off and do other things while you wait for Cripps to produce your goods. The basic workflow of being a Trader involves getting materials through hunting and supplies through resupply missions or purchases, crafting product back at your camp and then selling that product, earning RDO$ and Role XP. I know thats to be expected but Im now wondering about what you said above where you can simply quit out. (You can read more about Trader role bugs in the final section of this article.). If someone destroys your Wagon, you can just exit the game. ago. Only hunted game will yield any materials that Cripps can use when crafting product. This has gotta be the worst mission in RDO lol "hunt a wild turkey". If i can only bring one specific animal that spawns for the mission to him, then it should only be visible for me. But i only have this problem with the new moonshine role. Since last night if I do a trade or a supply run the carts empty out, specifically when its a bandit fight, Starting to piss me off. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). I suggest that you always take the mission. The basic rhythm of the Trader is this: hunt, drop off animals, do the occasional resupply mission, then deliver your goods to a buyer. Its also important to note that you wont lose XP or cash by letting your friends help out. The Red Dead Redemption 2 Companion connects directly with your PlayStation4 and Xbox One as you play to deliver a real-time interactive map with pan and zoom functions, helping your. The easiest way to take down a bird of this size whilst hunting is by using a Varmint Rifle. Children of the Corn, written and directed by Kurt Wimmer, opens in theaters on March 3, 2023, and will be available on Demand and digital on March 21, 2023. In fact, when it comes to resupply missions, you might actually end up earning more XP than you would solo. Two major things to be aware of: Ill be doing an updated guide to earning gold in 2021 (the most recent update made some big changes to gold payouts), so it might not be a bad idea to do an updated Trader guide as well. Its also usually not as crowded, and its less likely to be filled with griefers than Blackwater, Saint Denis, or Valentine. I can't find the damn turkey at all also, can someone explain to me why there is a freaking timer? But no matter how many times I place it in the drop zone the mission won't end. hi i tried changing the value of good but it didn't seem to work am i missing something ? Ive also encountered some of these issues back to back, which is especially frustrating. Keep in mind that the value of an animal part, when not delivering a full carcass, does not affect how much material is derived from it. Use Varmint Rifle with 0.22 Varmint Rifle Regular Turkey Locations You really dont need a large camp unless youre rolling with a posse with more than four members, so the small camp should work out most of the time. How To Become a Trader or Bounty Hunter in Red Dead Online While becoming a Collector will take some searching, picking up the Trader and Bounty Hunter Roles is much simpler. Now Im back and reading your article before popping back in to try this role out. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You can forget fishing - for whatever reason, fish aren't a source of any material at all. One is simply tactical, while the other is a cheat. The Eastern Wild Turkey can be found in the forested or brushy regions of West Elizabeth, New Hanover and Lemoyne. You have several options for a camp location, so which one should you choose? One trick, however, is to move your camp to Gaptooth Ridge before you make a distant sale. 9 mo. To become a. Im now trader level 16 2 days later and their still struggling at 2-3. When you access the butcher table (walk up to it and hold triangle if youre on PS4), youll see this menu appear: There are three progress bars, which tell you virtually everything you need to know about how your operation is running. Cripps on the other hand, will prepare all of the items you'll be selling, set prices, and manage the inventory. But when his attempt to save his family inadvertently alters the future, Barry becomes trapped in a reality in which General Zod has returned, threatening annihilation, and there are no Super Heroes to turn to. The larger the Posse, the larger the bonus - full 7-player Trader Posses pulling full long deliveries will chomp through Ranks in moments. Updates tends to break loose pointers like mine. And you dont have to share your money either. Check out the launch trailer for another look at Lara Croft in action.Tomb Raider Reloaded allows players to jump back into the boots of groundbreaking adventurer Lara Croft in an action-filled quest to obtain the ancient Scion artifact, clearing ever-changing rooms filled with new and familiar enemies as well as hazardous traps and puzzles. Hey Guys, In this red dead online guide 2022 video I am going to show you how to level up the trader role fast! The downside to the Heartlands is that youre usually pretty far away from a town, and youll end up using Emerald Ranch as a swift travel point far more often that you might like. Taking a full Medium Wagon - meaning 50 units - on a long delivery will yield 1,250 role XP, which is an entire 1,000 XP bonus compared to non-full deliveries. Was told to get a bison. We cautioned against relying on buying supplies, however you might have noticed that resupply missions aren't always available. But will making the ultimate sacrifice be enough to reset the universe? It is a fun role however if you fill your materials bar with only 3 star turkey's or 3 star Cougars your gonna get the same end results. Would love your thoughts, please comment. When collecting material, Bucks should be your main target. Not skinning them means you can avoid sitting through the skinning animation (approximately 3-10 seconds depending on the size of the animal) Here is a pretty good article with more details. The trader role once completed can improve your over all journey in red dead. Trader is one of the five Specialist Roles in Red Dead Online . We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. When that Goods bar reaches 100, youre ready for a serious payday if you own the Large Delivery Wagon, that is. As opportunistic omnivores, the can be found foraging for insects, seeds and grasses. If you want to get Cripps working again, you have two options: pay for a batch of supplies, or accept a resupply mission to fetch them yourself. The easiest way to take down a bird of this size whilst hunting is by using a Varmint Rifle. is your #1 source for all things related to Red Dead Redemption 2. On accepting a resupply mission, the game wont freeze, but the mission wont start and you cant accept any other missions (or use fast travel, etc). 1. I found it immediately just shooting animals on my way, and I skinned it and it gave me the popup. Also, if a rival is delivering a wagon, its best to avoid the area so the wagon driver doesnt try to shoot you to protect their wagon. Hate these type of missions. However, Cougars are rarer and more difficult to kill in a way that their carcass retains the perfect rating. After every 25 goods produced, the entire operation will come to a halt and youll see a notification that your camp is out of supplies. The Cripps will give you a letter there. Powered by Invision Community, is an unofficial Red Dead Redemption 2 fan site and is in no way affiliated with, Howdy Stranger! The posse leader (who quits out of the server) will receive nothing, but the goods wont count as delivered once that person logs back in. Twice today I tried a trade mission, twice I was stuck in endless loading. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Well here we go into the trader role. Red Dead Redemption 2 Turkey can be hunted and skinned for crafting materials, it's a Moderate sized Bird animal. Is anyone else having this problem. The first thing that you'll need to do to accept the Trader role in Red Dead Online is visit your local post office to retrieve a letter from Cripps. One of the Trader activity types is local deliveries, which are closest from this location. The trader will not accept skinned animals ! Edit- Didn't catch the bit about a skinned deer. Can't seem to do anything but alt tab and close the game. Fuck these missions absolute waste of my time. Clown. A bright high schooler who won't go along with the plan is the town's only hope of survival. Supplies This isnt explained by the game very well, but, as I understand it, this refers to things like like tools and chemicals and such. Worlds collide in The Flash when Barry uses his superpowers to travel back in time in order to change the events of the past. It costs $2 of in-game cash (not gold) to move a small camp, and $5 to move a large camp. 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