4. Mami Wata is often portrayed as a mermaid, a snake charmer, or a combination of both. There are many things in the church that have changed/evolved over the years. ; A jengu (plural miengu) is a water spirit in the . So I did, I was in the twilight and saw a large mirror or something but this time it was covered in black. Every evil queen and king in the water demanding for my worship, you are a liar, fall down and die. But is it okay for a woman to be a leader or elder in the church but not to preach? In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. My soul, praise the Lord! 21 PRAYER POINTS TO BREAK MARINE AND WATER SPIRITS BONDAGE. Jerry Johnston speaks on Ephesians 6:12 and how the minute you start living as a Christian, you are engaging in spiritual warfare. c) Dreams of sleeping with influential men or women, celebrities, etc. For example JEZEBEL was a Daughter of a Zidonian king. Their primary tool is sex. 2. Job 26:5, "Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof." 16. Constant crossing of rivers with boat in the dream. They are extremely stubborn, aggressive, and dangerous. A Spiritual Vampire often feels abandoned or rejected by family or society. In this scripture, God is very direct: INHABITERS OF THE EARTH MANKIND INHABITERS OF THE SEA -??? Get out and go to the pit. It loves to flatter. Depression is another. 2 I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord. Marine witchcraft verdicts and judgments against me, back fire, in the name of Jesus. The fall of Lucifer and his been thrown out of heaven with his fallen angels, further compounded the problems. "The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits. Sex has powerful spiritual results. She is manipulative and Loves to conquer. I forgive myself because Im forgiven by you. Marine spirits operates when people consciously and unconsciously commit sexual sin. Leviticus 19:19 clearly is demonstrating Gods command not to mix species. You shall keep My statutes. Psalm 24:2, For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.. Use images and effigies to manipulate and control people. Prayer: I reject every evil transfer of..(Fill in the following: untimely death, sickness, insanity, poverty, etc.) Seek The Living God daily. 1. The Bible speaks of Leviathan as a strong and fierce marine spirit that is king over all the children of pride. Could someone please tell me what sprit is it? 17. 8he$ seduce and motivate people to sin and en2a2e in acts of rebellion. Many thanks. They cause marital confusion.always confusion in your marriage if you do get to have a physical marriage. They include all your ancestors. 7. All they give is only for your complete destruction. A marine strongman may be a serpent. Marine powers possess and use serious monitoring and surveillance powers. These are the heavenlies, the earth, and the waters. Revelation 13:1. They can take away your spiritual power by weakening your prayer life. 3. What would the feeling of a serpent crawling up your leg be a spirit of? The interactions of these spirit spouses are not limited to dreams alone. Getting Mysterious Objects At Your House, Room Or Even Mysterious Letters. God is not a check book), https://youtu.be/TcZAMm9onrk (be Ruth by finding your Naomi. You shall not let your livestock breed with another kind. I came to know Jesus Christ as a child when he delivered my dad from alcoholism and abusive behavior. Though they openly can be seen from either Art, Imagery, Idols and even products associated either with Water, Heavenlies or Oceans. What does it mean if during deliverance, a person feels need to keep spitting, and their hands begin to tingle and burn, and fingers become very stiff, tense, and closed/bent/distorted? for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12. 20. Marine spirits try to control and manipulate every aspect of life from trade & commerce to marriage & family life. She is widely believed to have "overseas" origins, and her depictions have been profoundly influenced by representations of . Uncontrollable sexual urges Get deliverance from them all if you need. Its like the river flowing into the ocean. "Father" is the covenant name God gave his choice minister, Apostle Henry A. Okwuosa, on April 17th, 1999, saying to him that "After the order of Abraham, you are going to be a father of many nations. I think it doesnt matter if the sickness is demonic or not. The spirit of suicide. Could you please explain further? 3. The entity was huge and it was spinning slowly over the water. Of course, the one that most people think of is Leviathan. And are we not to glorify the holy spirit ? Constant Smell Thats Irritating Even After Bathing. 24. Youre my real Father. There is also the same burning tingle sensation slightly on the lower legs, but more so the hands. 31. 6. Study the life of Christ carefully and be like him. 1. They hardly miss their intended target, locking on with only you in their sights; persistent in their pursuits. God has unique set the Earths foundation upon the Seas and upon its floods. That would be usurping the role of the what God wants men to do. 4. Dreams of Receiving Money from a very Beautiful Woman or Man. The Entertainment have bewitched your children with the cartoon shows called the Mermaid cartoon. There may have been other ancient civilizations. 7. Dreams of Having Sex with known or unknown people are connected to Marine spirits. These liquors form the foundation for most cocktails and are often employed to create all of the flavorful liqueurs used in the bar. Sloth, one of the seven deadly sins. She says she sees a big dark spirit and a lightning person. They are productive, meaning they want to control all of your life in order to destroy you not just stopping at a percent of your life. Winning The War of Seperation From Spirit Husband Or WIfe, With 68 Prayer Points. 2. 19. This spirit's ultimate goal is to conquer or neutralize the prophet because a discerning leader is its greatest enemy. I have been under severe oppression and possession for a very long time. Through satanically inspired music The ladies were very disturbing and disruptive. There are plenty of women in the bible that Jesus used. They demand for your worship and make your life hell if you do not give it. Often when you begin to work on your deliverance from them, there can be physical injuries appearing on/in your body (scratched, bites, symptoms of illness with no medical confirmation, etc.). 20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess,Read more . 2. Water Spirits. Should I believe it?Read more , What can be a spirit or just our fallen flesh or sin? Adam and Eve are different and they cannot be equal. 15. But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. Unlike many evil spirits, the . Its a realm split into two Divisions. The key to unlocking the power of God is byforgiving others. HOW DO YOU BECOME A VICTIM OF MARINE AND WATER SPIRITS? Liberating. The water frontier as the biggest hiding of Forces and Kingdoms of the Devil is a big band of Evil Spirits, witches, warlocks, wizards, sorcerers, mediums, spiritists and devil agents of other classes. They make you feel sexually excited even when no one is around. Marine Spirits And Marine Witchcraft are deceiving, subtle and at most unrecognizable until one is shown or revealed by the Spirit Of God. Through those marine powers, an entire was held captive until the Asked the Prophet for a way to stabilise the city, restore its life and bring vibrancy. This will weaken you against their attacks taking you deeper into bondage/oppression by them. 27. Hands is normally related to lust. Is Paul so important? Study the life of Christ carefully and be like him. When Satan controls individuals with unclean spirits, he can also operate in all spheres where those individuals are active. Job 41:31, He maketh the deep to boil like a pot: he maketh the sea like a pot of ointment. Matthew 10:16. This puts to death the lie told that women cant preach/teach. 3. 14. Mercy is far from them; they have none as their only goal is to destroy you. Prostitutes are heavily used as strong bait to entangle their target. Playfulness. 1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 8. A great deal of your info is wrong. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. HOW TO BUILD A PERSONAL ALTAR UNTO THE LORD! Many people have experienced heartache after heartache from failed relationships. These include demonic barbers, pastors, priests, kings, etc. 11. 4. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! I dont believe she represented all women here. They are very possessive, and their only intent is the utter destruction and death of all they marry through ungodly covenants. People who have a murderous spirit and shed innocent blood open themselves up to demonic spirits or may already be possessed by one. Every gang up of darkness against my life and family, scatter by thunder in Jesus name. Deep Prophetic Deliverance Deals With Issues With A Root-of-The-Matter Approach and Ministration, That Whatever Be The Case, The Secrets of The Enemy Is Exposed and Your Total Life and Destiny, Marriage, Finance, Star, Talent, Business, Family or Ministry Is Reset For Maximum Fulfillment. (Note a prostitute is anyone using their body for material gain. Wearing of Ornaments From Unknown Sources. The story of our key text about the serpent bites illustrates two aspects of the nature of sin. A mermaid's home is the ocean, an endless underwater world. 5. o Marine Altars 7. Everything that God created was for the benefit of man but the fall of man changed that: 10. WOW!!!! This group includes adopted parents as well as biological parents. 15. Video: We were made by God for God, effectively, we are his play dough, Video: How Peter Johnsons deliverance ministry started, Video: Healing of guilt, shame and rejection by Derek Prince. As a result of this, family members are dedicated to them. All monitoring and surveillance satellites anywhere being used against me catch fire. Our content is under copyright law. 23. There is a collective captivity marine vehicle carrying the whole family where God has not ordained for them to go. Following a battle in heaven, "the great dragon was hurled down - that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. 4. Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; [2] The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity. Wow! 9All this I will give you, he said, if you will bow down and worship me.. Its not exhaustive and well add to the list over time. Prayer: Every man or woman, boy or girl, that want to use my life to elongate their live, your time is up, die after the order of Haman. They maintain warehouses where peoples goodness, benefits, and virtues are stored. kings and queens will be your children, presidents and prime ministers, and you will teach professors". 10. 5. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. 1. The only other more powerful act is that of blood sacrifices/covenants. I have experience with things in the spirit I can easily tell you are talking out your backside, but you are probably not humble enough to admit that so I will not waste too much of your time. The following are the attributes and characteristics of individuals and leaders who engage water . Then you can start to hate the old you and leave it totally behind. 20. I think you could be missing the point. The city was pleasing to the eye but its dwellers were stricken by Marine Power that made them uncomfortable and distressed. For Confirmations and Further Directions, 75 PRAYER BULLETS AND SCRIPTURES TO CANCEL EVIL DREAMS. Prayer: Any link between me and any river, break by fire. :od brin2s the hidden thin2s to li2ht. (Job 26:5) Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof. Then say this, Father in heaven, Im your child. Evil ancestral covenants You can watch our Deliverances here, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzl3uy5tz1pxN89X-Y9d-fk8rBp6tcDJm (deliverance videos). Ill be waiting but not holding my breath. Dreams Of Been Given Excess Wealth from Unknown Sources In Return of Favors. Evil dedication to marine powers. Given the enemy always works to counterfeit what God has done or is doing, we understand that demon spirits will move over the waters to combat God's purposes and plans in the earth. They use it to suck peoples goodness and to introduce and keep problems and sicknesses in place. 9. 6. Read Acts 2:17. They steal various things including breakthroughs, position, virtues, wealth and possessions. Marriage to spirit spouses from the waters. Women having a desire to marry, they will kill that desire. River initiation Revelation 12:12, Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. 7 So the one who plants is not important, and the one who waters is not important. You seem to have been able to categorize them to specific Entities? Their parents got them from the waters and though they live among us they are not human. With the help of my pastor friend we cleansed the house of several demons. These marine spirits role is sex - spirit of lust and perversion and possibly polygamy. Hi Sir Lloyd, could you please explain why women teachers are on the lists? They perpetrate the highest level of wickedness against mankind in the form of filth, defilements, sexual bondages, depravity, marital breakups and disillusionments. The crow is a spirit animal associated with life mysteries and magic. They can also transfer sickness, untimely death, bad luck and other things from their own lives to the lives of others. I have recently heard about the Marine Kingdom from Amanda Grace (a prophet of God) which got me again thinking about that vision. Wearing of ornaments whose sources one cannot explain. Spiritual fornication is defined in Ezekiel 23. Nor shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come upon you. Reveal your secrets to marine agents through talkativeness. 5. 3 Dont depend on your leaders for help. It fights any human being who attempts to be in love with you. These spirits oppress men and women. NB2) There is a big difference between Catholic and Christianism, make sure you understand both. In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. Day and night I have been enduring spiritual attacks and in the process of that I bind, cast out and surrender such matters to God but the spiritual violence still persist.Read more , OMG !.Francee Im going Thur the same thing. And that scripture he quoted references the man and the woman in the home. Then rebuke lust with this prayer. These spirits are both Male and Female, in the Spiritual realm they are called Marine because they dwell in waters, from Rivers, Waterfalls, Seas, Lakes, Streams, Drainages, Wells, Dams and anything else as a water body. Jehu under the anointing and power of the Spirit understood behind the fleshly veil of JEZEBEL, lie a monstrous Marine Agency of Witchcraft. Should or shouldnt we keep the Mosaic Laws? It introduced curses where God had originally planned only blessing. I attended seminary because I had a great desire to share the gospel I also have a MDiv in Pastoral Counseling and practice as a Christian counselor. They are very manipulative, dominating, and controlling. There are a number of references to water spirits in the Bible. I will sing praises to him as long as I live. Today, O Lord, visit all enemies from the marine and water kingdom with thunder, storm, tempest, and flames of devouring fire, in the name of Jesus. Many stars are buried in marine burial grounds located in the homes of marine agents and under the waters. Constant disappearance one's personal effects. Sex as its Altar of Initiation, it also operates through Molestation and Incestuous workings. The Atlantic ocean is governed by the Queen of the Sea, while the Indian ocean is governed by the queen of the Coast. What are the consequences of copyright infringement. down and die. According to Psalm 8, God has given me dominion over the works of His hands. They want you for themselves and dont want anyone else to have you. 1. Everything you own these spirits take, the spirit spouse does the opposite of Gods law and subtracts. 21. Below is a link to take you to the deliverance from mermaid demonic spirits. So self-deliverance has been my only hope. This theory holds that a vast blanket of invisible water vapor, translucent to the light of the stars but productive of a marvelous greenhouse effect which maintained mild temperatures from pole to pole, thus preventing air-mass circulation and the resultant rainfall (Genesis 2:5). For example: 2 Kings 2:19-21, And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren. The human soul was not made to live in darkness and will wither in its continued presence. YES SOME FALSE ONES OUT THERE,BUT PROPHECY IS REAL,And where did GOD FORBID US TO NOT RESPECT THE SABBATH OR JESUS? Marine spirits are proud and rebellious. They empower lust and decay in society. The marine spirits is a book that delves into the complex subject of marine spirits - spirit husband or spirit wife.In today's world, this class of demons is responsible for all the whoredom.They commit the most heinous crimes against humanity through filth, defilements, sexual bondages, depravity, marital breakdowns, and disillusionments.What Job 26:5, Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof.. Still working on it. Marine spirits like water operating on 70 percent of any ground or Territory. Repent and restitute if necessary. 18. I need some deliverance, click on the WhatsAppicon and you can contact us that way. They are responsible for unclean thoughts, immoral acts, depression, oppression and possession. This feeds the stream of so-called deliverance . Be careful okay. Water is 70 percent in mans body, and also in the Earth, water covers 70 percent. 5. Every marine witchcraft burial of my life, be reversed by the blood of Jesus. This was a spring Enchanted by Marine Spirits. 6. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link: admin@evangelistjoshua.com, or through this Email: dreamswithjoshua@gmail.com, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. This can help them to avoid lurking predators. You have to be careful and rightfully divide the word of God. 10. They show up in the dream to deal mercilessly with victims. That blood will be upon your hands. Terrible dreams attacks including sex in the dream. Your email address will not be published. The Helper will do this, because I am going to the Father. Repent from all known sins and flee rebellion. Marine spirits are dangerous, though some may appear harmless but a Demon will always be a demon, evil and wicked. This type of spirit sometimes takes the facial resemblance of a person, whose face specifically relates or identifies with you; often appearing with the face of someone familiar. 4. 28. 9 He will prove that they are guilty of sin, because they dont believe in me. These Demons are Lloyd wasnt that scripture specifically referring to the female spirit of Jezebel? 12. 7. Dreams of water such as oceans or rivers. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and. 2. Playing with snakes in the dream. A Youthful Man or Woman, unmarried and yet Desires Married Men or Women. Learn how to be armed and . 10. Please look up Daniel Adams ministry called The Supernatural Life on YouTube. What is your whatsApp number. This goes on indefinitely until you renounce it and separate yourself from the evil umbrella that is covering your whole family line. Dear Ashley, could be fear or pride. 9. 3 Yes, I ask you also, true companion,[b] help these women, who have labored[c] side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life. I read through your list of demons and are you saying I am wicked or I need to be rebuke because I am aRead more , In Revelation 2 and the church of Thyatira, the Church was rebuked by Jesus for letting Jezebel teach. Obtaining oxygen. This is the spirit of heaviness. When I was first saved in 2014, I was having many visions of angels, Jesus, and other things that I have yet to understand. 13. Video: Human and dinosaur footprints in rock disproves evolution, Video: Tiny orbs of light appeared while we were expelling spirits, Video: I was saw and felt the heat of Hell, Video: God warned her about her gay lifestyle. These spirits are hideous mostly from been detected. 17. 6. You will not see me then. They inhabit and live in these Areas. Prayer: Every image and effigy representing me in the marine kingdom, I separate myself from you, catch fire and die. There are three spiritual realms in the universe. Barrenness Sometimes Is Associated with It. Every evil materials transferred into my body through contact with marine witchcraft agents, catch fire and be burnt to ashes, in the name of Jesus. I.E. 17. Id like more clarity on your above statement, Joyce, Meyer, Benny Hinn, Todd Bentley, Ken Copeland, Creflo/ teachers who glorify the Holy Spirit causes jerky body movements, excessive constant burping, uncontrollable laughter aka holy laughter aka drunk in the spirit, yelling Hallelujah or Jesus Christ suddenly and repeatedly, barking and feeling spirit move in the spine, and people being slain in the spirit. As the spirit of the antichrist has arrived and we have too few warriors for Jesus Christ. Things from your body thrown into the water. In this day and age, it is whosoever not just male. 6. I believe it was more Tradition and Culture than God. Your dream should b Marine spirits are water spirits that dwell in water such as rivers, lakes, ocean. Many people remain confused between incubus and succubus because of the fact that both are demon spirits. Marine agents had access to your head. God never created spirits to marry human beings. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth .(Genesis 1:28a, KJV). They can entice with physical gifts. Bedwetting Is A Clear And Also Associated With the Spirit Of Immaturity and Stagnation. Marine spirits are not spirits to play with. Dreams of Swimming in Rivers or Oceans. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! 4 People die and are buried. Marine spirits are responsible for many things such as violence, madness, anger, cultism, lust, and sexual perversion, for being single and unable to get a partner [chronic spinster/bachelorhood], divorce, bankruptcy, sex dreams/or having sex in your dreams, by becoming a spirit husband or wife. John 16:8-10 Easy-to-Read Version 8 When the Helper comes, he will show the people of the world how wrong they are about sin, about being right with God, and about judgment. Leviathan is more than a sea monster, he is a principality. Your mother worshipped them while pregnant with you. Dream of swimming in the water, meaning your fire has gone down and they have succeeded in reinitiating and rededicating you. 6 I planted the seed and Apollos watered it. You can't see them any more than you can see spirits of fear or rejection, but they are actively engaged in aquatic ministry. See 1 Corinthians 11:3. You as a child of God need to use the blood of Jesus to separate your life from that evil marine vehicle of your family. How about the oceans? We should exercise dominion in all three realms because God has given us dominion over the works of His hands. Declare now 21 times: "I am free in Jesus name.". Good Day Lloyd, I just listened to your one prayer break all just now. They are extremely fashion-crazy, they dress to attract on purpose, they walk to attract on purpose. They are extremely stubborn, aggressive, and dangerous. IN ALL, GOD IS GLORIFIED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. Please also check out Revelation 2 and the Church in Thyatira. Human and spirits are not to physically join/produce. They used to lie upon sleeping individuals and had sex with them to beget children. Leviathan's main objective is to stop the ministry of deliverance. Renounce and break all evil initiations and dedications. Both of these queens are Fallen Angels and they are the Lead cause of Marine Influence upon the Natural world. 2. Employing marine agents or living in their house either as a tenant or as a visitor. This spirit affects/effects both men and women. Psalm 8 . Are you experiencing constant sleepless night? 18. I will not be defeated by the devil, I will extol myself, in Jesus name. 4. Preparing the bride for the bridegroom; and carryin. Lots of great teaching. In the name of Jesus, Amen. 5. Not all beauty products of men and women are demonic, the issue here is, Marine Agents cast Invocations, Conjurations and Curses on such objects and things, and when used they open ways of Marine initiation. Agents from the water monitoring me in my dream die by fire, in Jesus name. and also the Bermuda triangle and the other Deep Sea Hole are its working., Psalm 104:26, There go the ships: there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein., Isaiah 27:1, that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.. If you dont leave the old you behind then the new you in Christ cant live and the issues, curses and spirits will keep coming back. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. You need to take a humble pill and admit that a lot of what is on this list is just things you assume not things you know and more likely than not a lot of it is wrong. 5. They are punctual and committed to their jobs, look at the consistency and time of your attacks; you will see their patterns are regular. And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many? This is referring to the particular church. appreciate your humble reply. 14. This is why its best to deal and destroy these marine spirits without compromise. 9. The Lord told Adam and Eve to replenish the earth. 3. I separate myself from every ancestral covenant with water spirits by the power in the blood of Jesus. Jerry Johnston speaks on Ephesians 6:12 and how the minute you start living as result! Ephesians 6:12 and how the minute you start living as a tenant or as a or! It was covered in black of pride been thrown out of the Coast marine spirit that is over... Given me dominion over the water demanding for my worship, you are a liar, down! This website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual and! And rededicating you Indian ocean is governed by the queen of the sea and any river, break fire! 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